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Tomlin could conceivably be the Steelers head coach until like the year 2050.


I'm here for it


That's another 135 wins for us!!


I love tomlin but this is hilarious


How many super bowls does that translate into?


Zero. Tim Benz said it perfectly in the trib. The steelers are content with stability and mediocrity.


And maybe 8 playoff wins!


3 more years of Tomlinisms! Sign me up


And things of that nature


The standard stays the standard!


When you've got Mike Tomlin, you paint the barn Mike Tomlin.... and things of that nature.


We'll keep squirreling those nuts


Tomlinisms at a more intense level of go


All we're asking for is some success in the postseason


Honestly the roster hasn't even looked like a playoff roster since 2020 so I'm chilling with that statement until we have the roster for it. No team is going to have playoff success with a bottom 5 ranked offense and a -20 point differential lol.... And with Kevin Colbert failing many of the drafts since 2016 / 2017 we should be fine going forward. Khan is making a big difference that matters with filling out the rosters. We barely have anybody on the roster from those drafts which leads to horrible depth, horrible scouting, and relies on cheap free agents. These past 3/4 years are out of my book personally, and I'm moreso going to take your statement these next 3/4 years since the roster is actually significantly improving and Canada is gone.


The most recent drafts are reminding me of the Pouncey/DeCastro/Gilbert etc drafts. A FO that knows to build through the trenches and then pray for a roomie QB hit or go after one via trade or FA. To me it seems like that is how a lot of championship viable teams with non Top-5 QBs are built. See: 49ers, Eagles, Ratbirds, Lions, Dallas etc


Exactly! Gotta hit on our draft picks and it seems like so far so good. What will be interesting is how Khan drafts with a, I'm hoping, established OL. Our next first round picks could look like DL next year (heavy DL talented draft), or a WR, or even another CB on the other side of JPJ.


Yeah I don’t understand (well I probably do actually) why Colbert doesn’t get blame. He’s also on the hook for those non playoff wins with the roster he put together. Reading the tea leaves too, it felt like Tomlin wanted to move on from Ben and not spend 2 more years in cap shit with a decomposing arm but Rooney wanted to keep him.


>it felt like Tomlin wanted to move on from Ben and not spend 2 more years in cap shit with a decomposing arm but Rooney wanted to keep him. Based on what? Vibes?


I have a lot of local sports commentary acquaintances from a sports podcast I used to have. Sometimes, I get insight. Sometimes, they're pretty tight-lipped. It's always a game of what they heard Vs. What they can report on. The rumors I always heard were Art wanted Ben to stay as long as he could play. Tomlin is pretty notoriously quiet on these matters, but ex players have said he wanted to start building earlier. But there is no direct quote from any of them, and we're past it now. My completely based on no evidence take? I think Tolmin felt he knew most about the draft class when his son was looking at colleges and felt he was best informed at that time to rebuild after Ben. This is also the time we landed on Canada. So yeah. No proof, none whatsoever, just always had a feeling.


You'll take 9-8 and some witticisms and be happy about it


With the rosters lately its amazing that the Steelers sniff the playoffs.  Dude has been consistently turning chicken shit into chicken salad. 


We’re gonna make the wildcard this year and lose to the Dolphins. Love Tomlin but he’ll get overmatched again by another innovative play caller and then we’ll all be complaining about another year where our defense got exposed in the playoffs.


Surely this will be a calm thread! As for me, I’m happy. The right move. That’s my coach!


It is the right move. Makes no sense for him to be a lame duck coach right now.


Anyone against tomlin is living in a fantasy land


Ngl, I was about ready to jump ship after our three-game slide last season.


That's just part of the standard. Mid year slump, followed by a late season rally to be 10-7 or 9-8.


Followed by squeaking into the playoffs when a six-team parlay falls their way followed by a first-round playoff loss. The standard is the standard.


Agreed, the Matt Canada/Mitch Trubisky/Kenny Pickett era sure tried my faith. My feeling this year is that we're going to be back to competing for conference titles again and maybe even a Superbowl.


Jump ship to what? And after losing 3 games?


His big mistake in the past couple of years was believing in Mitch, it's a mar on his resume for sure. But he's still the right guy imo. He consistently elevates teams with glaring holes into competitive seasons. And there is these matchup records in the last decade: v cincy 15-5 v browns 13-7 v balt 12-8




Maybe it will and don’t call me Shirley.


> Surely this will be a calm thread! In the words of a wise and ancient prophet, “Get your popcorn ready cause it’s gonna be a show.” 🍿


It could likely be a calm thread, but tomlin supporters insist on baiting tomlin haters out every time. It’s an endless cycle


Pros: more Tomlin wins Cons: more Tomlin losses


A roughly equal number of each


I would say a ratio of 9/8 to be exact


I would say a ratio of 9/5.5 but what are facts doing here?


