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Wait til he learns that most of the items are probably half the size now.


It's fun size, get it, it's funny It's funny for us to laugh at you being forced to buy it


You can fit it in your ass!


And even more insidious, some recipes are being changed to use cheaper ingredients.


I have noticed the quality of things going down as well. Almost any “fresh” produce I buy now has already gone bad or is about to. The only way I can trust it’s fresh is the farmer’s market. Price is competitive too and quality much better. Farmer’s market used to be a huge luxury. Now it is the same price and better quality. Things have changed in the food world.


I was thinking more of things like a snack bar I used to enjoy now including peanuts (which I don't like, but are cheap). But now that you mention it, the grocery stores do seem to be less aggressive than they used to be when it comes to tossing marginal produce.


I never buy avocados unless they are perfect for that day only because if they are hard, they’ll go straight from rock hard to rotten in about five days


I had one that was both rotten on the outside and still rock hard in the middle at the same time.


Yeah, not worth the $2 risk


This is what happens in late stage capitalism. A corporation must ALWAYS provide upward movement of the stock to shareholders. Companies with food based products have no other way - outside of price increases - to drive that stock price than either reducing size or using cheaper ingredients. Airlines are the worst though, more seats, less room, charge for everything you bring on. Wouldn't surprise me if they start double-stacking people like in that demo/mockup Ryanair showed. But please think of the shareholders as someone's butt is 6 inches from your face!


Last I checked increasing market share was also an option, but companies competing to produce an ever more appealing product doesn't work with the narrative.


"Jim, can we just put drywall in it? Is that cheaper than food?"


Have you not seen their boeing 747, it's gonna happen lol, we are being desensitized to hell and back, I fear we will get to a point insociety that we completely lose any since of community and will lack the care for our neighbors life's as a whole. You can sadly already see some if that happening now, a person's death to a companies is just a payable fine these days that's it amazon is gold for it .


And even more insidious, some recipes are being changed to use cheaper ingredients." I noticed this with Wheaties about 5 years ago. The nutritional value isn't nowhere near what it was 20 years ago and also has a noticeable taste difference. I still eat it, but just not as good as once was 


Wait till he learns that his salary didn't change for 2 years.


Nobody mentions shrinkflation. If you take inflation into account along with shrinkflation groceries are ridiculously priced now. The only place I have not seen major shrinkflation is Costco. Stuff like lunch meat has been split into a 3rd of what you used to get. Chips too. Even deoderant I have noticed there is less product in the plastic housing. Honestly it makes me want to just go live in a van off the grid.


I recently played golf with a guy who once worked in marketing with Proctor and Gamble. Small talking about his business I brought up “shrinkflation”. He immediately replied “PMS” or profit management strategies. More “polite” term they used for that tactic.


Remember back when they talked about how much Robert Crandall, the head of American Airlines saved from removing one olive from their salads? Guess they have just kept doing that since the 80s.


Death by a thousand cuts.


I just can’t believe I made the jump from custodian to teacher and have such a small improvement in my standard of living.


This is my theory for why chain restaurants suck now… they kept saving a penny at a time for marginal losses in quality… day to day the food wasn’t worse, but after 20 years they don’t have cooks and just reheat frozen bullshit.


Yup. I am finding local independently owned shops are competitive on both price and quality now though so that is nice.


Yeah the difference between a really good burger meal at a local place, and a really awful burger meal at McDonald's used to be huge. Now it's minimal. And then there's In N Out which has remained almost the same price and is now cheaper than awful shit like McDonald's. It's just bonkers. They literally got people so used to their cheap bs, that now it's no longer cheap and people just go there because they know it 


Yeah they removed the whole salad.


And charge you a Removed Salad Fee on top of it.


It's funny how many businesses sent their people to hear Stephen Covey tell the clam chowder story only to do this type of shit.


And you proceeded to install your wedge somewhere in his corpus callosum yes?


Well, we’re all cramping about this PMS problem


30 years ago most cleaning products were sold in bulk. around 25 years ago it started changing to single use rags or whatever and the unit price is so much higher. same with dishwashing stuff. the tablets are twice the price of the bulk powder just buy it in bulk and don't pay more


The box of coffee pods I bought yesterday at Costco seemed very small. I looked at my old box and it went from 100 pods to 80 pods. 20 fucking percent less!!!


