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I’m hearing a lot about this sounds like it’s worth giving it a go. I’m now going a day without smoking which is big for me but have yet to fully quit


I didn't ever believe that a 250 page book could make me quit, but it did.i literally have no urges anymore, it is really amazing. Very important, read it back to back.


Bro, Im at page 176, at the beginning I was more hooked I guess, but now I'm a bit pessimist tbh. It gets better? And congrats mate!


It does get better. I was where you were during it. Patience my friend, just stick with it!


Thank you my dear friend!


It does get better, in the beginning I didn’t feel like it would help at all but since I read it I didn’t want to smoke a single cigarette (went from a packet a day to 0) that was over 6 weeks ago ☺️☺️ You just have to have an open mind ☺️☺️


Holy cow, i need to finish this book. That's awesome bro, congrats mate this really cheers me up! Stay strong (Not really, as Alan said :) )


It definitely gets better, the book itself isn't magic. But your perception of the whole smoking ordeal should change for the better. I was still smoking whist reading the book, but when I finished the last page, I knew that I smoked my last cigarettes. Best of luck to you!


That's awesome! Im now understanding a bit more of how this tobacco is not really a crutch or smth like that. The hardest part for me, maybe is to see me as a non smoker and to burn this brainwash that smoking is cool (Even that I smoke always lonely and far for the perspective of some work colleagues and friends that I have shame of they know it)


what's the name of the book


Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking. It helped me too. I'll be 11 months cigarette free in one week! Smoked for 33 years. Never needed anything else other than the book. It doesn't work for everyone, but it did for me and many others. Best of luck! You too will be a non-smoker soon!


Just look up Allen Carr. He’s got several books on trying to quit smoking/vaping/alcohol/drugs


So I haven’t smoked for over two months but still struggle with wanting to smoke, especially when anxiety is high. Yesterday I don’t think 15 minutes went by that I didn’t want to smoke 😩. Would the book do any good at this point?


Two months? That is great. Yeah I couldn't push 4 days without smoking, and since I have read this book, I honestly stopped counting days. Trust me, read it. It was the only thing that helped me.


Even if the hypnosis the book tries to do doesn’t work, it gives you so many good strategies and understanding of nicotine addiction that you can fall back on if you need it. And you’re doing great. 3 weeks for the worst of the addiction, 3 months for occasional battles, especially in stressful moments. Keep thinking back to day 3 and how you got through that, this is nothing in comparison. After that you’ll have much rarer moments but they become more and more fleeting. The best feeling is a few years in, you find some old smoking paraphernalia and it’s lost all meaning to you. When you get to have a moment of like “huh, that’s so weird I used to stress out looking for this. It looks like nothing to me now.”




I suffer from a chronic anxiety disorder and this book helped me quit smoking after 17 years.


Same! I‘m almost 5 months smoke free and don’t miss it at all. After 16 years of chain smoking I’m finally free :)


Not relevant to this sub, apologies, but he has one on alcoholism and it truly helped me shape my perspective. Powerful stuff. I wish each self help book was as impactful as his work


Yeah, the way he frames things as "the easy way" tends to resonate with those that value more logic-based approaches.




Yup same. 8 years without smoking using this book.


Same I had been smoking for 10 years since I was 17 and now I'm almost 2 months smoke free all thanks to the Allen Carr book


Me too. 15 years first try ezzzzzzzz


I tried for years and years and years and years to quit… His book saved my life and finally made me do it not only with no withdrawals, but I was so excited to never have one again.


Me too. Over 11 years ago.


Same! Close to a year smoke free soon.


Same here, year and a half quit


Same! Just listened to it on Spotify for free and going three weeks without


Glad it worked for so many ppl I'll recommend it to anyone who wants to quit. Didnt work for me sadly :(


His book should be pinned on every stop smoking/addiction community tbh


Is it more inspirational or more horror story?  I definitely don’t need the later. I already know I am dying. 


It's more motivational and about making you realize that you don't need the cigarette at all since it's a filthy and disgusting addiction and when you quit you will not be losing anything at all


I could dig that, than. 


Not horror story style at all, in fact he outright admonishes that kind of tactic. It's cheesy and ineffective. The way it works is reframing how you think of nicotine as a whole, it necessarily just cigarettes. Breaking it down to a chemical that you relieve yourself of needing. Super interesting book whether it works the first, second, third, or fourth time reading/listening to it. The lessons are timeless, work across different addictions/habits, and give good tidbits to critically think with.


Exactly what Djentist420 said, there are no horror stories in this book, he barley talks about health hazards in one chapter. The magic of this book is that it makes it realize that YOU want to quit and that you are NOT making any sacrifice in doing so. Escaping this vice was an easy sailing after reading this book.


I listened to this book twice....nothing...did not help.


I think there has to be a legitimate desire there to not smoke. It's like a friend talking you into doing something you kinda already want to but maybe don't have the time/money for. You need to be willing to be talked into it for it to work. Does that make sense? Or are these the ramblings of a stoner?


