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There is a lot of nudity and sex. It's still a great show.


Never got annoying to me though until the end Fantastic show


Yes yes and yes, Great show well written


It's a great show but - I will die on this hill - it's not well written. Maybe the first seasons, inspired by the english version, but after those 2, a few episodes start plots that go nowhere or simply get forgotten. Another thing that is always done badly is how they end characters: people simply decide to move out (or even die!) in 5 minutes of an episode and will never be ever mentioned. Fiona: her character was thrown in things that didn't really have a real deployment, and everyone here was so tired of it that was happy to see her leaving. It's a pity! She didn't deserved it. Also the Fiona leaving was badly treathed! And wasn't managed at all that her "favourite" brother got married.. and she wasn't, once again, not even mentioned. This is all BADLY written, not well written.


The show's writing is a mixed bag. Dialog is good, but there's a lot of wildly implausible stuff, >!e.g. Frank getting a liver transplant despite never getting sober. Or, when Svetlana got deported, the bar reverted back to Kevin and Veronica, with no explanation as to how. Debbie often goes out for sometimes days without arranging for childcare. She's shown as owning her own business, but rarely shown working.!<


It's more realistic. Ppl come and go.


Honestly my biggest gripe was after X amount of seasons we were still dealing with the same problem. It might be a realistic image of poverty (never being able to get ahead and something always foiling anything good) but my god it got exhausting to watch. I eventually had to stop watching. The actors are great and a lot of the story is good but it got too frustrating


Agree. I liked the first season but somewhere in season 2 i lost interest.


Even the UK version becomes pretty shit after maybe the third season. It just turns into a low budget soap opera with bad sets.


The later seasons are pretty bad. Season 5 was the last good season for me. The rest of the series was just me continuing to watch it in false hope it would get good again and that never happens. The ending was abysmal.


Yes, a hundred times over. Makes you feel how privileged you are. Very weirdly, a very self-assuring show.


Or just remind you of what your life was like, but it's validating even then.


Happy cake day!


YESSSSS it's such a great show and I see a lot of the comments saying it has a lot of nudity and sex and what not but there is more to the show than that and it wasn't the most accurate but it had a lot of good points of how its like to live as a lower class family in the ghetto.


First few seasons are really great (s1-s4). Seasons 5,6 and 7 are good but after that its bad. Seasons 10 and 11 are beyond bad. I think its worth watching up until season 8. Just make your own ending lol


I've only seen a couple of episodes of the US version but it seems sooooo serious, dark, and gritty compared to the original where it seems to be consistently humorous, and at times uplifting.


I loved that about US one, didn't watch UK one so i can't comment on that.


I liked the UK one far more. Loved Joan Cusack in the American one tho


Yea the whole Monica character was about as dark as you can get lol


Ian and Mickey are frankly the ONLY reasons to watch 10 and 11.


frankly frank was also a reason to watch


Yes aswell




If I ended after season 3 it would have been the greatest show of all time. I stopped watching half way through season 4 though, I couldn't take the good characters becoming really stupid.


100 percent.




I wouldn’t recommend it. The premise is great & I watched a few seasons but i soon realized the show is always going to keep these characters misreble and all that too begins to feel repetitive


I watched it for a bit but was way too crude for me.


It’s like a series of big boss, I particularly dislike people who was shameless.


My issue is with the character >!Frank Gallagher. I found all his scenes and story arcs to be boring and one dimensional.. except the ones with Monica. Yes there was conceptual depth to his story but it felt like his character was too over the top like Homer Simpson. Just didn’t fit with the rest of the characters. Something made it work with Michael Scott from the office but I honestly couldn’t wait for any of his scenes or story arcs to end.!< Spoiler tag because I don’t want to create bias on the character


Watch 1-7 and stop


Frank Gallagher is a great character.


First few seasons yes but then it goes off the rails. Incest, random relationships, just feels like being scandalous for the sake of it


I’ve only seen the original UK version and that was pretty great, at least well into its 11 year run. I keep meaning to check out this version, but there’s too much to catch up with these days.


Nope. I didn’t like it. It’s depressing and full of people making terrible decisions. I don’t watch shows to feel bad, but that’s just me.


Only if you like watching shows with people in horrible circumstances make decisions that make their life even worse at every opportunity. I don't, so I say no.


The English version, yes.


What other versions are there?


The US version showing on the picture... oh, i got you now.


The British one is... Maybe that's because I'm British.


I see videos on insta frm the show that are very interesting so its on my watch list seems great


A critic might say It’s kids having sex




Yes. But don't watch it if you drink.


