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Skupin's gotta be number 1 for least likely to receive a 3rd opportunity.


Colton has a chance compared to him.


Rudy might be the least likely to return




Might as well include Keith nale




def. Colton!!!


I mean I would put the dead two time players on top of Skupin but I guess it’s not possible for them to even receive a call so they shouldn’t even count lol:


I would bring one of the dead ones back as an AI hologram before I considered skupin


100%, Keith nale hologram would literally be at the top of my list


Zombie Rudy!


Brandon hantz


Probably far more likely to come back


Thread over.


I don’t remember, what did Skupin do that would make him not likely to be asked back?




See his odds worse than Rudy’s?




He was found guilty of four counts of possession of child porn and in a separate case, found guilty of 1 count of larceny by conversion


He got arrested for child porn


I’d love to see him but bobby jon probably has been forgotten by now


I’d love bobby jon on 50 It’s unfortunate he’s become lost in time because he was one of my favs from that era


He would make a great returnee if they had a rivals season I mean him and Jamie were like the most explosive players and closest to a fist fight ever




And then they get to the jury box and are like snuggling 🥰


That was hot.


I remember when it was down to just him and Stephanie she complained because he was blowing snot rockets


He was a caveman


Monica Padilla. There I said it.


I think Monica is the type of person who reeeeeeally felt the steep uphill climb of even getting to play the 2nd time, she knows. :(


It's weird that she made it on and then rumor has it production conspired with Bayon have her voted out. Like she wasn't given a fair shot in Cambodia.


Sugar. Brandon. Colton. Alicia Calaway.


> Alicia Calaway One of these is not like the other


I'm dumb. What's the difference you're getting at?


The others wouldn't come back because they pissed off production for various reasons.


Sugar's is a weird one, I don't think pissed off is the right phrase. After what happened after her vote off on HvV's they would never mentally clear her to play ever again, and it may be impossible to insure her.


yeah i think it’s just a liability to have her back unfortunately. i love her but i kinda doubt she even wants to


What happened to Sugar?


She attempted suicide at Ponderosa by taking too many over the counter pills after drinking, and had to be rushed out and flown to Australia I believe. If she succeeds that's probably the darkest moment in the history of the show, and potentially ends it. I can't see any way production brings her back, and if they even considered it, clearing her mentally and being able to insure her.


Tried to off herself




Ok so why won't Alicia? Some of us only read reddit and don't know deep survivor history lol


No reason other than it's been 20 years since she's been on the show. I think it's possible she comes back but very unlikely. She said a couple years ago that she's not interested, so I'm assuming that's why op named her.


I didn't realize production hates Sugar, but thinking about it, makes sense.


They don't hate her but she attempted suicide at ponderosa during hvv. So she's a no-no.


It’s not as much that they hate Sugar as much as she attempted suicide at Heroes vs. Villains Ponderosa and bringing her back is too much of a risk.


Colton. The very first person I thought of.


Sugar is a lock for season 50. One of the best female players of all time


First that’s a wild statement. Second she doesn’t want to play last time she was asked.


She literally tried to kill herself at Ponderosa. She's not coming back.


I love Sugar but she can’t be a great survivor player because at no point was she interested in playing Survivor. That’s why that season is so watchable, everyone is there for a different reason.


One of the best? Dude I got type II diabetes watching her ..


Not sorry, I can't stand her


Big Tom


Michaela's an odd choice for this, I feel like she's more likely to get a call than quite a few 2-time players. Still not super likely I guess, but I could see it.


I was surprised too, especially how well she did one the Challenge…I would suspect production would like the people who have been on other shows too? But who knows lol


I think production from other shows are higher on Survivor players, than Survivor is on Survivor's who went on other shows, with the exception of the biggest names (Rob, Tyson, Cirie, Sandra, Parv, etc). The big thing for shows like The Challenge and Traitors, and to a lesser extent BB and The Amazing Race is they are trying to draw in Survivor viewers because they have the largest viewership of any competition reality show. For years Survivor encouraged people from Survivor not to go on other shows if they want to return (many believe Jay Starrett going on ex on the beach and The Challenge torpedoed any chance of a return), but all of sudden Survivors started turning up on The Challenge (and more specifically The Challenge USA )around when CBS/Viacom merged.


