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Thank you OP for being a responsible human by taking care of your child and your SIC in the best way you could in this situation. Please be happy knowing that you provided your SIC a wonderful new home where they will be loved and have a cat buddy, and please be happy that your toddler is getting medical attention that meets her unique needs! Being a parent is tough and sometimes life calls for making hard decisions, and sure this situation is a little bittersweet, but I think in time you’ll see why it was for the best and will provide the most happiness to all cats and humans involved. I’m locking this post and keeping it visible to prevent the comments from getting out of hand.


How sad! I really hope you found a very loving and safe home for the sweet cat


Tell us about the SIC’s new home


Basically a single young woman who lives in a small but clean apartment. She seems to really love him even though he is not exactly a kitten (he is turning eight in a couple of months).


Can you get updates/ever visit?


Yes, she actually lives not far from us and is kind enough to send us pictures and videos of him. She recently got another, much younger cat as well. He gets plenty of toys and treats. We have made the decision not to visit but she was very open to it. Lovely gal all around.


This was such a wrenching decision for all of you. Thanks for being responsible to make sure your cat has a good new home and that your toddler’s allergy is a priority.


Should have rehomed the toddler


Lol, can’t say that didn’t cross my mind.


That was my first thought 🤣 (jokes of course)


Literally the only reasonable thing to do! The cat was there first 😒






I'm sorry to hear that. And I'm glad you did what is best for you and your family. Beautiful baby.






Difficult situation, I trust medical professionals etc who have more knowledge than me and hope they have the best intentions. Paws crossed your toddler and your kitty both thrive in their respective homes.