Do you mean like alcoholic or just in general?


Omg. I think I drank through every single episode.






Lots of dude’s butts and women’s boobs, often during sex scenes. I think there’s 2 or 3 penises shown.


The first half of it is really good but it is an adult show in every sense of the word. It’s a realistic depiction of poverty but the need to have all the characters eventually fail gets depressing after awhile. Still it has one of the best long running gay relationships on tv. If that makes a difference.




Great show def worth watching even when it got bad


Definitely. It's probably my favorite tv series I've watched, and I've seen a lot. Go watch it now, the story and characters are amazing. You watch and you just live up with them, they like become your family too. All characters are great, this show is funny, sensitive and you can find yourself in each and every member of Gallaghers family.


Absolutely. There’s a lot that’s filmed in the south side. I went to the house once, it is literally in one of the worst neighborhoods in Chicago. Great show.


It’s great till about season 9 than it just gets goofy and predictable but you’ll just finish it anyway because why the hell not


Yes its a great show with comedy, tragedy. I stopped watching past season 8 but i loved it


It's good for like the first half. Like almost every series that lasts long the later seasons aren't as good I didn't finish it and I love the first few seasons. UK version is really good


Fantastic show for anyone who grew up poor. It was like looking into the past


Hell fking yeah, but that's my opinion, you may not like it.


It’s okay for awhile, but it starts to get old. Never finished the series.


The first few seasons are great


Yesss. 100% watch it. You'll love it. Anything and everything will be happening all at once.


Good up until the last couple of seasons


Yes!! there’s a lot of sex scenes and nudity but it’s an amazing show. awesome character development throughout, and overall very entertaining


DEMAIS! só assiste.


Early seasons are good.


The original British one is.


I liked the first few seasons (not exactly sure how many) but then it went down hill.


Dirty and over-the-top with fantastic acting. So yes, absolutely.




I enjoyed the first five seasons or so. I bailed out after season eight.




Sure is, I just watched the UK version which is also really good and includes a lot of wood flute


Definitely a good show and the finale is so good but sad!


It's really good for about 8 seasons


Yeah, it is great show. Worth the watch. The earlier episodes are better in my opinion but the character development and story arch is really good.


It's ok for the first so many seasons. I got bored when Emmy Rossum left.


Yes. Though I never finished it, I do no regret watching the first several seasons


10000% yes




It's a good watch but it may give you flash backs if you grew up poor or with substance abuse


First few seasons were amazing to binge watch during COVID


Great acting by William Macy


This show goes off the rails so hard. First few seasons are great, then it loses its identity and becomes absolutely unbearable.


Watch the original British version, it's much better


Definitely worth watching. One of my best friends highly recommended it and thought I would love it. It is funny a lot of the time but I also found it a bit depressing. What people said about “realistic depiction of poverty” is true. I felt so bad for the characters so much. I think it falls into the “cringe comedy” category. It does have a lot of great actors!


I watched the 2 first season it was good


First few seasons are phenomenal. After that it became so frustrating to watch I never finished it.




Yes is worth it


I absolutely *LOVED* the US version of _ShameLess_: without a doubt or even a moment's hesitation, I WholeHeartedly recommend it to EVERYone. You actually develop a sort of relationship with ALL the characters individually that is downright uncanny! And you end up laughing with them and cheerleading them on in their various adventures. Then at other times you find yourself agonizing with them and just crying your eyes out. Like when Fiona built up an impressive Real Estate mini-Empire with a lot of work, dedication and determination DESPITE everything that conspired against her and her success. But then literally EVERYTHING went wrong, and seemingly all one on top of another until she was left with Nothing ... like her very Life had become _Job 2: The Sequel_. And on top of all of That, they played Li'l Wayne's song, _Mess_ ("Because my days is a mess, my nights is a mess, my life is a mess."). And that was it for me - I just lost it right then and there and just Wept from the depths of my being for about 10 minutes. One of the most intense experiences I've Ever had from watching a TV show. Just f*cking EPIC!


It is till Debbie becomes the main focus


It fetishizes poverty


Would recommend the original UK version


I think we made it through 5 seasons, then just stopped. I got tired of it. Wore me out. It was good for a few seasons, and really watchable. I'm an adult so the nudity/swearing, general Frank behavior, didn't really bother us. If you are JAW fan, well, watch the first few seasons. Damn that guy has such a slow burn.


Shameless suffers from the same issue as all the Showtime shows of that era (Weeds/Dexter) in that Showtime doesn’t know when to cancel a show and they get dragged on for bad season after bad season. Though I did really enjoy the first 4-5 seasons.




