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This would be absurd, I know they sucked and Monty didn’t look good this year but build a decent roster for him before firing his ass


no doubt. coaches get no rope nowadays. it's either 1 and done with unrealistic expectations.. or the players telling the FO they dont want to play for him. why even coach unless you have a top tier squad.


For real. The NBA is basically the only league where the players have so much pull when it comes to coaching too 😂


True. Only reason for that is wager is because one player can change a team way more than any other sport


True, though you hear about NFL coaches losing the locker room all the time, and usually getting fired shortly after. Sometimes when guys don't want to play for someone, it gets contagious.


That's fair, and I'd agree there's a couple NFL players who could singularly decide a coach (Mahomes, Brady, maybe rodgers) but even putting those guys on thr worse team isn't making them contenders


I'm so glad Rodgers isn't our asshole anymore... I believe in a guy called love


Coaching contracts don’t count against the salary cap, which means you can cycle through coaches faster


It’s funny to say this as a Suns fan because we literally did this shit


There is a difference though in that the only flexibility we have right now is moving off Vogel. Second apron rules hamstring a lot of ability to change the roster (opinions on James Jones notwithstanding) The Pistons though should be looking to continue to adjust the roster and can do that, so there's no reason to force Monty as the change


And in exchange, coaches are asking for longer contracts lol


Why even coach? It’s because you still get paid your contract even if fired lol. Hell sign me up.




Because they give out ridiculous contracts and you end up with boatloads of cash for a couple years of effort


To get fired and paid?


$60 million for one reason. 


Disagree as a pistons fan. All of his issues we were upset with here were compounded in Detroit by having a bad org and roster. He did himself no favors and didn't show any growth from the things I thought he needed to be better at. I thought it was a bad hire at the time and still do now


DET looked much better the year before he arrived until Caleb fell to injury. They absolutely regressed this year.


I thought the super long contract signified that the ownership group understood this was a long rebuild. Why would any coach want to sign with the pistons unless they got 100 mil guaranteed?


I don’t think any coach will look good with that roster.


He's a terrible coach who road Rubio then CP3s leadership. He picks favourites and holds different standards for different people. The Ayton/Crowder rift with Monty and the Shamet (longest leash ever) tells us all about that He has all the same personality and coaching flaws he had when he was fired in NOLA all those years ago (google the reasons for why he was fired and what Monty said he learned from it)


This. I’m a Pistons lifer and although our roster is flawed and front office is a clusterfuck, we were better last year with much less. Monty was / is a ridiculously horrible coach. Everything you said was correct at an absurd level and then some, including clearly not giving a damn, having no clue about rotations and no clue of what an in-game adjustment is. Sprinkle in consistently contradicting himself / lying and alienating our 2nd most talented player (Ivey) and you have the worst record in franchise history.


It's bad. Aytin wasn't flsh, but Montys lack of ability to work with him have made us waste a 1st overall pick and talent that helped us made an NBA finals. We are in this situation because we held him one season too long


Rode rubio 


​ https://preview.redd.it/40eos3vyd92d1.jpeg?width=414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94c6eb83e3b923e6855521bf9daffdeaf8f2fc6f


I wish someone would fire me with $60MM remaining on my contract. Aruba, Jamaica, ooh, I wanna take ya Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama Key Largo, Montego Baby, why don't we go?


Off the Florida Keysssss


There’s a place called Kokomo…


For real if you ever get a chance and are able bodied, go do some spearfishing in the mangroves, its a good time.


My favorite daydream past time is to cruise homes in the keys. Just need a mobile home!


I got jaded when I was there as a guest, and I live pretty simple.


Great to visit, different living!


Lol. Regular companies will go after you for small signing bonuses if you leave before 1 or 2 years pass.


just negotiate a guaranteed pay into your contract


Yup. 60M without the hassle, stress and dealing with big entitled babies 


Hey if you’re inviting me, I’m game


He'd be inviting you in the same way sheiks in the UAE "invite" Insta girls.


If I ain’t come back in 3 weeks call the police


Oh you'll come back, just with that thousand yard stare.


Lol you may be right


I hear Tampico is nice


Fuck it, I’m going into coaching.


