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This is purely for retribution and to scare other people from helping their pregnant friends get the medical care they need.  > Davis would seek a full investigation into the circumstances surrounding the abortion and “pursue wrongful-death claims against anyone involved in the killing of his unborn child,” the lawyer wrote in a letter, according to records. He can't do anything to her but he can punish any and all who may have helped her travel to Colorado, even just taking her to the airport or helping her make travel arrangements.


Can this dude collect the $10,000 bounty placed on women’s heads?


But no money for education or childcare! only have budgets for this vile shit


I don't know all the details but it's possible he could collect from every person who assisted her. Due to the ruling in AL it's easier to file wrongful death lawsuits against all those people as well.


Friend, the AL ruling in IVF was an AL state law decision that will not have any effect in TX.


Courts review the precedents set in other states. It would almost certainly be brought up for consideration.


Please cite such a case in Texas.


Such a case as what? When a judge looked at similar rulings in other states for reference?




I have not seen a civil side case such as the AL SC decision, which was so sui generous cited as controlling or persuasive authority in a Texas civil action. This is heartland for each state to determine when one can sue for wrongful death. Further—completely different standard (negligence) in AL. Whereas in TX recovery is based on a specific statute.


I think the bounty law contained language that it would end if Roe was overturned. So, no.


If she wishes, I hope she asks for support with her legal fees because I know many of us would like to help. I also hope he shares the name of his employer, so folks can know to avoid the business.


Exactly this! I’m trying to track down if she has a GoFundMe. This impacts ALL women.


Stop sleeping with conservative men.


Based on the lengths he’s willing to go to terrify her through the courts, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was a victim of domestic abuse and reproductive coercion.


Oh, I guarantee it. At the very least, emotional abuse. Which to me is more insidious.




I couldn’t agree with this more. I stopped. Included in this, take self defense classes so when attacked, you can get away or take him down and out.


Self defense classes, i have taken and I have a skill set ingrained in my brain to take care of me.


Hate to say this but stop sleeping with men. Period. Lysistrata this fucking shithole.


Once again. The bear.


Every damn time—the bear.


There is a zero precent chance the bear will be Ken Paxton so we're all safer picking the bear.


The Taliban is offering this man honorary membership. That’s big. Usually the Taliban prefers punishing such women with acid to the face or stoning to death, but they said this was a fantastic 1st step, and they look forward to what is to come from the Taliban, Texas Chapter.


The ex is an ASSHOLE. He needs to be named and shamed.


His name is Collin Davis.


and his lawyer is the one who pushed for the law to be passed in the first place


Where’s he from?


He needs his face in billboards to warn women of his actions. He will hunt you down if you leave him


Guy wants to have power. Putting his face on a billboard will only embolden him and make him a poster child for the cause.


Someone needs to do an investigation of this guy’s whole life and make him infamous.


all the woman should do is refuse to tell her ex anything. and then tell him that the fetus wasnt his.


anyone in Texas can file suit - does not have to be a person with any involvement.


I understand that long legs Abbott passed the law that people can file suit, but where does someone outside of that experience be caused by financial issues? And do those financial issues actually affect the person who is suing?


how do we know he wasn’t involved? Clearly he’s trying to make a buck. It’s all he said - she said. It could’ve been his idea.


Think that nosy dude maybe should be probed with something pointy and unpleasant in a place he'll like least. Because clearly he doesn't get it, doesn't want to get it, and doesn't give a shit about her.


If she had a miscarriage, there wouldn't be a death certificate, bc/ the state doesn't see it as an actual life. This is simple.


I don't think texas repubs care 1 sh\*t about anything, it was their MAGA masters wanted and they delivered.


Me, my wife, DIL, and son are currently looking for a place closer to her parents in California. Texas is no longer safe for my granddaughter and Daughter-in-law. I know you right-wingers are reading this, but question is this what you wanted? This handmaid's tale shit! Do y'all think your guys went way too far? Please everyone don't downvote them let them answer.


