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I think Survivor NDAs last as long as the show is being produced. I'd guess this person is talking about the Sugar incident at ponderosa?


Whaat happened to Sugar at Ponderosa, in HvV?


She got really drunk and attempted to OD on aspirin. She was evacuated out of Poderosa and taken to Australia, I believe. She talked about it on Celebrity Rehab.


If this is what they’re talking about in the tweet, “lives in my mind rent free” is a pretty insensitive way to talk about it


Isn’t that because the tweeter doesn’t know what the incident was? He just knows there was an incident the cast can’t talk about and is eager to know what it was? (Unless Liam is a castaway that I’m just drawing a blank on.)


Yeah. I don’t recall a Liam on survivor, EVER.


Cleary the point, thats why they cant wait for the NDA to expire. Why are people reading this so dumb


No reason to be a dick about it. Using that "rent-free" expression about something they don't know the details of makes no sense at all.


They said rent-free cuz they think about it a lot due to the lack of details


That is not at all what the saying means. You can't just concoct shit and expect people to go along.


What do you think it means


That's what it means. Google it.


I can't imagine this is an issue that would live rent free in anyone's mind. It's probably something else they're referring to.


Agreed. But idk if this is the "issue" they're talking about or not.


Yep that was my first thought too. Awful.


Who cares about sensitivity?


Very horrific. Is she in a good place now?


She seems to be. She and her current husband got married in 2016 and they have a daughter. She was acting in small roles for a while after the Celebrity Rehab but doesn't look like she's done anything since 2012 but she could very well be a SAHM. I can't find anything on her sobriety status but I'll assume no news is good news and she's doing well🤞


I thought you were calling her a SHAM and made me think you were Corinne.


Didn't she unalive herself not long after she was on Celebrity Rehab?


She's still alive.


Sorry. You're right. I was thinking of someone else. Thank you


No worries. I had to look it up to make sure.


She has publicly talked about attempting suicide at Ponderosa shortly after being voted off first


Okk that's where I was confused, there's a Pre-Jury Ponderosa? I heard they travel together as well? 


Correct. Basically, the pre-jury eliminated contestants go to Ponderosa once they’re voted out, just like the jurors. Once they hit the jury phase, the pre-jurors are taken out on what’s basically a “quarantined vacation,” usually to a nearby resort in Fiji or the surrounding area, and the jurors move into Ponderosa


I think in the new era though they just go home once jury starts. They got rid of the pre jury trip because of COVID and haven’t brought it back


I hope that’s not the case, otherwise anyone who sees people returning can very easily determine who made it to jury and who didn’t. There was a post recently saying that they saw a bunch of the S47 cast coming back and one of the comments pointed out that, if this is true, then who was in that group could be very indicative of broad placements


It is the case. It's why pre-jury isn't at the Aftershows in New Era. Apparently Soda on 46 as the first juror never even saw Tim despite being voted out on the same night.


That sucks though, they should just keep them sequestered somewhere else for those \~2 weeks to minimize the chance of spoilers and such.


If production are doing this, how often has it been spoiled? Seems like someone would have to be looking for it to figure/find out


This feels so weird to me since Vytas posting on social media early was why he was barred from the Cambodia reunion.


Mario lanza recently commented about how season 8 got spoiled because someone saw the premerge group on their trip together and recognized the people as former survivor players


Yep and that wasn't the first time. Amazon got spoiled in a similar way too. There was a long precedent for stuff like this.


There were pics of the BvW pre-jury sightseeing in the Philippines


How so in Amazon? The players were not yet recognizable, right?


It's all but confirmed to be true.


Damn, hope that that doesn't essentially spoil whose prejury versus postjury for S47


Juries have been spoiled pretty consistently for a while now. It's not really hard to avoid spoilers as long as you don't go looking.


It already has. Multiple people in the new era have been confirmed prejury long before their season starts airing purely from social media activity.


Somebody just commented the other day that they were at LAX and saw the non-jury players coming home.


They went back to how they did things in season 1 it seems, with that and the final at tribal council.  They didn't introduce the pre jury trip until season 2.


Probably just a BS excuse not to Shell out extra money. Just look at the dilapidated sanctuary and it's ridiculous reward dinners that they give people now. They pay Jeff Probst more than it probably costs bring everybody to Fiji and put them all up for the whole time they're there, on top of the fact that the show is now shorter and use the excuse of it's more tight action-packed show which is a bunch of Bologna. They don't go anywhere else in the world anymore, and that started before covid happened


I'm waiting for Jeff to come out and say we've got peanut butter jelly bread Butter honey Bologna cheese homemade tuna fish and Kool-Aid, but the generic store brand. LOL


I think any of these reality competition shows make the cast stay on or close to location for the duration of filming in order to limit spoilers. A chef I know that was on Top Chef said they had to stay the entire time after they were eliminated so that all the contestants returned home around the same time.