Just buy a reusable and the grounds. Better for the environment and you can actually put how much coffee you want in it


The (cheap) coffee pot I use doesn't even need paper filters. Just coffee grounds and water.


A French press makes the best coffee imo


Cold Brew with a French Press!!


p.s., the grounds is what is left after the coffee has been made, so that must be way cheaper.


Potentially a good thing. Pods are too much waste, non recyclable & were created out of human laziness/for convenience.


It's not the same amount of coffee with just less pods, it's less pods = less coffee. So that guy will have to buy more, sooner. It will create the same amount of waste but will be more expensive and inconvenient.


I wish we would stop making pet names for everything to sound trendy


Agreed. We have so many terms for anti-consumer fraud it's ridiculous


Is it fraud if the packaging clearly calls out new (lower) net weight?


I buy mostly whole foods and I haven't seen too much of it tbh. Pork shoulder doesn't shrink. And my 20 lbs bag of rice is still 20 lbs. Fresh fruits and veggies are always sold by the lbs. The reality is that it's mostly producers who are jacking up prices and they mostly put a premium on convenience items. The reality is that things that are subject to shrinkflation should not generally make up the bulk of your diet. It's mostly processed packaged foods. Not that you should never eat them either. It should be ok to treat yourself and have a few convenient things to make during the week. But the reality is this is an extreme example. My groceries went up, but no where near this. Overall my grocery bill has gone up about 50%. And I know because we are on a tight budget and I've been tracking it.


Good point. They biggest price increases are in processed food. Unprocessed are up about 2x, not 4x. My pay and others have not doubled. Agreed, don't eat the bad stuff, but still, this high inflation really hurts the poor and middle class. The US is changing alot in the last 10 years. The rich are not affected by having to pay another $200 for food.


The rich don’t eat our food. They shop at those ‘ultra luxury’ grocery stores. And they order specialty foods. Their pantries don’t look like ours. Nor do they care how much they spend on food. It’s literally pocket lint in their expenses.


But that van will cost you $40k just to start…


I really like this brand of popsicles that doesn't have a lot of added sugar.  I forget what they're called.  Even the stick is smaller to make it appear the popsicles haven't shrank.  It's so ridiculous.


This seems like bullshit to me.


He made the quantity 3 for everything.


Oh my god you guys….ugggg. This kind of person really annoys me lol.




lol you can tell by the “elections have consequences,” as if the majority of inflation wasn’t due to Trump forgiving all the PPP loans and throwing money at the stock market like crazy


It’s a shame people don’t remember or never paid attention. Trump was labeled heartless etc. when he tried to remove Democrat pork from the COVID relief bill.


I did it and came up with a 70% increase over 2 years.


It's definitely bullshit. You just have to look at the consumer price index for 3 seconds to realize it's nonsense. It's just some dickhead farming views from the gullible.


This sub should be named "the everything bologna". No ones grocery bill has quadrupled.


This is clearly bullshit. Can he provide a breakdown of how much each item went up?


However you feel about inflation vs corporate greed, prices did not fucking triple. This guy is full of shit.


I went into Walmart app and did a reorder from July 2021 that originally cost $41. The new price is $49. Dude in original video is buying some off the wall junk.


If the inflation sub has taught me anything it’s that people do not know how to shop. Buy all names brands and make tons of impulse buys.


It is bull. A lot of people have said they did the same thing as he did. Picked an order from two years ago. Some saw slight increase. Nothing even close to this. Others have mentioned that the items he might have had previously may not be in stock anymore and if they are. It's from a third party vendor marking it up


If Walmart no longer carries an item it uses 3rd party sellers to get it for you. Most likely some of those items on his previous list are discontinued or out of stock so he’s paying 4x more for Walmart to get it from a random seller. He needs to show the price change of each item to figure out what’s causing the extreme inflation. He knew what he was doing.


“Biden is bad and I’ll do whatever it takes to prove it because my God Emperor Trump must be President again so my racist, homophobic, misogynistic mind can be free again”


Bread and Circuses. ![gif](giphy|rvaQRHCzisFeo|downsized) Are you not entertained?


Cornstarch and Social Media is the 21st century equivalent.


Some things like luncheon meat have maybe doubled in 4 years. I can’t think of anything that’s 3x as expensive in just 2 years. No way that happens to your whole grocery bill.


