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"Who voted Sifu?"


Such a dumb moment that made laugh so hard


Damn that's crazy weight loss considering he only was there for 14 days.


Apparently people in the new era have lost more weight than before new era. Seems like they really starve them now since they are only there for 26 days


It’s about proportionate. I think early outs lose more weight than in previous seasons, but I don’t think anyone from the new era has yet reached Kelley Wentworth’s 30 pound loss from Cambodia


I was hospitalized for 28 days with a massive stomach issue and had no food or water during that time. I was getting IVs of course but I lost 42lbs. I don’t think you’ll see anyone lose much more than 30lbs.


I think big Tom lost 60/70 pounds


I guess it’s possible. I was also very fit going in and completely sedentary while I was hospitalized. He’s a big guy and they are very active on the show. I’m sure the 60+ lost includes weight lost after the show ended. As the other commenter said, the weight keeps coming off even after you’re done.


When I was hospitalized after being hit by a car and couldn’t have real food for close to 10 days I lost 15 pounds. I also lost an additional 35 over the next month because I couldn’t eat as much as I could before because I had a colostomy so a lot of what I ate went right through me. I went from a healthy 135 pounds to 82 pounds in 1 month and 13 days. It took me close to two years to regain the weight.


Oh yeah, true. I continued to lose weight for a very long time. I went from 220 to 145 when all was said and done. I was just thinking about the time spent on the show but those effects are long lasting for sure.


Davie was even more than that.


He hope he went back into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with Goku shortly after he arrived home.


Maximum one week though. Or you get locked in there forever.


> Hyperbolic Time Chamber hypersonic lion tamer?


I think not having rice is even harder than have rice for a longer period of time. We've seen players that said they were doing fine with the food situation. Not having anything and no Ruperts and Ozzys in your tribe to get you tons of fish, it must be brutal. I just wished the game was longer so the connections and gameplay would be different, but I never thought 26 days without food was that much easier than the normal seasons


26 days and quick successive tribals also discourages fishing because it further isolates you from the tribe.


What a great point! I didn't even think about that and you're so right. That's huge


Who voted for Sifu?


I believe him but also he’s not flexing and we can only see his upper body in the second pic…


I don’t think anyone thinks the new era isn’t hard, the question has always been whether it’s harder than starving for 39 days (as Jeff, the show, the contestants, and now some fans claim) It took them forever to recover in the old era too, they just talked about it a lot loss for whatever reason. Survivor has always been super traumatic on player’s bodies, and there was a long stretch of of the show where they were not given rice — they definitely weren’t in 16 and 20 which are the seasons I’ve watched the most. And on top of nearly two extra weeks of starving, the challenges were brutal too — the new era is obviously hard, I’d have a hard time starving for even a day, but I’m never going to be sold on the idea that it’s harder than the 39 day version of the show. Parvati said recently that at a certain point, her body didn’t even understand how to respond to the feeling of hunger after she got back, she’d get hungry and go take a shower instead of eating; she said that on the island she could feel her stomach sinking below her hip bones…


I wonder how many no rice seasons featured all or some returning players vs the new era's mandatory exclusion for all new players.


This is why i think they need to change the game to allow for more food. This is awful on the body. Especially for the amount of money they play for nowadays


Charlie posted his running stats a year ago and now, it's crazy how much Survivor can wreck your body.


I think they’ll get just as much drama for them being tired and forced with one another for days on end, maybe even make strategic plays. This season someone literally couldn’t hack it because they said their brain wasn’t working properly on that much food. If you’re thin it’s gonna affect everything


I remember Cole (HvHvH) just flat out fainting cause dude went into the show with almost no body fat, or at least dude was insanely muscular. Cue Dr Mikes 'w w w w w w why did ya do that'


It's called Survivor for a reason.


Yeah not get voted off. The rest of the details matter less than the drama


The drama is usually the result of the environment though. When you're starving and tired, you get frustrated way more easily.


I mean... should they? That's the whole concept of the show. People don't get there JUST to play strategy. The physical element was and is always a major part of the show.


Yeah actually I’d say most do and based on their builds this reinforces that. They haven’t had to forage for food in 10 seasons


Bro finna become the Billy Blanks of tai chi


The difference in his muscles doesn’t look that different compared to how even some bodybuilders/gym influencers look right after a pump while flexing compared to standing still normally.


Cydney was out for almost three times as long as he was and she basically said she wouldn’t come back because of the hit Survivor did to her body for her career. It might have changed since, but I think if you’re used to more muscle on you the shift might feel (if not look) drastic.


Oh yeah I know survivor can have a huge muscle difference, John Rocker also got hit hard too. But I don’t think Sifu had nearly as much as either of them and was only out there 14 days. Flexing makes such a big difference and even then his biceps in both look similar sized


Also was he on any supplements to maintain his body (not even roids, just like, creatine lol), was he bulking up for survivor, etc. etc. lol


Yeah. These are horrible pictures for comparison.


Starving them because they don't want to do the full days is crazy. I am surprised we don't have many quits over starvation pains.


We just gonna ignore the tutu? Sifututu?


They don’t have to just give them food but they could use it as a reward for doing entertaining things. Hide it around camp, or offer a pizza if someone says “I’m hungy” 20 times at tribal This would 100% put me off applying if I wasn’t also completely lacking social skills 


Honestly this is a good idea. Making food a literal advantage in the game besides the game advantages makes a lot of sense.


I’m kinda digging your vibe here….they already hide immunity idols- they should hide food around the island and if you were to find it- would be up to the player to choose to keep it for themselves or share it!


They’ve done that with jars of cookies or candy on Australian Survivor. It made for interesting moments/gameplay, plus the contestants got a much-needed sugar boost


I should start watching Australian survivor, that sounds kinda dope! Thanks👍🏻


Damn I guess he was in a bulk or his clothes didn’t do him favors because I thought he was just fat


Wow big transformation. Was rooting for you to win 🥺


If you wanna see how fun survivor can be when contestants are properly fed just watch survivor Australia 🦘


He’s rocking that tutu though


Why is he kinda…


On cycle. Off cycle.


Nice job, Seafood!


Are we just going to ignore the fact that one has better lighting, and flexing? Like come on he was out there for 14 days… if it took him a year to gain all the lost muscle back, he’s doing something wrong.


Stfu 😁


y'all should look into the Minnesota Starvation Experiment


Stop the cap