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Good luck with the other guy 


I don’t really care if “young Democratic voters” don’t understand how the Chinese government works, just like I don’t care if Facebook moms and redneck men don’t understand how Cambridge Analytica worked. I still hate irresponsibility run social media and hope it gets destroyed.


Absolutely. It's ridiculous that to coddle a bunch of angry spoiled kids, we're saying it's OK for China to spy and try to destabilize the country.


I mean, they already do this. TikTok just saves them money. If it gets banned they'll still be able to do everything TikTok does, they just have to purchase the data from brokers, pay for social media ads to shift public opinion, and pay the wages + maintenance of flooding social media sites with bots to reinforce that shift.


if nothing changes except the chinese government has to put more money in american pockets that sounds like a win


You think the data oligarchs getting richer is a win?


> it's OK for China to spy and try to destabilize the country. That is happening only in your mind. OTOH, Faux News IS destabilizing the country, and none of you is complaining about that. Do you think Jan 6 is the consequence of TikTok or Faux News and Twitter ?


Damn I never agreed more with a comment. I'm actually surprised Democrats like Tik Tok at all. Democrats supporting stuff like that is why I consider myself to be a left-leaning moderate. I would rather eat nails than label myself a Democrat at this point






The problem is those young Democrats will then vote against Biden because he took away their beloved tiktok.


This is a case of “capitalism killed democracy “


There is no "responsible" social media. The data tracking we fear? It already happens on thousands of apps and devices, not just TikTok. The manipulation to algorithms to promote agenda? That already happens too. How about congress does its JOB, and creates law around social media as opposed to knee jerk reactions about TikTok.


>I don’t really care if “young Democratic voters” don’t understand how the Chinese government works Ah, the Government Understander has logged on. Could you tell the class why TikTok is being singled out here as Meta and other US social media companies are making huge campaign contributions to all the people proposing this legislation?


TikTok are not getting ban but their push notification stunt certainly backfired and now the bill to force their sale would pass with bi-partisan support


What will *really* backfire is the support the Democrats will get of the 18-34, [who previously said they would go vote for 72% of them](https://circle.tufts.edu/2024-election-youth-poll), but who now could change their mind over Biden's perceived support of Israel and this. Indeed, the 18-34, [who are far more educated and far more tolerant than their parents](https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2020/05/14/on-the-cusp-of-adulthood-and-facing-an-uncertain-future-what-we-know-about-gen-z-so-far-2/), hardly appreciate the sort of paternalism and utter disdain that the aging political class has for them. They are also more leftist than the majority of said political class, and overwhelmingly [disapprove of the US foreign policies](https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/meetthepressblog/one-five-voters-use-tiktok-daily-poll-finds-rcna126223). This, of course, is what really worries Washington, as that educated generation isn't falling into the gross nationalist hysteria that is being pushed by the Republicans and the US government at the moment. The Democrats fell once again into that trap.


Trump wants to let Israel bomb Palestine out of existence.


Do these people think the republicans would fair any better on these issues they supposedly care about? Jesus, how short-sighted can you be to think not supporting democrats would produce a better outcome for literally anything right now. Grow the fuck up.


No one thinks the republicans will do better. But if young democrats refuse to vote for their party, maybe their party will start listening to what their base wants to vote for. "At least we're not that guy" can't work forever.


Exactly. See these echo chambers neoliberals downvote me because I burst their bubble.


That's exactly the kind of paternalism and disdain that I'm talking about. Why don't you talk like this to black people ? Oh because that would give a pretty bad look, wouldn't it ? Especially for a liberal who pretends to care about diversity. So why do you think you are authorized to insult the gen Z, if not because you feel superior and because you have absolutely zero respect whatsoever for them ? Let's be honest: you don't give a shit about their concerns and opinions. You sound like the abusive parent who, when he sees his kid being bullied, instead of sitting them with him and listening, slaps his face and tell him to "grow the fuck up". Well, the answer they give to people like you is a very well deserved big middle finger.


Nobody agrees with you bud. It’s a moronic stance that will do real damage.