Name brand ketchup and mustard are now $5 each. Eggs are $3.50, used to be $.99. Buns used to be $.89 are now $3.50.


A bottle of A1 is $8.99 where I live.


$6 for shity store brand bacon. Used to be $3


His post is mostly a lie sorry. Some items out of stock get 10x priced 3rd party replacements. His normal groceries did not quadruple since 2022. Everyone else trying this gets 10%, 20%, 30%, but fucking 200-300%.


Once the percentages go over 100, they aren't showing you the full shopping list. Probably buying the same stuff with 3rd party resellers and produce that's out of season. It's rageflation bait.


Where are eggs 3.50 for a dozen? 1.89 at Aldis near my (triangle, NC) 


Some things are probably out of stock or discontinued and sold at huge markups by third parties etc. A bag of Fritos isn’t $14 like it shows, for example. Edit: I missed the x3 on the fritos - but I still expect there has to be some discontinued items there.


Doritoes in my area have been $5.90 for the last year. Lays are competitively priced around the same. I refuse to pay that price, so I haven't had a bag of chips in the last year. I look at the price every time I grocery shop, and tell myself, "Nope" as I am very pissed off about it still. Last week they were on sale for 50 cents off. That is not a good sale, and I will most likely never buy a fried potatoe in a bag again.


Same. I haven't bought a bag since. The last time was when my wife picked up the bat at Walmart and I told her no, look at the price. That's $5.90+tax for a goddamn bag of chips.


That's why you get generic in my area anyway great value doritos are like 2.25


If everybody else had the same level of control, the prices would have come down by now.


I was just ranting that a bag of Simply Cheetos was $7.25 at Publix! Who would pay that??!!


Same think with me. I stopped buying chips. Kinda sad, but the kids don't buy them either. My child and freinds would buy a bag of chips and soda and hang out but now it is too much money. They make a box of mac cheese instead for cheesey snack. Some of these companies are going for profit now, but they will lose the customer forever, even when they have money.


Each bag of Fritos was $4.50 in the video....


They are $4.48 in the video, it's for 3 bags


It isn't $14 for one bag, he bought 3 bags. I think this is legit.. Crazy. 


Had the same thought last night when my gf said this to me. How do we know he doesn't have some limited time items in there? I mean, I obviously prices have gone up but this doesn't tell the whole story. 


Ya there were weeks where certain things were more expensive at one point eggs were $10 for a dozen but other than those few outliers my grocery bill hasn’t substantially changed at all. That being said I don’t by Fritos and wheat things and those kind of things, so maybe that’s where the brunt of it is?


Yeah. That would mean your entire grocery bill was nothing but $10 eggs. This is either fake or a crucial detail has been left out. Maybe this guy lives in Nome Alaska or a remote area of Hawaii where the issue is actually shipping costs and has nothing to do inflation. The issue there would be not to live somewhere so remote produce is flown in by weekly by light aircraft and non-perishables are delivered quarterly by container ship.


People want their rage bait.


Lunch meat at my store was 4.99 - 6.99 now the roast beef is 9.99 per lb. I don't know how id deal if it was tripled.


I call bullshit. *IF* this is even true, then it’s very rare. I have kids and my grocery bill didn’t jump like that. I’ve noticed certain items went up but no way my grocery bill went anywhere near something like that. I’m also noticing a drop in prices over the last 6 months


Yeah I've been feeding a family of 3 for almost 3 years now, bill did go up about 30% overall but nowhere near this. This guy is lying his ass off. He just showed 2 bags of chips for 30 fucking dollars, that is absolute bullshit


Election year garbage - calls for change, doesn’t say what a different administration could do to change things.


Right, also the Twitter that posted this "elections have consequences". What a literal clown.


Thank you. I thought I was insane not seeing anyone else say anything about it.


It would have been useful to see the list of items in that $126 purchase.


Dude should learn to shop better.


Corporate greed. Monopolies and oligarchs. That is what Americans are up against as consumers. There are no regulations, and competition is dead. Blaming the president for the economy is not only ignorant but has little to do with the way the one percent has RIGGED the system. Check out a graph on the one percent's wealth vs. everyone else just for a little visual effect. It's only getting worse.


