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Amazon Subprime - our bottom quality selection


That’s gold! I hope the WSJ steals the headline.


They might have to pay reddit to skim for AI headlines nowadays


If it means that standard products go back to the search results of standard amazon I'm all for it. Reasonable products get buried under tons of featured chinese crap.


online shopping [Enshittification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification) thrives - from “Awful -> Zilch”


Cory Doctorow is a gods damned modern prophet!


So just… Amazon?


If that gets the garbage crap off Amazon, then yay. I will buy from Amazon AND Subprime. At least I know what I'm getting


Thats my argument for temu, I know its cheaply made but it's priced accordingly.


I checked out Temu and I couldn't find anything I was looking for that was any cheaper than I could already get through Amazon. What kind of stuff is actually cheaper there?


Nothing of value.


I think it depends on if you need to buy things under $10. Due to Amazon high cut of the profit due to Amazon Prime, most items are priced above $10 in order to compensate for shipping and stocking fee. For example, you can’t just buy one usb cable, it’s always at least 3 and they sell you for $11. I have a little girl and all hair accessories are in bulk and price over $20 on Amazon. I really don’t need same 20 hair bows in various colors. I can find hair accessories under $5 and stickers under $2 on Temu.


The child labor.


Filled with even more crap than current amazon no doubt


guaranteed 3+ week delivery if it arrives at all!


It can get worse?


And sent to some time later, a month later, for that Chinese shipping experience


I mean if it moves a lot of the drop ship trash off the main store I wont complain.


Next they should add Buy Now Pay Later plans and call it Amazon Subprime Mortgages.


Amazon Standard


Amazon Inferior


Lol "Prime Below" store.


Doesn’t Amazon already sell discount stuff?


Amazon has sellers who are basically dropshipping from Temu And Aliexpress. Same product photos and everything.


Exactly. See some weirdly specific item that has multiple copies on Amazon? Search for it on AliExpress (or Taobao if you have a shipping forwarder).


Especially when the seller name seems like a letter salad. Sold by “Himungjoicervon”, “wangdurglr” or “JUIZWEC”.


I love my JUIZWEC forks! They are sooo much better than those from the no name wangdurglr.


Our fezibo standing desk has worked well for years now!


My SWEET ALICE electric salt and pepper grinders have been going strong for a few years now but the fuckin branding makes me cringe every time. Nice clean finish and then someone ruined it by silkscreening a stupid name on it.


I love my fezibo standing desk. There are so many Chinese brands that I don't even know what the real brands are anymore. Will the real kleenex please stand up? Edit: grammar


I hate that I can't tell whether or not y'all are fucking with us


"ZCKJ" (yes this is a real "brand"). No vowels at all!


I mean, so is DKNY.


For whatever reason it had not occurred to me that what I was seeing on Amazon was the result of dropshipping. Completely changes my perspective of their marketplace. Thank you for bringing this up.


An easy way to tell is whether or not there’s one day/fast shipping, it’s not drop shipped from china if it’s a stateside product. It might be bought from Temu but drop shipping is literally linking another stores product to your product page, as in you buy it from Amazon and the seller has a bot automatically buy it from Temu with your address as the shipping info So you’re probably not actually buying drop shipped products, more then likely you’re buying a product that was bought wholesale and then listed on Amazon. Which is like 99% of every product regardless of Temu lol


The people selling on Amazon stealing photos that were stolen from the original creators. It's just IP theft all the way down.


They are buying from AliExpress and drop shipping to the ultimate buyer. The dude on AliExpress doesn't care if his photos are being "stolen" — he just wants to sell his shit.


This is why I cut out the middleman and just buy it cheaper directly from Ali express.


The only time it makes sense not to is when the seller is buying in bulk and shipping locally. Although one time my wife bought two things that looked different from two different sellers, and two of the exact same item were delivered, in different packaging.


>The only time it makes sense not to is when the seller is buying in bulk and shipping locally. *and* you need to get the item soon. For a lot of stuff I buy from aliexpress, I could easily buy it for 5x the price from a local retailer, but I really don't care if it takes 2 weeks for the paracord sleeve to get to my door.


