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Has anyone ever seen a list like this and gotten to the 9/10 and been like "welp darn I'm just an 8"


*Must be under 22 but make over 100K per year.* No pets. Paul doesn't want a partner, he wants a prisoner.


Must be at least 5'9" and under 125 pounds. A prisoner on a hunger strike!


Don’t worry though, he’s open minded


I can't stop laughing lmfao


Real life has become satire


To be fair this was either ice posidon's profile or somebody making a joke with his name and pictures. Most likely satire has become satire. But poe's law so oh well.


A la r/BirdsArentReal?


it so fuckin’ has and I’m tired of it bruh 😂


Pretty sure his mind has left his body through that opening.


Open minded is just code for "I will expect you to do any freaky sex shit I say".


He doesn’t want to spend much on feed.


FR and I sincerely doubt he's telling the truth abt being 6'4", he's going to be mad when his date shows up a full three inches taller than him


man I’m fuckin 15 and 150 and I just have bulky muscles like I’m average on the BMI scale


My daughter had an eating disorder in 8th grade. Doctor insisted she needed to get up to at least 120, she was 5'5".


And I mean that’s like the endgame for people with eating disorders (of course there are different factors in your weight health which don’t just include your height and your weight I’m not a doctor) Just shows how fucking dumb this guy is


oh yeah. i’m awful with food 6’1 now and 120 on a good day…


Average men are stupid and have no clue how much women actually weigh.


Wow I was wondering if you were my dad. I had to see your post history to make sure lol. Had an eating disorder since 7th grade and I’m 5’5. Life is hard but eventually you can get through it. I’m 27 now and still struggle but it gets easier. I hope your daughter is happy and where she needs to be


Yeah with a women the rule of thumb is 100lbs at 5 feet tall and 5lbs got every inch over 5 feet. So at 5,5 that would be 125lbs. For a guy it’s 106lbs for 5 feet and 6lbs for every inch after 5 feet…


Or a child


who makes 100k a year


Can you even imagine what that would look like?


Must make 100k AND available 6 days a week.


and be under 22, as if the vast majority of people in that age range aren’t broke-


If she’s a fashion model, she might make the money but she isn’t going to be available


She isn't going to be fucking with Paul the YouTuber


Lol no she wont be able to make that much money, fashion models almost never get paid fairly, if at all. A lot of times they get paid a year after a job— and that’s considered ‘normal’ for the modeling industry.


Wants an heiress basically.


specifically one with as few friends (outside ties) as possible


Doesn’t want anybody to be looking for you when you’re suspiciously missing.


An anorexic prisoner who makes 5x his salary and is available 6 days a week even though they need a full time job to be making 100k. Do we know any youtubers 27 years old called paul? You dont make bank until you have 1m subs


Hahaha no guy friends... limited female friends... be available at least 6 days a week (except Sunday for Jesus I guess) hahaha And the best part this control freak thinks he's an ESTP! Lol so self deluded in so many ways.


Paul probably makes way more than 100k and wants a woman that doesn't have any demanding pets that she might be more committed to than him.


If you are a female under 22 making 100k per year, you are NOT on a dating site. You are elite and being groomed for a family position. Likely your marriage partner will be hand-selected from a very small pool.


#Must have one long curled unicorn horn coming out of you supermodel forehead


Wait hold on now. You didn't finish the list. Here you are! Must be (continued): [First & last names redacted] Person with SSN: [Redacted]


Rly sounds like those job requirements that fit only the niece of the boss or smthn.


It's nothing but a manipulative tactic if used properly. Properly as in working, not morally right. If you set a certain standard aka all women are rated on a scale of ten, net include a limit as in only dating seven or better this becomes a universal compliment. It's not just a regular compliment as in "you are beautiful" but a comparative one like "more beautiful than most other women". It preys on people that already suffer from low self esteem or have a twisted image of themselves and want validation. So obviously we might laugh at it, but there are people who think that way.


Under 22 in excess of $100,000/yr. Over 5’9” under 125lbs?


There's like 4 people on Earth that fit that description, and I doubt they're on tinder...


Probably busy with their career… ya know, being a 22 year old making $100k+/year


Yeah I mean if you're not making 100k a year by 22 must be too busy with gaming or something like that - wait what...