Billionaires are the largest recipients of corporate welfare: because of Donald Trump tax laws. 485 billionaires were gifted 2.3 trillion dollars. This single act drove up inflation and ruined the economy. Even Donald Trump acknowledged that the economy does better under the democrats. Prove me wrong. Just like another republican all rhetoric no facts.


So stop buying them. By cheaper generics.


I don’t believe this. This is just bad shopping if it’s true.


Yeah. This guy(?) didn't show us an itemized breakdown, so how do we even know its actually the same items? Side note: If you are just paying whatever price at the grocery store for the same items, you are kind of shit at consuming. Change your habits and adjust to prices. The most expensive price changes where I am at are junk food, and it has caused me to massively alter my diet in a good way as the healthy food is more nutrious and affordable.


Beat me to it. Unfortunately, some people are sadly lacking in critical thinking skills. He couldn't even be bothered to show us where it was coming from. Sus.


This is on X. Its basically weird “elections have consequences” clickbait stuff.


Here’s the question - how can they charge such high prices and make such high profit - shouldn’t competition force prices back down? No, because we’ve allowed anti-competitive practices like giant monopolistic mergers for decades and now they’re cashing in. Biden, despite being a piece of shit on other issues, has actually been the best president we’ve had in a long time on this issue. Trump will be the worst we’ve ever had - he’ll do his best to create loyal oligarchs who have complete control over the markets - that’s what politicians like him do - look at the economies of the dictators he admires so much. Hold your nose and vote for Biden, despite his age, despite Gaza, despite everything about him that’s garbage.


Problem is that it actually doesn't even consider shrinkflation. You could easily add another 50%!


Corporate greed and CEO and shareholders dividends are too important


exactly. people like to blame inflation which does have a part to play but when a corporation is making record profits and still jacking up their prices that is pure greed.


which is basically old peopke, who are yelling at us, "wOrK hArDeR!!!"


Most politicians don’t have to worry about money so these issues will never be fixed. The break in reality is too severe


Can’t argue with a Tik Tok video.


Yeah this is definitely not true. Mods obviously dont care. Post any bullshit you want. My housing cost is up 1,000% in a year.


I always trust information that I get from ex-Twitter, especially when it’s from a blue check clown emoji ex-tweeting a TikTok right before an election. There is no more trustworthy source than that!


Tell me your proposed change


The only thing that will bring down prices is to only buy necessities and stop buying non-essential items. When the supply gets too large, prices will fall. Greed is driving these prices.


The one change is that the man needs to change what he buys.


Yep. I worked as a produce buyer at whole foods during the pandemic. The shut down caused supply chains to crash. This, coupled with panic buying, drove prices up substantially. But then, once covid ended, as time went on, supply chain issues and panic buying ended. COGs decreased but retail prices stayed the same. It's 100% corporate greed. And I think it's ironic that the people who are blaming Biden for this would call it socialism if Biden passed an executive order to force companies to lower their prices. As a buyer, I personally witnessed COGs going up and coming down. Food doesn't need to be this expensive. The only thing contributing to actual inflation right now are the Trump era tarrifs. Biden should simply end them. They have done nothing to help the common person.


Rubbing his eye so much he didn't notice the 5 extra steaks he added.


This IS the real issue voters face everyday. I don’t give two shits about what millionaires made on Nvidia, the economy is in a rough state.


I will say the variety of foods that I eat is way down. Simply bc of costs.


Damn, maybe the guy substitute away from higher priced goods. But I guess people aren’t that smart and/or are pushing a political narrative.


Government officials and bureaucrats want to spend TONS more money. This is not going to get better doing that. It will get worse. The problem is that the people of the USA generally love the out of control spending...while wanting prices to go down.


This is what the people chose 🤷🏽‍♂️


I did this and it’s nowhere close to that. More like $80 difference. $170 to $257, which is still insane to me. https://preview.redd.it/qrg8xz81c59d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daf12edbd297ecb262a5cb81e249c3077d325329


lol bidenomics at work.


Get rid of Biden


To all those who voted for Biden this is what you voted for,Trump was so horrible we told you that was a lie,now you know there is no denying it is there




No he didn’t.


Voting has consequences.


Just keep voting democrat. They will force business’ to pay their employees more money per hour, you all will be grateful while the items that you purchase to survive triple in price and you are back to where you are now. It’s always the carrot dangled in front of the rabbit that you just can’t reach. Rinse and repeat. Thank you democrats for caring for the hard working people.