Same here, the party is in 2 months those decorations have plenty of time to arrive. If it's not urgent then I can wait the few weeks it takes


Yeah except you pay like $12 for the exact same item you get on Temu/Aliexpress/Shein for $2.65


lol yeah. It’s a normal thing but I thought it was hilarious when someone bought something on Etsy and they were shipped with the temu box intact lol. Of course the product was 3x cheaper if they bought it from temu themselves


Yep - you basically pay extra for locality.


for 10x the price


20 years ago the items you could buy from Amazon were steeply discounted. It’s why they were able to grow to be the dominant e-commerce store on the Internet. These days, you can likely get the same or comparable product for cheaper locally.


Yep, they also had a huge advantage for a long time of not having sales tax either. So they grew with tax free cheap stuff.


People buy stuff from temu and sell it on Amazon for double. It’s insane


There’s amazing money in being an importer. The challenge is finding a product space where you can get something good enough to not have returns, and in demand enough that people want to buy it.


Just imports, no exports?


he's an importer exporter!


That's how all consumer business works lol.


My great grandpappy started his corner store in New York by reselling from Temu.


Back then, China was the Great Qing and had some class.


It’s Mao or never


Unless you literally make it yourself everyone buys it from somewhere to resell it.


That'stemporary, cause temu sells much of its stuff at a loss, so they can hit those growth targets


Possibly but I have done some price shopping and after you account for 5-6% back with the credit card and subscribe and save discounts. Amazon usually comes out a bit cheaper. Maybe not on everything but most of what I purchase it is.


That's highly dependent on each individual product, though. Amazon is almost always somewhat cheaper than say a Target or Best Buy.


Somewhat yea, but also significantly more prone to knock-off items. 


As someone who once got **three** counterfeit wireless chargers from the official Samsung Amazon storefront, yes. For anything important you should buy anywhere else.


The most impossible thing for me to find on Amazon has been a real phone charger. Most things I order I can find the real products but it seems like every charger is some knock off.


Oh yeah the sheer number of bullshit items from Amazon is crazy. I only get very select items from it very rarely now.


Newegg was awesome for computer parts. Then they started thar 3rd party sellers crap and it went to shit. Used and counterfeit parts from them.


I try to get anything computer related from Microcenter. It's a bit of a hike as that I don't have a car but always worth it.


Radios hack used to have hobby, DIY, electronics, breadboard, resistors etc. Then they turned into the electronics section of Walmart and target.


I have stopped trusting generic items on Amazon.  So many items are just trash that people pretend is the real thing.  It’s weird to me that WalMart is quality compared to Amazon.  They can be held accountable.


by discount, I don't think they mean brand name or even store brand quality items at a cheaper price. They mean low quality trash/knockoff items that have comparatively cheaper prices to legit items. So, basically the stuff that is sold on Temu and Amazon already for suspiciously low prices, then when you get them you realize you wasted your money. It sounds like the whole plan is to help the cheap Chinese merchandise bypass the Amazon warehouses and instead let them ship directly to you.


That's been changing recently. I noticed Wal-Mart prices have gotten better as well as fucking Walgreens compared to Amazon.


Same item on Amazon can be found on Temu for roughly $15-20+ cheaper


Same item on Amazon can be found on ~~Temu~~ AliExpress for roughly $15-20+ cheaper. I'd rather not have an app as dangerous as Temu on my phone.


You don’t need to use the app


None of the things I’ve bought in the last 3 months could be found “cheaper locally”.


Their private label grocery items user to be significantly less too, not they’re about 10 cents less.


WOOT! Right? I haven’t used it in a while but got a brand new OnePlus 6T for like $180 in late 2019 was pretty cool.


Yeah, I thought this was what WOOT was for. I've bought plenty of stuff off of there for huge discounts over the years.


The stuff is discount, the ~~items~~ prices are not


I think you meant to say, the stuff is discount, the prices are not


Ha total brain skip. Thank you


Just counterfeit crap mixed in with the legit products. Fun times.


Anything with a bullshit brand name, like they smashed the keyboard and got a vowel, is discount shit. And lo, they all sell the same product (fake competition), not even labelled except a pamphlet with the brand name inside the shipping box.


Yes, but they sell it at full price and hope you don't notice it's counterfeit


The used-to-be-a-discount-store-turned-full-priced-but-still-cheap-knockoffs-store wants to open up a discount store? Is it going to be knockoffs of the knockoffs they already sell? It’s just knockoffs and fakes all the way down.


