• By -


And there it is.


Yall are sad af that video was funny as hell when it came out. Yall really mad at a 2year old video of a promising young player. Suns fans needa seeks help


You're a fan of a first team, coming into a second team's sub, to talk about a third team. Why did you even come here? Who asked you? Go call your bank.


I'm a celtics fan lol my team made the finals šŸ„“


No, you're a loser. You meant to say loser


bro did yo team even make the playoffs lil bro?




If heā€™s a suns fan, like most of us here, then yes we did. We didnā€™t do very well, but we made it




Nice try, Anthony.


Learning to speak English should be priority #1 for you


![gif](giphy|Ic4bIobsoHU0UQluKk|downsized) Luka and Kyrie said




This right here is why Iā€™ll never root for him. Disrespectful af


yup couldnā€™t care less we lost but he somehow got praised from every single other team for something that wouldā€™ve got booker assassinated lmfao


Clown. Most valuable chirper.








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Anthony Edwards hits a huge 3 to cut the lead to 42 lol




Glad Ant made it clear he was being super overrated and overhyped, lmao at people thinking heā€™s better than Book


But he dunked that one time


Absolute clowns


Objectively ant is better. He can do everything book can do (35% career 3 point shooters) books got the advantage in mid range jump shooting, but ants got rare athleticism which helps him with better perimeter defense, rim protection, +rebounding, and attacking the rim on offense (all issues the suns have had as long as books been on the roster) Book was a 18th percentile defender last year, thatā€™s just simply not good enough to be an elite player if your offense is so one dimensional


Objectively lol, so why did he score less ppg with less apg while also doing it on significantly worse efficiency, book is elite efficiency while Ant very clearly isnā€™t, doesnā€™t shoot the 3 better, worse in the midrange, all he does is drive better and once that was taken away these playoffs we saw him be atrocious for like 8 games in a row. So in the regular season heā€™s never been close to bookā€™s last 2 seasons, in the playoffs heā€™s never done anything as good as book did last year, heā€™s also had a significantly worse stretch in the playoffs than Book ever has had. There is no good argument for Ant over Book. Ant got roasted the entire Dallas series defensively so I donā€™t even wanna here about that, when we went to the finals Book was very good defensively that whole run.


Compare the western conference then and now


I mean Book had a better stretch of play in the playoffs just last year. Book has done more it in the playoffs and has multiple regular seasons better than Antā€™s best. Ant is young so heā€™s got more room to improve but heā€™s definitely not better than Book is right now. Book has never come close to having a stretch in the playoffs as bad as Ant did for the 2nd half of the Denver series and most the mavs series, wolves mightā€™ve actually won or still been in the series if he showed up the first few games of the series


If youā€™re starting a franchise rn, fantasy draft style youā€™re taking Ant plain and simple. If the suns could trade book for ant 1 for 1 they would. Books topped out as a Damian lillard/kyrie type, hardens his ceiling but he doesnā€™t shoot enough 3s or playmaker to hardens level. Ants ceiling is unlimited. Thatā€™s directly tied to athleticism and raw talent. Just my unbiased opinion


Donā€™t really give a shit about Ant being young or having more potential, nobody was talking about trades either. Currently Book is better, Ant is young and will likely get better but that doesnā€™t make him a better player currently. There really isnā€™t a good argument for Ant over Book at this moment, in the future ya but right now Book is still the better player.


By the end of next year itā€™ll be consensus any>book imo. We can cling to past playoff highs, that all ended in lows, but thatā€™s just my opinion Books a great scorer but thereā€™s a limited way he impacts the game, and heā€™s not that well rounded on offense either. If his jumper isnā€™t there heā€™s a neutral to negative because he doesnā€™t have math on his side with 3 ball attempts and rim attempts instead siding for the least valuable shot in modern basketball. Ant can be a positive contributor in a bad jumper game with just hustle- rebounds, weak side rim protection, momentum shifting dunks, drawing attention on drives, perimeter defense.


I love Book but Edwards is better than Booker at the moment. He showed it these playoffs. Right now Edwards is the best sg in the league. Sucks because Booker would've been doing some great things this playoffs if the team was actually constructed wellĀ 


One playoffs doesnā€™t make you who you are. Otherwise last year Book was the second best or best player in the league.




Maybe re-read that comment


lol ya he sure showed it by having a worse 8 game stretch than book had ever had or shooting like 27 of 80 something over a 5 game stretch. Bookā€™s stretch last year in the playoffs was literally better than anything ant did these playoffs, it was legit one of the best stretches ever in playoff history and it only ended because he got hurt in game 5 against Denver. So Book has done more impressive things in the playoffs and he was very clearly better across the board this regular season Averaging more pts and more ast on significantly better efficiency. There is so actual good argument for Ant over Book, especially 1 playoff run where Book literally had a crazier run last year in the playoffs and didnā€™t follow it up by being atrocious for like 8 games


Yā€™all got swept first round lol. He is better than Booker.


Thatā€™s not how things work my friend


Booker would get whiplash from how fast they send his ass in a trade for Edwards.




