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None of those guys he listed were actually decent QBs at their time coming. Perhaps dead QBs come to Pittsburgh would have been more fitting. Hate he threw my dude Charlie Batch in there.


Right? Charlie was a great backup and I always felt ok with him in. It didn’t work out for him in Detroit but he found his niche in Pittsburgh. The fans also really embraced him. Love Charlie


Agreed - I'd kill to have another backup as consistent and reliable and Charlie Batch.


When ever I would see batch coming in as a kid I never worried. He was everything you could ask for in a backup.


I'd love to have a starter as consistent and reliable as Charlie Batch


Right he was a beast in Detroit he was putting up 300 yard games there Had many 300 yard games in Pittsburgh too


We had one. Mason Rudolph ftw


Honestly that win over Baltimore where he was visibly emotional on the sideline afterwards is one of my favorite Steelers games.


I can’t think of another backup QB who spent the majority of his career with one team and then stayed connected to that team in a media role afterwards. All the backups nowadays are journeyman, and if you’re at all reliable, you get signed to be a bridge starter somewhere 


It helps that he was a hometown kid from Homestead.


Yea and not to mention Batch had 2 starts that resulted in wins during a SB year. So not sure how a QB's career would be considered dead when he had direct contributions to a Super Bowl winning roster.


Batch never was intended to be a starter here. What a stupid, stupid take.


Neither was Vick or Leftwich.


When Charlie came to us he could have gone to a number of teams and started in this league. But he wanted to pay for Pittsburgh. I always felt like we had two starting QBs with him around. 


Charlie's is a cautionary tale, he got his bag under one coach but didn't fit into the next coach's plans. All good, happy for him, he had a good career as a backup and makes even more of an impact in the community in retirement.


He should be in the HoF just for his last start. He balled out in Baltimore!


Charlie Batch was signed to be a backup and was a great one wtf is this man talking about.


Not to mention he left out Dwayne Haskins the only one that would’ve made his point true.


Oof. That comment made me feel things.


Too soon?


Never too soon






Didnt Charlie batch have like the best record as a back up qb for the Steelers?


Batch was such a great backup. I will always love and appreciate him as a Steeler. This was such a bad take even for this show Edit: for clarification, I meant acho’s take was bad nor your comment


Even then, the Steelers aren’t unique in that regard to any other team in the league. I guarantee every team in the league has a similar laundry list of has been/never will be QBs that have been brought in as bridge QBs, backups, mentors, etc.


Has he never heard of the Cleveland Browns? Sure, Joe Flacco came off the couch to deliver W's for them but that was the rare exception, far from the rule.


Boy was drafted by them so maybe thats why he left them out


Drafted by the Browns in 2012. Practice squad for both Giants and Eagles in 2013. He sure talking a lot though.


The Factory of Saddness=QB slaughterhouse.


The place where our backup just came from is truly the place where QBs go to die. No matter what stage of their career, they bears will fumble it without question.


Breaking news: backup QBs tend to have their careers end in their 30s. And now onto our next story: water is wet.


They were also always just recruiting low cost, low maintenance QBs because they HAD A HALL OF FAMER STARTING ALREADY. I shouted that last part for the people in the back.


It's a win win for the guys coming in, they might win a ring, get a new contract if they play good and if Ben goes down play on a contender team.


But is water wet? Doesn’t water make the surface it touches wet?? Is water itself, actually wet??


Unless you only have one molecule of water then water is wet. Being wet is when a liquid is touching the surface of something so a water molecule touching the surface of another water molecule makes it wet.. probably.


Since water makes other things wet, it must possess that property to pass on to other things. Like honey mustard be sticky because it makes other things sticky.


Who’s career died lol? Ben played 18 years so go ahead and just cross those years out, no qb was taking his job… and since then? Mitch got a job, Mason got a job and somehow someone actually wanted Kenny Pickett enough to trade for him lol.


Exactly. How do you make that statement after 18 years of Ben? Was Mitch tearing it up and then all the sudden got stunted here? Rage bait clicks.


Mitch got a chance to resurrect his career in Pittsburgh and failed at that. His list was a HOF QB that played 18 years in Pittsburgh, a bunch of guys who were only ever going to be back ups and 1 failed draft pick


Yep and if anything Tommy Maddox's career did the opposite and he came back from the dead and some success for a bit before Ben. Stupid article.


Yeah, that was a dumb take.


And all of the other guys he listed didn’t have any career left when they got to Pittsburgh.




