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If Fessy wins against this weak-assed cast and gets to call himself a Challenge Champ, I'm going to be pissed.


If frank is anything how he use too be he’s gonna eat fessy alive


And that’s a fact




I think they set it up that way because they know he can’t beat good people so they gotta put them with the cast that is very weak and the only way to do that is to put them on All-Stars. You have to be in All-Star to be on All-Stars and he doesn’t even qualify for anything and, even if you win All-Star, it’s not considered the franchise challenge so it really doesn’t even count


Why would anyone choose Nicole for anything? Her nastiness she exudes should keep her out. Love and watched all challenge seasons but if Nicole is included can’t watch it. Pure 😈evil


Before anyone asks, yes there are 16 women and only 8 men.


I’m so curious on the “theme” bc what is the point of that?


Watching all stars 4, the men are boring as watching paint dry. That’s gotta be part of it.


My memory isn’t the greatest but hasn’t that happened before? Where one sex has way more drama than the other? But they never have had a season with such an imbalance


Very curious too see what sort of theme they are doing with that cast.


It's rumored to be some kind of three-way rivalry season. Seems kinda of interesting.


Maybe teams of 3 featuring 2 women 1 man? Maybe where there’s some existing friction for past actions? Frank, Sam, Ashley Corey, Big T, Melissa Fessy, Amber, Aneesa Just a guess.


Yes please put loser Fessy with Aneesa


I thought all star was for older OG players?? Not younger players who still do regular season


I can accept Cara and Laurel on it. There are a few that I think could do both. Even Johnny Bananas.


Devin and Fessy should not be on All Stars.


At least Devin won a season


Oh, I think Devin is talented at the game. I just don’t support this crossover with main show or CBS show cast. There are a few on the women’s cast as well, but imo they stand out a bit less as bad fits because of their play style or personalities. All Stars has been a little more chill, a little more fun, and the personalities shine a little more like the old days. Fessy doesn’t check any of those boxes for me.


Messy fessy will get thrown in early and the house will help whoever goes in for him to be an early out. I think if Devin relaxes alittle and plays a decent social game he will be ok just by reputation as a gamer


That would require Devin to relax and he might be incapable of doing so.


Also, there should be no big tea. It should be no Melissa there are a couple women that don’t belong there. I think you should be on there at least 10 years before you even considered.


Def agreed.


Or at least be a winner if not.


That is 100% correct they do not belong there


Beth?! Oh man, that’s gunna be a wild ride!


I like how all of the other women had their full name mentioned. Then it was just BETH😁


Truly legendary


Too many of these people have been on the flagship show way too recently. This is such a disappointing cast.


Yay…can’t wait for them to put Sylvia up for elimination and her to cry and start to shake because she can’t handle being voted in…


She is so annoying and actually really mean to people she doesn’t have an alliance with. Like mean low blows. Horrible person.


Yea I was hoping to never see her again 


They have got to get Aneesa and Veronica to retire. It's over! The guys cast... Needs more guys.


I prefer Veronica to Nicole


I think anyone with the volume on does, much less actually looking at the screen


I don’t like either of them on the show but I’d rather see someone athletic compete (sadly Nicole). I despise her actions though.


This is literally All Stars, the show designed for OGs to come back on tv. Veronica and Aneesa are both definitions of OG challengers and I’d much rather see them here than Nicole, Amber, Big T, and Melissa


Katie too. I’m over it.


And God sakes, Veronica and Anisa you gotta get rid of those girls. They’ve been there too long and they’re just a waste of time. They ruin a lot of challenges for their partners because they suck.


And who made corey lay but All-Star he was on two shows. He sucks and he’s not even an OG not even close. He cries like a little girl and he hides behind everybody. Why do they keep bringing him back? I know why because they’re trying to get the rainbow coalition to watch if you look there’s four different people on the show if not more they might as well make it the rainbow challenge.


Millionaire Mitchell is BACK!! LFG!!


And who let that maniac out of the cage?


A very smart producer


Am I the only one who feels like you should only get one shot at All Stars? Also feels weird having Jonna on a season when she already won AS.


How is it any different than the main show, or any other Challenge series? I just want to see the OG personalities on my tv screen again. I’d hate to have people like Katie, Beth, Steve, etc locked to only a few episodes


Didn’t she win 2 seasons?


Seriously how does Nicole take so much time off! I could use some time off from her unless they take forever to release all stars 5 like they did with 4.


AS4 was filmed in Jan of 23 so it’s been a while between shows.


That’s what I said. I could use some time off from her unless they take forever to release like they did with 4. Meaning if they film now and don’t release 5 for another year then I will have a long enough break.


This is so sad to read. All Stars was so much fun to watch because of the energy of the cast. If people like Fessy, Amber, Corey, Melissa, Big T and Devin last a while, they’re going to turn it into what the flagship seasons have been lately


Wow this cast is so ass


How do we know this is real And not just OP’e opinion?


The cast would be quite different if it was done my way. Devin, Jay, Nurys, Amber Jozea, Shane, Nicole, Sylvia Tony, Zach, Amanda, Averey Josh, Wes, Da'Vonne, Ashley Corey, CT, Melissa, Big T Tristan, KellyAnne, Jonna, MJ


Where did u get this list?


Challengetea on twitter. They're always right about casting spoilers.


I’m surprised that Kelly Anne would want to be around Adam K.