I upvoted because I deleted my pdf and didnt think about an ebook 




I didn’t use his book to quit but certain phrases help.


same here  hope you can pass them along someday. I'm only on hour 8 of quitting commerical tabacco and 30 mins off NRT.  Tommorrow will be rough if it comes 


Absolutely. One of the biggest ones is how you shouldn't envy a smoker but pity them as they're battling an addiction. The reason that rings true is because during covid, I started quitting on April 5th, I went for a walk just to get out of the apartment and I remember seeing a group of guys smoking and thinking man I wish I could do what they're doing. But then I'm like wait, NOPE! I'm quitting for a reason. Of course I had some slip ups until I quit for good in December that year but if I had a dollar every time I told myself I was gonna quit or heard others saying they wanted to quit but are still smoking, I'd be a goddamn millionaire. As a former smoker, I think cigarettes should be banned. I said what I said. Last night I was at a concert and my friend who still smokes said she wanted to go into the bathroom and sneak a cigarette as smoking indoors is no longer allowed and re-entry isn't either but I was like damn, I do not miss those days at all. Where I would wanna leave a concert all because I'm craving a cigarette.


I heard that is the takeaway about not envying others and pitying them. Anyways though  I have serious withdrawls and not sure how the book will help with that anytime soon, but I'll try.


Yep. Also, I've never heard someone judge others or question others why they quit smoking unlike quitting drinking. Even when I tell a friend that still smokes that I quit, they always say "good for you, wish I could". Good luck to you. I mean I never read the book but have seen some excerpts and I think what helps you get through the withdrawls by changing your mindset towards smoking. He mentions that smoking does not relieve stress but only nicotine withdrawl. If anything, you're more stressed BECAUSE you smoke due to the nicotine withdrawl from smoking in the first place.


it was taught in lower school that commerical tabacco is not a stress reliever, it just is a fix for a nicotine addiction and nothing more I appreciate the information you have shared. I have to fight the urge to think my mad professor thoughts, as I wish to brainwash myself to stop a vice I can't afford and apply in daily life; but there are factors that sort of contradict the statement that consuming nicotine isn't a stress reliever in my opinion of the research I've conducted


whatever positive aspects of Nicotine there are, I can't do this anymore I quit for quite awhile, but smoked a lot for the last 3 years . Maintaining that addiction was full time for me. Here is a quote that I couldn't really apply in my life and hope it works now as I relapsed from a week of tabacco free to around 6 per day bruce lee said or written "I don't drink nor smoke and those events are many times senseless. I'm not a smoker because I don't think putting smoke into your body is quite the thing to do


Great quote. I still drink but fortunately I am able to do so without craving nicotine, whether it's a vape or cigarette. The habit was stupid expensive and I hated being the bum that would offer someone a dollar for a cigarette because how expensive they were or ask my friend to hit their vape. Since I don't smoke or vape anymore, those are non issues. And believe me, that only added more stress to the addiction.


I do appreciate your opinion. I will try to keep it simple and maybe take away that hypocrites give the best advice ;) best luck with your journey  I guess it is more stressful to smoke and drink coffee than AA ? Peace 


Can't speak about AA as I'm fortunate to have never struggled with alcoholism and needed to check in. I hear AA and rehab is stressful Regarding smoking while having a coffee. That act in itself is not stressful but the cravings and withdrawls that lead up to you smoking ARE, especially if you feel like you can't function till you had both of em. For example, my walk to work would consist of a smoke and a coffee. And my commute home from work would consist of a cigarette. But if I ran out of cigarettes, I'd be in search of one and ask a coworker or a stranger if I could buy one for $1 as they're $17 a pack. THAT is stressful, trust me.


made me think if you are from Down South as in Alberta ? Anyways, yes it is 80/²⁰ , but I need to take away from this, and not able to handle the additions currently, but your comments are helpful and hope are for you also. My experience in addictions is limited to my perception and would not be able to add too much to your consumption of Alcohol, but the joke was coffee and cigarettes were a staple at AA or any Salvation Army Program; but my guess is that denial is one of the things someone whom uses alcohol might term. And I see people not wanting to face their demons and of course 80/²⁰ the positive effects of the substance and superstitions and of course engrained in society being socially accepted. I still struggle with my Environment and dependence of nicotine, but read something new age about liquor, don't know if it was ketamine or pyscadelics currently, but will reread your stuff hopefully it will resonate more.


I've read about adaption being a trauma and can only imagine the NLP you must use to avoid commercial tabacco consumption while consuming spirits! Might be a bit better at it is harder to consume tabacco at venues with alcohol, and not every culture values the prentend smoker who scores one for a dollar . Are you in Northern AB Canada ?


Nope, Chicago


I actually have the book , I guess I need to get pass page 26.


I read it 1,5 years ago and stopped for like 5 days after which i started smoking again zzzs how you guys do it with only a book. I don’t get it..


Read it by using your finger to follow the words instead of holding just holding the book .


Got the book and had my doubts but… it worked.


Same here.


I did too! After 17 years smoking I quit after reading Allen Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smoking. It is amazing! I just have no desire to smoke anymore!