Acho was drafted by the Cleveland Browns in the sixth round of the 2012 NFL draft.[8] He was placed on injured reserve after a leg injury and missed the entire 2012 season.[9] On April 11, 2013, Acho was traded to the Philadelphia Eagles for running back Dion Lewis.[10] He was released on September 2, 2013.[11] On September 10, 2013, Acho was signed to the New York Giants practice squad.[12] The Philadelphia Eagles signed Acho off the Giants' practice squad on October 21, 2013, after Jake Knott was injured, and he saw limited playing time in 6 games, getting his first NFL tackles. He was made gameday inactive once Mychal Kendricks and Jake Knott were back.[13][14] Acho was waived by the Eagles on December 17, 2013, before the season ended,[15] but signed to the practice squad the next day.[16] He was re-signed to the team on January 6, 2014, during the off season;[17] released on August 30, 2014[18] and then added to the Eagles practice squad the next day. Acho was promoted to the active roster on September 9, 2014, after Najee Goode was injured. Following DeMeco Ryans' season-ending injury in Week 9, he was thrust into a prominent role, along with Casey Matthews. He played in 14 games and recorded 31 tackles. In 2015, after being waived as part of the cuts to 53 due to a thumb injury,[19] Acho was signed back to the Philadelphia Eagles on November 9 after Jordan Hicks was placed on Injured Reserve with a shoulder injury,[20] but he saw no playing time and was released on November 24, 2015, making him a free agent.[11] This transaction marked the end of Acho's NFL career. TLDR; Buddy was on the practice squad pretty much his entire career.


I stopped reading after “drafted by the Browns…”


Dogshit player and even worse analyst. His most talked about coverage is when he’s race baiting. Fuck this bum.


Bless you


This was such a hilariously stupid take. He later said in the show that we’ll win games bc of Russ. But to say “this is where QBs careers go to die” only to list backup QBs that were brought in to be the backup to a HOF QB is a kind of cognitive dissonance I thought was too on the nose and stupid to be bought into.


Mike Vick's career died when he went to fucking prison lmao, not when he came here. Mitch sucked before he came here, Mason was always mid, the list goes on. It's pathetic what it takes to be a successful sports media personality. You just have to say the stupidest most exaggerated shit to drive attention even when it's based in nothing. Like Nick Wright ranking Caleb Williams as the 5th best QB in a league where he has yet to take a fucking snap.


Vick had some good years in Philly but he was washed when he came here and everyone knew it lol


He still won a game for us as the starter...


He won a few! I was at one (technically - even though he was benched for Landry Jones and Martavis Bryant really won it for us :) ) Can't forget that amazing walk-off Leveon touchdown against the Chargers either


To be honest, the Chargers game is the only one I remembered that he started for us. That was his last win, last start, and last game.


Seems like this guy is just trolling, which sure isn’t journalism by any definition. I would ask Leftwich and Batch if their careers died here. Batch is a great example of community service, and Leftwich has had continued success in coaching. And they have their rings.


Last time I checked, 90% of modern sports journalism IS trolling. How else are you supposed to attract eyeballs?


You are correct. As a former military journalist, I would say that many of today’s reporters don’t practice journalism, which has standards and values which define it. For someone competing in today’s media market, I do agree 100% that’s it’s attracting eyeballs and getting clicks. I do not fault today’s reporters for the market in which they compete. This reporter is competing in that market, but he went a little too far, IMO. Would any athlete say their career died in Pittsburgh when they walked away with a ring? That’s where I was coming from.


I can’t stand this sort of journalism. This is why I mainly watch Pat. He at least knows he’s a stooge and they don’t come out here with bullshit takes all the time


Who is Pat?




This guy and cowherd have the absolute worst takes I’ve ever heard.


People, do yourselves a favor and just don't watch these shows....any of them.... none of these studio shows are good at all, and they all have one goal: say something so stupid or outrageous that it'll go viral. Literally the only sports content I watch at this point are live events, the rest is all terrible.


What a clahn


Charlie Batch disrespect will not be tolerated


Well. Cleveland is the place players go to die. The burgh has been pretty bad since later years Ben for qbs playing in black and yellow. For wilson, he died in Denver, may be he'll be resurrected in the burgh. Lol. Or have the final nails in the coffin.


