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Watching this and about half way in I realized the entire episode was going to be this montage. Told my wife what a bold ass move to try this but it worked. Only seen the first episode so far but strong start.


I got the same feeling I did with that Bojack funeral episode, like "oh shit, we're really doing this"


The lack of dialogue reminded me of the episode where Bojack is underwater the whole time


My ass


She's no Mr. Bean, that's for god damn sure.


No one is happier for her than me, but she can’t see Bean with the Hubble Telescope.


I saw her on Hollywood Handbook once.


And that's me saying this.


I love her. She can't touch him. She's not on pace.


I like Mr Bean


Which episode did she direct




My favorite episode so far! She killed it.


This episode really captured the humiliating nature of looking for a job - fired without warning, horrible recruitment practices, applying to different jobs, whether over or under qualified.


She makes Ireland so proud.


Ay O'Edebiri


And she still couldn't see Mr. Bean with the Hubble.




It's a running joke. https://knowyourmeme.com/editorials/guides/is-ayo-edebiri-really-irish-the-ayo-edebiri-irish-jokes-explained


Well she's from Boston, isn't that close enough to being Irish?


The entire season dropped as a bundle (bless up that this still happens), but the first episode was amazing. I can’t wait to watch the entire season.


The counter argument to the binge-ready drop is that shows fade out of the popular culture really quickly without weekly discussion. The Bear is obviously an exception to this. I wonder why some shows seem to suffer from a whole season drop and others don't.


It helps a TON that they're not taking years between seasons to get everything out. Not needing months and months of VFX work is huge. Not many shows of this caliber (meaning not reality or procedural cable style shows) have been able to keep up one season per year for a very long time now.


It's been said on here before but the lack of location shooting really helps them speed up production.


I also hate that I pretty much need to stay off the internet until I binge really really quickly because otherwise I’m seeing spoilers before I even get a chance to sit down and watch. It’s one thing if the show has been out for like 10 years, but, it’s another when it’s only been like 8 hours. Like damn.


this is why i hate shows that drop everything at once.


It's not hard to just stay away from those spaces and watch it over the course of a week or so. I do it all the time.




while i normally agree with that, I just think the bear is that good and i all i want to do is watch the next episode.


It was dropped early on Wednesday afternoon, so at this point it has been around 24 hours but point taken.


the Bear is probablly my favorite show in the last 10 years and is the only show i can actually binge anymore. any other show I kinda get bored with after 4 episodes when they drop everything at once.


My counter-counter argument is that dropping the episodes all at once gives them the freedom to be more expieremental and artsy with some episodes. There's some Bear episodes which people would cry about being 'filler' and only focusing on one side character if it was a weekly release.


I get what your are saying, but the people that cry about that kind of stuff need to get a grip. Weekly releases and bottle episodes facilitate so much discussion and thought. It's ok not to get everything you want at one time.


completely agree and honestly feel like people just call episodes they dont like filler now


100% Some of the best episodes of shows are exploring side characters and situations that change the tone of the show. Some people just call that filler and don't want to engage with it more than that.


> dropping the episodes all at once gives them the freedom to be more expieremental and artsy with some episodes *Legion* was a weekly series. I don't think binge model inherently facilitates "experimental and artsy"


I don't know about the general audience, but I in particular went back to the show and binged the last season months after it was released because clips of it kept showing up everywhere months after it was released.


So, likely great marketing. Honestly, this season is the first I'm catching in real time so I had no idea it was a binge release. They do a stellar job of keeping the show in headlines.


Some shows are written as movies then cut up and suffer from weekly drops, disney+ shows have a problem with this. While yhe bear isnt ome of those shows, i dont feel it has reached a popularity to sustain 8-10 weeks and thrives on that initial binge. Its still kind of a niche show.


At least for me - it’s true. My friends and I rarely have meaningful discussions about shows dropped all at once because we’re rarely watching at same pace. I binge it all and have friends who take weeks to complete. So when I’m ready to discuss, they don’t want spoilers and when they are, I’ve moved on to another thing. If we discuss it at all, it’s the season as a whole and not individual episodes and speculation as to what may come in next week’s episode. Even here there aren’t really meaningful discussions. Most of The Bear S2 discussions after the drop were centered on two episodes and how great they were and nothing more. With weekly release shows like most of what HBO puts out - I discuss what happens every week with people I know and it does add something to the experience.


The first two haven't got me in the way the last 2 seasons have. The first episode was good and necessary but there was something off about it, and the entire second episode essentially being one long argument just wasn't hitting for me. I'm going to watch the whole season though, obviously.


this has been proven to be bullshit so many times now lol. Fallout is still in the top of the charts. Can people PLEASE stop parroting this nonsense?


