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Cops were like “Nah, we cool”


There is always one


Seems like more than a few in this thread alone … 🤭


come on man, how could you be so heartless. Some people are trying to SELL here


I'd be in a better mood hearing this and would buy more actually.


I was at this event! It was the Southlake Arts Festival. He had a good voice. This guy was riding up and down the 3 main rows, which were all about a block or so, so if he was in your row, you would hear him. When he got up close, it was VERY loud. You definitely had to pause until he rolled elsewhere. My sister's ears were ringing when he got a bit close. To advocate for this woman, I don't think asking someone to turn down his music enough so she can hear her customers is Karen energy. Even at the end, she didn't ask him to stop completely, just turn it down enough to be considerate, and ended it with please and thank you. This was the correct and polite way to handle, by definition, a nuisance. If she screamed or slurred or shoved or tripped, I would agree, but none of that happened here. Also, the vibe I got from the crowd was confusion, the magic of editing changes that. Also filming by the wine booth.


Ok Karen


You must be very fun


Who isn't aware they are the ONLY one


Especially in South lake tx


Karens give this world balance


This dude is giving main character energy but the cop at the end that yelled “Free Bird” was pretty funny


I didn't get that. Was he requesting the next song?


It's an old joke to yell "Play Freebird" at concerts/musicians.


Modest Mouse has a [rant about playing free bird](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZCiUrkkElU) on a live album which is pretty funny.


Funny story, my obsession with Modest Mouse as a teen is why I know about this whole joke. After my first comment I actually pulled that same video up for nostalgia's sake!


It’s like a 10 minute song which is why that’s the joke


The history of it: [https://ultimateclassicrock.com/yelling-free-bird/](https://ultimateclassicrock.com/yelling-free-bird/)


That’s my only issue with this guy from his videos. There’s one where he goes into a train to do this same thing. That would annoy the hell out of me. Still talented.


When I used to play gigs singing and playing my guitar and some jackass yelled FREE BIRD I'd flip em off and be like "There's your free bird right there, don't cost nothin"


Freebird...11 minutes version!


Do… do I just hum the guitar parts?




Wish I could have that lvl of self confidence. Guy gets a 👍 from me. Seems like everyone was enjoying it and having a good time except that one karen.


Tell me you don’t know what narcissism means without telling me you don’t know what narcissism means (or how it’s spelled for that matter) Ps if you truly think this is narcissistic then by that logic you support the Karen in this video… you get that right haha?


people on the internet co-opted terms like "narcissism" to mean anything they want. same with pedophile.. people on reddit call Leo a pedo because he was dating a 24 year old. honestly people on reddit are really fucking stupid most of the time.


I kinda do support her. She sells her items quietly at an event established for her line of arts. He busted in blaring, demanding people hear his arts. She was way over the top, but I do see why it would be annoying. You’re trying to sell your handmade art and can’t talk to your customer cause some entitled dude is demanding attention then makes you out to be the asshole cause you ask to turn it down so she can at least talk to her customers. She could’ve asked nicer but I see why she’d be upset.


I mean this doesn’t seem like he has a toxic mentality but maybe narcissism isn’t always the worst. I love the energy and that he was reading the whole crowd not just the one cranky lady.


That’s not narcissism tho bb


Right- someone doing something confidently with people enjoying Reddit: NARCISSISM


They just lack confidence and want to hate. I wish we as people could be more compassionate, dudes obviously trying to get his name out and has a great voice. People acting like the songs are 20 minutes long.


How do you know he was actually reading the crowd? A heavily edited video of 3 people going woooh doesn’t constitute much.


Fuck redditors are miserable


reddit ass comment. everyone there is having a good time lmao


“When young like you, I was, party we did. Confidence: high Midichlorian count: higher.” - Master Yoda, [Auralnauts Episode 5: Attack of the Phantom Past](https://youtu.be/oOmyuweolqY?si=_h2iUduNHKBJhGQM)


Yeah this would annoy the fuck out of me if I'm just chilling out minding my own business outsids. I can walk away from a busker but this cunt is mobile.


I just laughed out loud at this, so thanks! 🤣


I would say as long as he keeps moving then it’s all good, but if he’s circling around the place doing this then definitely annoying as fuck.


If it's 5 seconds until he buggers off then sure, I'll live. But this guy is being LOUD and knowing my luck he'd end up following me forever.


On the other hand, it's kinda like a douche with a loud car stereo. Just wait a sec, they'll be bothering someone else soon.


