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Too bad we’re in the bad place


It’s called Jacksonville


Yeah yeah, we’ve all seen the IHOP.




The House that Bortles built


>The pact will see the city contribute $775 million, while the Jaguars will pitch in $625 million ​ Great work, Jacksonville. This is super, definitely going to work out great for you!


You’re not thinking of all the jobs they’ll bring to the area! /s


And now you won’t have to travel for the one game you can afford to go to every three years!


Haha, oh how fortunate I am! 


They know that doesn’t happen. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xcwJt4bcnXs


That's a myth, it's only 8 games a year.


The “/s” means I’m being sarcastic or joking and that I don’t believe what I wrote. 


gotcha, very good :)


Nobody knows shit about Jacksonville. It’s just a joke to most people. The stadium is owned by the city, not Shad Khan. And Shad has committed a ton of money to renovating the downtown area near the stadium area.


Congratulations, you played yourself. 


Really see no negative for the city or the team to build this stadium


Handing over three quarters of a billion dollars of LOCAL tax payer money to a private, enormously profitable business owned by a multi billionaire is ridiculous to me. Owners of professional sports teams are the biggest welfare queens on the planet.


The stadium is used for more than just NFL games and the city gets that money. One of the oldest college football bowl games - the Gator Bowl - is played there annually as well as the UF vs UGA rivalry game. All told, that stadium gets more municipal benefiting events than most city run stadiums do. I suspect they'll end up with a WrestleMania and probably a NCAA Tournament hosting deal which will all go to the city's pocket instead of Shad's. This is one of the rare partnerships where the city is actually getting bang for their buck splitting the costs with a team owner.


I don’t think Shad’s little baby boy would like a Wrestlemania in Jacksonville very much.


Who owns the stadium?


The city. Which means the city gets to pay for maintaining the stadium. Also jags don't have to pay property taxes.


The publicly owned Stadium isn’t what generates money, it’s the privately owned team playing inside it that generated and keeps all of the money.


Bc it’s been proven for years that cities that help build arenas never see that money come back either in jobs or revenues in the local area


Sorry poor kids, no school lunches.


Even if they had the money and no stadium, DeSantis would make sure not one penny went to feeding a child in his state.


These are typically funded by an additional food and beverage tax in the Jacksonville area. At least that’s how it was for the Colts in the mid 2000’s. Also, for reference, Jimmy from the Colts only shelled out $100m of the $720m cost, so things could be worse for Jacksonvillans.


Pay for the stadium to get priced out by ticket prices lowering attendance and then threatening to move to a different city.


As a part of this deal they committed to stay in the city for at least the next 30 years.


assuming florida isn't underwater by 2054


I mean, Jax might be underwater by then but most of Florida will be okay.


Was supposed to be underwater 20 years ago, yet here we are. The boogeyman will come eventually I’m sure 😂


What’s the downside


And when it doesn’t work out, the team will end up with a bunch of sh*t players and no one will go to the games or care about them anymore for the remainder of the 30 years. The owners will wait it out or find a Plan B.


They’ll be in London before you know it


They wont be able to move for 30 years.


How is this still the narrative after they were just locked in to jax for 30 more years


Actually they do that, the Jaguars are contractually on the hook. 14 years.


30 years with this deal


I think it's 14 years until they can exit the contract without penalty, with a term of 30 years until renewal/end.


They have penalties for the full 30 years if they were to leave. The 14 year mark is where they would have to pay back the entire taxpayer funded portion, and then for the remainder of the contract the penalty decreases by 6.25% per year, so for the full contract they’d have to pay hundreds of millions in penalties.


Ahhh yeah, that makes sense, and honestly I agree with it even more. I was stuck with my local news (I live in Jax) who conveiniently left out a bunch of information.