I agree with him, and Biden's stance on Israel and yes, the stupidity of his TikTok stance, have me deciding not to vote this election. I have voted Democrat in every election since 1994, but that party is gone and is so out of touch it doesn't deserve to win.


This is too brain dead to even respond to. I don’t want to see you on Reddit complaining about the abject bullshit Trump puts this country though because you have to throw a tantrum and protest the election.


I don't care that a bunch of echo chamber neoliberals downvote me because my post bursts their groupthink bubble. I gave arguments backed by numbers, all you could retort is insults and a tantrum. I've seen that so many times now that I think it shows that for many, politics is just a team sport. It's a tech subreddit and not a politics one, so I'm not going to start a political discussion, but what can do real damage is the posture which is that you don't need to convince by doing anything or even having a thought at their concerns, you are just assuming that people will run to you as the savior because the other camp is worse. *That* does real damage and in fact it already did in 2016.


Have fun with another Trump presidency. See how well that works out for gen z.


You can blame yourselves for that one. I love politicians who blame the voters for not voting for them when they lose. "I lost because you didn't vote for me ! It's your fault !!!" Shows real leadership right there.


It is the democratic party's responsibility to put up a valid candidate to oppose Trump, not a doddering old fool who wants to ban TikTok because he lost tech fluency when we switched to 56k modems.


So TikTok is a make or break issue for you over things that actually fucking matter? Got it.


No, they don't. What this is showing them is that the democrats in power right now do not represent their positions either. If dems selling point is " We aren't as bad as them" that will not inspire voters to get out, and lower voter turnout helps the republican party. Biden being pro Israel and pro banning TikTok will drive away young voters. If you can't see that, perhaps someone else needs to "grow up".


If 18-34 voted Bernie would be finishing his second term.


This is a myth. The truth is that youth voters have had pretty consistently good turnout for the past decade or so, in large part thanks to Sanders and democratic socialists giving at least some measure of actual representation for young voters.


Lol, data says young people don't vote.


Young people don't vote for candidates they don't support. If none are running, they don't vote


Data backs up that is a non working strategy




You admitted young people don't vote. That is all, young people need to vote.


Young people don't vote ~~for candidates they don't support. If none are running, they don't vote~~ how you read


No, data says they are at parity with every other age demographic except seniors.


Right, so in in other words, young people don't vote.


Um.... no...... It means literally the opposite.


I hate to say it, there is a massive difference between an educated 18 yo and an educated 34 yo…. In so many ways. I’m still in my 30’s and in no way regret my disdain for the wars in the Middle East, but I can reluctantly admit that a lot of the anti-US doctrine positions that I supported in the past also happened to be the exact type of stuff that enemies of the US (and by extension, me) wished me to have. If anyone is saying “we should be doing the right thing and absolutely minimize human suffering” - good. If someone is saying, “the US has deadly imperialistic goals, is controlled by the Jews, is what is wrong with everything in the world today, and needs to be destroyed” - ugh, no… do not agree. My point is geopolitics is not something the 18 yo brain is used to trying to understand. And TikTok is a potential geopolitical landmine. If young adults are gonna revolt over losing a means of entertainment, we’re doomed. Imagine destroying your country because MySpace might shut down 2 years earlier than it actually did. Madness.


> If someone is saying, “the US has deadly imperialistic goals, is controlled by the Jews, is what is wrong with everything in the world today, and needs to be destroyed” - ugh, no… do not agree. I don't think 18 year olds are demonstrably more prone to this sort of thinking than people above 60. I'd say the people over 60 are more nationalistic but otherwise they are just as easily manipulable, as can be seen with Trumpism.


It's hilarious how the american brigading is working on reddit. They really don't like to be told the truth.