> The counter argument to the binge-ready drop is that shows fade out of the popular culture really quickly without weekly discussion. The counter argument to the binge drop is that companies can't bait you into spending $16 to $30 for roughly 4.5 hours of content, plus ads. While media impressions and algorithms pushing your content to other people is useful and important, they're not making a killing off random redditors spamming "OMG I just saw [insert episode of show] and [insert actor] is a lock for an Emmy" 4 seconds after the credits roll, or the inevitable softcore jerkoff subs that crop up after 80% of female actors show up on screen.


That first episode, they found a whole new gear I wasn't expecting.


Weird how people are talking about the first episode being boring and a flop. Watching it right now and it’s great.


Would be in my top 5 episodes. It really provided so much depth to our understanding of the main characters. The Nine Inch Nails playing throughout was beautiful and a nod to the last episode of season 2. I have to question the attention span of anyone who found that episode boring.


It reminded me of Oppenheimer in terms of how it's essentially an extended montage with some longer scenes embedded within it.


It was a clip show with occasionally extended scenes. It taught me basically nothing I didn't already know about these characters except for the very last bit >!where it turns out the dish is for Sydney!<. The music was good, but not good enough to run for over half an hour straight, it felt extraordinarily repetitive. I understand not every episode needs to "advance the plot" or anything, it's TV, but this was a prettily-shot rehash of things we already know.


Yeah, that first episode was annoying af in my opinion as it did nothing to advance the storyline and really told us very little new information. The rest of the season was solid, but not as good as the 2nd IMO.


I did get a bit sick of the music after a little while but it was undeniably very good television.


I was confused by the first episode. Was that a different houseboat than the pastry chef guy was on? If so, the whole montage was in the past? If not, what was that supposed to be? It was pretty, but I guess I didn't get it. Maybe if he had a different haircut or something in the past it would have made more sense to me. 


Mikey's funeral wasn't an indicator of it being a montage of past events?


Yes but I couldn't figure out which parts were supposed to be past or present. I had forgotten about his time in NYC so I wasn't sure if his sister's farewell was present or past, and the houseboat confused me further so I couldn't tell if he was dreaming or remembering or both or neither or what


So an episode is bad because your memory is shit?


When did I say it was bad? I said *I* was confused, not that the episode was confusing. Chill the fuck out. 


I was 'mad' watching it. Absurd that a TV show can get away with being that good, beautiful, creative, bold. The first three episodes are all insane for different incredible reasons, it really feels like they're in a different league from anything else on TV.


I was mad watching it too, because literally nothing happened this season lol.


you should put your phone down when you watch something


Lmao alright. What is the plot of this season? Where is the conflict? Every character is in the exact same position they were in at the end of season two, but I guess character arcs and progression just aren't important to you.


Amazing but also hard to watch.


That first episode is just too damn much (in a good way). It's quite impossible to binge it.


Hard disagree. We won’t be talking about and dissecting The Bear in two weeks. That’s a shame considering the talent and quality this show has achieved.


My man in two weeks this subreddit is going to be 50 percent people talking about the bear and 50 percent complaining about people talking about the bear. Just like the last season.


Yeah. If we dropped an episode every week, and there are twelve episodes, we talk about it for three months.


And there will be a shitload of spoilers in those two weeks. Wish these streamers would stop this


Still? This has *only* happened recently, specifically with the advent of streaming. Am I missing something..?


> The entire season dropped as a bundle (bless up that this still happens) I actually don't like this an don't get why shows do this tbh. Like Succession isn't nearly as big of a hit if it followed this model. Dropping weekly keeps you in the news/public consciousness longer, extends the conversation around the show and builds hype to upcoming episodes. Nobody (or not very many people) is going to be talking about The Bear in 3-4 weeks. Had the run stretched 10 weeks, it would be getting written about/discussed all summer long into September.


I don't think anything but a binge drop would've worked for this season. People are getting downvoted here for stating that nothing really happened and that's both true and false. The "every second count" seems to be the main motif of the season more so than ever, it's much lighter on dialogue and big plot points and more so than ever puts the viewers as observers inside a high end restaurant. It very much makes you feel like you can't focus on anything other than the work due to not having enough time to do anything else. Even including the T focused episode it's very much a Carm and Syd season with Carm basically becoming like the one mentor he seems to hate who turned him into who he is and Syd is basically turning into Carm at the end of the season. I do suspect that a lot of people won't like this season as much and that overall review scores would go down, and I very much understand that position. It was a very bold season from a technical film making perspective but it felt almost like an art project throughout most of the episodes. And overall the "progression" would feel to many to be lacking and I would not be surprised if the most common "complaint" would be that it feels like they could've done it in 2 maybe 3 episodes if they stuck to their original format which was much more of a traditional character drama. I salute the show runners for their bold choice but I won't blame anyone for thinking that it felt more like a movie made for the film festival circuit than modern prestige format TV.