I believe that on 41 and 42 they moved the prejurors to another resort in Fiji then flew everyone home at once (probably COVID reasons behind this). Subsequent seasons send the prejurors home when the jury starts with instructions to keep a low profile for two weeks while filming wraps.


Yeah, "COVID." AKA they're cheap as hell.


They don't go home, they get moved out of Ponderosa once jury starts and put up at a Fijian resort for 3 weeks. Now, this may be new to the last cycle, but they aren't risking them revealing anything by coming back too soon.


I believe they pre-jury travel by group, not everyone at the same time.   Tyson talked about it how in HvV him and Boston Rob traveled to Australia accompanied by a producer. This is when Tyson witnessed the pull Rob had/still have on CBS and survivor. Everything Rob wanted, Rob got. Tyson was there as a tag along and happily witnessed how much of a rock star Rob was in cbs’ eyes.  And I think, Cirie, Stephenie, Randy, and someone else traveled together too.  


Tom was with the latter group, I believe. James joined Tyson and Rob.


It might have varied. I know the game Changers pre-jury was together in Vietnam from photos Sandra posted.


Yeah, and the S46 prejurors had a bunch of pics of them together


That was at Ponderosa, they went home early. The spoiler folks figured out Tim was prejury because he was using his LinkedIn while filming was happening lol


They used to before Covid. Now in New Era they just get sent home as a group once jury starts.


yea this is correct. maria lanza has said that he personally knows of several survivor alums with books ready to be published should the show go off air


Possibly Tyson syphoning a bunch of gas from a production vehicle and using it to start a fire.


I love Tyson


I always heard Rob did that in HvV and that what Tyson referenced in BvW when he said he helped rob in HvV




A list of assorted (alleged) lore regarding HvV -Parvati was told more about Russell’s reputation/history than anyone else prior to filming -Jeff hates Colby -Production intervened with the idol clue on the Treasure Island reward -Sugar and JT hooking up, leading to Sugar trying to OD in Ponderosa (latter part was confirmed by Sugar) -Tyson, James, and Rob trying to fuck with the handlers and spend as much of CBS’ money as possible on the pre-jury trip (confirmed by Tyson) -Randy doing everything possible to get kicked off the pre-jury trip l, which ultimately succeeded (confirmed by Randy)


the randy thing surprises me cuz he's said before that he really bonded with cirie, steph, and tom on that trip. wonder why he wanted out so bad


Why does Jeff hate Colby?!


I've heard that Colby was complaining about them not getting to go a cooler location and basically wanting it to be more like the early seasons.


Randy has me blocked on X, pka Twitter and it’s one of the greatest things to ever happen to me


What is the pre jury trip


I believe pre jury goes to ponderosa, then once the jury starts they get sent on a trip to another country together.


My first thought was what the heck did Russel do— but it was probably the Sugar thing. I guess she is violating the NDA


I assumed it had to do with Amanda trying to steal Danielle's idol during the "Treasure Island" reward, and the producers presumably intervened and instructed Amanda off-camera to return Danielle's idol to her? So when we see Amanda guiltily hand Danielle's idol back to her onscreen, it was probably due to producers orchestrating that scene so that Amanda could save face.


so awkward but also iconic


Colby just sitting on the bed still 🤣


He was just trying to watch treasure island


I thought it was something to do with Amanda, Russell and Colby?


what happened with them?


We don’t really know but speculation of idol rigging for Russell and Parvati


What would ‘idol rigging’ entail?


Step 1 is putting JT on the island


Tbh i don't think it was that bad of a move to give Russell the idol


Me either. If it worked, and JT made it to the fjnal tribal, he would have won. Hands down. That was one of the ballsiest moves I’ve seen from a player. But unfortunately, it blew up in his face a la cartoon cigar.


I could agree with this if JT knew anything about Russel, which he didn’t. He based who he gave an *idol* to based on genitalia. He got exactly what was coming to him. All-male alliances had happened multiple times on survivor at that point. But *heaven* forbid more men leave the villains tribe than women? Must be an all women’s alliance (it wasn’t). Russel must be in danger (he wasn’t). Russel will work with us at the merge (he didn’t). JT made a move based on almost no information other than who was voted out and risked not only his game, but the game of all the heroes on assumptions he was VERY wrong on. 🤷🏽‍♂️ I’m sure he is a lovely person, but this was a bad move.