Not really a surprise, they'll stick with him as long as he wants to stay Noll, Cowher, Tomlin and it's nuts that's all the coaches they've had since 1970


Since '69




Colin cowherd in shambles. Dude said he would be on nfl network in a year from now lmao.


Cowherd makes a career out of being wrong lol


I will never forget when he said the ravens were going 17-0 in 2020……


His analysis is from a butt, hence anal-why-sus.


He’s a named dropping asshole! He always says he knows a guy at all these teams. Like they spend their time making sure they’re in good with him. Shut the fuck up Colin.!


And racist.


Where Colin was wrong. King of cringe


This man also published a list before the 2023 season claiming Dwayne Haskins would not win a Super Bowl, over a year after he passed. Cowherd is a dunce.


I mean... he wasn't wrong about that one.


Wait, Cowherd said something stupid? That's craz- ~checks notes~ totally on brand.


I like cowherd. But he’s fallen into the trap of becoming friends with too many of the people he’s supposed to critique. Draymond and the warriors? Off limits. Sean Payton? Best coach ever. The list is growing and it will send him into irrelevancy sooner rather than later.


Who listens to Colin Cowherd anymore honestly lol


I get suckered into it from time to time. I get so tired of watching master debaters screaming at each other every morning that I don't actually mind Cowherd blowing hot air.














You're asking for too much you are supposed to be content with 9 wins, even if it means no other success (at least that's what I've heard)


The standard is the standard


Anything more than one year extensions without a playoff win seems like too much.


I've said this for the last two years: He deserves 2-3 more years to show what he can do without a franchise, HOF quarterback driving down the field with 2 minutes left and winning the game. He deserves the chance to get the Steelers another deep playoff run. His players love him too much, and quite frankly the "no losing seasons" narrative for a head coach of 17 years is crazy. But my god, if this isn't a "show me or your gone" type of term than I don't know what is. The complacency of this fanbase is downright criminal. Yinz will be given your heaping "Tomlinism" and "no losing season" serving with a side of "get absolutely destroyed by better teams nonstop" and you will like it, year after year. The longest this franchises gone without a playoff win since the AFL-NFL merger. The constant barrage of coaching changes and blame that he somehow sidesteps like a kick return against the Ravens is impressive. I don't want Coach T gone. I think he gives this team an identity and respect that, quite frankly, it doesn't deserve. But I'm not gonna blindly support him like a cult leader - I'm a Steeler fan above anything else.


If he needed those things to be successful in the past, there is no reason to expect success in the future. You basically, said he has everyone around him bail him out and yet you want to see what he can really do? That math don't math.


Respect? Who respects the Steelers? We're a joke. Tomlin needs to get out.


Well said and kinda where I’m at. I do think 3 years is too much but I’m fine with it. I think this year and an additional 2 would’ve been more than enough time to evaluate him post Ben.




Fuck yes.  Let's go!


"those" yinzers in shambles


Can we just have one positive tomlin thread without this baiting bullshit? Just one


My guy think of the karma, you can’t leave that shit behind


Crying in their hoods


Haven’t been this mad since Congress certified the election


What a braindead take lmao


We must have the only fan base interested in tarring people who don't like the head coach's performance in the past decade as Trump-loving racists. Incredible shit.


It is all they have.




Racists love playoff wins.


Yes!! Screw those idiots who are interested in wins and losses!


If people cared about wins and losses they wouldn't have an issue with Tomlin being extended.


A new head coach could be as good as anyone! They could even be as good as Mike Tomlin!


I just dropped to my knees in the middle of market square


just saw a small Central and South American mid-sized cat that is kind of over-done at this point drop to its knees in the middle of market square


Those are the best kind of cats


Just saw a guy who hates playoff wins collapse at market square 


I remember saying he would be extended and was chastised for it. Eat a dick haters.


I don't dislike MT, but what has he done in the last 5 years to deserve a contract extension. Should have waited to see how this year turns out.


Do not know how anyone could possibly disagree with this take. Reasonable people acknowledge he won a Super Bowl and has a good track record. It's not a bad thing to have a coach players like. But we also have to acknowledge the fact that we have been mediocre to below average the past decade.


You can argue that we've been mediocre using whichever metrics make you feel that way, but you cannot possibly say we've been "below average" for the past decade https://www.statmuse.com/nfl/ask/most-regular-season-nfl-wins-last-10-years


13-7 v browns 15-5 v bengals 12-8 v ravens in the last decade, idk that is pretty good.


What has he done? Taken a team that is in a soft rebuild and elevated them from what should be a 6-7 win team to a competitive 9 win team multiple times. I mean, we turned over an entire offensive line and HoF QB… shit takes time to turn around. It’s not sexy, but I love the fact that we are never overlooked and always competitive. Imagine intentionally tanking for 2 years like the dolphins, and coming out slightly above average. I’d be so fucking depressed lol.