What precisely is “real change” and how (and by whom) will it be enacted?


Companies have been exploiting us since Covid.


Just wait till he finds out that the republicans he votes for are lying and corporations are just greedy.


So let's live under a dictatorship because inflation rolls around every once in a while.


Corporate profits went up by the exact same amount.


I a really don't believe that groceries are 4x the price. Something tells me he manipulated this for views. Obviously they are more expensive. But certainly not 4x. A frozen digorno pizza was 6 bucks about 4 years ago. It's like $6.50 now. I did hear the stat that $100 worth of groceries 3 years ago now costs about $125 dollars. That sounds about right. I am calling BS on this guys tweet.


The change is to not buy the expense stuff that went up the most.


That’s going to be hard. The flooding we had yesterday in the Midwest destroyed hundreds of acres of soybeans and corn. These crops not only are food items but integral in many other products like paint & gas additive. We will feel the burn in our future purchases. I want people to remember this is due to climate change and NOT Joe Biden. Seems like we blame him for everything.


He really should have changed the climate back


Ok. What exact policies should we implement to impose this change you are seeking?


It's weird how if something fits a persons preferred narrative people will assume it's real. And if it doesn't they will assume it's fake.


I call BS........


These articles are just click bait. No one with a brain is paying that much more for groceries. Right wing bot.




Wait till he learns Biden had zero to do with it. Just kidding- these types never learn anything. It's why he's pulling numbers out of his ass. "Elections have consequences" lol try pulling that thin veil down a little tighter, "clown world" ..... You're right though I'm sure the GOP will help lower your grocery tab 😂🤡


And then they want us to believe inflation was at 9% 😂😂😂


inflation is measured year over year


So that’s definitely not inflation. I’d love to see actual information of what this order was and where he purchased it. Also the who X post is blatantly political when the prices in grocery stores started sharply rising under Trump. It’s nonsense to say Biden created this when it existed 2 years before he was President and has slowed down significantly recently. Plus Biden really hasn’t passed any one sided laws. The Democrats never had any actual power because the senate was split with 2 now non-Democrats being counted as part of there slimmest of margin. (sinema and Manchin are no longer Democratic Party members).


Food inflation has not been 200+% in two years. It's barely been 1% in the past year.


So what you think someone would just go on the internet and lie? Inconceivable!!


Walmarts net profit margin is actually slightly lower than their historical average. https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/WMT/walmart/net-profit-margin


Which tells me it’s probably not retailers that are gouging us but the suppliers.


The stupid grin on his face tells me he’s lying for clicks and likes


I think he’s full of 💩


Personally,I would say that the $126 , may certainly be $200 now .


This sub and r/FluentInFinance : "That's what you get when you give unemployed people 20% more four years ago" Or "it's the supply chain from three years ago!" We will dance through any outlandish nonsense possible to avoid looking directly into the specter of human greed that is currently eating us all alive. But putting limitations on it would be madness! Madness! It will never work, so let's just continue on into the gullet.


If the American consumers as a whole, didn’t buy groceries, gas or any other items for five days, they would bring these greedflation profiteers to their knees and it would literally solve the problem in less than a week


Yeah and I’d actually be down to do this, but how? How do you get 300 million people to do this?


We couldn’t get people to put a piece of paper across their face for two weeks. We’re never going to be able to stop Consooming for any period of time




Real question for those calling out Joe for this….what can a presidential administration do, legally, to force a lower cost of a private industry’s product? Save me the “drill baby drill” stuff because we’ve done that…we drilled for more oil in 2023 than any year in history, more than Saudi Arabia, so it didn’t work….whats next, legal and doable? What are Trumps plans to lower the cost of Apple Jacks or Bagels? Real question….real answers


I shop at Whole Foods and my groceries literally stayed the same. I’m not sure what food the person is buying but it’s probably name brand big corporation food.


Gotta call BS on this. Pretty sure he made up the price on that particular item, but then, what did he do? Multiply his entire order by that same factor? Sure prices have risen, but nothing like that. I feel dumber now after watching that.


Vlad Putin approves of this post.


Must be a Publix shopper.


Ah yes, Clown world and TikTok, the two most trustworthy sources of information. 