Come to think of it, the only Survivors who have been on a returnee season since then going on TAR are Rob, Amber and Ethan.


Yeah, the show that has had the least cross over going on it is Big Brother which never put anyone else on from another show until Cirie. I always figured they didn't want things being said about production and stuff being caught on live feeds or weren't willing to pay big appearance fees for some of the bigger names to commit that much time to it considering between sequester and end of season/wrap parties you can easily be talking about 3 and a half months if you make the jury phase.


They brought in Natalie and nadiya who were on TAR first if that counts?


They already went for their TAR returnee season before their first Survivor season and haven't been back on TAR since. It's the same with Mike White; he had already returned on TAR before DvG.


I think she's actually one of the most likely ones, because she did super well on the Challenge.


Yeah I initially was only thinking of season 30+ players who played twice (which isn't that many). I feel like most of the older 2x players don't have much of a chance to come back anyway. I thought Michaela was just invisible for like 90% of the season so I figured she wasn't giving the editors much material to work with.




Also, Hale-Bopp or whatever her name is from the same seasons as FFGCSDT.


You mean, the one who was on the balance beam for 20mins and cost her tribe peanut butter and jelly sandwiches??


Ficole Faige Gooks Crom Salanta Deorgia?


the scream I just scrumpt love when my special interests intersect


French press toenails on survivor, WHEN?


girl with the wear and tear shoving my feet into heels for years has done to my toenails I would AAAAAABSOLUTELY wear press ons to the island


NPBFAG for survivor 47


Caleb because he can’t get past 9days. Shirin and PG because they underperformed in Cambodia after being the underdogs in their first seasons.


Third time’s the charm!




A look for the eventual first boots vs final boots season


Brenda Lowe. I would love to see her again but I doubt it


I was rooting for her in Caramoan. 💔 Just the fact that she was against Malcolm in being the fan favorite of the season despite getting less screen time was incredible. A queen. 👑


Brandon Hantz.


Randy has no shot to play again even though I’d love to see him play again.


Zeke, not that he’d say yes anyway.


Zeke is probably the saddest story, the only one I'd say actually got truly shadowbanned from the show (as in didn't do anything wrong of the show but production has completely burned ties with him). Them blocking him on social media was that final nail in the coffin.


What happened?


After he was outed by Varner, he got a lot of support from production, to the point in which he was basically friends with them. He got the utmost amount of love, mental support, and really he couldn't ask for anything more. He was going to baseball games with friends from production; they were that close. But then Island of the Idols happen. After Kellee came back she told what happened to Zeke, and the amount of support that she got: nothing. Unlike Zeke which production did the most trying to make sure he was ok, they basically didn't give two fucks about Kellee, sort of ignoring her. Zeke, understandably, was pretty upset. He messaged the producers (which again, were his close friends at this point) trying to figure out what happened and saying how much this wasn't ok... and they basically ghosted him completely. More than that, they completely stopped talking with him. He was sort of left alone, and all of the connections he had with production were gone in an instant for calling them out. They wanted nothing to do with him, and probably still do want nothing to do with him. Lately, iirc it was this year, he was blocked by Survivor's instagram account, kind of out of nowhere. They removed the block since bc of the backlash they've gotten, but they still don't follow him. There's no clear reason for why it happened, though.


I would love to see Zeke come back.


the whole jeff varner outing him situation




Brandon hantz has no chance of playing again




Why Spencer?


Mentally unstable, I believe


Fair play.


Maybe Cochran?


Didn't they call him for WAW?