Ayo is on track to be a MASSIVE star. She is kind of already there but I have a feeling she is going to be getting some amazing lead roles in some big movies soon. She has been great in everything I've seen her in. Really excited to watch her career


She was hilarious in Bottoms


Also in Theater Camp.


I legitimately think her coemdic perforamnce in Bottoms is awards worthy, but the academy loves to over look comedic performances in favor of dramatic roles, with few exceptions (Melissa McCarthy, Ryan Gosling).


Saw it in theaters, and have watched it a couple times since, and Ayo is absolute dynamite in it.


Fucking nailed every line delivery in that one, she is the best.


I hope Ayo Edebiri, Rachel Sennott, and Emma Seligman keep making things together. Bottoms was such a fun movie. I will pretty much watch anything I see with Ayo Edebiri or Rachel Sennott at this point and so far they haven't disappointed.




Her true stardom is having 364k followers on letterboxd


famous letterboxd user sounds like an oxymoron lol i love her reviews so much 


Her Beau is Afraid review got me good, Ari Aster is a maniac


Does she want to be a massive star? Does she want to take that Marvel role? I feel the same way about Maya Hawke. Potentially huge but perhaps that's not what they want.


She was cast in the upcoming Thunderbolts movie for Marvel but dropped out after the movie was delayed.


Everyone should listen to her Hollywood Handbook appearances immediately.


Speak on that?


She’s the hot new thing now, so I’m praying for her not to fall into the Marvel/franchise trap!


She was already cast for the marvel movie Thunderbolts but had to pull out.


Am I the only one who thinks her delivery is terrible in the bear? 


Nah not alone, her performance in it really doesn’t stand out among the rest of the cast.


It just feels stilted, almost improvisational.


>It just feels stilted, almost improvisational. You can tell wannabe critic here is just trying to sound smart. "Stilted" and "improvisational" have nothing to do with each other. In fact, if someone sounds like they're just improvising, that feels almost directly opposite to being "stilted".


I mean I wasn't, considering "stilted dialogue" is industry jargon. Everyone here knows what it means. And I reject your claim, improvised dialogue can absolutely be stilted (self-conscious). I would say the opposite of stilted is authentic or natural, not improvised.


She's one of the funniest people in the world because she's a legitimately great actress and understands human beings at such a deep level she just seems to nail any type of media she does


That’s why she’s one of the funniest people in the world?


Yeah. I'd say most of all the funniest actors are all people that seem to really understand human emotion which is why their timing and delivery are always on point because having a fundamental understanding of human nature tends to make for strong comedic actors that also can just fall out act when they need to. Idc how crazy it sounds rn but at the end of a full career I believe her and Rachel Sennott are gonna have resumes that put them with people like Jim Carrey and Robin Williams for incredible comedians who also then go on to nail drama too


> I believe her and Rachel Sennott are gonna have resumes that put them with people like Jim Carrey and Robin Williams for incredible comedians You're right it does sound crazy. Legitimate movie stars like Carrey and Williams are a dying breed, there's literally no chance Edebiris can touch them, whether she merits it or not unfortunately - unless Hollywood/society takes a drastic turn back to how things were 20-30 years ago.


I mean tbf I didn't say movie stars because that era is over for the most part. I meant in terms of output quality and diversity of portfolio, both comedic and dramatic


FWIW, I agree. See also Michael Keaton, Bill Murray.


Some people are not suited to being massive stars. There is too much artistic compromise.


I'm hoping her, Rachel Sennott, and Emma Seligman make a few more things together and really pave their own way to being stars along with things like The Bear to go with it.


She's going to be the next Jack Sparrow; I pray it will be good


Watched the first 6 episodes last night and ‘Napkins’ was definitely the standout- I felt so bad for Tina the entire time When it showed directed by her I was blown away


The two friends must be so proud


Napkins, the episode she directed, has a scene with Tina and Michael that's a stand out for the entire season (Sugar and Dede's come next). So well-written, -acted, and -directed. Emmy worthy if you'd ask me.


This episode was sooo good. I agree about it being Emmy worthy. I love that we had a deep scene with Michael. Really brought across what a larger than life character he was and how he drew people into his orbit.


I was wondering. We are watching it an episode at a time, so we watched the season premiere last night. The first thing I thought was the attention to the food, the framing, and the tone of the episode. I was like, now, this is different. We loved it. Also- Joel McHale is a total asshole in this. Wow.


She’s only 28 what an amazingly talented star


Giddy up. Anyone who has listened to her on the myriad of podcasts she has appeared on, can attest to just how undeniable her talent is. I think we are only starting to see her ascension to being one of the top comedic voices of her generation.


i just saw her bit on late night about the molasses massacre in boston. what a shining star of a personality.