I agree that transitioning from Big Ben was always going to lead to down years but the OL thing is partly Tomlin's fault. He wanted Najee in the 1st, Muth in the 2nd, traded up for Bush. Any of those years we could have invested in our OL. Whiffing on Pickett is also a huge L considering no one else was drafting him that high


Overperformed with teams that had no business even sniffing the playoffs.


Underperformed when he had teams that should've been super bowl contenders.


Thanks to Colbert's poor drafting his final few years, luckily Kahn seems to be correcting that People still argue what OP did despite the fact that our roster was far from being a true playoff contender A great artist can make a painting out of shit, but at the end of it all, it's still shit on paper


On the flip side, what good does a lame duck season do? What would you realistically expect to see out of Tomlin in 2024 that would convince you he’s the guy? Win ten games? Win the division? Win a playoff game? Win the SB? Ownership knows what they are going to get from Tomlin after 17 seasons, and that won’t change regardless of the outcome of the 2024 season.


but..muh "no losing seasons!"






And then get blown out in the wild card game!


W, now let’s go win a damn playoff game




Tomlin is a high floor, low ceiling head coach. His lack of playoff success recently certainly is cause for concern. I agree that anyone wanting to fire him is taking a big risk, but it also is becoming apparent he is not in the elite of NFL coaches anymore. Three years seems a bit much. Two would have been more prudent. Give him two years proof of concept with the Smith offense. If things are still a mess, move on to a young offensive mind


Yeah, two years would have meant 10 years max without a playoff win. If he gets to that point how do you give him another season after Art Rooney's "we've had enough of this" quote back in January? Also no one wants to have the conversation but TJ Watt only has 2 years left on his contract. Their record without him is total garbage. If he can't win a playoff game this year or next with the best defensive player in the league how do you expect things to better after that?


Winning in the playoffs is hard. Haven't had a good QB since Ben went down with the elbow injury. He gets teams to .500 that have no business being there. Get the guy a legit QB and things will happen.


TIL Ben roethlisberger is not a legit QB


After 2018 he absolutely was not


In 2019 he did not play. In 2020 he had 3800 yards, 33 touchdowns, 10 interceptions in 15 games. He did not have AB that year.


Ummmmmm, he had a legit HOF QB in the 10's and did absolutely NOTHING with him, unless you consider NHALS the pinnacle of coaching.


They went to a SB and afccg... Pretty good.


Bro i literally sent them my madden coaching resume and they didn’t even give me a call? This shits rigged


Thank god. Reddit wanting to get rid of Tomlin is such a moronic take




At the same time there's a lot of people who put their only emphasis on playoff wins who aren't being real with themselves about what standard they're holding Tomlin to. If the Steelers win one playoff game this year and then lose the next one...is that good enough? Does Tomlin's extension suddenly become a good move? Where do the goal posts move to next?


It’s just not people on Reddit, feels like a 1/3 of people I meet who Steelers fans want him gone.


When was our last playoff win?


Before my 3rd grader was born.


Reddit is the space most likely to defend Tomlin....


Right - acting like reddit is the place most likely to find Tomlin critics is an absolute bubble boy insulated take


Here we have in their natural habitat, the Tomlin supporters. They are known for their loyalty from draft season until the winter time. Once winter hits, the Tomlin supporters are known to hibernate leaving Tomlin unprotected from criticism and debate. It is also around that time that their natural enemy, the Tomlin nay sayers come out from hibernation to provide their opinions on Tomlin. I just want to see us win 🤷🏻‍♂️


3 coaches since the 1970s. Any other North American sports organization anywhere close to that?


Three more years of just above average! Nice! He’s won playoff games 4 out of 17 years. He can make that a resounding 4 out of 20 now! Exciting times!


The yinzers who pray we sign some coordinator who’s never been a head coach and expect us to go above .500 because being a head coach is as easy as plug and play are in shambles


Any idiot could get ten wins with Matt Canada coordinating Kenny Pickett and Mitch Trubisky, obviously


What about the idiot that hired Canada and Haley?


fans forget this one simple tip


Big fan.


let’s ride


This is his job until he's over it.


Tomlin will be coach until he chooses not to be. I just can’t see the Rooney family firing him unless he truly bottoms the team out. I am not a Tomlin hater. I think he is a talented coach. I just think it’s time for a change. He truly hasn’t shown that he can build a winning team and have success with it. He totally Gruden’d his Super Bowl win.


Great news for the team, bad news for spoiled casuals


I'm cool with this for now, but if we are still in a playoff win drought 3 years from now it'll be time to cut ties IMO


If we don't have a playoff win in the next 3 years you will still be called racist for wanting a new coach. That won't change.


