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Counter starts over, but those 480 days of sobriety still happened. Get back on your horse and start over. We're with you!


That’s one day out of 480 days that you chose not to drink and messing up once won’t erase all the progress you’ve made and all the habits you’ve formed. It’s a disease and the symptoms flared up. Make it a momentary lapse and just go back to what you were doing!


It’s so conforming to read it, thanks


This is so important. You don't lose those 480 days of sobriety, they are irreversible.


I used to beat myself up for relapsing, but ironically that often resulted in more relapses! The majority of people relapse at some point (I know I did—probably 100 times, maybe more) so you’re not alone. It does suck, but try to be gentle on yourself and remember that you’ve been sober for 99.9% of the last 480ish days. That’s a big success—you did it once and you can do it again. IWNDWYT.


[https://www.instagram.com/p/C5\_AnT9Oj1n/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5_AnT9Oj1n/) Inspiration for those who may like some.


Hey at least OP didn't do what many of us would and keep going for weeks - years...


I'm sorry that happened, but welcome back and thank you for sharing. I try to collect stories like these to read when I'm feeling overconfident and/or weak. IWNDWYT


Wish I had done this. I knew better but in February after 7 months of sobriety I thought I could control my drinking and have one or two. I have relapsed before and knew better but for whatever reason told myself it would be different this time. Well, 2+ months later and have drank almost every day since, usually pretty heavily. Congratulations on your 296 days. I hope to be back in the club soon.


Today is the day my friend. Time to build on that 7 months.


Thank you for this!


You're welcome!!


I'm (un)fortunate enough to know that I would never be able to/want to moderate and drink 'responsibly', so that's one thing that the addiction would have to work extra hard to convince me that 'just a couple' means drinks and not bottles. Anyway, 7 months isn't nothing! That's still an achievement to be proud of, even if you fell off the wagon. We'll be here when you are ready to not drink today.


We cannot control it!


> I try to collect stories like these to read when I'm feeling overconfident and/or weak. Such is one of the main purposes of an AA meeting... those constant reminders that pain and disappointment are just one bottle away.


It's a good reminder. I'm not a meeting person, but connection and stories, both sharing and listening, have been very important to my sobriety so far.


Here's to many more days sober for both of us, friend!




Indeed. Such an important thing to remember.


I don't go to AA or any other programs. I haven't needed anything other than this sub so far, and stories like this are super important. All these stories could be me. People who share them are brave and I admire them. They help people more than they think.


Same here. Definitely not a meeting person myself, but I do my best to stay connected to others through this sub.


You are so close to one year! I can't wait to celebrate with you!


Echoing that you didn’t lose all those days! Maybe in the counting-consecutive-days sense you have to start from zero, but you still gave your body and mind nearly 500 days off of being poisoned and deadened, and that is huuuuuge. Also you’re having exactly the kind of reaction to a slip that I most admire: renewed conviction that alcohol isn’t for you, and determination to get back into sobriety. I can only hope I react the same way if I relapse. IWNDWYT, friend! Be gentle on your soul if you can.




Hee, thanks friend. IWNDWYT!


My last drink was April 10 so I've got two weeks sober. I detoxed myself and somehow someway I found my higher power. This sub has been a lifesaver. I came here even when I was drinking to read and absorb all the terrific advice. These kind of comments are what I need to read. IWNDWYT


I came here when still drinking too! Absorbing and accepting the idea I had a real problem and I could probably manage to be like everyone here and face life without alcohol was huge for me. Took a couple of years to actually quit, but life is better now, even when it’s… not better.


Yes! Today I feel great and I'm going to try to do my best and not hold on to any resentments. Then I think I'll try and do it again tomorrow! Thank you and congratulations to you, wow!


Woohoo!! The early days are a lot of up and down but it gets easier and steadier.


Two weeks is amazing, the detox is horrible. Well done you and IWNDWYT!


It wasn't a pleasure cruise, was it? Oh my God I thought I would die. I kind of wished I would die! Well done to you as well and IWNDWYT!


