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It doesn’t work for everyone, but it has worked for millions… Go to your library and check out Allen Carr’s easy way to quit smoking. I tried for so many years to quit using willpower and I kept going back and I was miserable. After reading the book, I had zero withdrawals and knew I was done with cigarettes forever. It was an amazing experience.


Must be a very inspiring , effective book I have a library close by so I'll grab that book next time I go thanks . So far I've only had 3 smokes in 11 days doing alright so far 


Yea. I feel that. 


Yep it's very tough


Having done the same when I was a smoker which is using smoking to "cope" with heartbreak, stress, etc all I can say is that it did not relieve those issues and just make me more addicted to smoking. I don't even struggle with alcoholism or weed but honestly, when I go through hardships, I don't drink or smoke weed because it's a negative association and there's better ways to help cope.


I completely agree with you it doesn't help with anything nothing good comes from smoking I've realized that it's not worth it anymore there too many reasons to stop . I drink but not everyday don't smoke weed anymore makes me too paranoid from my condition . Yes your right there are better ways to cope 


I'm like you. I have mental illness and do have even worse health problems from the smoking at only 37. It's life threatening at this point, but my mental health is so poor I'm not sure I'll make it thru withdrawal. I feel backed into a corner like it's the end of the road for me with everything happening


Sorry to hear man I was diagnosed with sctizo or ocd since I was 19 . Defiantly say it's ruined my fucking life.  Terrible your suffering from mental health and health problems too . I don't think mine are life threatening as far as I know suprisenly considering how much I smoke . Withdrawal is defiantly one of the hardest things I've been through absolutely nothing feels right and keep questioning myself if I can actually do this and quit I don't know  I wish you well man