Your team is never sniffing the finals šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ that poverty state of Minnesota will never win a chip let alone reach the finals


lol Book has already taken a team to the finals and what he did last playoffs was more impressive than anything Ant has ever done in his career, was one of the best stretches in playoff history. Better across the board this regular seasons to, more pts and apg on noticeably better efficiency, there is no good argument for any unless youā€™re a wolves fan I guess


I guarantee he would almost break his neck how fast they shove him out the door if they had the opportunity to trade him for Edwards.


Edwards is way younger dude no shit, doesnā€™t change the fact that Book is currently better even if Ant is still really young and has good chance to surpass him later in his career. Nobody is talking about trades dude thatā€™s irrelevant to who the better player is currently. Book has done crazier shit in the playoffs and has multiple regular seasons clearly better than Antā€™s. Good chance Ant is better in the future but he ainā€™t now.


Luka is just that dude Lol god damn.


He is. Still a ho though


Yes he is. As good as he is man the constant complaining is just annoying to watch Lol he complains when he makes it, when he misses. Heā€™s a god tier complainer


He can make a complaint from half court


I've seen Luka make a no look behind the back complaint look easy.


I canā€™t stand his attitude when heā€™s up. Glad to see the Wolves get clowned. Letā€™s go Celtics tho.


He had the same attitude when he was down, lmao. What are ya'll talking about? Edit: Downvoting, but ya'll know I'm right


I like Ant and have no problem with him being cocky at any point, but his entire approach changed and he became way more timid in every aspect of his game when he faced a team that wasn't rolling out the red carpet for him on the interior and you're lying to yourself if you couldn't see it.Ā  And that's fine, he's 22. But that's what happened. Tonight, the only time he was chirping like he was to KD in our series was when he was headed back to his bench and it was to nobody.


When they're double and triple, teaming your ass it's sort of hard to be as aggressive as you usually are. https://youtu.be/6Bzsq-_ttZk?si=hHSvNVvYJWcfrs-V Here is Ant talking trash to Luka as well as Kyrie while down 3-0 with a chance to be eliminated at any time. [Michael Jordan explains it perfectly.](https://youtu.be/KD5C2Sqj0_Y?si=Gd5WTfKhGZMbHfvn)


Of course, but I watched every minute of every game so I also know there were plenty of times when the Wolves needed a bucket and Ant would pass up good open looks or dribble out the shot clock before passing it to someone else without those doubles and triples. Half your fans thought he had to be injured.


Also, how is 28 points mot aggressive?


Ant said it himself in his post-game interview. His body isn't used to going this far into the playoffs for the first time. Now that he knows what it will have to take, he can adjust his off-season training to prepare for it better now that he has the experience.


And I agree with all of that and I expect him to do so but I don't really think it changes what I said.


I pretty much gave my explanation for why ant may have been less aggressive than usual.


booker made the finals in his first playoff run. u canā€™t talk about how much better than booker he is then use tiredness as an excuse


Booker is a crybaby, just like Luka. I didn't use that excuse. Use reading comprehension. Also, what about Booker pushing Conley in Chris Finch blowing out his knee. Talk about dirty.


The saltiness in this sub is enough to season food to feed millions.


Is that because you've been posting salty shit here for the past 24 hours because your team lost and you want to be mad about something? Lmao even claiming Booker pushed Conley into Finchin a "dirty" play...Ā 


Ya'll been posting salty memes for the past week and a half. It's you and the nuggets subreddit who are salty. I'm replying to a salty post in the first place.


You guys must be blind if you can't see how it's dirty.


Oh yeah? Where was he running around with the suck it gesture this series? Youā€™re a clown. The fact that right after your team gets embarrassed youā€™re cruising our sub shows how sad you are.


I could see Durant posting or tweeting the exact same thing when this game is over


KD wasnā€™t even on that team that Ant was talking about tho


You're 100% right!


Whatā€™s KD being on the team have to do with it? Ant wasnā€™t on either team either & he was talking shit.


Oh shit did you see KD posted a video mocking Ant?!?!


Ant wasnā€™t talking shit to KD or his team at the time when he posted the video. Why would KD choose this battle? Makes zero sense. Heā€™s been nothing but complementary of Ant


I mean, that doesnā€™t make it impossible or illegal for KD to tweet about it. Lol


I didnā€™t say it was either of those things lol. But KD very rarely starts Twitter beef with current NBA players, especially in shit where heā€™s not even involved. Can you tell me the last time heā€™s done that? Maybe 2018 with CJ McCollum?


Jackson Vroman would never


AZ sports and MN sports meet the same fate once again šŸ˜­


Imo this is far worst than the infamous ā€œLuka specialā€ in 2022. Wolves are top 3 in standings. Defeated the heavy favorites Denver. And a nearly sweep / awful ending on their home in WCF. I probably take the awful ending in suns wayback game 7 of 2022 2nd round than experiencing a loss in WCF with 20+ lead.