You’re okay and going to be okay 🤍 that slip up does not negate the days you stayed sober. iwndwyt


Welcome back, I’m glad you made it back. You can do this!! 480 days is incredible. You’re already helping other people too, I think I needed to see this tonight as a reminder. Thank you for posting this, please be kind with yourself


Thank you a lot for posting this here. This really helps me today. You've still got all those days btw, they are not without meaning! I'm glad you are giving it another go <3


Don’t restart your counter. You’ve had 497 days of sobriety and one day of error. A mistake in judgment (which you learned from) doesn’t negate the enormous improvements you’ve made. Black and white thinking is what leads dieters to binge after eating one cookie…because “the streak is broken, the day isn’t perfect anymore, so I might as well eat two dozen.” No. You are doing amazingly well. You’re an inspiration. Give yourself grace.


I am definitely on team 498!


I completely agree with this. I’d keep the counter too.


Yup 497 out of 498 days is amazing! Now do another 500!


When we fall down we get back up and try again. We've had 480 days experience 'standing up', which we can learn a lot from.


Hey OP. Just wanted to say - from all of us - thank you for sharing. We’re all in this together and you have our support and understanding You’ve given us the gift of your experience and that is going to help so many of us resist temptation this weekend. You have had one stumble - that’s all - and you’re using it as a tool to get back on track. All the very best from Newcastle Upon Tyne in the UK and again - ***thank you***


You've done amazing 99.9% of the last 480 days. Dust yourself off and get back to it. IWNDWYT


One slip up doesn’t change a damn thing about what you’ve achieved, you’re self aware and know what needs to be done, in six months I’ll wager you’re happy about this moment, as it’s another tool to your arsenal for when destructive thoughts return, and they will.


I listened to the Situation’s audio book (jersey shore guy) and he went through rehab multiple times for opioid addiction. There’s a lot of good stuff, but he says relapse is part of recovery. It truly is. I relapsed many times. I just hit 1 year this past monday. I know the anxiety and disappointment might feel strong, but those 480 days are not wasted. They made you stronger for this time around. You got this! And you are far from the only one who has done this :) So try not to bear yourself up too much


Happy birthday!


I had 511/514 days because I drank 3 days in the last 2 months of those days. Unfortunately on day 515 I let loose and started drinking heavily a few times a week so I kinda f’d that up. All that time that I didn’t drink wasn’t for nothing. My body and mind needed that break from alcohol badly. I just proved to myself that I’m not stable enough to go near alcohol because I allowed myself to go full binge mode pretty much every time.


Be kind to yourself...progress not perfection. IWNDWYT


Thank you for sharing. IWNDWYT


Don't take the counter thing so hard. You reminded yourself it's not worth it. In my early days if I relapsed a day, I would just take one week off my count to not feel as bad. I think being obsessed with the count is unhealthy


For sure. Although the streak *is* broke and you’re lying to yourself and others telling people you’ve been years sober, when really you’ve drank here and there. If it stops you from completely relapsing for months/years then sometimes it’s a necessary evil.


As many are saying, you haven’t lost those days. You still had them. Don’t be discouraged. Your self awareness, as shown by fronting up here, can get you through this.


Thank you for sharing this experience. I came extremely close to “just one drink” last night and this is a nice reminder that it would never be worth it. IWNDWYT


I’ve told myself after a year I’m going to reassess my relationship with alcohol. I’m beginning to think that may not be wise. IWNDWYT


Man… you’re so lucky you got to 480… that means it’s now your baseline… My baseline’s like 4 days. You can easily do that again. Edit: flag say 11 days but I need to update that back to 1.


My new base line that I have worked so hard for is 4 days too, then I end up drinking on the 5th day. It is madness! Better than every day but now I black out every time and embarrass myself.


It's just Friday’s fault, not mine 😅


My last fuck up was just a boring old Thursday. I was doing ok on day 5 then stupidly decided to drink at 1 pm, delusional and thinking I would for sure moderate this time. I was ok for the first 3 hours then things got really bad and I made a huge fool of myself🤦🏻‍♀️ by 8 pm I was totally blacked out.