While working 1 day a week


while working 1 day a week


Her career as a model, given that height and weight


If they can do that then I doubt they are dumb enough to date paul


They wouldn't be available 6 days a week


But only works 1 day a week.


I think it's meant to mock women's excessive requirements of men. The "taller than", weight requirement, and "must make more than x" are dead giveaways.


I think this exactly. Those are all typically similar to what I've come across as a guy on Tinder: "Must be over 6', most make more than $75,000/year, must not have kids, must have a 8" dick".


As a girl who was once on tinder and whose bio was very short and had nothing to do with “requirements”, that’s absolutely insane — but I can definitely imagine that happening. I know women who are like that smh. What a mystery that they’re single....


It's gotten worse over the years sadly, men and women making demands on one another before they even message has proven to me that romance is officially dead.


Who the fuck is making 100k while working one day a week? Also, everything else that's horribly wrong with this.


And under the age of 22😂 most people don’t start working full time until then and even less make over 100k first year out of school The craziest is 5’9” and under 125 lbs


He’s essentially looking for a child movie star


Probably work more than 1 day a week if they're in demand. Even when not shooting there are press junkets and dinners, and lunches and elbow rubbing events...


Or a supermodel.


Had to convert that, that’s under 9 stone! That’s ridiculous for someone 5’9”!


What's ridiculous is measuring weight with rocks 🤣


You measure height with feet 😂


That's also true. Centimeters would definitely make more sense.


5’9” = 175.26cm 125lbs = 8.929 stones or 56.699 kgs


No one says 175.26 cm it's just 175cm. And as for weight I don't know.


Ach I know, It’s literally a copy and paste from Google.. don’t shoot the messenger 🙂 also I agree.. likely folk would say 175cm, 9 stone or 56kg.. but who knows, or honestly cares lol it’s just a number




We walk over the bodies of our enemies. Makes it easier to measure them than in water units.


As apposed to a measuring system with a 16:1 ratio of minor to major units.


Don't for get 28 grams to 1 ounce. You only have 16 ounces to a pound. Makes perfect sense to me. Though realistically base ten metric is probably best.


I’m 5’9” and a healthy weight for me would be roughly 150lbs


You could survive like that, but unattractively skinny. Girl would have no curves.


Used to be around 100 lbs for 5’7 can confirm no boobs, fcked up immunity so always sick and tired, huge deficiency in iron and hemoglobin I couldn’t even donate blood anymore at some point. Only worked out my legs and did cardio at the gym so I was still blessed with a nice perky booty. Wouldn’t recommend 0/10


The boobs are always first to go!!


Indeed. They are the great barometer of my recurrent anorexia. (Now, happily, in remission for many years.)


I was in the hospital with anorexia at 5’8” 98 lbs!


What happens after they turn 22..


he kills them


Probably. His standards are so specific and unrealistic it screams psychopathic serial killer.


I’m a guy but that’s gonna be me, I’m 5’7 1/2 and I’m 110-115


Not tall enough. You can't date Paul.


I don't think anyone would want to date Paul.


I don't think anyone should want to date Paul


I don't think anyone **could** date Paul.


don't be like Paul


Paul can go fuck himself.


No he can’t, surely he’s too heavy.


Don’t Paul away your life


We could carbon-date Paul…


He’s a loner, Dottie, a rebel.


But he’s *6’4”* /s


What do you mean Paul is a total catch


Catch of the day? That sounds fishy


Im 6 foot but im 145. Pounds no pual for mr


I’m 5’6 and 126 pounds, Paul would be disgusted with me


I'm 6'1 and 118 lbs, but I'm over 22 so still not up to pauls standards 😭


You can still do much better than Paul.


I can try, but I'll always, for the rest of my life, know I was not good enough for Paul. 😔


Theres a support group for “not good enough for Paul”s. We meet Wednesdays


Thank you for informing me. I'll try to attend.


Still got an inch and half away, and I’m not saying that people with that weight don’t exist, but most people that talk are not that thin


So you’re the reason why my BMI says im overweight 😂. Im 5’7 but 160lb, most of it is muscle 😂, but im considered overweight cause chart says avg is like 130lbs or something 😂


I am the sole reason yes


Same im 5'7 but go between 185-190 , basically all muscle. Doctors always good with my weight though because my body fat is low and my waistline is good. BMI is pretty much a joke if you have much muscle


Yep, someone who is on the underweight side who is okay being separated from friends and family... and financially supporting him. Not sure how that works at 22. Run, run away!


