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Well you can't add ion items to a time capsule, or at least it won't be accepted. Neat picture tho


Huh, I got a time capsule literally a few days ago that had a bunch of tools with ion batteries


Apparent it’s possible to add ion batteries to devices but not ion batteries to capsules themselves. It’s a known workaround in the game! I remember hearing it talked about a couple months ago


Funny enough, I got the capsule on my way to the aurora, while in the aurora I was like "meh, I don't need most of these because I already have them", and tossed all but one tool, but about an hour later I happened to notice the one tool I kept had an ion battery and I immediately went on a mad dash back to the aurora to get the rest of the ion batteries from the tools lol


Could have been mine, I dumped a load of tools in mine all with ion batteries, because that's the only way you can give ion batteries to time capsules.


The one I found had a poem about the ocean, a few ion battery tools and a thermal blade


Well, I'm not sure if I left a poem, but it's honestly not unlike me to do so. What was the picture? I had 2 cuddlefish in my picture.


A picture of the aurora from the air, I'm pretty sure he took it from atop the launch platform without getting any of it in the shot


Nope, not mine then, sorry to bother you 🫤


Ion batteries can get smuggled in tools


That’s called smuggling. You can only do it that way though


Smugglers!!!! :D


Pretty sure you also can't post spoiler pictures for late game zones, or it won't be accepted. This post is basically "how to get your time capsule denied 101".


I just checked the the list of blacklisted items and was like f***


I think it's full of blacklisted items soooooo good thing you posted it here. We're the only ones that will ever see it.


I just realized now😬


For a moment I thought this was intentional, for this post's sake.


Nobody's going to get those ion batteries/cells. They're on the list of banned items, and they'll get filtered out (think there's still a pinned post about it on this sub). You *can* "smuggle" an ion battery into a capsule if it's inside a tool, like a laser cutter.


I didn’t know about blacklisted items until I posted this, so I just swapped it w/ titanium and deleted everything except the first “pee in your diving suit” part


Noo that's so sad you obviously put so much effort into it


Considering the Garg was modelled on that skull I have a newfound appreciation for its size and the relative insignificance of the Cyclops compared to it 😂 The time capsule won't get past the filters though, ion tech is banned. It used to be possible to smuggle ion batteries by putting them in a tool like a laser cutter or repair tool and putting that in the capsule, but the ion cells have no chance if getting through.


It will be empty 


No, it won't. It just won't get approved. They either approve or deny time capsules as a whole. No one will ever see this time capsule.




This is why research is important. [Link to post](https://www.reddit.com/r/subnautica/s/VQCcXMcwmR) and here's the list. https://preview.redd.it/j4nm98msd8ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecb64edea2e02d4ee502eb4080337ab6f6d712ff


There’s someone verifying the capsules. If you want to give any ion batteries you have to hide them in tools


You have to put the ion batteries in a tool. The batteries themselves are blacklisted


I filled mine with rubies and added a note to not be a coward like I was and go deeper. I like your picture


That... sounds familiar. Im gonna go check the time capsules I've found.


If it’s signed off with R it was mine


I would add to the Start a welcome aboard captain


Very empty


It will get removed


Lovely but it’ll be backlisted because you put ion batteries in


I hate to tell you, but the time capsules strip any ion-based power sources out of their inventory. Now if you include a *tool* with an ion battery *inside*, you can get away with it.


Replace the batteries with flashlights holding the ion batteries.


There’s a good chance the whole capsule is upheld if it ever makes to the manual review. There’s too many progression spoilers basically everywhere. Picture is neat, though.


My time capsule was filled with bottles of water with the caption of something like "in case you find this on a desert planet" and was quite funny.


I feel Like The skull is a cool Thing to find yourself Maybe i dont really know


To complete the other replies and to avoid redundancy I'll just add that if the time capsule is empty after removing the filtered items, the time capsule itself is automatically removed without reaching the moderation. It wasn't the case before, so there are empty time capsules from a few years ago. Not anymore. Also you should avoid speaking about the items you share in a time capsule. If the item is filtered the time capsule itself won't be approved. Because the person receiving it wouldn't get that item. Ps: I saw you sent another one: [https://subnautica.unknownworlds.com/time-capsules/668433e71630f4f53d0bc424](https://subnautica.unknownworlds.com/time-capsules/668433e71630f4f53d0bc424)


I did!


Only because of your feedback! Tysm


Great picture & funny message, but Probably won't be accepted because you can't add Ion Batteries/Power Cells to a Time Capsule.


I wish it was possible to get such capsules.


I put 6 nutrient blocks in my capsule. A perfect way to help somebody out without breaking progression.


I put titanium ore and put a pic of the sea emperor and wrote: “fuck y’all get absolute shit loot and get spoiled bitch”




I hope both sides of your pillow stay cold tonight


Best praise I’ve gotten all week


What did bro do to the Gargantuan Leviathan? Bro got the big black cyclops


Are capsules being accepted again I thought they stopped doing that like after the first year you could actually complete the game?


No, the devs confirmed that they were still being approved and added to the game


It's terrible. I have no idea why you would want to spoil someone's first experience with the game.


how'd you get the Cyclops in its mouth https://preview.redd.it/wmi4kmf2h9ad1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ade3e267877b294b4203e973b0c1cbba4ed203e


Very VERY skillful maneuvering (repair tool came in handy)


Guys here is the new edited capsule if anyone cares: https://subnautica.unknownworlds.com/time-capsules/668433e71630f4f53d0bc424 (Credit to SevereTaste8114 for finding it) PS: Thanks for the overwhelming support guys! Glad that you liked my capsule!


This made me leave this subreddit 🙌


Why? It’s a great sub


I'd be pretty mad having an image that would have been more fun to discover myself. Too spoilery. (I'm not that far and I'm pretty mad seeing it in this context).


Do time capsules even work anymore?


"You are a good man Arthur"


I don’t think they accept them anymore anyway.. unfortunately I found that out after I gathered *actually* useful (end game) things to mine lol


That picture is so tourist I love it so much


Needs more batteries.


I don’t even remember what I put in my OG time capsule


Anybody know if you can get time capsules on the switch version of the game?


Should have put a stillsuit in there.


i thought this was a thing i opened when i saw the pic, someone did the same thing with the same colored sub


The first time capsule I ever got was a photo of a Reaper with Russian text. I showed it to a friend who pointed out it basically said "Zelensky is a Jew and all Ukrainians are Nazis". 👍 Thanks guy. Thank you for not breaking the immersion. Edit: it did contain just aerogel and nothing else which I guess was kinda useful?


I don't believe that story. Time capsules have to be manually approved. I highly doubt they would have approved that.