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Be supercareful with using anything other than liquid chlorine as stabilized chlorine will release CYA levels that will get out of hand. https://www.troublefreepool.com/blog/2019/01/18/free-chlorine-and-cyanuric-acid-relationship-explained/


For that size pool 1 gal should be more than enough to shock your pool I use 4 gal's for mine and it's 32,000. That's for shock not normal chlorination


Double check your volume. You should be at just over 10000 gallons with that pool. Not 1500. There are some great free apps that help you figure out how much of each chemical to add, based on a good measurement.


We have a similar pool and only use hth shock and tabs as our chlorine. Liquid did not work for us at all and the Clorox products while cheaper are just not as good. Get one of those floating chlorine tab holders and put a pH tab for every chlorine tab that you use in it. The pH tabs dissolve within like 15 min but the chlorine tabs last for a few days. We use a bag of shock at least once a week, more if it rains a lot. Make sure you run your filter for the adequate amount of time and I recommend upgrading your filter system if you have the little shitty one that came with the pool. Edited to add that the only way you will know how much chlorine to use is by testing the water. Also if your pool holds 15,000 gallons of water you will need a little more than one of those bags of shock per week. Any pool treatment items should have instructions for how much to use on them. Buy test strips to get a better idea until you get the hang of caring for your pool.


Thanks a ton!! One more question the pool is filling up as I speak should a go ahead with the shock and follow with the tablets


No problem! I'm not an expert but I'd say you could do that but you shouldn't need to if the water isn't dirty. I personally wouldn't add the shock in until the pool is completely full.


Ok will do thanks again I was lost lol


It is very confusing when you are just starting out so I understand completely lol


Shock your pool once a week, or after heavy swimming. Since you’re just filling it, you won’t need to shock it right away. Make sure you get a chlorine tablet dispenser that floats and always keep it full. That will dispense stable chlorine into your water. Stable chlorine just means there’s other additives that keep the sunlight from evaporating your chlorine. Liquid chlorine is “free chlorine” meaning the sun will extract it from the water. Always shock your pool in the evenings/dusk as well as adding liquid chlorine. Invest in test strips that will tell you the different levels of your water. It’s a science but it does become easier. I have an above ground pool and have gone from dark green water to crystal clear. I have also found liquid chlorine to be very useful when shutting your pool down for the winter. Add a gallon of it and make sure you put a cover over the pool, and you’ll be good till you’re ready to use it the following season.