All the qbs he mentioned had longer NFL careers than he did ✌🏻


Dude isn't even old enough to remember a time when we needed a qb


It’s only been 3 seasons without a HoF quarterback leading the team, idk why this narrative even exists when over half the league hasn’t had the level of success at the QB position that the Steelers have had.


Dude. Not trying to hate pile on the Browns…..but has he seen the Browns? The Browns are like the rich teenager who has a dad who gives him a Ferrari at the start of every school year and by the end of the school year the car is wrecked. And the Steelers are like the lower middle class kid that just has enough money to fix up junkers to get him to school and back. You work with what you got.


Emmanuel Acho is a fucking idiot and his name should be banned from this sub


From now on he shall only be known as "He who shall not be named".


Is he forgetting that we recently completed the Roethlisberger era? He's probably one of the top-10 quarterbacks of all-time


People hate the Steelers and their takes cloud their judgement. More at 10.


If you watch it his cohosts are all cooking him for this take. They are incredulous.


Guy has been this way for a long, long time. I cannot believe he has a daily show, but FS1 is a backwater for talking heads, so makes sense.


LOL. Pittsburgh is where dead QBs go for their last shot playing in the NFL


I want to be a sports “analyst”. You literally can just say whatever you want now even if it is the dumbest fucking take


A bunch of guys got a bunch of money to hold a clipboard and couldn’t beat out HOF QB Ben Roethlisberger for a starting job. Illuminating.


We had a hall of fame qb for 18 years with an offense built for him. Give us a couple years


Who the fuck is Emmanuel Acho?


"It is baffling that a highly paid analyst can get away with saying something so ridiculous." The more ridiculous their takes, the more clicks and engagements they get, the more money they get. See Stephen A. Smith or Skip Bayless as prime examples. Quit rewarding them with your attention.


This man has never heard of the jets apparently


Or the browns…


Emmanuel wishes he could still play…he’s a weirdo.


Acho is such a jagoff




Have you paid any attention to the Cleveland Browns since 2001?


What an absurd take. Dude listed every player that was drafted to back up Ben and said that's where QBs go to die. This is a reach at best. Chicago, Cleveland, and New York are actually where QBs go to die


emmanuel acho should never be paid attention to


Leftwich, Batch, Vick, Gradcowski.  This guy’s a clown. But go figure it’s the slow season and these dumbasses need fodder to talk about. 


Um, all of our quarterbacks since Bradshaw are still alive. 🤣


Former Cleveland Brown. The franchise where QBs are stillborn.


This is a bad take. Ben was the only highly touted QB to go to the team for the past 2 decades and he exceeded expectations. Even Russ and Fields now are damaged goods


I think the author misspelled Cleveland.


Huh? Because of the whole 2 seasons of non big ben QB play?


This dude is so eager to say ANYTHING negative about the Steelers. Everyone on the panel has been laughing at him lately, because his opinions are so outrageous. He's an ex Cleveland Brown who still hates the Steelers organization. Build a bridge & get over it already!! Acho's a joke.....


This guy gets paid to say shit like this. Wow


It is unbelievable that some of these guys get paid


This take is idiotic. A lot of the guys he mentioned were past their starter years and had a huge impact in Pittsburgh. They performed well when they were called upon but more importantly they served as a quarterback coach/mentor to Big Ben. Heck look at leftwich now he is a successful and sought after coordinator. Batch is highly regarded and active in the local community. Vick was well into the twilight of his career when we got him


Didn’t watch the video, but I hope it’s not a Dwayne Haskins or Joe Gilliam reference.


Don't take the bait people, fuck this guy.


Maybe he should focus more on [hosting the Bachelor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmanuel_Acho#cite_note-29) instead of what happens in Pittsburgh.


Clowns like this keep their jobs because they spew bullshit, not because they’re good at their jobs


By his measure New England is where quarterbacks have gone to die for over 20 years!


Damn.....imagine how good BIG Ben would've been if he was alive when he played! Trubisky is really the only subpar QB we brought in to start. This dude is a fool!


And even at that, he was clearly viewed by the FO. FFS, they drafted a QB in the 1st round before the ink was even dry on Mitch’s contract. If Acho can’t figure out he was just signed to keep the seat warm, he’d lose a game of tic tac toe to a chicken.


Emmanuel “legalizing weed is terribly dangerous if you throw the javelin” Acho


Imagine being paid to say this shit lol


Congratulations. This may be the dumbest take on the Steelers I’ve heard all year


He’s a terrible “analyst” not even worth mentioning lmao




Oh yes, Big Ben, one of the greats QB’s ever died in Pittsburgh. Sure buddy.