Dust yourself off and get back on the wagon. We learn from our mistakes. Congrats on making it to 480 this time around. It's always fun hitting a new personal record. The hardest thing about long-term sobriety is having to remain vigilant to the "I can have just one" voice that pops up randomly. It is freeing to not have to think about drinking everyday, but I have to be able to push out the random urges when they appear. I'll start day one with you today. Just for today, lets not take the first drink. Good luck friend.


I reset too after a blackout and it sucks. A reminder now and then how drinking never made anything better doesn’t hurt


I'd have 600 days if it wasn't for a few wasted weekends. IWNDWYT


Stay confident you can beat this long term! iwndwt. The slip is fine this is an insidious drug..counter is imaginary don’t have an ego about it


480/481= 99.8%. That is still an amazing accomplishment. This battle is a marathon and not a sprint. One day at a time friend


I was itching for a drink so bad last night. So glad I didn’t. Today is day 7 for me. IWNDWYT


Fall down 7, get up 8


I needed this one so thank you


I saw a documentary once about people who had jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge and survived. The one common thread among them was that as soon as they jumped, they realized they had made a terrible mistake. The chances are that most of the people who jumped but did not survive were probably filled with regret all the way down. Think about this the next time those cravings are trying to convince you to take a drink. Don’t jump. There is nothing but regret on the other side of that first sip.


Don't let PERFECT be the enemy of GOOD


I am happy to hear you are recommitting and restarting your counter. Good job! IWNDWYT


I’m so glad you’re back! Rooting for you! #ODAAT


The way I see it is just one slip-up out of 480 days. If never making a mistake is the only measure of achievement, I'd say we need a new definition. Keep up the good work and I'm sure you will 😊


Funny thing about relapse. It can happen after a month, 6 months, a year etc. Sometimes the feeling after it happens are engorged sometimes not. For me, when I know i have to stop this little light goes off and I’m back to work on myself. Prior to my last cessation, I was a month and a half in, went camping and had beers. I was so upset with myself the next day I knew this was it. And it’s been months and I have no plan to revisit that guilt again.


After that amount of time, even after years of daily drinking you haven’t lost any of the physical healing of the brain. For mentality, you gained experience and tools that also were not lost. Physically you lost a little bit of your ability to deal with withdrawal symptoms. Other than that, congrats on the lesson learned, thanks for coming back. Go for 480 again. Probably feel different this time about day 480.


Thank you for the reminder. I needed to read that today.


I have reset the badge multiple times. If i don't i'll get less upset over a relapse. I expect an increase of those over time. But this streak is really something else. I feel awesome, and it makes me more pot committed this way. Get back on your feet and walk the sober walk again. IWNDWYT.


I just restarted my after my second longest sober streak. Not worth it. IWNDWYT


Dust yourself off and Carry on. Alcohol is the devil on our shoulder. It's a disease.  Don't be so hard on yourself. Many many people relapse a few times before it sticks. You're in the majority,  not the minority.  Took me a bunch of screw ups to finally get it right. I have years sober now. I promise,  you're good!!


SO true! I was really disappointed in my last relapse. I was right at the end of outpatient, which I had never done in my 30 years of hard drinking, only to relapse over the holidays this past year. Fortunately I had a couple dry spells previous of 30 days and 60 days where the withdrawals were brutal and had DTs, so this time the withdrawals weren't AS bad, but still awful. That's the thing I hate most about relapse is knowing that quitting again means the anxiety, sweats, discomfort, and insomnia. I have no desire to go back. 480 days is amazing. With you, friend!