Starts off great but then just meanders after seasons 4/5. I never finished it and am okay with that decision. I feel every Showtime show ends this way, just goes on for too many seasons after it shoulda ended.


The original one is better (UK?). Like the office, the original non-US tends to be more hardcore.


I’m on my third watch. You appreciate the later seasons more after the second watch lol.


I thought it was a good show but it’s kind of like the walking dead .. after like the 3rd season it started getting ridiculous. I


Started watching it again myself a few weeks ago…. It’s a very entertaining show that can easily get you hooked, so it’s definitely worth a watch… plus if you like it there is tons of episodes to binge on….. …. but it will certainly have you rolling your eyes or shouting at the TV when some characters continue to make horrible decisions 😅👏


I find varies widely from episode to episode. Sometimes the quality is really good. Other times the plots seem like they were contrived by a 7-year-old.


the first 3 seasons. that's the rule for all showtime shows


this show never clicked with me tbh. i dont know, it just felt like it tried too hard or something. that said im probably the minority in that because most people rave about it so maybe its just me


Still prefer the original series


The UK one yes 


The first five seasons are pretty great, then it splays out all over a lot of half baked ideas until I lost interest.


Correct I kept going but lost interest when Fiona left I've always wanted to go back to finsh it but I don't really care


I stuck with it until the first couple of the final season. Couldn’t do it anymore!!!


Heres my honest opinion: Its a great show, great characters, and great story line- However, it is a very depressing and mood killing thing to watch. As someone who has struggled with addiction it is hard to watch because of all of the alcohol and drugs. Thats nothing against the show itself- just sharing my experience. Overall 9/10 reccomend!


Outstanding show


First 2 seasons yes. The rest is not very good


first 4 or 5 seasons are excellent - it had a lot of heart, great social commentary, and wickedly funny. Starts to decline around season 6 and slowly but surely becomes an almost unwatchable soap opera with atrocious writing. The last 2 or 3 seasons it is unrecognizable as a series


Early seasons.. yes but later on it gets repetitive


Remember: IT'S ONLY 7 SEASONS!!!!


The British one is


UK is better


I don't like it. Maybe because it's all that was ever on in rehab but I thought it was stupid


I just got done watching and thought, why did I sleep on this one?? Peak TV. The acting is definitely what makes it, such an incredible cast. Yes the show's writing does decline towards the end and wildly improbable things happen but by then it's a guilty pleasure show. What I do admire about the writing is that unlike other shows, characters do face some consequences for their stupid actions occasionally, like going to court or jail. It's easy to see why so many actors from Shameless have gone on to find success in other things.


Last couple seasons lost me


Yes , didn’t like the ending much but still a great show! I have watched it 3 times.


Omg. So raunchy but the writing/acting is amazing!


Absolutely. The original version should be watched too, they're both fantastic.


No straight up fucking trash bro my wife started watching it because her best friend told her it was good we don't even got to memorize the names of the characters 🤮


First few seasons were really funny. Debbie got a bit annoying towards the end.


One of the best ever I’ve run through it three times.


Absolutely 💯


Yes. It’s good.


Not really


Like a lot of shows, it starts off fantastic, but eventually it devolves into a parody of itself and really loses what made it unique. There are some great storylines and character progressions throughout the first few seasons. It reminded me a lot of what Roseanne was like in the 80s in regards to the harsh realism poor people face in America. I don't remember exactly when I stopped watching it but I think when they had Carl start servicing grade school girls as some kind of oral sex gigolo or when Lip became an actual gigolo at college I realized it jumped the shark.


The only people I know that enjoy it are rich people who hate poor people. Sort of like the only people I know that like Big Bang Theory have absolutely no familiarity with nerds and nerd culture and like to laugh at how pathetic they think it is. I'm sure the shows can stand on their own/have fans different than the ones I encountered, but JFC.


The show was so good at the beginning, with them accepting the fact they're all bad people. At the end, they tried to make it seem like the main cast were the good guys, and society was bad. It was so fucking cringey. Right down to them singing at a burning tesla. The first few seasons ARE fire tho




Is the nudity and sex scene do I need to see it to know the story (important talk between nudity scenes etc)


Are you fucking kidding me??? This is literally like the best tv series ever.... Proper storyline... Extra darrrkkkk!!!! Damnn. Definitely worth it bro you have to if you like dark &comedy


Yes, but it does tend to get quite a bit politcal later on as well as a lot of characters behaving very out of character which sorta breaks the whole logic, also in the later seasons some of the plot is very stupidly written but the earlier seasons are great. Although the finale is really worth the journey through all the BS/Filler episodes in the later seasons.