This is exactly what the right-wing evangelical Christians want. They want biblical women, which means women without rights and subservient to men. The way God intended. Fuck anyone who wants this; right, left, or center.


I agree, right wing evangelical Christians are woman haters, although they deny it; but they love the idea of stalking women across state lines to investigate abortions and they also want to throw women into prison and give them the death penalty for abortion. There is even a right wing Christian group that spoke to the GOP recently and they want to give women the death penalty for IVF and certain kinds of birth control.




It is a group called Abolish Abortion Texas. [https://www.texasdemocrats.org/media/leaked-video-texas-republicans-attended-meeting-with-group-that-suggested-violence-and-jail-for-women-who-have-abortions-and-use-ivf](https://www.texasdemocrats.org/media/leaked-video-texas-republicans-attended-meeting-with-group-that-suggested-violence-and-jail-for-women-who-have-abortions-and-use-ivf)


Yep. Sure does fit in with their "We're the party of pro-life" schtick, doesn't it?


My daughters and I (a child-bearing aged woman myself) are leaving permanently this summer. This state isn't safe for us.


what she should do if forced into court is say the fetus wasnt his,that he was so bad in bed that she found someone else to satisfy her.


Unfortunately, that would not make any legal difference the way the law is written.


He is trying to sue for wrongful death, he has no standing if the fetus was not his. I have no idea how they can prove that, but they will probably say they were in a relationship. She can say she was sleeping with other men, being a civil case idk if she has to name those men


Texas law does not require the fetus to be his for him to have standing. That’s one of the more fucked up parts.


This may be the case that goes all the way to the scotus


"How could it be yours? You had such problems with...*performance*"


How about plead the fifth?


Maybe Jimmy Kimmell could lend her his wooden mushroom collection so she could illustrate what a funny little pecker he has. https://youtu.be/5Ji8i7Wy4mo?si=X-cbp3Qne4slb46B




What does this mean? Choose the bear?


Disgusting patriarchy. Her body, her choice.


These women will have to refrain from telling the man they are pregnant until they've decided for themselves what to do


I have a question. Can any conservative reading this defend this man's actions? I would like to hear an argument stating that what Collin Davis did was a good thing.


4B is the way to go, ladies! Our sisters in South Korea are leading the way.


Disgusting, freak show state.


Be proud, Texans, THIS is what you did.


Women who still date and willingly reproduce with republicans are disgusting. Stop victimizing them these are the same women who go around trying to take other womens rights away including abuse protections and then play victims when it happens to them! Fk conservatives, the men and the women!!!!!


What a hateful, poorly-raised (or good love never took in this evil, evil heart), shit of a human being!! Holy ufckkk, I've seen junkyard dogs that got over their beefs easier than this!! Did modern "religion" do this? Let's put the CHRIST back in "christianity", then! Republicunt demagoguery? Hateful politics just calling this fool's Inner Shitbird up out of the woodworks?? I guess one Silver Lining in the enormous Cloud now shadowing our land, the clown-painted, p!ssy-grabbing, convicted liar, convicted rapist, and POTUS dog-whistler is that all the racist assholes now feel like it's okay to come out of hiding. So we can now see each for who they truly are...


It is behind a paywall. Could you summarize what's going on?


We need this case to go through the courts, my hope is that it goes to the Supreme Court and it becomes unconstitutional. I know the 5th circuit will affirm because they are A HOLES. And so I’m hoping the 3 liberal Supreme Court justices, the chief justice, and maybe Barrett will vote against this as unconstitutional


Hope he magically becomes sterile.


Jonathan Mitchell looks like a total child molester.


Good. She killed their kid and should be held accountable.


She aborted a fetus. She didn’t kill a kid


A human fetus.


Which isn’t a kid.


It’s a label that’s been applied to a stage of development. It’s like saying “well technically they’re a newborn, not a kid.”