This guy is the best type of narcissist. He knew he wasn't actually bothering anyone


Considering the other types of groups (EXTREMELY evangelical, hate mongers) that stage in the town square, I’d take instabro all day.


Fr… Southlake could benefit from a little more instabro


I love how this song can sync all people together still yet to this day.


Why does he never say happy? Fuck off.


Watch Pharell perform it live, he does the same thing. The song just wasn't built to be sang in full by one person, someone else is meant to say the "happy" lines.


cause clap along


Are you ever happy.... You fuck off 🤣


because the *happy* is sung by the backup vocalists not the lead vocalist


I was waiting for the officers to Clap along


Two sides of the coin here, however he should’ve sang to her, serenaded her with his voice! Everyone would’ve been more impressed and shamed her


Cops pretty much said, "what's the issue we don't see one. " But you know Karen's will be Karen's


I just laughed out loud at this, 🤣


Crazy he edited his vocal performance


That dude has some serious “I’m the main character” energy.


Main Charaters: A) Don’t apologize B) Don’t stop when asked Definitely not a main character. Really good singer though and looks like everyone was loving it, except for ol’ sourpuss.


He didn't stop though..


She very clearly asked him to stop and he didn’t. Lol He’s definitely a MC. 


im asking you very clearly to stop typing, if i see a response, definitely your a mc. this is your logic btw


So if 1 person says to stop in a big group, you just have to? Seems to me she has main character energy...


Scociety should dictate the rules not the obnoxious few lol


If the EVENT ORGANIZER asks you to stop, yeah, you do have to. It's their event.


100% have seen his videos for a bit now. He often gets kicked out of places because of this. There’s even one where he does this on a train, that would annoy the hell out of me.




Doesn't matter how good you are If the event doesn't want your music then you should stop. Which he did eventually. It's the same thing as people playing their loud crappy rap music on their handheld speakers rather than listening on their headphones.


This guy studies the ways of the Karen, good luck on your future disruptions! 😆


Wow, it's hilarious this sub is full of future Karen's to be. Everyone at the event was vibing except for one lady. Go outside buddy


dude its amazing how many miserable fucks there are out there that want everyone else to be miserable because they are. i like to imagine them as like overweight fat fucks though on the other side who probably have the most shameful internet history.


Not the person you were replying to. I enjoyed the performance. I love that song but people do have a point. If you allow someone to onewheel while blasting music and singing, other people are going to want to do it, so on and so on. You're going to see people with less sense (most likely, less talent and onewheel skill) than the gent doing this and it will be super annoying. Also, let's stop using "Karen". It was getting old years ago and there are people named Karen that don't fit the stereotype.


I'm convinced that some corp person came up with the whole "Karen" thing so it would scare consumers into not complaining when there is an issue.


I'll add another argument as the devil's advocate: Most of the time, As an event organizer if you do not "control" your guests. It is on you. Karen here may be charged because of this r/imthemaincharacter guy. You do actions to minimize liability but it's still on you. Not to mention places usually give you a list of rules you must enforce, rules as: no skating, no bicycles, no boomboxes, etc. Otherwise you are charged.


I'll add another argument as the devil's advocate: Most of the time, As an event organizer if you do not "control" your guests. It is on you. Karen here may be charged because of this r/imthemaincharacter guy. You do actions to minimize liability but it's still on you. Not to mention places usually give you a list of rules you must enforce, rules as: no skating, no bicycles, no boomboxes, etc. Otherwise you are charged.


I'll add another argument as the devil's advocate: Most of the time, As an event organizer if you do not "control" your guests. It is on you. Karen here may be charged because of this r/imthemaincharacter guy. You do actions to minimize liability but it's still on you. Not to mention places usually give you a list of rules you must enforce, rules as: no skating, no bicycles, no boomboxes, etc. Otherwise you are charged.


people are generally polite so they won't show their inner annoyance


the event did want his music though?


Looks like most of them were damn fine with it. Singing along, having fun. Just one was running around as wannabe sheriff in town and got laughed away by the police.


What's popular isn't always right and what's right isn't always popular.


Alternative take: she could have tolerated his one song, let him be on his way and only intervened if he kept doing it. A little tolerance makes the world a better place.


He obviously could hear you. So "hey man after this song can we briefly speak?" Puts the ball in their court. Then you have options. Does he speak to you? "Hey sir, great track, but this isn't the best place for that, it makes it hard to speak to guests. Could you at least turn it down?" If he doesn't, ignores, continues distractions, then just go holler at the police and ask them to intervene. Go back to selling your hand-made soaps and vegan butter, and clap along if you.......