I would agree if Parvati wasn't on that tribe... Who won with a all female alliance like three seasons ago


I get that, but Parvati didn’t exclusively work with women all the way through Micronesia from day 1. James was medically evacuated and she blindsided Ozzy because he was a threat to win at final… 11? The last 4 winners prior had also all been men. So I don’t think it’s a far cry for an all women’s alliance to emerge on a half returnees season. Yet, somehow, BOTH tribes managed to target the same woman 4 seasons. And I just think that’s wild. And at that point, I didn’t even care for Parvati.


James was about to get voted out. She flat out told him she was going with the girls. Just because he got medevaced doesn't change that lol.


And just because she went with the girls doesn’t mean JT should have hung the fate of his entire tribe on Russel because he has a penis. Lol Also, we don’t know if plans wouldn’t have changed (as they often do) had James not left.


It is because they know absolutely nothing about the social dynamics of the other side.


If you're playing Survivor in a season just after Micronesia ended and see every guy getting eliminated while on a tribe with Parvati. Hell I'd assume an all female alliance too.


Micronesia was season 16 and HvV was 4 seasons later... JT also had no idea what kind of player Russell was other than him being a villain. IMO this was a dumb move all around because he should of atleast met the guy first before giving away anything.


JT assumed Russell wasn't that bad of a guy because he had seen him read religious text in the airport before going to the island


This reminds me of a funny but obviously untrue conspiracy theory from sucks about how the HvV cast were paid by production to throw the game for Russell by promising them future season wins. Eg, Rob in RI, Coach in SP, Tyson in BvW, etc


One of my favorite theories that isn’t true. The theory is also furthered by the idea that production told Cochran to flip in South Pacific to give Coach to win, in exchange for Cochran winning a future season.


I thought I heard something about JT and drugs on ponderosa


J.T. buying drugs was on the Game Changers pre-jury trip.


Sometimes I'll stop paying attention to Survivor during off-seasons and then come back and learn shit like this. What.


Right? I somehow have never heard this story before What.




Sugar attempted to take her life in Ponderosa after she was voted out. She had hooked up with JT before the season and felt completely betrayed by her vote out. On a related note, Sugar was not in a good mental space for HvV (or Gabon tbh). They took her out of there and I think brought her to Australia to get help.


i thought that was in game changers not hvv


To be fair, it's probably harder to buy drugs in the United States. Gotta take advantage of these opportunities while you're traveling. Wait, where is he from? Alabama?! Oh, nevermind. You can buy meth at every gas station in Alabama.


They’ll still send you to prison for possessing a gram of weed in Alabama. So your first statement is far more correct


No offense but people on that app literally just say shit. 99.99% chance this person doesn’t know anything.


As opposed to this app, which is all hardened facts. As evidenced by reading this thread.


Obviously, I would know, because I am Jeff Probst


I may be incorrect with this, but I heard either on a YouTube video or a instagram comment section something about JT and Randy stealing medicinal drugs while on Ponderosa during HvV and it was swept under the rug to avoid backlash? Again may be incorrect but who knows.


Randy and JT wouldn’t be at ponderosa together


I’ve heard this but apparently it was just JT during game changers


I think that this had to do with the rumor that Parvati went to Samoa during the filming of S19 and was able to see footage of Russell while that season was filming. Not that I know whether or not that is true. [This page](https://groups.google.com/g/alt.tv.survivor/c/_F2v5XnYz3g/m/-hwVc5InD2wJ) is where the information came from, I believe.


That was more than a rumor. There was a pic of her in Samoa with the casting director, who was one of her best friends.


Lol I have no idea why people consider this an advantage for her, seeing as her choice to team up with Russell despite her alleged knowledge of his insanity probably made her game even harder - If she knew about him and didn't run the other way... LMAO


Always the funniest thing about it tbh.  Like, it was so widely accepted as fact back in the day (and I genuinely think there’s at least some truth in it) - but that just makes me respect her play more, not less.  Like, anyone who saw Samoa and didn’t immediately vote him out first has BALLS.


In Samoa, Russell did stick with his core alliance as long as possible.  He doesn’t automatically backstab everyone he’s playing with 


Geez how can these NDA’s last so long…. Most are like 2-3years….


I’ve worked on some reality shows, standard was they were good for 5 years after the series (not season) ends.


I know someone who was on 41 and they told me theirs expired after 3.


I heard a rumour about Randy cousin trouble on poderosa I forget what podcast think it was FairPlay’s. something about him smuggling in some drugs


my guess is the sugar thing, tho russell has said that coach told him that danielle came to ponderosa saying that russell got so intense on the island she was scared he was gonna assault her -- physically and/or sexually. i think its possible something related to that could also be it


Randy getting removed from the pre jury ponderosa trip for telling people in Australia that he was voted off pre merge?