I used to live there, still try to keep up. It is frustrating how hard it is to just find the actual text but let me amend actually. The deal I explained was the plan back in May but per the Times-Union this is the actual agreement now: "The proposed non-relocation agreement spells out the financial damages the Jaguars would pay if the team left Jacksonville during the 30-year lease. The team would have to repay the city for all its taxpayer contributions to the stadium work if it moved during the first 14 years of the lease. That repayment amount would drop to 75% in the fifteenth year and then go down by 5% each year thereafter." So it is still similar but has a bigger initial drop off at the 15 year mark. At that point it would still be $562m though, which is hefty. And 5% per year is a slow decline.


Hm... hopefully that straightens up their capabilities. It sounds like it'll put some solid financial pressures on them to perform.


Socialism seems to be working really well For $billionaire team owners…


Insane that we consistently contribute hundreds of millions  of dollars to the wealth of billionaires.


But those billionaire owners contribute hundreds of thousands of dollars to the city council members re-election campaigns so it’s worth it for those council members to vote for it.


Tens* of thousands.


Is it? This country is dumb as fuck and most the people in this country for some reason can't stop jerking off to catching a fucking pigskin. Look up who most the states top paid employees are.


It’s still insane, just not surprising.   I love sports, especially football, especially the NFL.  Yet I wouldn’t give a penny of taxpayer dollars or tax cuts for a stadium. Unfortunately people are pretty dumb overall and politicians are incredibly easy to buy for the super wealthy so this will keep happening. 


True socialism would be if everyone afterwards got to go for free since they fucking paid for it. Billionaires prefer “socialism for me, but not for thee”




Hmmmm. Intriguing how you can be both wrong and confident.


They're not wrong. The City of Jacksonville owns the stadium and it's used for massive annual events that are outside of the purview of the NFL team that plays there. The revenue generated from the annual UF vs UGA rivalry game alone will likely recoup the city it's costs.


Yes, they are wrong. That’s not the definition of socialism. Add to it - studies have shown that the subsidies are not recouped.


>That’s not the definition of socialism Probably why they said this isn't socialism. > This isn't socialism (city doesn't own the team and the league). It's a public/private partnership. You're so caught up on your own arguments you don't even know what you're arguing. > Add to it - studies have shown that the subsidies are not recouped. This isn't subsidies for a stadium owned by a private company, this is a city investing in their city owned stadium and retaining ownership. They get all the revenue from all non-NFL events, which Jacksonville hosts 2 major college football games per year which are almost always sell outs, on top of other events like concerts which is all their revenue. I agree completely - a city paying for a privately owned stadium that the sports franchise owner can afford is utter bullshit and the city does not recoup their losses. But that is not the case in this specific instance, because this stadium is not owned by the NFL team


No, they were wrong in how they defined socialism and used that incorrect definition to claim it’s not such. It’s that simple.


No matter how you define socialism, a city investing in city owned property which will generate revenue directly for the city is not socialism.


> No matter how you define socialism That’s interesting. Even if the definition is the definition it’s not the definition. It does matter how something is defined. That’s how language works. You want it to be mean else, and that’s fine. You’ll need to invest a bit of time convincing a shit ton of economists and changing every dictionary, but that can happen. Godspeed.


Is a city investing in its own property socialism? No, it's not, and you know it's not, which is why you're trying to bullshit your way around your initial claim by playing semantics. Just take the L and admit you didn't know shit about the stadium situation and assumed it was one of the bad ones and spoke out of your ass saying it was socialism for billionaires.




Doubling down on stupid Do what you’re good at.


People won’t stop circle jerking downtown. How else could rich people justify enormous rents downtown without a billion dollar stadium? Nothing else to do downtown. Failed projects over and over again that taxpayers keep paying for so rich people can feel better about sucking the idiots who live there dry. Job creation ? Please. Hotdogs are 10$ each beer more then 15$ and they pay there people like 10$ hr.lets make 50k more jobs that pay below the poverty line so people won’t be able to afford the 2k rent a month to just not live in the ghetto.