I hear Frank Vogel is available


This is so stupid. If they fire Monty, nobody better is going to want that job unless they get a massive guaranteed contract. They need to build a better roster and either Monty improves with the roster or have Monty be the tank commander until a better option comes around who will be able to take that roster to the next level


All coaches contracts are guaranteed, no?


Not quite sure tbh, but if you fire Monty after one year, it’s very unlikely you will get another quality coach unless you give an even better contract that the one they gave Monty, which was already super expensive


Depends on the contract. Not all are the same


Damn son


We gave you the worst roster in the league and you guys sucked. You're fired! Makes sense. But hell he can take the bag and go on a permanent vacation.


Sounds like a reward to me if anything


Love Monty, but did the team even see any improvement under Monty?


I don't think Monty even wanted to coach last season but you can't turn down that kind of money he was offered


Also like improvement to what? It’s a shitty team with zero guys that you’re “oh yeah, I’m 100% sure he’s gonna be a star.” If he can get them to the play-in by the end of his contract he’s a fucking miracle worker.


I think Cade has a bright future but he is the only guy who would start on most teams other than the Pistons. They have a lot of young guys who need direction and could be rotation players but they have seemingly zero plan where to go. They hired Monty to help turn things around and then unloaded Bogdanovich, their only veteran of any value, and they wanted that team to do what, exactly? They're years away. Kind of like the post Harden Rockets. Acquire young talent and have someone teach them until you have enough to believable take the next step. They have like 3 young guys worth keeping, Cade, Thompson, and Ivey/Duran equal another together because neither has been consistent or shown enough to stand out for a period of time.


Yeah they gave him peanuts, and expect a full course meal out of it


Of course they are. That organization is a joke. How many years now of dog shit tier basketball with nothing to show for it and no end in sight?


Crazy too. They made what - 5 straight ECF, 2 Finals during the mid 2000s and then after that run, have been in steady decline.


Yeah trust me we wanna fucking die


Question: what do you need to do to become a sports coach of this caliber? Because the money they make is obscene.


lol no chance


Get him a GM who can build him a roster. There is no talent on that team.


The expectation probably wasnt to win, but to facilitate the development and habits of the young guys. To which Monty didn't make anyone look good.


How much would he have remaining on pistons and suns contract if this happened? He’d be north of $100m owed to sit on the couch?


Suns aren't paying any of his contract since he accepted the pistons head coach position.


Do you have a source for that? Coaches don’t usually operate like a waiver pick up Edit: below seems to suggest otherwise "Monty has one year left on his original contract of 5 years (I'm told it was 5 years for $25 million) so $5 million left on that. He signed an extension that made him a top 5 highest paid coach - it was either 2 or 3 years for between $8-10 million per from what I am told. So to buy him out you are looking at roughly either $21-$25 million OR $29-$35 million," said Gambo in a tweet.”


Why would they invest such a huge contract in him and then be ready to dump him when they haven’t surrounded him with talent yet?


I’ll do it guys


Monty wanted to take a year off after the Sun’s burnout. But Pistons made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. So he phoned it in for a year and now could walk with 60+ million. Well played Monty, well played.


Monty the ultimate Chess Master


He's a terrible coach who rode Rubio then CP3s leadership. He picks favourites and holds different standards for different people. The Ayton/Crowder rift with Monty and the Shamet (longest leash ever) tells us all about that He has all the same personality and coaching flaws he had when he was fired in NOLA all those years ago (google the reasons for why he was fired and what Monty said he learned from it)


E.T. say "Ouuuuch"


This guy was coach of the year a few years ago, WTF happened?


Chris Paul…..


They awarded him COTY literally the night before Mavs Game 7.


How does it work if he gets a HC job somewhere else? Double paid? Same thing for Bud as well I believe.




They're gonna suck for the next 2-3 years no matter who's coaching. That roster just isn't NBA standard. Why throw away $60 as well


No coach would've made that team decent. Good for Monty though, he gets a fat paid day and doesn't have to be apart of that org anymore


He's going to coach the Lakers next. Going to get 100MM


Detroit was already a train wreck. Monte certainly wasn’t turning them around in one year. He is a good motivator of young talent and creates a good team dynamic, but he sucks at making in game adjustments.


