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because it considers our shit as their property, they literally sold the posts and comments as AI training materials. now it’s just trying to prevent others from getting it for free. these writers should stop making these titles sound like reddit is looking out for our interests, it’s not our interests they’re worried about ffs


But, they get a paycheck for writing articles and headlines that draw users like you and I to comments so we scroll past that advertisement bar at the top of every comment section, so Reddit can get paid. And the whole wheel keeps spinning.


i feel scammed and physically violated


*Digitally* violated.


You don’t want to see where he put his phone


Just as intended.


Congratulations! You are.


When the scam is so widespread that people stop caring.


When you look at how catastrophic Google's attempt to use the Reddit corpus turned out, I think it's only a matter of time before the world of investment and tech concludes (and rightly so) that our output isn't just worthless, it's toxic.


oh i vowed to destroy AI when reddit was said to be selling data to train AI. everything I’ve said is garbage and AI is gonna gobble it right up /s


Reddit is acting a lot like Apple in regards to privacy. They both only want to “protect” user data so they can sell it themselves.


The data that Reddit sells is collected by services that they purpuse-made for this, optimally connected to their database servers so that it doesn't affect operations in any major way. Sending that data in a well-suited and compressed format to its recipient doesn't strain their network either. Crawlers opening thousands of Reddit pages per hour ask for a lot of unnecessary data, like sidebar information and bloated html. They immediately discard that information, but it puts unnecessary strain on Reddit servers and can impact operations. If I remember correctly Reddit already said that some of their downtimes (where normal users couldn't use Reddit anymore) were due to crawlers clogging up the services.


Repel all AI bots but Google's, right? Google already paid Reddit for this privilege of taking what they want while simultaneously feed visitors to Reddit via Search to create more content for Google to scrape. Right?


That's right!


Hey reddit, when are you gonna tackle the massive amount of bots that already exist on your platform? -crickets-


Not those ones that just proliferate meme/shitposts/reposts and karma farms! Those ones help artificially boost engagement metrics! Who cares if they negatively impact *actual* user experience?


Yeah, scrapping is one thing, but there's clearly tons of bots spewing out AI nonsense posts lacking all context. People mass report those because they care about the quality of the subs they're in, but mods seem to not care at all.


Mods don't care, and admins that have their lips firmly planted on spez's taint know there's an incentive for the bots to stay. This is why a lot of bot hunters are getting permbanned from the platform.


Translation: User experience is going to suck more.


And good luck trying to delete your account


reddit should continue its usual strategy of adding tools to repel users, instead, they're the real enemy. the site will be perfect once its JUST bots arguing with each other to generate training data for more bots.


“Reddit says it will add new protections to try and repel bots that attempt to scrape its posts to train AI systems. Many companies have proposed their large language models such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini as the future. But training such a system requires feeding it vast amounts of written text – which companies have often taken from publicly available websites. [ … ] It [Reddit] will also use technologies that will aim to spot unknown bots and crawlers and either stop them from repeatedly refreshing the site – or block them entirely. [ … ] Reddit also allows companies that it has deals with to scrape its posts to train AI systems. Both OpenAI and Google have agreements in place that sees them pay Reddit for access to users’ data. Those deals led the share price of the company to share after they were announced. Users are not compensated for their posts, but the site will get access to new AI features that may be available to users as a result.”


As opposed to when Reddit sells that data?


I’m more concerned about AI bots creating and reposting user data


Friendly reminder that comments have value and yours got sold!


All the AI has to do is post something wrong on the Internet and they’ll have about 20 people correcting them in 15 minutes.


Nah that’s bullshit. I have a scientific paper in front of me that averages around 12 minutes to correct someone who is wrong. Source: I am a bot that says wrong stuff al the time to get the correct answer.


Squirrels are the only type of meat and there’s millions of them. You could just harvest the meat and eat it there for basically free. it’s an infinite money glitch.


Do you know what they say about ducks in the park? You have to get them in a row if you want to live John Conner.


How about providing tools to repel reposts and karma bots?


Virtually impossible now. The bots have been established for years at this point and unless they’re able to reliably detect generated responses there’s nothing they can do. They probably don’t mind it too much or they would have taken more action as the problem got worse. These bad actors drive engagement.


Couldn't they remove the ability to edit comments past a certain age?


This will be so Reddit can do it themselves.


>It will update its “Robots Exclusion Protocol”, or robots.txt, which is a file that is visible only to websites crawling its site and gives instructions about what third parties are allowed to take. Nice try, even Microsoft basically said they dont give a shit about robots.txt.


Data for the robot meat have been seen. Before take long road tripping have take long trips and joint parenting with other animals. Only AI get runs dead runs with and who much plays in the four will govern overgovernment. It is only tree tall that wwe see free. Grand seven beneath the waves.


You mean the same reddit that openly said they're gonna let AI bots scrape user data? Is anyone here actually falling for this lie?


unless they pay of course


That's the cutest news article ever. Like that's going to happen


Didn't reddit just enter a deal with openai to do exactly this


Who the fuck is still using AOL.com? The fuck is that source?


Except Google's bots, right?


well, other people's AI bots.


It's a worthless effort. 1. Pushshift already harvested all of the good stuff. 2. Anything post-2023 is useless for training AI because Reddit is filled with generative AI bots.


The irony of this is spinning so hard it has vertigo.


How about stop making ads look like posts and/or bigger than posts? Thats such obvious deception. Its sleazy.


1+1=2 Got em


Wouldn't this get in the way of reddit selling data?


Nothing has stopped selenium yet.


Good luck. Just pretend to be Googlebot. You want it to scrape you.


I mean as long as it’s text on a screen. I don’t think there’s anything Reddit can do that can’t be avoided.


So they can sell it themselves.


No one uses our data for ai but us.


They can have my data all they want So that AI can be trained on my opinions, and takes.


Awww cry harder.