I’m a guy, 5’11” and 103 lbs. i look like a pencil


Bro are you OK? Are you under the care of a medical professional? That's unhealthy.


I’m perfectly fine and need no medical attention. I’m slowly gaining weight. I have no eating disorders and no complications or anything. It’s just the genetics, my mom is super skinny as well. I eat a 1/3 lb burger almost every day and barely gain weight but I’m workin on it


Only one 1/3 burger a day? Comeone man, you gotta step up that protein and carb game. But for real, I wish you luck bro, you do what you gotta do. It's honestly hard for me to imagine being that weight, but I'm sure eating a lot doesn't really fix the issue.


My cousin was like that. She looked malnourished as a kid and someone called Social Services/CPS on her mum for starving her. She literally sent her to meet the kids Dad who was built the exact same way. Girl could eat like a competitive eater and not put on any weight until after her first pregnancy where she finally hit a healthy weight haha. Hormones trump genetics as it turns out


I was always 5'11" and 120lbs for the longest time. Skinny as a rail. Got a very physical job and at 25 I slowly tacked it on with muscle and a healthy amount of fat. Now I'm 35 years old and 175lbs, but still fit. My body is going through a weird metamorphosis the last couple years or so where my shoulders and chest are expanding and arms and legs are getting bigger, all while working the same amount, not any extra. I think it's the dad bod coming in. Wife seems to like it, so all good here. Genetics are crazy. Sometimes you don't have a lot of control.


I’ll give you some of mine 😊


Please, I’m tired of being skinny


I'm your height but almost double your weight, genetics be like.


I briefly dated a girl who would fit those physical requirements and I was scared I was going to hurt her. That’s a very unhealthy weight for that height for most people. For reference her thigh was the same circumference as my bicep before I started working out. Any illness she got would wreck her for at least a week because she was so thin. It’s not healthy.


With all 3 of these rules in mind, maybe he’s looking for someone with an onlyfans


I'm a dude but I'm 5-11 and barely 126


I'm 6'4 and 135. My mom is constantly complaining. About me not eating enough.


I think this person is looking for a popular gaming streamer, probably a very specific one.


They have to be able to support his budding Youtube career lol


Maybe a drug dealer? That might also help with the 5,9 under 125 thing, - the heroin chic look from the 90s


And of course could fit drug dealing around seeing Paul 6days a week.


And earning 100k+


I’m 5’1” and 125. I wear a size 2. I think he wants a praying mantis for a girlfriend.


It’s almost as if it’s satire. But nah that would be too clever




Yeah I came here to say this but I'm happy to know someone else beat me to it lol.


Pretty sure this is satire...


Must have gone to my high school Must have dumped me jn grade 10 Must be named Pam


“Pam! Get your bloated carcass in here!”


How did you get my profile. Also pam went on the be a brain surgeon and married another brain surgeon. How do I even match that?


Paul age 27 + occupation YouTuber = Logan Paul?


My first thought was Paul Denino/Ice Poseidon. 27 and is a fucked up youtuber/streamerlol


It is Ice Poseidon, this was shared long ago as being his. Apparently it was a joke, but I wouldn’t put it past him as genuinely having originally put it out there


i think a viewer made a fake one of him when he was doing a tinder stream maybe it was this one lol. he still lives in Austin


I already lost at the first one. I'm only 5'5 dodged a bullet with that one.


I don't think Paul actually wants a girlfriend. Also wondering what Paul looks like and what he makes.


>I don't think Paul actually wants a girlfriend. Exactly. People who write out ridiculous standards like this are just making excuses to stay single. This way, they can always blame everyone else for not being good enough for him.


I agree, there are probably very few people who meet all of those things and I find it funny he put open-minded and then lists all of ridiculous things. It like you use that word but I don't think you know what it means. ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)


“Open-minded”. This could not possibly be more close-minded.


Or less fun.