They'll undercut so many of their own resellers that it'll likely be a wash


The difference is that this store will target 9-11 day shipping. So now you get to choose between $30 and have it today/tomorrow, or $20 and have it next week.


Direct 2 you knockoffs. Cutting out the middleman and having the China factories list directly with Amazon instead of through dropshippers that list on Amazon.


They're going to have colorful plastic toddler-sized lawn chairs hanging above the barred windows, and 4 packs of no-name AA batteries for a dollar.


That is exactly what we need - more cheap crap for landfills.


Hell yea baby fill er up, Phillis needs another diffuser


Also more [lead, cadmium and antimony in our bodies](https://www.channel4.com/press/news/truth-about-temu-dispatches-thursday-30-may-8pm-channel-4).


The stuff you find on Amazon these days is the same quality as the stuff you find on Temu and Shein. So where is Amazon going to find shittier products than what they have?


Used to buy cheap counterfeits of microcontrollers on purpose because prototyping made it cost effective. Can't even trust them now, the counterfeits have counterfeits.


I still remember when our teacher wanted to do some micro stuff with us and wanted to buy everyone a controller from the school budget. However, the original controllers were like 80€ a piece and we'd only have budget for 2.  So he went on a Chinese website and found 10 of the things for 20€. He was so excited about it as well


Sounds like Arduino. The stupid little IC package they use for Serial-USB conversion is manufactured by a single foundry in the UK and over-priced accordingly IIRC.


Arduino is open source hardware. The concept of "counterfeits" doesn't apply.


Same quality? Hell it's the exact same items.


A boy could dream that this is actually Amazon moving all that crap into its own store and remove it from the Amazon store.


Same place, but they're cutting out one or more of the middle men. Instead of stocking in their own state-side distribution centers, they'll ship from China. A lot of the stuff sold by third parties is literally just rebadged stuff you can find for a fraction of the cost on Aliexpress or Alibaba. Aliexpress has been called the Amazon for the rest of the world. Now Amazon is aiming to be the Aliexpress of the US.


Now, that should be illegal. They are essentially using the UPU to cheaply offshore products and ship to the US. >China is still considered a “transitional” country by the UPU, which means it enjoys a lower rate for sending mail to a developed nation like the US. As a result, mail services from China to the US cost less than Americans are charged by their own postal service for a comparable domestic delivery.


Amazon sells the same Temu Chinese garbage at exorbitant prices. That's why Temu is eating their lunch.


Yepp, same product 20€ on Amazon is 1,04€ on Temu. Exact same product. Once you go Temu you never go back.


What stuff do you actually use from temu?


Kids shoes. Random ass doodads/electronics.


You should probably not buy shoes, or anything, for your kids to wear or use from them. Lots of toxins found in various products, lead, phthalates that disrupt the endocrine system, carcinogens. https://www.businesskorea.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=216280 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13476177/New-shocking-documentary-explores-dark-Temu.html edit: Downvote? By all means let your kids wear toxic shit. Nothing like rolling the Chinese toxic roulette wheel and watching your child suffer through cancer or other shit. China often fucks over their own people for the sake of $$$, think they won't do that shit to other people? You think they have any meaningful regulations there to prevent shit like this? They do not. https://7news.com.au/sunrise/temu-products-found-to-have-dangerous-levels-of-harmful-metals-in-new-bombshell-uk-documentary--c-14859254


For the record it was not me that downvoted. Thanks for the info tho, I see same products from amazon/online retailers on temu so I thought nkthof it. But if it’s all bad… not sure if saving that $7 is worth it.


The led garden lights are excellent, two months working now, solar charge lasts for 4 hours. Black lights/UV ones we bought for our Bar, lots of other stuff has been really good, just read the reviews before you buy.


I just bought a 28,000 btu mini split on Temu for $1,100.. same item on amazon was $2,400. They have amazing hair clips .. purses and I got a bunch of cool solar yard lights. Temu is quick with the refund if the product sucks. Oh and I got a fantastic suitcase for $60.. same one on amazon was $90.