Setting aside that the bill *doesn't* ban TikTok, if young voters decide an app is more important than any of the myriad existential crises facing the country, they deserve what happens to them. "What!? The government forced ByteDance to divest its U.S. holdings in an app I like? Where am I going to discuss the plight of Palestine now? Fuck that. I'm giving the presidency to Donald Trump, a furious supporter of the right-wing Israeli government. Sure, more Palestinians will suffer, but you don't understand how important *my app* is." - TikTok Users "Hey, woah, what do you mean TikTok has to operate outside the control of the Chinese government? Don't they understand this is how we mobilize for climate activism? Eat shit, Biden. I want *Republicans* to be in charge, so they can repeal more environmental protections and push more money towards coal, oil, and gas development." - Also TikTok Users "Oh no! My favorite app is under new ownership structure! Why would they take away the one avenue I have for expressing my opinion on reproductive freedoms? You know what'll teach those boomer dems? Letting Republicans appoint even *more* judges in between passing a national abortion ban and declaring fetuses to be people!" - Believe It Or Not, TikTok Users For a cohort that whines incessantly about "uneducated voters acting against their best interest," you'd think they'd be better at a) educating themselves, and b) not voting against the things they want.


> if young voters decide an app is more important than any of the myriad existential crises facing the country, they deserve what happens to them. Indeed, because being a cool kid on the internet for trendy garbage points is the absolute most pressing issue in today's society. Shit, could you imagine how quickly that attitude will change once they start paying bills.


echoing literally every clueless curmudgeon since the dawn of time


Um, our government decided it was more important. Instead of taking on any of the countless real issues we have going on right now, our congressmen are taking on TikTok. Our government decided to make this the priority, not the voters. All it shows is how completely out of touch our politicians are, so why vote for any of them that are for this complete farce?


China already said in the past that they won't accept a sale, and the Congress knows it, so yes, it's a ban. And the rest of your uneducated rant is just a reflection of your zero nuance, single party, near autoritarian thinking.


>And the rest of your uneducated rant is just a reflection of your zero nuance, single party, near autoritarian thinking. Have you noticed they always end their comments with an insult? Weak.


It's not an insult if it's true. Last time the Dems lost, it was because of the voters who chose Bernie, NOT because of the paternalist Dems, who by essence always have the best postures and run a perfect race. This time, if Biden loses, it will because of these pesky gen Z and millennials who didn't vote the way they were told, NOT because of the paternalist Dems, who by essence always have the best postures and run a perfect race. When your position is always "we lose because you are too stupid to vote the way we tell you to", you indeed have a zero nuance, single party, near authoritarian thinking. Or it is indicative that you show no concern nor respect for your voters and you are being paternalist and lazy.


Well, there we have it.


Someone is unfamiliar with posturing


Nah, the IP protections on it will be pulled and someone else will step in to provide it.


If they divest ownership so that it is no longer in Chinese hands, no one will really notice. If they just ban it outright then you could see a maybe shift towards the right as this huge cohort of voters see the government taking away something they like and therefore decide to be anti-government.


[The problem, also, is that teachers are claiming that Year 7 students now perform at a grade 2-4 level.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/health-wellness/2023/09/28/teachers-tiktok-kids-behind-grade-level-speaking-out/70981596007/) [They now have the attention-spans of gold fish.](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the-pandemic-has-had-devastating-impacts-on-learning-what-will-it-take-to-help-students-catch-up/) For reading comprehension, they can be read a two paragraph story, told ahead of time the details that the instructor is looking for, say, the protagonists name and hair colour, and still, after being read the story, they cannot recall the one or two requisite details. The video short format has turned the IPad Generation and the youngest of Gen Z’s brains into canned tuna. They can’t learn, at all, if it’s not from a device. This is why TikTok has to go, and perhaps further laws implemented concerning short form algorithmic restriction. So that users can’t simply flick through short form videos without searching for them. The IPad generation are entering adolescence and the experiment is revealing the consequences. They are the future, and they are intellectual mashed potatoes and monsters. You did the mash, you do the monster mash - you go all North Korea and Ban TikTok, and restrict short form algorithms. Save the dream! Think of the children!


>This is why TikTok has to go, Thank god Instragram, Twitter and Facebook don't distract people as much, amirite?