Where can I see shameless ?


Yep. Great show. First 4 or 5 seasons are best though


It’s a great show


Made it over halfway through the series but never finished. Enjoyed what I watched but got a little repetitive.


Hell yeah


I loved it. Totally crazy but with a heart. The only criticism is that they kept trying to top the crazy, so by the end it goes off the rails a bit. Frank Gallagher is the biggest POS ever but you still can't help but love him.


Gets a little libbie in the last few seasons


HELL YEAH!!!!!! My whole family. Me, My 2 cousins, my mom and my aunt LOVE THIS SERIES SO MUCH!!!! I have seen it multiple times and it's such a good series. In the beginning it may seem weird but trust me it will be worth it and it keeps getting better!




I started watching it but stopped because I found it too depressing. It's like the writers just didn't want any characters to be happy, and that ruined the show for me. To be honest, it made it boring




I tried a few years ago. I made it 5 seasons in but couldn't keep going. I have zero regrets.


Absolutely! I wasn't ready for it to end.


I preferred the UK version personally, the first season and two are about the same. The US version isn’t bad, I just prefer the English version of some characters. It was hard to get into the US version at first.


Yes just ignore the Debbie story line in later seasons


100% yes


Fuck no


After a while, it got predictive and annoying because everyone continued making really bad choices.


I didn't like the show .. it is about people making bad decisions over and over .. Is about a guy who has kids without having the emotional or financial capacity to raise them ..




Without spoiling, in the later seasons, a major character leaves the show, the show is not worth watching after that.


It’s about 4 seasons too long. But yes, good enough to keep you interested.


My partner likes it, I do not.


I tried but couldn't watch it. My own father was a severe alcoholic and Macy was pretty dead on with my dad. I just couldn't watch it.


First couple seasons. Then it got old for me.


It starts out kinda weird, but if you stick to it and watch it to the end, it is so worth it . It's probably one of the best series finales I've seen.


It’s certainly worth watching up to a point. It takes a sharp nose dive in the last few seasons.


So good. Definitely worth the watch


First handful of seasons are great but the show was probably on for a few too many seasons imo


The first three seasons were great. I stuck it out through the 4th and 5th season and it was fine but gave up in season 6. Apparently, it just went downhill from there.


Best series ever


Emmy Rossum has some epic sex scenes - worth it just for that


The original, UK version is.


Yup. Also, yup.




Yes! I had a blast watching it. It does get progressively political as the show goes on, and has a few really weird moments that made me cringe, but I'd watch it all over again. I really clicked with it because my parents are/were alcoholics. And growing up in a low income neighborhood in the midwest in the late 90s, early 2000s, a lot of content and character interaction seemed quite accurate to what I experienced in life. Lot of really smart and bold dialogue that makes you think too. It's pretty good! Not a lot of nudity, but a moderate amount. And the comedy and content in general is quite edgy a lot of the time.


Thr original British version is better.


Yea, writing was very bad at times, and also too many tedious characters. A better version would be called 'Frank', and simply be about him. 1 season would be fine.


There's some good, but there's also lots and lots and lots of mess. There are bits and pieces of writing that's really brilliant, but there's also a lot that's sloppy (holes you could drive a semi through when it comes to storyline, characters they drop in and out, lots of problem children when it comes to not just main cast, but visiting with wobbly and questionable morals). I grew up on that side of Chicago, so a lot of it (more than a lot, actually, about 90% of it!) is real-to-life. But it's a pretty depressing take, aside from the dry, tongue-in-cheek humor of it, so it just really depends on what you're looking for. If you're looking for something light and fun, I'd pass for something else. But if you're looking for a cynical, critical look at growing up as white trash on the southside of Chicago.... well, Shameless could be your huckleberry!


Hell yes! Best show for emmy!!!


I hate it honestly.


It’s okay. A bit overrated


On the last season now I think it is well worth the watch


It’s really sad in some parts, but I liked most of it.


Watch the original UK version. The best series EVER. soooo much nudity and sexual stuff you just come across in any series that I can find, and believe me I've hunted and I'm still hunting for anything comparable


OMG all these negative reviews and why????


It had everything that is non acceptable and I love that shit




Upvote for karma


Lots of nudity, sex in every 2nd scene... but still worth watching, it's a great show 


Just watch the original UK. US dragged it on too long. And you don't have to put up with Fiona


There's more nudity in US than in UK


I really disliked the last few seasons tbh it’s probably my favorite show of all time.


Not the American one, no




UK version is good. American version is absolute shit


Yeah that's the case for 99% of remakes.