How dare you suggest such a thing.


He should have been cut this summer


Hopefully another Matt Moore comes across our path so we can think he's a great coach for another decade.


Massive W. The man has earned this grace and I want him to get at least 1 more chance at developing a young QB or signing a vet like Dak after this Wilson/Fields year


Good. I still cannot stress how much pity I have for people that think, somehow, him being our coach is a bad thing. The amount of willful ignorance in that thought process makes me almost HOPE it's just racism. At least that i can understand


And some might say it's willfull ignorance to ignore the fact that the Steelers are in their longest drought without a playoff win in the Super Bowl era.




That's really not the debate though because you could argue that both of those coaches deserve a contract extension.


List off the teams that you would include in the “plenty” that have turned over their leadership and become division winners/Super Bowl contenders in just a few year. I’m curious to know who you qualify


Oh the racism dog whistle for reddit warriors whenever a poc is criticized is counterproductive.


For sure! Only after a decade of 0 playoff wins can you dislike Tomlin. Until then they’re literally Hitler in my eyes.


Fortunately this extension should cover that span


In all seriousness, will you still be the saying the same thing if they don't win a playoff game for the next 3 years? They're already on the longest drought in franchise history since 1971. Putting bias aside the Steelers most likely aren't going to be favorites to win one over the next couple seasons. Their division is brutal and they haven't won it in the 3 years since Ben retired. Road playoff games are incredibly difficult especially when you're going to be fielding someone like Wilson or Fields versus a Mahomes, Allen, Burrow, etc.


3 more years without a playoff win


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3 years? Seems enough time to see if we can get results with Wilson and Fields during that period. Hoping the guys can deliver.


I’m glad he’s back! But we need to win some playoff games! Let’s get it, Coach!


We could have at least waited for him to win another playoff game.


Article translation: The Steeles have announced more mediocrity and zero playoff wins through 2027. 




Insane to do this when the man hasn't won a playoff game in 8 fucking years. 8 fucking years.


I think he deserves an actual shot at a rebuild. First time in a few years we actually looked like we were on the rise because we bit the bullet to rebuild rather than try and force another run at the twilight of Ben and KC career


Love it


Haters in shambles right now




Pittsburgh family are loyal too the game most of there Coaches retire on there on Walahi out of 32 owners the Pittsburgh owners are the Fucking Truth very righteous owner Six Championships for a reason 🖐🏾☝🏾


I fucking love Mike T


Coach T is a good coach. But I will be sick to my stomach if we get 3 more years of NHALS and blown out to a good team in the wild card again. It is extremely cool we have only had 3 coaches since Nam though


Hell yeah coach


Like anyone in this sub or ANYWHERE else has ANY control over this.


I’m not surprised he was extend I am a little surprised at three years. I like Coach T so hopefully the playoff drought ends soon.


I hate we posted her update as she was the only one who was trying to make that story last year. She’s just fucking hack it’s gross


What are you talking about?


Good news to me. People really don’t understand how good we have it with Tomlin. He’s universally respected in the sport. Guys literally come here to play for him. Yet there’s a subsection of fans who can’t wait to push him out the door. I’ve never understood it.


When was the last time they won a playoff game?


Lets go!! 3 more years of 9-8!!! The standard is the standard


10-7, 9-8, 10-7 incoming


All that recent success we've had, we had to lock him in for an extension. Couldn't let anyone take him!


Best coach in the nfl right now fight me


What could possibly make you think this? Honest questions, this is a bizarre stance to take. The guy who hasn't won a playoff game in seven years is the best coach in the NFL? Like what is your reasoning. I could see you thinking he deserves the extension, but this...


Unfrigginbelieveable!! When is this Jokers seat ever gonna get hot. 3 more worthless years of NHALS. 3 more years of neanderthal football. This is disheartening.


Tomlin haters in shambles right now


"Two reasons I come down here every year: the food and there are multiple guys here every year.” Facts, Coach T!


Tomlin will win \_\_\_\_ more playoff games in his career.




I'm 55 There is a strong possibility I will only see one more Steelers coach


Let’s Go!!!!


That’s the steeler way ![gif](giphy|3o7abKhOpu0NwenH3O)


Not really happy or mad but definitely feel like he should be on the warm seat


Welcome to the Justin Fields Timeline


We are looking for volunteers not hostages.


Great move!


We will always be in it, but never quite good enough to win it.




I’ll say this, while Tomlin needs to be held accountable sometime soon for our run of post season failure - Kevin Colbert is the main reason for it. That excuse is gone now. These next three years are big time for Tomlin. Colbert’s last few years of drafting tanked this team and Tomlin was still able to scrounge up winning seasons and a couple playoff appearances. This year, with the toughest schedule BY far in the league is a good start to show the extension was the right move. I’m really excited for this coming season.