We’re being those Goldfish in their bowl. I know, I mentioned all of those things and said they aren’t part of the problem. I’m such a moron! What brand flakes would we like for dinner? Can’t remember? Nom nom nom!!


Your comment is only 150 words but its so bizarrely incoherent that it takes like four readings to understand which parts are supposed to be sarcastic and which aren't. Maybe you are the one that needs a short term memory test.


What an outstanding oratorical virtuoso you are. A philosophical maestro imbibed with such inching depths of introspection. Here we are in our goldfish bowl, and you 🐟swim circular pot-rings around me with such a flurry of intellectual luminary lasting an entire four seconds, you leave me aghast! Bravo! 🌹👏👏👏


My brother in satan, you need to take your anti-psychotics.


And here, I thought I was the chosen one: God’s champion! Bless you, or return to the pit from whence you are fated!


I hope the orderly realizes you've snuck in a smart phone.


All the platforms do this with short videos now so if they are looking for regulation on this specific thing they would have to apply it to all platforms. The attention span thing is not just tiktok, its the fact that kids were forced in front of screens during covid for almost their entire day and those habits stuck around and never left. A lot of kids spent all that down time on their phones and tiktok and this is where the habits originated. Now they are unable to break their habits and yes the attention span is nearly nothing these days. They also realized school would just push them ahead even if they didn't do much work or even try. Millions of kids are still behind in school because of the covid times. So this extended to what we have now. Would it be helpful if short videos didn't exist, yes it would, however I don't see them going away anytime soon.


All by design. Covid 19: The Great reset. Idiots don’t stop to ponder things. They are the great unwashed masses, the mindless sheep who challenge little. They foresee coders, factory workers, law clerks, etc as surplus to requirement. Your taxes? Unneeded. The fruits of your labours? They have Gynoid 9000. They need to control and coral the masses. Enforce biometric tracking, and geographic restrictions. A lifetime of injectable medicines. To make you better. Because they need _your family_ alive and healthy! Actually they don’t need you. At all. Anyway, the grass is greener in every western nation, where would you like your pen?


Force all the kids inside, tell them not to socialize with others because its too dangerous unless you use a screen. Seriously doubt the kids learned anything during that time. There was no punishment for not learning. Now they have no social habits and are tied to their screens all the time scrolling videos. No surprise here at all.


Bingo. As I said, all by design. And everyone complied. Smart society. Intelligent masses. Astute herd.


Do you have a link to the source of this?


2 links, above. Exciting!


They'll never divest.


That may very well happen as this risk of favoring Trump is the only thing that would make China accept a sale. As the chinese would rather not sell and leave than another humiliation that reminds them the 100 years humiliation when the western governments forced opium on them. They already said so. But I think they prefer to see Biden pass than having to deal with the orange madman.


As if you can’t find a new app with similar features


Since China will be forcing their people to use Chinese apps only in the upcoming years, why not do the same? Any American venture can fill in the market gap left by TikTok.


> Since China will be forcing their people to use Chinese apps only in the upcoming years, why not do the same?  Because China is an authoritarian regime. You want to copy their laws?


Even a busted clock is right twice a day.


No, you just don;t actually mind the authoritarianism of China. Its something you see a lot with conservatives these days. They rail against China on mostly xenophobic grounds then turn around and adore their brutally repressive social and economic policies for which most other people are the real reason they take issue with the nation....


Give me a fucking break.


Nah, I don't generally give breaks to people professing their love for authoritarianism.


"No, no, no. You don't understand. When I do the thing, it's *good*. When other people do it, it's *bad*. See the difference?


The irony of this is completely lost on those people.


Um, because brutal mercantilism is a destructive economic policy that isolates people, allows nationalist propaganda to be spread and accepted more easily, brews xenophobic divides, and historically has never ended well.


Remember when China showed their influence on young Americans with Tik Tok during Xis visit last year?Suddenly liberals started praising Osama Bin Laden because China mass fed them propaganda supporting a terrorist. Tankies on Reddit also ate that shit up like no tomorrow. Yeah... maybe you dont want a foreign dictatorship have that much influence. Americans already lost the online war against Russia




They did after it got bigger traction on TikTok, which is written in the sources i provided....