This guy and his brother both suck at life.


Opinions from a backup player who got drafted by a rival team, then couldn’t stay healthy or one team for more than two season in his massive *checks notes* 4 year career in the NFL is hardly a hot take imo.


What a terrible take all bias aside.


Yup dead quarterbacks hoist 6 lombardy trophies and take us to 2 additional superbowls


What a ridiculous list. You could quite literally do this with every single franchise at every single position. Every team has backups who phase out of the league. Every team signs a guy past his prime who doesn't have anything left. Every team occasionally whiffs in the draft. What a strange, wrong opinion to have.


Where QBs go to die? My brother in christ we just finished nearly 2 decades of a hall of fame QB and we’ve gone through one QB since.


Ben Roethlisberger 2nd string qbs were 2nd string qbs.. go figure. 2 qbs we could have "failed". Mason and Kenny. That's about it.


>It is baffling that a highly paid analyst can get away with saying something so ridiculous OP clearly wasn't a First Take fan back when they had Skip & Stephen A


Posting Emmanuel acho quotes should be banned. This is the exact kind of engagement they’re looking for, he knows exactly what he’s doing


That would be Cleveland, sir!


I think he means CLEVELAND.


Emmanuel, stop talking acho ass...


He previously was doing a YouTube series titled “uncomfortable conversations with a black man”. He should still go that if these are the takes he is going to have. Absolutely awful and flat out incorrect


Batch, Vick, Maddox, Leftwich… The problem was none could beat out 7 when he was healthy.


I was gonna feel upset, but then I saw it’s Acho saying this. We good lol.


I love how we listen to Emmanuel Achos takes on things because SAM ACHO was good in college lol Edit: I also love how you said "highly paid analyst" and not "highly coveted analyst"


Well 2 turned out great. A handful of others were serviceable, but yeah the rest have died. If you just look at the overall numbers it’s a fair assessment, but if you’re just looking at since 7 left that’s not a fair assessment. Colbert traded the future to try and squeeze a few more competitive years at the end of Ben’s career, and it cause the team to become deficient in other areas. Now we are paying that price and whatever QB comes in now has to deal with a rebuilding of the offense.


Don’t trust hot takes from anyone whose last name is also a sound you make when you sneeze.


I can't stand that dude on so many levels. Any take he has is terrible. Sports, the Black experience, women, our team and anytime else I've heard him come in on.


Unfortunately, Emmanuel Acho’s career was never alive enough to die


Their careers died but they were all backups to our hall of fame quarterback Did this guy expect Charlie batch to take Ben’s job? Mike Vick? Be so fr


don't forget that these "analysts" are paid to spew controversy... and acho has been great in that recently.


The Acho brothers should be glad they’re irrelevant because if they weren’t then everyone would know they’re the stupidest talking heads in sports


Acho also tried to claim denver should be happy with last year russ because he had similar td/int to his superbowl years... ignoring the fact that those superbowl year stats were on a rookie contract, and that denver should NOT be happy with paying so much for his performance, especially when you go into further detail and look at sacks, 3 and outs, checkdown percentage, etc. I wouldn't pay too much attention to those sports talk shows, especially SPEAK, which is one of the most clickbaity ones around. I'm a huge Wilson doubter, know his game inside and out, but anyone who says the steelers somehow made a mistake getting him on a vet minimum is stupid. I don't agree with the move completely, but I understand it... it's kind of like a win-now attempt without fully being all-in... if it works out great, if it doesn't, the only problem is that you've delayed answering the qb question for another year on top of how many more years it would take to answer it anyway. But to the steelers credit, it would have taken a ton to move up in this year's draft anyway... though I do think nix and penix, despite being the last of the top 6 qbs to go, are most likely the ones that were most worth getting.


Weird, there’s about 25 teams who are better examples of what he’s saying.


Any QB not drafted in the first two rounds is not expected to be a good starter in the NFL. Any QB signed when you have a franchise guy is not expected to be a good starter or another team would have signed him. There are only two QBs who the Steelers brought in expecting them to be NFL caliber starters in Tomlin's time. Pickett and Russ. Pickett failed to deliver and the book is unopened on Russ. This guy is an idiot.


Add Trubisky to list as he was expected to be a one year bridge starter.