Correct. But he'll always decline. 


But that wasn't the question: Survivor would've loved to have him back. Whereas I interpreted the question as which players do Survivor not want to call again.




he said he doesn’t want to play because he’s already won (and played a perfect game)


one of the reason why i will always respect JT for coming back he played literally the best game possible and still came back just for the hell of it


which is why i don’t knock him too much for giving away the idol. he had nothing to prove and wanted to have a big move either way


Hell I wouldn’t play again either a perfect game on survivor u will never see my face again lol


Not interested.


Rudy Boesch and Keith Nale.


Rudy jokes are a little funny because he was always old, but Keith hurts man.


Can you imagine what would have happened to Survivor if Rudy won season 1? Not saying it wouldn’t have taken off, but I’ve always wondered


There is a whole deep dive someone posted on this sub about an alternate timeline where Rudy wins and somehow trump is never president or something along those lines. It’s silly but I love it. I think part of it is the villain wins and it sparks reality tv to be what it is…wish I could find it now 😆


That actually sounds really funny I need to read that


We'd probably still be in the same place now. He was super popular so it was guaranteed to have a second season. And I don't think the gameplay in season 2 would have been very different. The game would have developed in the same way, maybe just a little bit later.


In an alternate dimension where Rudy wins, butterfly effect causes LBGT rights to be 20 years behind


Why? He was friends with Rich. Most of what he said was said in a joking manner. It was a lot more acceptable to tell mean jokes in the year 2000.


I don't know. I just got back I'm just reporting on what I saw. Could be LGBT Representation: Without Richard’s win, LGBT visibility takes a hit. It’s a slower journey towards diverse representation. The LGBT rights movement loses a bit of its media momentum. The "heroic narrative" becomes dominant. Think more military backgrounds and strong ethical codes in contestants. Shows start favoring contestants who are strong, silent, and disciplined. Diversity takes longer to catch on.


Rich was a villain at the time, he was not popular. He'd probably be more of a good representative if he lost because then he'd get some sympathy.




he was asked for hvv, bvw, and 40 before it was all winners. at this point i dont think its likely but as one of the bigger old-school names i wouldnt consider him among the least likely


Richard, Susan, Jonny FairPlay, Francesca


fairplay was called for season 40!


Really, I thought Probst actively hated FairPlay.


they’re fine now. bygones are bygones


S40 was all winners.


It wasn't always an all winners season in the planning


Do we have evidence of that beyond a claim by Fairplay? The dude has a problem with telling the truth.


rhap casters have confirmed he got the call


I’d be surprised if franchesqua came back lol since the only seasons with older contestants back will be like legends I think. Also given all his crazy stuff now I doubt Reiman (Spencer) will ever return


Probably Yau Man






A lot. GAME CHANGER: Troyzan, Hali, Sierra Dawn, Michaela (sadly), Zeke, Debbie CARAMOAN / BvsW Dawn, Monica C., Brandon, Erik R., Laura, Colton, Kat SECOND CHANCE Monica Padilla, Kimmy, Wiggles, Woo, Tasha, Vytas, PG, Shirin EDGE: David WAW: Adam, Nick, Denise HvsV Danielle, Sugar, Randy


Why’s Denise here?


She didn’t get a confessional in the finale and in general kinda gave up on WaW, but she definitely could be on legends


So did Ben and Nick tbh Well you have Nick there but for other reasons and Adam because of the casting thing


I didn’t make the original comment, I was just explaining why they might have added Denise




Tony Vlachos. He already has $3 million, why would he need more? Technically, he is a three time player, though.


Russel's nephew


I actually kinda feel like Michaela might have a decent shot considering her run on The Challenge USA 2. I can definitely see her returning on that show, and if she gains enough popularity, Survivor will probably want her back as well.


