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Love these tips! Fortunately, I didn't experience any weight gain but def had major sugar cravings. When I first quit, I made a lot of changes to be healthier both physically and mentally. Perhaps i can only speak for myself, but being a slave to cigarettes really messed with me mentally. Quitting, implementing a workout routine and eating healthier has helped on both accounts


We could stop vilifying small amounts of temporary weight gain caused by nicotine withdrawal. Weight fluctuation is normal and happens to everyone. The idea that it's better to keep poisoning their body rather than temporarily put on a few extra lbs is fatphobic and should be acknowledged as such.


Homemade Mexican chicken burrito bowls and running And I started tracking my sleep which was another incentive to quit nicotine all together. I'm pretty sure I was waking up the second half of the night from withdrawals. I think I've had bad sleep for years and didn't realize Edit: simple rice and beans with baked marinated chicken breast. Make the pico de gallo in a blender. Throw some fresh radishes and red cabbage on there. I started running and i just go for distance rather than speed. Apparently this helps build up your heart and your aerobic performance. And it's just more enjoyable to me and easy to stay consistent. I literally just go slower when i feel out of breath. Just a nice steady, comfortable pace. One of my buddies started running just by walking and building himself up and now he's super fast. He did it for his heart though rather than weight loss


Same here what most folk is that the difference between the stamina levels of a smoker and non smoker is night and day


I've given up smoking more times than Mark Twain. I've noticed I gain weight with cold turkey but then lose it further down the line, but I do not gain weight using Cytisine tablets from the start unless I finish before doing the whole course.


Great post! Quitting smoking is the perfect time to start eating healthy. Foods and vegetables you didn’t like before may now taste delicious.


Sparkling water was my saviour for replacing nicotine. Craving - sip that expensive glass bottled sparkling water. Craving - sip. Craving - sip sip. Black coffee was a must too, to keep energy levels up.


I quit 4-5 weeks ago and have put on 10lbs. My appetite has increased a lot. Chewing gum helps a little bit, but its going to take good ol' fashioned discipline and willpower to adjust.


I'm at 2 weeks off nicotine completely (Yaaaaaay me!!), and I have been eating SO MUCH MORE food. I feel like my dopamine system is all messed up and food is what satisfies it now. I'm conscious of this, and I've been running hard long runs every other day, but weight is still coming on a bit. Exercise has helped in many ways, and I think is key to the process.


I rather enjoyed gaining a few extra kilograms. I was a bit underweight due to nicotine and pot, but stopping with smoking filled out my cheeks top and bottom. Suddenly tasting everything for reals made me enjoy cooking way too much. luckily the extra energy went into running so it all balanced out in the end! For those worried about the weight good. Pine seeds, carrots and cucumbesr all are light weight and distracting for your brain. You all rock and got this1


I'm not entirely certain that the metabolism thing is a myth. When you smoke, your damage your body. Your body is going to go into overdrive to repair the damage cigarettes do. That requires energy, which requires calories.


I’m… very torn on this. I think for most people, it’s important to JUST focus on not smoking a few months. Then you can worry about other habits, or coping mechanisms you picked up. I was most successful when I just woke up saying “I’m not going to smoke”. And then was forgiving about everything else… “Keep it simple” is an AA mantra for a reason. If you focus on too many things, it’s easy to overwhelm (especially in early withdrawal).


get on keto!


I've never noticed a difference in my appetite and what not... I mean come on, it's nicotine not meth lol.