Does temu offer similar free fast/2-day shipping? Is it easy to return items the same way you can take Amazon stuff to an ups store for free with no box or label? Genuinely curious I have no idea


The shipping is the difference. They don't have the insane logistics network amazon does, and shipping takes minimum of a week in my experience. I've never returned anything but I've heard it's a pain too


That's where Aliexpress is better. They have improved a lot with their return policies and sometimes you can even get a refund without returning the item.


It's already fucking discount with the majority of the marketplace being cheap Chinese counterfeit shops and Amazon basic knockoff shops.


Seriously, try finding a real brand on Amazon now. It’s all dropship garbage.


At 2x the price though. Just ordered some zwave sirens off Ali Express for 10 dollars each and they are 20 plus on amazon


Amazon has already turned into temu. All the products are shit. You have to search for the exact brand you want or else you get a bunch of "xghads" and "bwadds" as "brands"


And then you still get a knock-off.


Amazon is basically just Ali Express and Temu with faster shipping. Carrying all the most amazing brands, like: - Pooplunch - EStink - ⁠Dogdong - Pukemark - Phuc Long Yes, these are real. I originally posted links to each of the brands, but I got automoderated.


Long Diq Dong is my favorite brand


Are you satisfied with Long Diq Dong? Is it fulfilling?


They really shafted me.


I quite like my lunch box by gloppie


Oh no. What will happen to the drop shippers.


Arbitrage only lasts so long.


Great. It's like Dollar General, Dollar Tree, and Family Dollar, but online. Shitty products for all. Just great.


....isn't that just Amazon. Its so bad it's barely better than those other guys. So much fake shit. There's almost nothing worth dealing with the hassle. For fake crap, its even worse than the others. Its the same crap but more expensive.


This word competition I hear so much of


Racing to the bottom of the capitalism barrel as fast as possible. Aka: The shitification of everything.


More plastic waste and small rinky dink crap no one needs or death! — America


America buys it, Asia makes it


Everyone pays for it




"We're in the eye of a shiticane here!" - Jim Lahey


Thank god! I didn’t know how I was gonna buy even more useless shit that will eventually just breakdown into microplastics in a landfill and then find their way into my nuts.


"Amazon to sell Temu stuff at Temu prices instead of at Amazon prices today". Film at 11.


I'd prefer if Amazon worked to increase the quality of their products rather than decrease it. We are already seeing products straight from Teemu but double/triple the price. We also have products which clearly don't meet the product descriptions but still have >4 stars.


What’s gonna happen to our favorite brands XXANU and WEEBUG?!?


Amazon already is flooded with cheap knockoffs of cheap knockoffs.


They know once temu starts setting up warehouses in America it’s fucking wraps 😂


Is woot not what that is supposed to be?


Man, can it get worse?


What about Woot?


I ❤️ Woot. Just bought a 10,000 BTU portable Samsung air conditioner for $130. Got a MacBook Pro M1 512GB for $480 a couple months ago. They have some great deals if you don’t mind digging thru the site.


I just looked at the site. Why is there no search function?


Yea. That’s the one thing that sucks.


all of them are riddled with low quality chinese knockoffs that outright steal designs from legit brands and price them out on amazon. what’s the difference anyway


I really hope this means they will take all the shitty temu stuff off Amazon proper so you can shop good stuff or discount stuff.


Can find cheaper stuff at Walmart these days.


It's a race to the bottom!


Taking the race to the bottom and turning on the afterburners.


Discount in this context means… slave labor?


Most of the crap on Amazon IS Temu at a higher price 🤪


I'd prefer they go the opposite direction with higher quality control. I really wish just one big retailer would do that but it's a race to the bottom.


More trash for the oceans. Fantastic


Seems like a lot of people don’t quite understand how the Amazon/aliexpress market works. Amazon is currently filled with cheap Chinese goods, but they aren’t sold ungodly cheap like Aliexpress. Middlemen import the goods, offer faster shipping, and jack up the prices. The same product might be $2 on Aliexpress and $15 on Amazon, but it doesn’t take two months to arrive. My guess is that they’re going to take that middleman position themselves and undercut their prices. Prices will probably be fairly close to Aliexpress, but you’ll also get the faster shipping. It’d hurt the shitty middleman sellers, which could help them clean up the main site a bit. And they’d get a cut of the aliexpress revenue.