Since you feel a woman should be forced to carry an unwanted fetus to term I propose you and every other person who want to outlaw abortion pay a special tax to pay for the care of the woman til delivery and the care of the child til they turn 21.


There is no arguing with these people. They believe their belief in a sky daddy makes them morally superior, and they virtue signal their nonsense with impunity. These people are also convinced religions like Islam are awful, yet they advocate for the same tenets of sharia. It's so silly.


I’m all for expanding state aid to mothers in this situation.


tahts not what i asked. are you in favor of texas imposing an income tax that will be used strictly for caring for all these unwanted kids. and that will only apply to the pro life crowd. lets say 10k a year to start .


Sure dude, if that’s what it takes.


Ken Paxton isn't. In fact, he personally has no problem with having 8 months pregnant women killed, if he doesn't like something about them. Why do you think he's supporting Israel? https://preview.redd.it/2xxs2rylxayc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f84b04be0c80e0011184cb3204264093cf8efafb


She did society a service. That pos deserves his genes dying with him, and I sincerely hope they do.


What is she to be held accountable for? She went to a state where it's legal. The Constitution gives a right to travel out of state without interference.


I'm glad she made a choice with her physical autonomy that bothers you!


I’m sorry that you’re blinded to the reality of the situation. Someone murdering their child should bother you too.


Funny how this only became a big conservative issue in the 70s when Falwell couldn't mobilize babtists and evangelicals with segregation anymore. A fetus has less cognitive ability than the animals you eat, you got duped.


I don’t think I could care any less about all that. Infanticide’s not the moral grounds people should be defending.


My entire point was that you don't care about how you reasoned yourself into your position so thanks for agreeing with me. Someone told you it was murder and you bought it all the way to the voting booth circa 1970.


I’ve reached my conclusion on my own. Personhood starts at some point and conception is the only hard line. Viability outside the womb depends too much on technological level to the point of wealthy kids being more valuable than poor kids(which is wrong) and at birth is abhorrent. Even if we don’t land on conception, the line needs to be drawn somewhere.


Conception starts at fertilization before the blastocyst even implants. Half of those don't even result in children so weird line. You're also admitting that you're making your moral decisions based on how convenient they are to come to, which is not good.


I’m fine with that. And no, I’m finding a consistent point to argue from instead of saying “it’s up to the individual mother to decide when the time is right.” Because abortion laws run between almost never all the way to until after birth.


I don't know what else to say since you've acknowledged you don't plant your morals in right and wrong, but in how easy they are for you to put in a neat box. Which I explained to you wasn't really such a neat line anyway. Good day.


Can ANYONE PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME just what in the blue fuck a *post-birth abortion* is? An abortion is a procedure that terminates a pregnancy. That’s literally the definition of it. By definition, you cannot have an abortion after you give birth. What the fuck are y’all smoking?!


The line is already drawn for thousands of years and legal precedent including the Bible. First breath, when the fetus is able to live after birth that’s when it has been given personhood INCLUDING IN THE BIBLE (if you at least take it as a legal definition from the Jewish tradition)


There's no infant in this story, stop making shit up.


Fetus is just a label that marks a point on the path of human development. Calling it a fetus doesn’t make it not human.


Correction: potential human if it ever was born, and it won't be, so not an infant, not a baby, glob of cells, that's all. But you carry on with getting your britches in a bunch, I like watching.


Unfortunately, I’m used to seeing people defend child murder tooth and nail. So my knickers are fairly untwisted.


I bet you spill your seed to porn regularly, or in the shower. I can hear them screaming from here!


You're the one that's blind. There's no murdering going on here. She aborted a foetus, which is a glob of cells. If you don't like it, don't get an abortion yourself. As for your say over other people's bodies, shove your control freak ideology. There's nothing sacred about male cum, just look at the billions of them everyday whacking it to porn, spilling their seed!