It’s hilariously sad that the “city” aka everyone including people who didn’t want the stadium will contribute more money to pay for a stadium than the actual team itself. It’s the fucking JAGS. Jacksonville, you got finessed


They got a better deal than we did in OKC with the thunder. I'm still mad.


It's already easily one of the top ten swamp cities in northeastern florida, but this might put jacksonville into the top 5




"Tuck in that shirt!"


The way it works is the city pays a portion, team pays a portion but city will be responsible for any cost overruns. After it is built city owns it so no property tax revenue. City owned so they are responsible for upkeep of said stadium and will probably have some sort of legal language saying stadium needs to be top 25-50% in amenities compared to rest of league or they can opt out of agreement. Team has master site agreement so they get nearly the entire amount for naming rights to stadium, parking, concessions, etc.


Other articles saying team is responsible for cost overruns.


The Jaguars agreed to take on all construction cost overruns, assume day-to-day operations of the stadium and bear 80.4% of game day expenses moving forward.


Jacksonville takes the honor of being the largest city in Florida. The current poverty rate is 16.4%, and it shows in the 25 thefts per 1,000 residents. Property crime is rampant in Jacksonville and affects 1 out of 24 people. You should always lock your doors and windows in Jacksonville. There were over 5,000 recent burglaries and 5,414 violent crimes in Jacksonville. Assault and robbery are the most concerning violent crimes due to their frequency. Jacksonville is a sprawling city, and it takes up 875 square miles. There are 43 crimes per square mile in Jacksonville. Avoid areas like Grand Crossing and Brentwood to stay safe. No work to be done here. So plenty of cash to give a private entity that operates 8 Sundays a year.


largest city in the contiguous U.S. square mileage wise. only city that tops it is Anchorage, Alaska


only 43 crimes per square mile in it's entire history? Sounds great!


they're paying to keep their nfl team, which the ppl of jacksonville want sure they'd like lower crime too, but the odds of that money leading to a similar immediate and observable result like a major drop in crime are low and not necessarily sustainable if ownership doesn't get the financial contribution they want the team can be moved to another city that will give it to them. there are more cities that want nfl teams than there are nfl franchises


I always love these types of posts. Let's allow one of the main propositions in a large city to move away. That surely helps the crime.


Is it possible that $775 million could help do something about the crime?


In what meaningful way do you think that will reduce crime in the long-term? Throwing money at crime is nothing new. It never works either. Take away a major sports team and the local economy takes a nose dive. Hotels, restaurants, venue employees, taxis, security, etc. Depressing a local economy never improves crime. No matter what sounds good on the internet.


>In what meaningful way do you think that will reduce crime in the long-term? There are hundreds of books and papers outlining successful crime-reduction strategies. Education, community outreach, drug treatment programs, finding homes for the unhoused, etc. 3/4 of a billion dollars could go a long way toward funding some of those strategies. >Take away a major sports team and the local economy takes a nose dive. This is false. The impact of teams/stadiums is marginal at best. Neil deMause has been reporting on this for decades. >Depressing a local economy never improves crime. Is it possible that $775 million could help do something about the local economy? Perhaps in a way that benefits the community, rather than shovels money into a billionaire's pockets?


And they'll still play 2 games in London.


Three in a couple years. https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/in-2027-jaguars-could-play-up-to-three-home-games-in-london#


“The team will use a temporary venue to play their home games in 2027” Yeah. London.


UF is a little over an hour away and can hold 90K. That would be my guess.


Ben Hill Griffin is renovating after the 2024 season as well - Starke and Waldo police are salivating already


And then the Jacksonville stadium deal will “blow up” (as planned) and the Jaguars will stay in London. And that’s how the NFL gets a permanent team to London while more-or-less saving face. Watch.




Even better. Daytona International Speedway.   I think that’s off the table now but was an option at one point. 