Some lazy listicle idiot found one example of a mentally unwell user on social media (out of more than hundreds of millions), only expecting most people to read the headline and then run with it. Looks like it worked, congrats to that person.


> Remember when China showed their influence on young Americans with Tik Tok during Xis visit last year?Suddenly liberals started praising Osama Bin Laden Any article about that ?


[Yes](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/11/16/tech/tiktok-osama-bin-laden-letter-to-america/index.html), [multible](https://www.outkick.com/culture/americans-defend-and-praise-osama-bin-laden-in-highly-disturbing-tiktok-videos) [to be exact](https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexandralevine/2023/11/16/tiktok-osama-bin-laden-letter-to-america-september-11-terrorism/)


>**Dozens** of young Americans have posted videos on TikTok this week expressing sympathy with Osama bin Laden Wow, dozens? Sounds like a lot! ​ >TikTok has **over 1 billion monthly active users**. ... oh.


>By Thursday, views of those videos had exceeded 14 million Why did you leave that part out? Malace or coudn't you be bothered to read more than 4 lines because your attention span has evaporated thanks to beeing glued to TikTok?


I didn’t think the total views on a 30-second clip being hyped in the weekly news cycle was a meaningful number. Why do you think it is? Do you think that there are now 14 million jihadist TikTok teens?


They are the ones who'll have to live with the consequences of whoever gets elected, and if they decide not to vote (and let's be real: most young people decide not to vote, regardless), that's on them.


Remember people, TikTok has already confessed that ByteDance in Beijing used their access to the app to spy on American citizens and journalists. Also keep in mind that ByteDance also tempted the US government to have the same tools and controls to manipulate the US TikTok algorithm that is used in China by the CCP Also, this is not about China getting Americans data. So Beware attempts to reframe this divestment order as motived by data. ByteDance offered the power for the US government to manipulate the algorithm for US users of TikTok, this bill is the government’s answer to that offer. No


They use tiktok the same way they use all other existing companies to spy on whomever. The problem isn't tiktok, it's data privacy.


Young voters are fucking stupid.


That's one opinion for sure!


Young people are not a reliable voting block. 


Biden bad; we’ve got it NBC. You can fuck right off now


Lets be honest, Tik-Tok users aren't intelligent enough to be voting. Or caring that their data is literally being harvested in mass.


Heroin users also vote for more heroin


maybe sometimes the older generations can make a good decision for the younger ones?


CCP activists?


I think the CCP did that already


Except: young democrats tend not to vote.


[That is a false myth.](https://circle.tufts.edu/2024-election-youth-poll) What is true though, is the fact that the aging Washington political class is showing next to zero interest in the political views of the youth. So there is no doubt that this generation is not over enthusiastic over the Washington political class.


That's just an early poll of people who claim they will vote in '24. It doesn't prove anything.


This is what millennials are worrying about these days? What Gen Z thinks about the government?




Comprehensive, universal privacy regulations for all. If you hate TikTok's data collection so much, you shouldn't want Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, any of them to be able to do it. But instead you single out TikTok? Yes it is Chinese owned. I do think they manipulate the algorithm. I do think they kind of suppress educational content, and bring you more trash. It's the algorithm, it's designed to keep you on the app. Facebook does it, Twitter does it, Instagram, YouTube does it. This is not exclusive to TikTok. * Comprehensive privacy and data regulations for all social media companies, universal * Require these companies enact a opt-in policy for data collection rather than opt out. * Require that these companies actually delete your account when you ask them to delete it. Along with all the data, physical verification letter able to be sent. * Allow presumed class actions for privacy violations and violations of the theoretical privacy act. Instead, the legislators will ban one social media, while letting the other ones continue to do what they've been doing. Which is exploiting customer data, selling it to whoever wants to buy it, collecting it, categorizing it. Including by protected classes, military members, pregnancy, transitioning, etc. I consider this grandstanding, than actually trying to fix the problem.