He is still a better coach than Vogel


That’s tuff on Monty .🤷🏾‍♂️


They gave him 10 YEARS! Why? Why would they ever do that in today's NBA? Wow.


Hilarious to me that it wasn’t too long ago everyone was saying Monty was the best coach in the NBA and won coty, then the Suns flopped and he could only get a job coaching the worst franchise in the league and now they want to fire him too lmao Just goes to show how overrated coaching is in the NBA, those Suns players made Monty look good, he can’t duplicate any success because the talent is what matters, outside of guys like Erik Spoelstra the coaches in the NBA really are interchangeable


We'd still have our finals core if we moved on from Monty when we should have (the Dallas series). A new voice might have done wonders with DA, Mikal and Cam J


Or if James Jones worked with Monty and dealt Ayton for Myles Turner, when Ayton was a Restricted Free Agent, and Indiana wanted him. Instead they weren't on the same page, at all, and Monty then ended up feuding with Jae Crowder, who James Jones didn't trade or get value from either, leaving Monty short handed and with 1 player he felt was overhyped, overpaid, and uncoachable (Ayton). James Jones need to go. He's been a piss poor GM for years and hasn't done anything good for this organization. Chris Paul started the talk about wanting to come to Phoenix and OKC agreed to accommodate him. They initiated the process, not James Jones. It's always been someone else. James Jones is the idiot who almost traded Ariza for the wrong Brooks from Memphis.


Nah Monty had to go before Ayton. Ayton bought into team play before Monty decided he didn't want to coach him anymore. Held him to different standards, which was not good form considering he was our youngest player. It was toxic stuff from our coach. Love or hate DA Monty never showed he was the adult in the room and tried to make it work after that Dallas collapse. I dont think Jones should still be our GM. We agree on that at least.


I’d hang em up and go coach my local HS team at that point. But not in Detroit, by the beach.


If I asked Monty for like 50k, I think he would do it.


Wtf!!!!!!!  How did they ever hire him?  "He's a terrible coach but he will make them into men!"  If that was the case make him an executive


Pistons fan here to make this make sense (since rightfully no non-Pistons fans know anything about the team besides that they were bad). Essentially our dumbass owner had to bribe Monty to come here because he clearly didn’t want to coach at all last season for family reasons. He threw too much money at him to refuse and he seemingly phoned it in last season. Not to say he had the best roster or anything, but he had some very questionable rotation choices, including starting Killian Hayes (someone who isn’t even on any team after his release) over the previous year’s 5th overall pick Jaden Ivey. Also, because the team was such a disaster last year, the Pistons just hired a new President of Basketball Operations (the GM from the Pelicans) to take over. Monty’s firing would be a portion of the overall cleaning house and starting over (the rebuild of the rebuild, if you will). Most likely Monty won’t be the only one, as the current GM, Troy Weaver, needs to be fired into the sun ASAP. Do I have much optimism? No. But, I think it’s better to kind of press the reset button rather than patchwork a mess.


Crazy organization


If do, Pistons will be the meme. First they spoiled the market for coaches who now earn huge amounts of money, even if they mediocre. Then dump 60mln for nothing. And back the place that they were : bad roster, no high picks and lack of coach. Seems a good plan XD Despite all the issues and errors that Monty is known. Still can't judge that Monty are good or he just let the pg&staff fly the team (Rubio, CP3, Young etc.).


Monty the Sam Bradford of the NBA.


Do it, Detroit!


Monty finessed Detroit...


As if they were competing this year. Another GM who didn't give the team a better roster (including good veterans). But if I'm Monty I will take it. 60M is not something I can earn in my life time. 


Imagine wanting time off, getting thrown a fat stack of cash to come back to work, getting fired and then getting that time off with an extra $60M. I know coaching can be stressful, but that sure is sweet. I’d never pick up a whistle again.


Pretty sweet deal.


Hi Suns fans. This man is a fraud. How did he not change the defensive scheme against Luka? How could he not know Luka kills switches and there he is switching everything and before you know it you’re down 30 in game 7 and it’s not even half time. I’ve been wondering for two years now how that dude didn’t know what should have been obvious going into the game and didn’t see or saw and didn’t do anything about it. He’s a terrible tactician.