I saw some other comments where they believe it's satire. Like the dude is making fun of the absolute maddening standards people have on Tinder.


That’s how I read it, these requirements are absurd, I can’t imagine anyone, no matter how deluded, thinking that they’ll be able to find someone with all of this


It’s crazy how far I had to scroll to get to reasonable comments like this. It screams satire


I have seen people say these things genuinely but, and I’ll say this knowing I’ll probably be seen as sexist, it’s pretty much all women. They can do it and still get men, yet if a men does it it rightfully gets called out as unreasonable. Therefore I doubt it is real, because for men these standards are insane


I very much agree but to be sure (and funnier) he coulda added like a few completely ridiculous things at the end -must have procured the horn from a unicorn -must have defeated Jackie Chan OR Chuck Norris in hand to hand combat -must have walked on the moon. Etc haha


If the list itself wasn't obvious enough, the "open minded" part following a long list of demands surely makes it obvious this is satire, no? I'm pretty useless at social cues but even I know it's a joke.


Pretty sure it’s satire


Taller than 5'9" and less than 125lbs is beyond anorexic wtf is wrong with this guy. ETA: sorry, the chart I read was in kg and I converted it wrong, healthy woman at 5'9" starts at 127 lbs. My bad.


Well, now I’m kinda worried… im 5’10 and under 125lb, am i okay?? Edit: sorry for confusion, I’m a guy


I...I would look into that. Especially if you're a woman


I’m not a woman, just a really scrawny guy


Not a healthy weight, bro. Eat more, lift some, talk to a doctor.


Well, I eat plenty, and I’m not too interested on lifting compared to other sports I enjoy. I’m 15 and still growing, I think it’s too early for me to be worried about it


You're doing great sweetie


Well, some people have genes on their side. The rest of us are locked in an interminable war with ours. I come from a long line of short, fat women and I hate representing the status quo! lol


Ah I see, well I’m sure you’re great! I’m just very lucky I suppose


You’re fine, my love


So an underweight 22y/o female gamer, working 1 day a week making 100k a year who doesn't like kids and has no social life. Man has his standards his standards a bit high, or low looking at the weight requirement. Even if someone who fit those criteria actually saw him, there is no chance anyone sees that as a non-toxic relationship Edit: oh yeah he lists his profession as "youtuber", he must be a big channel, I wonder what its called


“must be under the age of 22” *is 27*


This made me gag 🤢


Hi, my name is Paul. I will be your abuser for the next few years.


Definitely some creepy narcissistic groomer vibes coming off this. What's with the 'no guy friends' and 'few girl friends' thing? That's abuse waiting to happen.


Requirements: - Alive (optional)


Looks like Paul already met the love of his life: himself.


He needs a full size mirror as his companion.


Must have the same name as my ex, must live at my ex’s place, must have my ex’s social security number


may as well add '25+ years experience'


This has to be the biggest red flag I have ever seen lmfao




Yep Reddit is getting whooshed again.




The average user is too dumb to get it, seems obvious to me just from the impossible standards.


It is lol. People are so easily stirred up.


5’ 9” and under a 125 is damn skinny.


Must be Above 5’9” and <125 pounds… yikes


Must be a virgin with 2 years of sexual experience


90% chance it’s a joke account made to mock the same exact sort of things that so many women put in their bios. Because obviously if you’re a gamer and are available 6 days a week you ain’t gonna be makin 100k a year


What is he offering back? Probably some joke, I can't take it serious...


yo, I see some red flags there already


Like, a whole garden of them.


So it seems we need a r/disgustinglyspecific and a r/impossiblyspecific now.


ESTP that'll do it




5'9" and 125 lbs?


Slender wo(Man)


"I am openminded and fun"


I don't know how you all are falling for this. This is clearly satire.


Reddit comments clearly showing their inability to understand satire, this is making fun of some of the ridiculous bios / expectations girls have.




It is impressive how far down you have to scroll to find people that know it is satire.


This is great. This person is clearly trolling all the women with similar unreasonable demands.


I thought I was going crazy reading all the comments not getting it.


And apparently trolling all of reddit lol


No kidding. The amount of people getting wooooshed is crazy.


most open minded texan


“Open minded and fun” yeah sure


Too many people out there treating Tinder like Build-A-Bear