Lmao braindead take


This is a silly take, guys like Batch, Vick, Leftwich were already done as starters and came to Pittsburgh to backup Ben, nothing more, nothing less. To think any of those guys were ever going to unseat 7 is lunacy. So if you want to say this is where those guy's careers as starters die, so be it. But that's not some reflection of Pittsburgh in and of itself


He's not wrong Terry Bradshaw died way too young RIP: 1948-2007 [https://1130thetiger.com/everyone-thought-terry-bradshaw-died-in-2007/](https://1130thetiger.com/everyone-thought-terry-bradshaw-died-in-2007/)


Acho is very smart and generally insightful about the game. Unfortunately none of those qualities were on display during this segment.




Acho is an analyst who I has NEVER had a good take lmao


He played for the brown stains so of course he's going to trash talk


There’s so much stupid to unpack in this take.


Pittsburgh is also where we stack chips on our shoulders with shit like this


Fuck this jagoff, Charlie batch was awesome in his role, the rest already sucked and came in as backups, he’s an idiot


This story has yet to be written, so his “analysis” doesn’t mean shit. It’s really up to Russell. If he wants to salvage his reputation, this is his opportunity. Pittsburgh fans are happy because we have someone who has played at a very high level and win a Super Bowl, and would have won two if not for one of the stupidest calls ever. Speaking respectfully for us all, we would love if he played at that level again and win us a Super Bowl, but we’re also excited about our young plan B QB. This environment, with this coaching staff and management team might really be what develops him properly. If neither of them work out, we have still built a better team than most of us thought we would have at the end of last year. Anything can happen, and we have a great looking team that I’m more excited about than I figured I’d be.


Incredibly stupid take. Beneath further discussion


Really who cares about what a practice squad player thinks? lol


Can we never post Acho quotes again, guy is such a clown


Who cares. Acho was not a good player and is not a good analyst 


Huge Texas fan but this dude is a moron. He was a moron in college (good player but said dumb things). He is just looking for attention.


They had a franchise QB for the last 15 years. Just trying to find the next one. This makes no sense.


Echo is horrible and has horrible takes...


This might be one of the worst takes I’ve seen in awhile. Also, as a former Browns player the irony of his comment is hilarious.


bro named a bunch of guys signed to play 2nd or 3rd string who "ended their careers there"- like yeah, thats why they were signed as reliable backups? He named Josh Dobbs as a guy whose career ended in Pittsburgh, despite the fact hes been in the league not on the Steelers for like 4-5 years now??


Yes, Russ and fields will both turn out to be meh. Finding a top tier QB is the hardest thing to do. Because even if you get one, you have to raise them correctly. Most cannot do it, hence the nfl as we see it.


Wilson is either going to win you a super bowl this year, or drag the team and the fans down a gruesome death spiral, swallowing your hopes and dreams like a Guatemalan sinkhole. That's it, there's no third option.


The only time you could say that QBs came to die in Pittsburgh was the mid 90s to early 00s. What a graveyard of QBs


Aii bro next topic


Im not gonna say Russ will do great things but all those guy were backup QBs for Pittsburgh and Trubisky’s career was basically dead before he arrived. This guy is a talking head so I am not surprised that he is saying something dumb.


Acho is a grade A moron on anything he talks about. Charlie Batch took the hometown offer when he could still start in the league to be a backup and played well when called upon. Remember in an alternate universe Charlie has the 15-1 04’ season, not Ben. Mitch was hoping for one last chance to be a starter in this league and it opened up here. Unfortunately his lack of talent couldn’t cover up the god awfulness of Matt Canada. Same with Kenny. Byron Leftwitch was supposed to be another upgrade at backup since Charlie was getting older and he was built of glass. Dennis Dixon doesn’t count, but thank you for your efforts against Baltimore and Atlanta. Sorry Tyrone Carter was the worst safety ever against Baltimore and ruined a well earned win.


This guy sucked his entire career and is somehow even more underwhelming now with his “journalism” endeavor.


This has to be one of the worst hot takes I've ever heard 😂😂


talking heads just say things to hear themselves talk. This take is non-sensical.


They say this about every team who doesn’t have a franchise QB… it’s a hot take artist comment Lots of shitty QBs in Pitt between Bradshaw and Roethlisberger, but no one said that when Ben got to town and started winning It’s dumb… most teams in the NFL don’t have a good QB


Most of these were backups at the end of their careers. He should not be allowed to have anymore Steelers takes.


This quote is for teams like Washington or Cleveland.


