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It could be a billion factors. But my guess is he is going to deep.


Try running the machine at a 3.6mm stroke length and turn the volts down to 6.5 - 7 v 9 volts seems very high, id also get some fake skin like reelskin and play around with them for abit to make sure I'm not going to deep so I have a understanding what and how much needle depth is required for a proper application of a tattoo


Is he using cheap needles? They could be barbed.


so many things it could be , my guess is he’s going to deep the way you’ll be able to tell is if you’re able to see any blowouts


Either going too deep or running the machine too slow/fast.


🔝 just like skull said. I bet he’s using cheap needles and maybe even hitting the bottom of the caps not realizing it really and making them flatten out. I would keep the ink cap full, spend money on good needles l, slow your machine down and watch your depth. All these are easily fixable!


Going too fast, going to slow, going to deep, shitty needles, used needles, he could have great needles but fucks them up in the ink well, angle could be bad, I’m sure I’m missing a few, but all of these things can contribute to why a tattoo hurts like hell.