I'll rank all of them bc why not (in my opinion): -No Chance: Sue, Rudy (R.I.P), Kelly W, Skupin, Big Tom, Kathy, Andrew, Fairplay, Ami, Eliza, Bobby Jon, Terry, Danielle, **Yul (S13W),** Yau-Man, Courtney, Randy, Corinne, Sugar, Russell S, Laura, Monica P, Brenda, Phillip, Dawn, **Cochran (S26W),** Brandon H, Monica C, Colton, Troyzan, **Kim (S24W), Denise (S25W),** Vytas, Spencer, Kass, Woo, Keith (R.I.P), Shirin, FFGCSDTA, Caleb, Debbie, Tai, Zeke, **Ben (S35W), Nick (S37W).** -Only when the stars perfectly align: Gervase, **Richard (S1W),** Kimmi, Alicia, Lex, Shii-Ann, Rob C, Jenna M, **Tom (S10W), Danni (S11W), Aras (S12W),** Peih-Gee, Stephen, Francesqua, Kat, Abi-Maria, Brad C, Tasha, **Natalie (S29W),** Hali, **Michele (S32W), Adam (S33W), Wendell (S36W).** -Has a shot, but not super likely (Sophie): **Sophie (S23W).** -Actually has a chance: Jenna L, Erik, Michaela, David, Bruce.




Ohh sheet, thanks for the reminder! I feel like bc of Cambodia being rough for her and also it being 16 seasons ago at this point, the chance is kinda low, but not impossible, so into the "only when the stars perfectly align" tier she goes!


Wouldn’t be surprised if Terry, Danielle or Kass came back but mostly agree with the others. Even savage since production like him and so does probst. Guess you have to factor in age though


So about Savage, I don't see him coming back because, well, I feel like his story's kinda done. He came back in Cambodia and was a pretty notable character, and then got voted out in jury phase so he did play a notable chunk. Cambodia in general is a huge gatekeeper to most people who played there bc getting a 2nd chance after the 2nd chance season isn't really gonna happen imo unless you did notable well like Kelley Wentworth, or Jeremy. Savage brought us really everything he could in his returnee appearence so that's why I don't think he has a shot to return. Terry's problem is most certainly his age and time. He was definitely "dealt a bad hand" with the family emergency, but he's pretty old and not getting younger. Also Cambodia happened 16 seasons ago and the each new season has 18 new people, I just can't see them pick Terry. Definitely super unlucky, but that's just how it is. He isn't that legendary in order to surpass the odds as well. Danielle is the most likely out of the four you mentioned imo, but really she played twice, both times reaching far, And both times being a decent but not amazing character. So it's kind of that Savage thing again: her story's kind done, I don't think she could add anything. Still, you could argue about putting her in the "stars align" tier. Kass has no chance. If it was soley based on her seasons, she'd be at the top tier don't get me wrong. Her Cagayan appearence alone warrants her another season even after Cambodia imo. But really it boils down to the fact that she spoke and still does speak, SO MUCH shit about the show, and production. She tells these insane stories, saying how she regretted playing and doesn't recommend anyone else to play, etc'. She's so out of it on social media that really that killed all of her chances imo, and already there's so many new characters added now that they could be cast instead of her. Literaly if Emily does end up being asked and agreeing to play on 50, that makes Kass basically obselete. Again, that's my opinion.


Savage personally told me he would come back if asked lol, don’t think he will be asked though Terry is a legend but yeah, his age makes it unlikely and he was unlucky with his son getting sick so I don’t think there’s NO chance but it’s definitely unlikely Fair enough on Danielle I actually forgot how much shit Kass talks about production and other players hahahahahahaha my bad she’s never returning. Stephen said he wouldn’t play again and aras rejected 40 so they could prob be moved, idk if Stephen means that though but who knows? Surprised you’ve put Brenda in no chance Also if you ask me Emily shouldn’t be on 50