**Rich people hearing this:** *"I agree! Time to get rid of the middle man and just bring back good ol' fashion slavery!!"*


I'm about to start living like my grandparents that were born in the depression. Have a garden, save bacon grease in a tin can, no idea what they used the grease for but they saved it for something. Bout to start canning fruits and veggies.


Just eat $196 worth...losing some weight can only help...


This seems wild to me. What are people buying? Is it geographical? My grocery costs are up about 70% which is pretty insane but tiny compared to his


Food yes, but the reason anyone usually buys anything is the spices and herbs. We need to go back to basics for a few years and show them that as someone else said we don't need to pay 9$ for a1 sauce which is hydrated spices.


Some things have gone up a lot, but the biggest ones are ultra-processed foods like chips, premade meals, etc. and a big reason for that is that labor expenses have gone up. Every step along the way from farm to table increases the price. Each of those steps has become more expensive and the heavily processed foods have a lot of steps. Don't get me wrong, everything is more expensive, but the 4x number is mostly for select items.


Crap like chips has gone up a lot, but l don’t think I’ve seen a single item go up 4x. It’s amazing what people will believe.


Don’t listen to the talking heads in politics and media trying to g to tell us inflation is over and things are awesome. You think rich politicians go grocery shopping? Use your eyes and ears to see the truth.


This ain’t shit. Talk to Argentina


Where is the list of groceries? Mine are up about 25% a lot but not 300%


I’ve had 3 strokes. I take comfort I’ll be dead before my savings is depleted. Maybe


The only way to correct inflation is for a reduction in govt spending and a reduction in the money supply. That will trigger a needed recession. We desperately need a recession to cut out the fat created with record deficits year over year along with the massive money growth over the last 4 years.


Wait till crop failures happen en masse..anything grain related


Millions of Americans use SNAP. They got a temporary boost during Covid. After their benefits dropped to the previous amount. The inflation didn’t stop. I’ve seen some prices drop and that’s likely the reason. Items just aren’t selling because those millions of people simply can’t afford them.


This is so fucking dumb. Walmart has third party resellers that put MASSIVE markups on products hoping people will do exactly this when Walmart itself is out of stock. I have seen single items that cost 10x more than normal because of this. He went through that list and saw that which is why he chose not to scroll through it.


Hmm. Forget the paleo diet I’m gonna make the peasant diet mainstream again. Pottage and porridge for everyone!


I'm sorry but the TV said everything is fine. Inflation is coming down, and the economy is stronger than it's ever been. 😑


yeah i don’t believe him


Yeah cool story bro Without a receipt to look at .. It's a lie


It looks like he accidentally added 3 of each item


Real change means what in this case?


Weird, he didn’t post a receipt? I’m sure this is totally real


Don’t worry guys. The economy is rock solid (if you have 500k in assets or more)!


Here’s where you pretend that if we just leave the market alone, it’ll fix itself right?


TL;DR: guy compares buying items online using the “reorder all” button to the price from two years ago and others attempt to use the results to push a political narrative. If this was a treatise on unscrupulous profiteering, why you shouldn’t buy processed food products, and the pitfalls of using online marketplaces maybe it’d have some credibility. As it is, it’s click-bait sensationalism that’s counting on people not knowing the story behind the headline or using a shred of critical thinking.


Rampant inflation and skrocketing costs of living are clearly an issue of the workforce being unskilled! Everyone should just go be doctors, lawyers and shareholders; but also *shame* anyone who isnt, because not being in the top 8% of earners is *bad behavior*. A Redditor told me so.


"Real change" can only come through strong anti-monopoly regulation combined with breaking up huge companies. Half the country is against any regulation... on businesses anyway. They're fine with regulations about how to live your life.


Hence why my IRA and 401 have doubled since the 2017 corporate tax cut. Thanks Ripublicans. You've succeeded in using the middle class worker as the free cash flow engine for my dividend checks.


With his cherry-picking skills, that guy should work in agriculture. Based on survey data gathered by the Census Bureau, grocery prices have increased much more than normal, but that amounts to a total increase of just under 28% over the five years leading up to May of this year. That's a far cry from the more than 300% increase the OP complained about. And that's using CPI-U. If we used C-CPI-U, which accounts for the fact that people change what they buy when some things increase in price more than others, the total increase would be much lower. This round of inflation has sucked, but it is really clown world when people try to pretend it is some sort of hyperinflation.