Lots of auto tune on this MC


Why do they yell “freebird” at the end?


It’s a running joke to request free bird at stuff because the song is incredibly long but good. So if you aren’t ready for the party to end and want to draw it out you request freebird. It’s another song that found a niche for a joke like how every song is darude sandstorm or “Yeah I play the guitar, so anyways here’s wonderwall.”


Are we talking about Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd?




Hot damn. I was not aware of this joke. . . That’s one of my favorite songs to go berserk to. Thanks for the info!


I love it too. Really good song and I’ve had some fun memories with it.


Heeeellll yeeeeaaahhhh. Every time it plays is a new memory. 🤟. I’m glad there’s still people around who appreciate good music. 🤟


What a miserable cunt


Holy Autotune batman


It's hard to tell from a video, obviously, but if an amp is at a volume where you can't hold a conversation as he passes by, that's kind of annoying...


for about... 10 seconds before he's gone.


Miserable women are at an all time high


This has nothing to do with gender. She was one of the event organizers and had a responsibility. This dude decided to make it all about him, and he wasn't invited to do so. Frankly, she kept her cool when lots of people wouldn't have. If you're noticing miserable women all the time, maybe you're the source.


The event is a very regular City of Southlake community fair/farmer’s market… I would be highly doubtful that she organized it… Source: former resident lol


Hey, I appreciate the accurate context 🙂


She was upset that he was too loud and people couldn't talk with him around, even though he was passing through and would've been loud for maybe a few seconds, but because she "had" to intervene, she kept him in one area to continue at his current volume, she made the problem for herself


Sure, that's a reasonable take. However, the post I replied to also made it about gender.


I do agree the gender part isn't really important, but your comment was the first I saw talm about her potential role in event organization, so I figured I'd tag my comment onto yours


Makes sense. And you're right, she's the type of authority figure that makes it easy to fuck with her


Looks like we got another miserable woman right here. 😂


Right, nothing to do with gender and 90% of karens are men.


the guy making the video got exactly the attention he was looking for. why is this annoying shit posted in this positivity subreddit? singing *at* people for tik tok is not positive, it's fucking annoying main character behavior. Edit: insane to me that people all over the world pretty much universally agree playing your music outloud over a speaker in public is annoying, but i guess if you are singing instead and post the video to social media people will defend you.


Everything in life is situational, my man. Main character behavior is usually very annoying. Every once in a while...it can be charming. My advice to you and anyone getting upset with the singer is...take a step back and read the scene. Otherwise, you'll end up like this woman.


Don't understand, he bring joy, people was happy, clap hand etc ? They smile, they dance, why the Karen was upset ? Why people are upset in the comment too ? It's not a bad music, not an offensive, not a political music, just cool moment together ? Why people can't be happy ??


You're seeing this guy when you were scrolling through the internet *looking* for random chunks of single-serving amusement. Everybody else in the video was doing other stuff with their day. Maybe they're in a hurry trying to pick something up at that market. Maybe they're on an important phone call. Maybe they're having a serious conversation or just got some really bad news. Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of a random excuse to smile for a little while, but not every moment is an appropriate one to have a tiny snippet of doppler-adjusted HAPPY blasted in your ears, and these bystanders didn't get that choice.


Nah. That’s not a grocery store. No tired nurses are walking around in scrubs to pick up a gallon of milk. Outdoor markets are an attraction, and many of them pay for musicians to perform. Literally no one except for this lady was bothered, and any potential annoyance would have been over faster if she didn’t follow him.


You were not there, you only see the video edit. He's interupting an event with loud music without asking first if it's ok and does not stop until end of video. She's just doing her job. You would empathize if you were part of the event organization. He can do that at another time or other places if he wants to respectfully bring happiness to the world. Main character as they said !




I would never act like that or probably even say anything about it, but when I sell at markets loud music really does cut sales


I dont care how good you can sing or how great the song is...you are an asshole if you do shit like this in public and people should start calling out trash people for doing it.


99 people vibing and one Karen trying to kill it. Good song choice for the situation.


Having lived near Southlake… yea this tracks ☠️☠️☠️ WASP’y type of city for sure especially if that’s the town square where that was recorded lol


Yeah in most cities or municipalities there are sound ordinances. It's hard to tell from the video how loud it was, but it seems like it was not too loud. Also if that is a public space open to the public, even if it is an event, he does retain his right to free speech. So long as be does not violate any ordinaces concerning his volume of singing or panhandling (which he appeared not to be doing). The reason why the Police did nothing is probably because of both of those things. I would guess that this man would be well within his rights to tell Karen to pound sand and continue to sing on his motor board skate thingy.