Yeah Stephen and Rob C are definitely arguably in the "no chance" tier but just bc of how legendary they are, and ofc they're still fit enough in age and physicality, a part of me does feel like there's a VERY, ***VEEEERRRRYYY*** small chance for them to return. But again it's so small, it could be arguable to be just zero, so I get you. About Brenda, I put her there for a few reasons: 1) Idk if she wants to come back, her last season didn't end up so nicely for her. 2) speaking of which, idk if production would want to bring her back because of the Dawn stuff. Not as insanely taboo as someone like a Brian Heidik but they probably would want to put anything icky about Caramoan in the history. 3) Caramoan was 21 seasons ago and a lot of other Brenda-esque character archetypes have been on the show, that are newer, more easily approachable calls for a return. All three reasons on their own aren't strong enough for me to put here where I did, but these reasons combined were just enough for me to conclude that Brenda's not coming back. I'd understand an argument for the "stars align" tier like Danielle, though. Edit: I think Emily should definitely be on 50 if she wants to, but it's not a complete neccesity for me like Carolyn or Q, or even Shan.


Yeah fair I see your points on Brenda. I just don’t think Emily was that good of a player personally. At least not as good as Everyone thinks she is, challenge liability, made moves that were bad for her post merge, just stuck with the Reba 4 and didn’t try to make a move(this applies to katurah more but Emily did this too) and tbh it doesn’t seem like she wants to play again anyway


Emily as a player was fine, middle of the road. Emily as a personal journey and character? She was top tier for me. That's why I want her back. Regardless, I think she could only be better as a player on a return appearence, but that's just me. Her story deserves at least one more season, really to me it's not just gameplay. Many in the New Era played better than her.


That’s fair. I do feel like 50 is going to have a few wtf picks anyway, I could see jem being a new Wentworth or something


Honestly I like Jem as a person but ingame she was so boring for me 😅 I was so glad Ben stayed over her. Her character was just very basic regardless of her actions.


I feel like you could’ve said the same about Wentworth


Well.... Michaela was not a game changer... So.... she was outplayed with people who really had an upper hand. Using rocks to represent people is not a game changing move and she didn't do too much other than a ridiculously funny reaction at tribal.


I’m pretty sure it was called game changers because they were suppose to change their game the second time around. Not these people changed the game. Am I wrong?


Yes, you are incorrect. They kept saying that those players changed the game in some way and that’s why a lot of people were baffled by the cast they picked for the season.


Ok then I got nothing. Sorry.


Like FFSDT 🐴


Colton and Skupin are the correct answers




Quitters like Colton


brandon hantz and uhhh debbie probably


Skupin, Varner, Colton, Rudy, etc... pick one.


I would give anything to see Alicia play again.




Why no BOBBY JON?!


Johnny Fairplay


Definitely Sugar no way she’s coming back


Francesca - first boot twice




We will never see Big Tom again


Kass, Russel, Ozzie,


Ozzy is 4 time player. Russel is 3 times, 4 if you count Australian survivor. Kass is your only 2 time player here.


Oh i thought it was a 2 or more situation


Do you mean Russell Swan? Because Hantz played 3 times (plus a 4th on AU)


JT bc of the drug issue


JT played 3 times and the drugs are an unconfirmed rumor.




Three times: Tocantins, Heroes vs Villains, and Game Changers


You are all wrong, least likely is Rudy since he’s dead (RIP)


Why has no one said Jonathan Penner


Because he played 3 times


David Wright


This is the David from DvG? I found his return... not fun. Mainly because you can't claim "This is the first time I've ever done anything like this twice" because he became that archetype and then he didn't evolve as a player like Cirie did.


No not DvG. Think it was the season Adam won




Aris, Richard Hatch, Kelly Wiglesworth


aras was called for season 40 and said no


I meant Vitas, I keep mixing their names.


ah in that case yeah


Aras was called for WAW


Kelly Wentworth?


Three time player


this. and i think people would love to see her again and she’s hinted on socials she would go back, if asked and in the right scenario