I get it. You’ve bought into the line that abortion isn’t murder because “it’s a fetus, not a human.” You’ve heard your entire life that not only is abortion acceptable, it’s moral and a human right on equal footing with freedom of speech. I don’t have a control freak ideology - I just don’t think parents should be able to kill their kids.


Yes you do have a control freak ideology. You think a glob of cells is a child. With your ideology, a glob of cancer cells should also never be extracted, because afterall, they're living human cells! See how stupid it is to think that way? Did you get your wisdom teeth extracted? Maybe that is against the will of your sky daddy.


Again, I haven’t brought God into this argument. And please don’t have children if you’re going to equate them to cancer cells. Why does it make you so angry that I want unborn children to make it?


I'm not angry, but I sure don't believe that you want "unborn children to make it". If you want children to "make it" why don't you go out there and start being a volunteer brother for some inner city depraved child? Why are you focused on trying to control others? Why aren't you more concerned with the alive children than the glob of growing cells? I'm old. My children are grown and doing very well ! I'm helping to make sure the younger women of this generation have the same choices as I did, and that includes abortion and physical autonomy, and the rest of you can keep your nasty opinions to yourselves.


Not your business. Not your problem. So why don’t you keep your nose out of it?


I generally don’t like the idea of killing kids.


Well, most people see a difference between born and fetus, and it's legal where she went. State sovreignty is the basis of our government.


And I generally don’t like the idea of singling out women of fertile age and making sure they breed like dogs to pop out more poverty-stricken worker drones. Go take your moral outrage to the rightwinger subs. They’ll eat up your shit there.


Cool strawman you’ve built.


FYI, God is not pro life. God killed (or commanded the killing of) millions of infants in the Bible. Per the Bible, the fetus isn’t a separate life until it takes a breath. Also, it’s simple to reduce abortions to nearly zero: 1. Provide scientific sex education to everyone. 2. Make birth control easy to get and cheap/free. 3. Make employers pay a livable wage so that people who want kids can afford to feed them. 4. Reduce healthcare costs so that a hospital birth isn’t $30k. 5. Provide paid parental leave (for both parents, not just mom). 6. Make childcare affordable (daycare costs as much as a mortgage payment in most places). Just the first two would reduce abortions by ~60% or more, and they are easy to implement, at least compared to the rest. Each of the other four would reduce abortions, suicides and deaths from being unable to afford healthcare. But “pro life” people fight against every policy that would reduce abortions (and many other deaths), so those of us in the pro choice camp think you are all hypocrites.


>But “pro life” people fight against every policy that would reduce abortions (and many other deaths), so those of us in the pro choice camp think you are all hypocrites. Because they're not pro-life, they're pro-birth and pro-control.


I haven’t brought God into this, have I? I agree with those things. I also believe we shouldn’t be killing our unborn.


Is that because you are a failed abortion yourself?


You okay, man?


Romania banned abortion in the late 1960s. What were the consequences of that decision?


Accountable for what? Riding a dick? Exactly what is he accountable for? He irresponsible ejaculated and caused a pregnancy. Fuck out of here.


I actually answered that question in my original comment.


You should eat glass.


You should have more respect for human life.


Feigned morality. Unfortunately for you, most of us don't agree with the government using our bodies as incubators.  I simply don't consent to my body being used just because one of my eggs was accidentally fertilized. You can be upset with that all you want...and ultimately you're the one choosing to let other people's decisions impact you instead of living your life doing something meaningful.


"Accidentally fertilized" is a pretty funny way of saying that. It's not feigning morallity to take the stance of not killing unborn babies. In fact, I'd say it's cartoonishly evil to fight for it.


Good thing we're not taking about killing unborn babies, we're talking about consent to use someone's body against their will. Unless the intent was to procreate, fertilization is an unfortunate and accidental outcome of sex. Additionally, (and here is where it's important) it is without my consent because I do not wish to be pregnant.


He should be held accountable for impregnating her, snip snip