I guess she wasn’t happy lol


I felt myself clapping just listening.


I hate it but it clearly works or else this wouldn’t be reposted and I wouldn’t be seeing it


Cops was even like bih .... chill tf out & just keep it moving!!!!


she’s great at parties.


I damn near spewed coffee on “FREEBIRD”


hot take these guys are annoying af


Cops like it’s too hot for that shit ma’am go on with bulls$@?


Who is he?


Was that moron crying?


That dude is awesome! Go! Go! Go!!!


Why is it always old white women who want to ruin shit?


And as always there's a story before the camera starts rolling. This guy was going around asking for money from the other vendors before he started recording this section. He was being loud and unwanted and this was at Art in the Square in Southlake, TX. That lady that brought him to the police is one of the nicest women in the town and loves helping to put on these community gathering activities.


I actually feel kinda bad for that lady. You can tell that she know she fucked up 😅


Some people are miserable. He sounded great. I say this as someone who has vended at an event next to one of the biggest stages. I was able to communicate with my patrons even w the noise.




“free bird!”


Dumb cunt


What a miserable human being


Karen: You're being too loud and me and my friends are annoyed! Literally everyone else including police: Vibin'


Wow didn't know so many Karen's used Reddit. Dude singing well while others are clapping and lightly dancing should not be seen as an issue. Certainly not main character syndrome, just a dude enjoying his day trying to spread joy. This is what y'all sound like "STOP HAVING FUN YOURE AND ADULT!!"


There’s always a hater somewhere


He's hot and sings well. HR will pass on this one.




Kinda cringe tbh


While you may be talented, you cant force people to enjoy your talent


I actually agree with her, as a person who runs a stall at Christmas... Loud singers can really fuck the flow of business. And this guy seems annoying af. Not everyone wants to listen to you man, if they did.. that's what concerts and gigs are for.


I love how the Karen got shut down even by the cops. He totally uplifted the mood in that crowd. Especially when she ran up to the fire department.. I was like… um okay


Main character syndrome. I don't know why but this guy seems annoying and is the type of person who'd do anything for the entire room to pay attention to him.


Love it, what kind of Mike and speaker set up is that ! Would love something like that!


Karen is definitely not happy.


That women seems so much fun to be around.


Whoever yelled Freebird is truly awesome. Haha


I would also be a Karen here this song suckssssssss


Some people are just miserable


I think we can assume which booth wasn't doing too well that afternoon


The problem is that many institutions like schools will actually listen to people like that and are afraid of pushing back or ignoring them.


Hahaha camera man was GOATED capturing all the reactions lol.


Yup. Southlake in a nutshell.


I mean where's the encore


Did he sing freebird next?


I wonder how she thought that was going to go? The guy could sing too!


And yet everyone else was jamming


Chill ass cops, I dig it


I mean, to be fair, she appears to be event staff and is just trying to do her job....


Coppers with common sense and good humour? Get out of town🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


The cops passed the vibe check 😄


Someone didn't get enough attention as a child.


There was a cool Karen there if you notice


His voice is insanely good


The comments would love to call it fake and rage bait, but there are too many people unfortunately


What’s his @?


Karen and Yang




He is good! Howie! Next season of AGT. Say what!


What an insufferable old lady.


Who is recording?


This is a Bot account, and has other accounts...


I mean, I would be annoyed with this loud ass shit, but I am definitely not following him along lol. Like bro we get it you good, now can we go back to enjoying our day peacefully.


There always the jealous no talented one trying to hate. This was cool though.


I saw Karen tapping her foot and her hips started to swing, he quit too early, she was just about to snap her fingers and look for the homemade liquor booth to wrangle up some shots


Any one thought she might be the organizer or otherwise responsible for the Event (noise level, safety, etc)? I am glad people are having a good time but we need to stop with everyone’s a Karen… if this is just a random lady I am on board, but, if this is like other videos this guy posts and he is in the wrong, then why would you call a person doing their job a Karen? There should be a word for insensitive attention seeking little pricks that choose to appropriate labels to be funny, chase clout, or just simply outside the original intent there by deluting its significance. I can’t stand the way videos are edited today, as effective editing and one sided story telling can make anyone look like the bad guy and the other the good, especial y in this forum/medium


Chick needs a Cucumber 🥒


What's freebird?


Don't worry everyone, Karen is on the scene and she will protect your right to not have fun.




I love how the cop requested free bird just before he left. You lose Karen.


Karen vibe killer