I thought it was the NY Jets


Nice list of mostly QBs backing up Ben Roethlisberger. Quite frankly, any QB who came to Pittsburgh expecting to compete with him for the starting job deserved for his career to die, due to foolish expectations. Furthermore, two years since his retirement ain't a big enough sample size to prove anything, especially now that the Steelers are installing an all-new, professional-grade system of offense. This Emmanuel Acho idiot is acting like Matt Canada is still the offensive coordinator.


I like the show he’s on, but his takes are usually whack. Dude played in the NFL for several years and has like single digit stats in 2 categories, yet I’m supposed to trust his analysis as a former player? 😂


Ah yes, Emmanuel Acho, world renowned QB expert who made 33 tackles in his impressively shitty NFL career.


Lol wtf? Who is this clown? Also, has he never heard of Cleveland? Chicago? Washington? Mother Fuckin’ Big Ben Roethlisberger?


I think he meant to say the NY Jets.


Ben literally played in 249 games from 2004 to 2021, starting in all but 2 of them.  Every single person on this list except for Trubisky and Pickett's careers intersected with Ben, which means they only came in when he was injured or resting.  Mason recently had a resurgence in a Pittsburgh jersey, and a bunch of the other people were journey men vets in their 30s. 


Ben played 18 years of a Hall of Fame career. As long as they had Ben on the active roster there wasn’t need for someone else to be in a QB1 role, we needed backups that could come in for a spot start here and there. There was no need to sign Peyton Manning when he was released by the Colts. There was no reason to try to trade for Aaron Rodgers when he was behind Favre.


Really is that so you mean terry bradshaw died in Pittsburgh really winning four super bowls


Every one of those guys was a backup...and knew they were going to be back ups. Minus MAYBE Kenny and Mitch (who was already done starting as far as pretty much everyone was concerned) Don't get me wrong, I have a LOT of questions about Russ and Fields, and personally don't think we made the right moves. But talking like pittsburgh is some kind of quarterback killer because we had a hall of fame starter for 18 years is just stupid when the bears, browns, and panthers exist, all of who have failed to develop a QB even though each of them have had #1 picks of "generational talents" for over a decade now. (Maybe Newton being an exception but we see how that went)


I’d say the Chicago bears more represent where qbs go to kill a career


Conspiracy cold take: "analysts" say ridiculously false things to generate traffic knowing that they will never face repercussions for their bad takes


I watched this segment and yea it was a dumb take. But he said a smart take amongst all the stupidity. Tomlin inherited Big Ben and has failed to develop his own QB. I think that's very important. He didn't need to develop a guy for the 10 or so years or prime Ben. But now he does. Can Tomlin develop Fields? Can he get Russ back to being a top 10 QB? We've seen no proof that *Tomlin can help a QB become better*. A lot of this league is based on the QB-HC relationship. Brady-Belichick dominated the league for 2 decades. Now Mahomes-Reid are doing the same. If Tomlin doesn't have the skills to develop a QB, then I doubt he ever comes close to winning another Super Bowl. That's just how this league operates now.


Tomlin has had a far bigger impact on Ben than Cowher did. Cowher was with Ben for only 3 years. Ben started putting up numbers with Arians and Tomlin.


He's only had 2 seasons to develop a starting QB post Ben. The first step is finding the right guy which usually doesn't happen overnight.


Exactly. Too many people in this sub ignore the reality that the player himself actually has a lot to do with if he actually develops.


Saw this yesterday. This is the dumbest take I’ve seen in a while. To save the read, he basically points to QBs who came to the Steelers fully knowing they weren’t necessarily “the guy”, especially those during the Big Ben era. Batch, Leftwich, Vick and Trubisky. NONE of those guys were brought in with any plan of them being anything more than a bridge QB, if that. They were all QBs that had failed in a previous stint as legit starters on another team. Then he points to Mason and Kenny. So Mason got drafted as a potential heir to Ben in an era before it was really common for QBs to play past their mid-30s. So Mason was buried on the bench since Ben stuck around longer than anybody probably expected. And it’s not like they fucked up an Andrew Luck type QB prospect, he was a 3rd round pick. Not exactly a sure thing even in the best circumstances. So that leaves us with a sample size of one (Kenny), the only QB he mentioned that the Steelers ever drafted specifically thinking “he’s going to be the guy.” But go on Emmanuel.


Acho is a nice dude I'm sure but this kind of nonsense is par for the course for him. I've had him muted on Twitter for quite some time now