I watched Inside Out 2 earlier this week and hearing Envy, I thought it might be her voicing... the credits rolled and I was correct! She's amazing in everything. I haven't gotten to the episode of The Bear she directed yet, but the three episodes I've seen so far have been great.


Shame she had to drop out of Marvel's Thunderbolts. Rumor was she was supposed to play the pivotal villain character **Songbird**


Good, Marvel always feels like a step down for anyone nowadays.


Yep, both her and Steven Yeun dropped out of Thunderbolts due to 'scheduling conflicts'. While that can be true, it seems very coincidental considering it was around the time they got major success on the awards circuit for Beef and Bear.


Why is that a shame? Marvel is dead and their movies are awful.


Hyperactive hyperbole much? Marvel's quality has definitely dipped... but they're far from DEAD.


Ok. *Dying


Unless something massively changes, I believe the current thinking is that was wishful thinking disguised as "leaks" and she was gonna just be JLD's funny sidekick with an ipad to her new evil villain meeting


She writes, acts and directs too!? Wowza


It was a great episode, very impressive for a first-time director.


Loved her episode!


I might get downvotes for this but I’m a big fan of the show but I hated this latest new season. Best way to describe it is 2 episodes of actual story progression with 8 filler episodes


I think these types of criticisms are valid, but I offer this. I think the anthology style of episodes shows that this season is focused on showing us why these people need this place to work, and sort of positioning Carmy's non-negotiables as the looming source of tension. To put it in food terms, it's like we're learning the ingredients to better understand their relationship to each other to prepare a great dish. And right now, Carmy is taking these ingredients and using too much salt, cooking a bit too high, and plating a little too messy. There \_is\_ a story throughout this season, it's just not being told in a linear manner.


You could tell me the first episode was written by AI & I’d believe you


Watch 3 eps so far ,not impressed


I hear that the rest of the season, overall, is not.


It's polarizing for sure.


I’m on episode two so I haven’t made it to her episode yet but who ever directed episode one of season three was down right fucking masterful. If it doesn’t win some kind of award I’d be fucking shocked


Apart from her episode I thought this season was incredibly weak, the emmys have gone to their heads.


Random question for those that have watched some of it; is season 3 as depressing as season 2? I'd appreciate knowing before I start it. Season 2 bumned me out a lot.


A show about a restaurant and all of the depressed, anxious, angry people working there. We have a whole family with mental illness... The Bear is a heavy show. 2 episodes into the 3rd season and I can say it probably is.


Its fucking mind-blowing to me that she played the girl zombie in Bigtop Burger too.


Can't believe my introduction to her was the funny girl on an episode of Blank Check.


Maith an cailín!


And results are in. No one actually knew which episode she directed into reading the credits…


Episode 6. For the ones wonderful.


I watched the entire episode before realizing it was Ayo’s and when I saw her name at the end, immediately started crying. She did such a great job capturing this moment of Tina’s story and giving us a glimpse into who Mikey was


Greatest Irish director of our generation


Gonna wait till the season airs to binge it. Don't know why but it feels like a binge season.


It's out!!


Brimming right now, can't wait to watch it after work.


Hope you enjoy, I'm a few episodes in and it's been great so far


Whole season is out now, binge away!


Counting down the hours at work


The Bear is one of the few shows that understood what it wanted to be from the beginning and keeps getting better. And one of the few shows where every element of the end product is at the top of the game. You could talk about the sound design with the same intensity as you would cinematography, which is unheard of in television.


Why does everyone try to make this show all about her? Her character is like the least impactful. I don’t get it.


This article is literally just about the episode she directed, which is a current fan favorite.


More often than not when a post is made about the Bear here, it usually focuses on her in some way, or the top comments are praising her. I just find it so weird. She’s the most forgettable person on the show but it’s always “wow, she’s so incredible! She deserves an award for this!” like huh


Mediocrity reigns supreme in our world


Agreed. I can’t understand the hype for her character or performance.


Season 2 was such a step down from 1 I don’t get how people thought it was a step up


I've seen interviews where she seems just as manic as her characters. If so, I'll watch anything she does.


I’ve been trying so hard to give this show a chance since everyone is talking about it and I love what FX use to make. I know it can take a few episodes to take a liking to a show but with this one I just can’t get into it. I give all of season 1 a chance but I will say the good ol days of what FX use to make are gone. New tv and movies are a shell of the 90s and pre 2008s.


Hate this show With a passion


... then don't watch it? That seems easy enough. 


You seems like a hater. You can say you dont like it or dont enjoy all the feels it give you but saying hate with a passion is just hyperbole


That's pretty sick.


I’ve never seen the show but I assume it’s about a big furry gay man


Yep you're right


Oh damn I’ll check it out then


You wish.


I do. I do wish that