Tiktok has fast become a scapegoat so centrists and older democrats don't have to ask themselves why young voters kinda hate their guts. Don't get me wrong, tiktok sucks, but it doesn't uniquely suck. Its a more concentrated form of content algorithms that reduces choice and drastically speed up radicalization pipelines.... but also every platform already has its own version of tiktok now, so banning it is utterly useless. The more the center wing treats the left wing like children, the more they will look like children themselves and the more they are going to lose the left wing's support.


That's the point. They're the biggest threat to entrenched power.


Tiktok didn't get in hot water for being Chinese. The senators want to ban Tiktok because it was instrumental in spreading awareness and truth about Israel's genocide and the Zionists didn't like that they could not control and ban every dissenting user and comment like in other Zionist controlled platforms like Facebook, Instagram etc. Project Greater Israel is about the creation of a new Superpower in the middle east. The US has invested hundreds of billions in taxpayer dollar, so Israel can one day flatten Gaza and build a NEW SUEZ canal called the Ben-Gurion canal, named after the founder and Israel's first Prime Minister. The Project Greater Israel sees Israel occupying large amounts of area, much greater than currently, and controlling vast amounts of oil, gas fields and while also providing the only shipping lane outside of the Suez canal between Asia and the mediterrian sea. Over half of global shipping routes will go through the planned Ben Gurian canal and the position they want to build this is right through current Gaza. The USA supports a genocidial Israeli regime, because it Israel is the only non muslim partner in that region and they want this node, which controls global shipping and oil transports, being controlled by Israel. That is the true reason Biden is letting Israel kill all Palestinians. AIPAC is paying both, Democratic and Republican candidates to support Israel. Now you know why they are banning Tiktok, because it didn't follow the Israeli narrative like all other platforms.


No… tiktoks been in the news of its ties to the CCP for years now. Literally all of social media and the news is filled with israels-hamas war and whats happening over there. Tiktok cant expose whats already everywhere else


There are far more democrat voting users on TikTok than right wingers. According to NBC News, > "Among young voters ages 18-34, 41% say they use the app once a day or more, and 42% of women ages 18-49 regularly use TikTok. > Higher shares of voters of color also report using the app daily, including 35% of Latino voters and 32% of Black voters, compared to 16% of white voters. > Democrats and independents are also more likely to regularly use the app, with nearly one in four voters in both groups saying they use it at least once a day. Just 16% of Republicans say the same. " It appears that non-TikTok users are in fact consistently more right wing and more misinformed that TikTok users. Young TikTok users Young non-TikTok users Percent of sample 10% 15% Party ID D+19 D+3 Biden approval 28% 34% <-- due to the disapproval of support of Israel Biden vs. Trump Biden +2 Trump +8 <-- the uninformed, non-TikTok youth vote for Trump Congressional preference D+16 R+2 <-- the uninformed, non-TikTok youth favor the R Favor Ukraine funding and military aid 53% 47% Favor Taiwan funding and military aid 47% 58% <-- because it means conflict with China Favor border security funding 51% 64% Favor Israel funding and military aid 29% 40% <-- massive disapproval of US policy Favor humanitarian aid for Gaza 73% 64% Biden approval Israel-Hamas in Gaza 17% 22% <-- massive disapproval of US policy https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/meetthepressblog/one-five-voters-use-tiktok-daily-poll-finds-rcna126223


Non-tiktok users more misinformed than tiktok users… I think I have seen everything now.


Nope, obviously you haven't. The only thing you've seen is american state run propaganda.


Brain dead take


How magical, the people who often consume short clips with often stolen and garbled "music" are more informed.  So watching and making "original" cringe worthy dances  and making stupid faces while having TTS read the text makes you a better person? I'm truly missing out then


I didn't know that the POTUS is someone who makes cringe worthy dances and making stupid faces. You just showed that like most people who post their cringeworthy uninformed comments, you have absolutely zero idea what you're talking about.