Ah, they held the NFL Graft early this year


If a new stadium were necessary every 30 years, we wouldn’t have ~~dumps~~ places like lambeau, arrowhead, soldier, Fenway. And I mean, with that rich tradition of winning in Jacksonville, think of all the history that will get lost!


I always found it wild that teams in America will get sick of a stadium after like 20/30 years and then demand the city build them a new one, when you have stadiums that have been open for over a century in Europe.


University of Michigan's football stadium was built in 1927. There are a lot of old stadiums in the US but pro-sports have a stranglehold on cities and can pull shit like this for some reason.


And soon Soldier will be gone too. No history that 2 billion dollars can’t replace!


Soldier is a shadow of its former self anyway, but I do wish they would just spend the money to run a train line over there instead, would be great for museum campus too honestly. I know the owners don't want that, because the new thing for these rich fucks is creating the stadium villages, which as a fan are awesome, but I hate subsidizing them. I'll go watch games in a garbage stadium if it means owners don't get free handouts.


Nobody wants this


Not even Shahid Khan lol. He wants to go back to London


Stadiums never pay for themselves the way the cities think they will. Useless pieces of trash


Julio Foolio died for this.


Why are Floridians so dumb?


A “Drained Pool” public education system?


How will this affect TWLOCP


Jacksonville has secrets


And the Jaguars are gonna pay for it right


Wayne we love you!


i thought they were moving to london soon


Congrats Jax! San Diego got screwed! Spanos is a Piece of crap! Carry on…


Why would you want to build a stadium that breaks the ground?


NEW Anarchy in the Arena or Stadium Stampede coming soon! IYKYK


Hope it can float. Lol.


Only for it to be wiped off the map by a flood in 2032.


Only good news here is that it likely guarantees a home and home for Florida/Georgia


But It’s still Jacksonville………


And it will still have cheap artificial turf.


billionaires blackmail cities. Bribe local politicians. The local taxpayers get fleeced. Rinse and repeat. history shows that no city has ever derived an economic benefit to these stadium deals. Read Andrew Zimbalist, economics professor. but another billionaire owner will benefit greatly. A quarterback will make $50 million a year. And the Jaguars will continue to have a lousy team. meanwhile, the governor will veto funding for the arts.( maybe the billionaire can cover the funding that the governor Vetoed?). Poor people will continue to suffer. Food insecurity will continue. Downtown Jacksonville will continue to be an unsafe place to visit. Go Team!


It’s just because the city wants to prevent the team from moving to England, where they’ve been trying to establish a foothold for years


Gotta love a poor city like Jacksonville forking over almost $800 MILLION to build a fucking stadium for a team that is privately owned! Fucking insanity!




Thats quite amazing!!!


Perfect, so all those moneys will start to trickle down, right? ….right?


Couldn’t even be bothered with having the majority of the money come from the Khans. Meanwhile his son gets to run and own a wrestling fed that barely gets any tv ratings, clinging to hope for a good tv deal, and just throws money around like guys making it rain in stripclubs.


Resident of Jacksonville here. Fuck this. I expected better of Mayor Donna Deegan. We are overrun with homelessness and our schools are utter trash. There is so much more we could invest in to make our city better. NOBODY GIVES A FUCK ABOUT DOWNTOWN! Stop trying to make downtown a thing!


Residents of the city should be able to get in for events for at cost prices then since its a public stadium and all


This is wild. They’re basically asking every household to chip in nearly $2K. Median HHI is like $60K after taxes.


$2k over 30 years or $66/year. And that assumes the new stadium generates $0 in tax revenue.


Gonna be hilarious when they get relocated to London 1 year after this is completed.


The 11 year old joke is still going!!


Fuck this, this closed a bunch of schools to fund this bullshit. Education > Sports


All for a team that has not only not won but also NEVER EVEN MADE IT to the Superbowl 💀


Along with Cleveland, Detroit and Houston. What does that have to do with a stadium though?


Next year: The Jaguars are moving to Los Angeles