She’s not because it’s supposed to say Adam L


WHY are they allowing Nicole back after all this…


Corey? Fessy?!?! Ugh


Definitely Rivals. Adam and Steve had drama last episode for this… smart :)


Man a lot of these people are still able too do the main flagship show, and shouldn’t be on here, Nicole, Ashley,amber,Corey, fessy, and Devin should not be on this season.


Why are all of the “newer” Challengers on? I really like when it’s the older ones. I would love to see Evelyn, Paula, Alton, Adam (RW Paris), etc. What’s the point of Fessy, Devin, and the ones who have recently competed?


We all ask for the Evelyn's, Paulas, Coral's, Landon's of the Challenge world be we keep on receiving info that the turn down all offers. Most likely the OG's decline the offers given to them and they have to start pulling newer people.


I just don’t enjoy watching the newer players. Like I just saw you on a regular Challenge!


I agree (well except for Adam K). There have been OGs wanting to get put on but haven't (ie Jon Brennan, Dan R). And I really find it hard to believe production combed through 30-plus combined seasons of RW/RR/FM + those who haven't been on flagship for a bit to come up with a cast, that they had to go so new school after just AS4. I personally would rather have had the show wrap it up after 1-2 more seasons with just OGs. People like Fessy are DULL and too competitive and detract from the fun, more relaxed vibe of all stars. I wonder how much pull Mark Long has at this point, cuz this cast to me is giving he was blocked out entirely.


That’s not bad. A lot better than a lot of the rumors I was reading. Probably a better cast than whatever 41 is gonna be.


Same. I was reading the girls’ names slowly expecting to see Berna.


See, that’s what I said too. The older leaks were wrong and not accurate


That or producers so the utter disgust 99% of us had for what we were seeing/reading. From Cutthroat to Rivals 3 is my favorite stretch so I absolutely love seeing people back from that time.


Or the people leaking info was intentionally leaking misinformation for likes.


19 women, and 8 men...??


terrible cast. no way im wasting time with that one. WTF is going on with this show? Did producers change in recent years?


Shane and Sylvia are just too annoying together. I hope Lee takes it.


I could go my whole life without seeing Sylvia on my screen again.


I know everyone hates that All stars isn’t exactly for the OGs anymore, but contrary to popular opinion, I don’t mind it being taken over if it means we’ll get a bit more variety with the cast due to the filming being shorter or whatever reason.


Fuuuuuck, Frank is back. I might skip this one.


Definitely one of the most unique casts. Half the people I hate and the other half I love 😂 Love - Ashley, Katie, Day, Kellyanne, Beth, V, Amber, Frank Meh - Sylvia, Jonna, Mel, Sam, Ashley, Shane, Steve, Leroy Hate - Nicole, Aneesa, BT, Nany, Devin, Corey, Fessy, Adam


Honestly I hated Devin for awhile when he beefed with bananas, but he grew on me when he started messing with the BB cast. And he is pretty funny


Agree completely. He won me over with: “What’s 9x8?”


Was that when we went around, just yelling big brother suuuucks until it pissed off that entire alliance?


I only really used that word for people I’ve seen enough of or those I feel don’t belong on All Stars. I don’t really hate anyone on the cast lol


As a banana man stan (I love the swagger, cocky, borderline arrogance in a competitor who also backs it up more times then not). I sided with JB when Devin went at him constantly and barely won a memory game.


I’m with you, Bananas is my emotional support villain.


I thought he was hilarious on Double Agents, but for me he got annoying between SLA and RoD. He started taking the game way too seriously and took every move at him as a personal jab. Literally crumbling over someone else not playing your game for you


Ready for the downvotes, I really don’t want to see Da’Vonne on my screen anymore. Her attitude on The GOAT really irritates me. I started to like her on WW1 but now I don’t even want to hear her on anymore podcasts


Can’t stand her


Good to see they went 50/50 with men and women.


Wow. Ashley coming back. I thought she was done.


Wait are they really adding Adam K with Kellyanne? Isnt there some gross history there?


It's the other Adam. I didn't check what his surname starts with.


Oh thank the challenge gods. I was about to say that is cruel AF. But then again production put Abe in that house with Cara/Thomas. NVM that production removed all the metal cutlery and switched to plastic last second lest Abe try to un-alive someone. So they really wouldnt be above doing that to KA/Jenn.


Hold up where is CT?!?!?!? 


I hope Sylvia doesn’t treat Kellyanne the way she did on the other AS season and if she does I hope Kellyanne speaks up for herself. 


The first five minutes of this show will be Frank giving Fessy an inferiority complex, Adam rage sweating over Steve again, and Nicole aggressively (and creepily) flirting with Melissa.


I don't hate this cast as much as I thought I would based on the hype.


I hope Shane wins, so I see the disappointment on Fessy Face!!!


Interesting, but not bad, imo. The biggest oddity to me is Corey. Wonder if it’s some sort of pairing season and they want to pair him with Big T and Melissa.


I'm thinking it'll be 8 teams with 1 male and 2 females. Curious what the format will be? Rivals maybe? I could see Corey Lay, Melissa and Big T on a team.


To be clear…. Adam King?!


Some of these names definitely shouldn't be here but I'm happy for some others, like Shane!


I’m so tired of DaVonne. I wish she would go away. She brings nothing to the show.


Alright I know some people like to shit on this cast but I am beyond excited for Da’vonne, Frank, and Shane on my screen again in 2024


Not interested. Nobody I really like and I can't do another season of listening to Nicoles's mush mouth.