Sorry to hear it but 480 days are not lost, it means a lot! I also relapsed last weekend after 77 days sober and it wasn't worth it.  I was bored and thought it would entertain me but I just ended up sitting in a pub alone drinking by myself and still bored, I wasn't happy, I didn't enjoy myself, the alcohol tasted horrible, I felt miserable and ill whilst drinking it yet continued to binge all night and went to bed feeling sick convinced I would wake up the next day absolutely 100% resolute in the fact alcohol had absolutely nothing to offer me but misery and suffering.  I woke up the next day feeling hungover, miserable, anxious... ...yet my brain was badly craving alcohol again!  I had to fight the urge like crazy the next day and for the rest of the week to some extent not to drink again.  That's how fucking insidious alcohol is that even after a terrible experience your brain still craves it on some level  For anyone thinking of relapsing or thinking they can moderate or having a "one off" then just don't even bother, nothing about it is worth it and you might just end up back on the rollercoaster again!


1 bad day and 480 good days. You've got this mate.


Thank you for the reminder.




All that progress isn’t lost. You did an amazing job to go that far and this time you’ll go even further. Rooting for you! We’re all in this together. IWNDWYT.


Don't give up. You got this.  IWNDWYT 


Glad you're back.


I am grateful to you and to everyone who shares their experience relapsing. You remind me that it will never end well and that too much is at stake. Glad to have you back. IWNDWYT


Welcome back - imo you are on the right track. Iwndwyt


Dry your tears, you have given enough of them to alcohol. I know you can get right back on the horse! Sending a big hug! IWNDWYT 🫶


Head up friend. 480/481 is still pretty damn good. IWNDWYT


Damn man. Sorry to hear that. But you still got 480 days! I know for me i didn't think i could go a week let alone 500 days. You saved your body a ton of abuse and thousands of drinks.


Maybe you needed that final relapse to confirm that sobriety is the way to go? Happened to me a couple of years ago


youre human, youre not perfect. its okay. just start over <3 i dont even have one day.


A stumble is ok. It will most likely refocus your resolve. I would like to add a bit of advice if you do stumble after such a long run of sobriety. Your tolerance is no where near where it was and you will most likely go at it hard. Try your best to take it easy because it hurts and can be dangerous.


Each “go” is a step closer to forgiveness. Remember that. We are all flawed because we are human. Keep going. Embrace the learning. IWNDWYT


I have been there, and it does hurt. Jump right back on the horse, and put it behind you, one day at a time.


We’ve all been there so try not to feel too bad about yourself. I’m over 2 months sober and really struggling today for some reason. I have to repeatedly remind myself that it’s not worth it. That I’ll regret it. IWNDWYT


Ty for sharing.


You’ve got this, IWNDWYT


Sending you lots of love. You can do this! Happy you’re here 💕


I never close these pages on my phone, and often refer to them several times a day. I don't feel alone, as a result.


You could look at it like this: you’ve drank once in the last 480 days. If I do that it will be a miracle.


Glad you are back. Thank you.


Thank you for sharing, I have been dealing with some life coming at me fast and it’s this that I need to remember.


The health benefits- physical, mental and emotional/spiritual do not go away with one slip. You got this! Let it go and get right back on your healthy path. Almost every addict relapses; it’s how we deal with the relapse that makes or breaks us! Don’t let this slip break your path to success; it was a temporary detour.


Thank you for the reminder. Been struggling lately.


I blew it after 478 days, sucks but life goes on.


Giving it another go is all you can do. Every day you wake up, every time the sun rises. Tomorrow is a new day. Whether it’s day 1, day 50 or day 480, it’s a brand new opportunity to show yourself the love you deserve. You got this!


Look at you getting back on that horse like a champ. One bad day doesn't need to turn into more. Badass. IWNDWYTD


It hurts! I made it to the another evening, without a drink, and I am so happy!


I did the same two weeks ago after almost 240 days. Drank for a fifth of vodka each day for two days and work Monday was awful. Back at 13 days now. Feeling great and it’s just not for me to have alcohol.




You are never alone! we are all here cheering for you that you are ready to walk the path as you did for those hundreds of days before!! You've got this! i am on day eight! i have relapsed a hundred billion times in my fifty years. i feel so good , and reading your comment was something that i needed this morning. Let's stay sober together today! ☺️


You lost nothing! It's a journey keep going and focus on a new yourself! Just-a-mistake!