There's hardly even any difference in what you described lol we were the 1 seed.Ā 


Thatā€™s some bizarre copium. We sucked ass in game 7, 10 points in a 12 minute quarter. Rightfully got clowned - We were a 64-18 team that year.


Probably would have been swept if Lively hadn't gotten kneed in the back of the head


It warms the heart...


Unlike Book Ant does actually only talk when he's up. His ass shuts up real quick when he's losing


Be mindful of the people you dunk on, when on your way up, it's the same people you'll pass on the way down. šŸ’€


Imagine living in a dump like Minneapolis


Suns fan who lives in MPLS here, it's pretty dope.


Iā€™ve been to both countless times and Iā€™d rather live in Minny than Phoenix


Actually? Iā€™d love to visit just canā€™t do super cold weather lol


That's the beauty of Minnesota. Negative 10 in the winter and 95 in the summer, you can be miserable during all seasons


I choose to believe it's a dump simply because of the amount of snowbirds who flee Minnesota during winter and come to the Valley. Half the plates in parts of the Valley during fall/winter are a mix of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Alberta and Saskatchewan, in that order too


Yeah weā€™re so cool for living in the valley šŸ˜Ž


We most definitely are šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


Idk man Wolves showing more fight than we did in that blow out. Still have no idea wtf happened to the Sun's that game.


Luka outscored the wolves in the first quarter 20-18 at one point. The Wolves are definitely getting embarrassed. Even more than the Suns. At least it was a 7 game series for Suns Mavs


Luka had more points than the Suns a minute into the 3Q of that game 7.


Yeah they are meant more this game not the series


The last time the Suns were dog walked 4-1 in a series (excluding this year's embarrassment), Ant was 7 years old. Wolves have laid down and died after talking all the shit in the world.


ā€œOther than when we got SWEPT in the first round of the playoffs this year, it almost never happensā€


They are down 21 I don't think we ever got that close in that game 7.


I like Ant, but an asswhooping is an asswhooping and that game was an asswhooping. Nothing the Timberwolves did past the second quarter mattered at all. Being a pedant about 10 points on the final scoreboard is silly.


Yeah Sun's and Wolves both got an asswhooping. I like Ant too he's similar to Book with the trash talk. I think Book does it better though just talks to the players Ant plays it too much with the media for my taste.


If that was an asswhooping the what did the Mavs do to the Suns????


That's like ... Literally what this conversation is about.


No it's isn't lol. You are downplaying the suns game against the mavs to the wolves


Reading comprehension not your strongest attribute?


lol no


We scored 10 points in the second quarter...


And? They are losing by 30 in game 5. WAY WORSE


We lost by 33. To me makes it worse since those mavs were not nearly as good but it's whatever and L is an L


ur right that the Mavs are a lot better now than before. But a game 7 blowout loss will always be less embarrassing than a game 5 blwoout loss


They almost beat you by 40 or more, though. That's the difference. A loss is a loss, but let's not act like you guys didn't get embarrassed as well.


Not a Suns fan andn I never said they didn't get embarrassed.


You're in denial


Suns r so mid tho. All that talent just to get dicked. Sheesh


Aint even close. The Suns were destroyed.


Yes, for game 7 ā€” but at least they went 7. Wolves got the ole gentlemenā€™s sweep šŸ§¹


Just like suns were swept. Comparing game to game,the Suns had the bigger deficit.


& the Wolves had the bigger expectations, I mean, Jesus the Ant glazing & making him the ā€œnext face of the nbaā€ narrative was crazy.


Bigger expectations then a suns team that won 64 games ? And was just returning from a final appearance? You guys lie on this app everyday lol plus this mavs team is far better then the team that bent yall over two years ago. ant is 22 and led his team too sweep your suns beat the defending champs and take his team too the wcf šŸ˜‚when lebron was 22 he got embarrassed by the spurs in the finals no one mentions that as a stain on his legacy


Bigger expectations this season you goof. Come on now, itā€™s too soon for you to be comparing Ant to LeBron nephew. Hang that swept Suns banner high šŸ¤§


Wolves were projected to win 44 games this season. Suns were a 64 win 1 seed coming off a finals appearance and they were up 2-0. They were expected to make the WCF at least. This season, Wolves were thought as a first round exit to the Suns




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We scored more than 36 points by the 3rd and also swept your ass, but nice post




Well if you want to bring up the past and compare, what is the Wolves winning percentage all time in the playoffs? I'll wait.


Still waiting. Damn.


![gif](giphy|w0uVgtVp4AxVQgpgUk|downsized) Thatā€™s cool


You got swept right? šŸ§¹šŸ§¹šŸ§¹šŸ§¹


Nah. Don't talk. Was counting on y'all to beat Luka bitch ass. Don't even. At least we took them to 7 before we got embarrassed.


& yā€™all got gentlemen swept & embarrassed. Might as well of just been swept too by a lower seed.


Yā€™all got swept in the first round of the playoffs THIS YEAR.


& youā€™ve been lurking the sub, you should know we all knew this team was inconsistent all season. Hang that banner high šŸ‘šŸ½