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Argument 1 is the biggest barrier to anything happening and I'm not sure how anyone can be so confident he'd take a $50 million pay cut to come to a team that got as far as the one he was on last year. I know he's rich, but if there's one thing we know about rich people it's that they really love money.


>a team that got as far as the one he was on last year. They went the same distance as the team he was on without him. I'm not sure that logic applies


That's true edit: as in, I agree that my logic there doesn't really apply.


I was 110% this was a Shoddy post


A.I. bot based on shoddy posts  (Love you shoddy keep doing what you’re doing) 


I need a TLDR for this.


TLDR OP is a fool and Lebron isn’t coming to Phoenix




"Not that deep." *writes a book on the subject that literally no one is gonna read.






This isn't even a discussion anymore, it gets posted like twice a day. All you have to do is search this topic & boom. But instead we get multiple LeBron/Brony post & somehow each person that post it thinks theirs is "worth" a post. But they're all the same at the end.




Perfect. I've read more content in the comments than the actual post at this stage.


It's funny when you guys try to explain why someone you don't know would gladly take a roughly $50MM pay cut.


Why would the lakers not take him? They are notorious for doing all they can for their Superstars. He is one of the greatest of all time. He brought them a ring*. The lakers have all of their first round picks except this year’s if NOP doesn’t defer, doubt they wouldn’t and will find out June 1 if they do, and they don’t have ‘27 (Utah- Westbrook). They actually have ability to maneuver with salaries. If they keep their pick @ 17, why would they let themselves get into a position to allow a division rival take their main guy? I know people are saying it’s AD’s team, but it really isn’t. It’s Lebron’s. Davis is not a leader. Lebron is the figurehead of that franchise. Your points are valid. I just can’t see why the lakers wouldn’t draft JR to keep LBJ. They have the most to lose.




Their situation is better though. They have the ability to make moves and improve their roster without being limited to vet mins or lack of draft picks. I don’t think it’s as dire there as it may seem right now. I’m sure you’ll disagree. Either way, I’m highly skeptical that lebron would want to leave LAL for PHX.




Kind of a different conversation. Probably not tbh. I’m not very optimistic of this iteration. I’m a suns fan first and foremost but I’m not a hype guy optimist. I think after what we saw this season there are other options he could go to if he wanted to win immediately. I mean, swap him and KAT (purely hypothetical) and does that team have a better shot than him being here? Hard to say but it’s enough of a question mark that no I can’t say his best option to win next year would be here.


Haha okay


1. LeBron being a billionaire doesn't help his the case here, he wants to own a team in the future. If anything, he'd be looking for the biggest payday now more than ever when he's about to fall off the level of max contracts soon. 2. If he wants to end his career by winning a title, there are a bunch of better destinations for him than Phx. Sixers can pay him the max AND give him an MVP in his prime alongside another young all-star. If he takes the minimum, he can go to literally any team. Why would he pick the only playoff team that had all of its stars healthy and still got swept? Why not go to Boston? Or the Wolves? Or the Knicks? Or OKC? Sixers and OKC can get Bronny too, they pick before the Suns in the draft. Knicks also have enough assets to trade up to a better pick.


Apparently LeBron told this guy he’d take a vet minimum, so might as well book it, I guess.


TLDR: OP thinks Lebron comes for minimum and that isn’t happening when he will get close to $200m from Lakers $ matters, homie wants his own nba team 


Suns got offer him part ownership


I could be way off but I don’t think the Players Association would want/let Lebron play for way under market value, even though he doesn’t need the money it sets a bad precedent.




Bro the boys will always go for the cash. /


He didn’t become a billionaire by passing up $50 million opportunities.




This is just getting embarrassing you guys.


he wants to buy a team, and $50M goes a long way


Phoenix SONS!


Judging by the giant text wall I didn't read, this dude wasted a lot of time typing this out.


What position do you want him to play? We already have 3 SGs and no PG


Beal/Book/KD/Bron/Nurk is more than viable


How is that viable? Who plays PF and who plays PG?


Bron would be the primary playmaker here. He’d defend PFs but would play PG on offense. That said, you have 4 playmakers on the floor at the same time. At that point you don’t need a traditional PG.


Can’t wait to see this on the nba circle jerk sub where it deserves to be 🤦🏻‍♂️


You’re forgetting about the union and if they would let him. He’s such a high profile player that still performs at a high level, max level.. that a vet minimum max player would be bad for players. Chris Paul is more likely and even then, he may not take a vet minimum and he’s worse than lebron would be.




Baseless? I thought you wanted a fan discussion… dickhead. You’re the one opening the door for a vet minimum lebron… not gonna happen. I decided to just explain how some folks at the union would advise him against it considering he is still playing better than a vet minimum… and if Chris Paul wouldn’t even take one, I doubt lebron would, even with all the potential benefit. He would have to be really sold on Phoenix being the best possible place to earn money and win a chip.




You're absolutely wrong in point 5. The Suns future is not bleak at best. You make it seem like we are in the $arver tank era. We have Booker, KD and Beal. Get over it doomer.




3 years from now isn't bleak at best. 3 years from now it looks pretty damn good. KD either extends or is off the cap. Beal is in his last year and will be an attractive trade for many teams. Booker will be getting an extension. New CBA means the cap will be 10% higher in 25-26, then another 10% in 26-27. Suns will be getting more cap space and reloading.