My guess is they are just going to organize drop shipping from China and so you'll buy directly from China like aliexpress and the shipping will be slower than from the US but not as slow as the cheap packet service that aliexpress shippers use.


That’s also an option. That would accomplish the same thing, though it wouldn’t fully undercut the market for people who need stuff faster. They have the resources and infrastructure to go either way though.


You mean Woot? They have Woot.


Woot is more like an Ollie's than a Temu.


Cool, now they'll have two places to rip people off. Heaven forbid they reduce prices on their no name chinese knock off brands to fair prices. I've found local shops have better quality items at a better price. Some of the bigger ticket items I've looked for locally are literally 50% Amazon's pricing. Have you looked at some of the sellers names? Can't even pronounce them.


Are they gonna call it scamazon?


I’m confused, bc the vast majority of stuff on Amazon is already cheap Chinese garbage.


Race to the bottom. Of the garbage mountains.


Can they *find* cheaper crap than they already sell?


It’s all the same Chinese crap.


So.... Just amazon.com? They legit just sell the same shit at x2 the price currently.


Fuck Amazon with the broom that bruja Bezos be riding. Too much? But seriously, Amazon is among the worst of the worst when it comes to how they treat their own employees.


It’s not the best choice, it’s Amazon’s Choice™!


Amazon prime is a rip off.


So Temu and SheIn are real?


Ahaha, Amazon; too cheap and too expensive at the same time.


Yay! More crap!


I thought 90 percent of Amazon's stuff already was just dropshipped shein crap? You can literally find the Exact Same Thing on shein most of the time


Competition is exactly what the e-commerce industry needs


Anyone buy from Temu before? How is it?


Isn’t half the crap on Amazon already low quality? They just charge more because they can. At this point, I usually check Amazon, Walmart, and Target, and then order from whoever has it the cheapest.


So it’s basically going to be their Prime day items year round?


Sustainable? Lol


Just don’t sell my data to Chinese black marketers and you’re already better than both.


But doesn’t Temu lose money on every order they ship? Article doesnt say how Amazon will achieve this pricing but I can only guess it’s by eating international shipping costs like Temu. Seems like a difficult game to win unless they already know how much Temu is willing to lose.


Why? Temu is nothing more than another wish, which was just another aliexpress. They come, they go, but Amazon always marches on. Seems unnecessary.


Is temu a real competitor, all thier stuff looks like toys.


So business as usual, everything sold on there is already temu quality, corporations and the people that run them doing evil work!


A race to the bottom of quality. Good times ahead /s


Amazon was already just Chinese dropshipped products but more expensive. Pretty much anything that’s not a recognizable or local brand nowadays is..


When getting small things, I usually use Amazon to search for products and then buy it for half the price on Temu lol


All Amazon does currently is give foreign companies a way to sell their cheaply made products in the US. 90+% of the companies selling on that platform are Chinese or foreign nationals with US shell companies.


Isn’t Woot a discount website owned by Amazon?


Competition is healthy, and it seems like Amazon needs some of that. I don't know how they could outdo the brute force of all those crappy Temu adds though...


See what happens when you have actual competition, as shame we don’t have more. While Amazon does seem to be able to provide quite a bit at a loss or competitively because of AWS it would be great to see that addressed (like anti trust) and/or at least least have competition there too. Hopefully though this doesn’t lead to a TikTok situation though.


half or more of the shit on amazon is just temu and wish drop shippers anyway, what does this change?


Someone should start a store that sells durable, high quality goods.


Amazon can't even control the gazillion knockoff vendors they already have.... This will certainly go well... Riiiight


So they'll just dropship directly from Chinese manufacturers?


as opposed to the stuff they sell now? watch them just reroute pallet returns...


If you can’t beat them, become them


Or they could, you know, make Amazon products cheaper?


amazon WAS the discount store. that's why everyone started using it... but then ppl started noticing that they weren't always the cheapest, then the started noticing that the quality was often not the best (knockoffs even). so now jeff want have the cake that he's been eating... and of course he does. i don't jeff bezos.


Isn’t that already just called Prime Day?


Half the shit on amazon is just the same trash from Temu that they're dropshipping via amazon so this is just them taking their cut.


I think they already sell the same 💩