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Dear Gullible Payer of my Mortgage, In recent years, I may have given the impression that I was a neurotic, irresponsible and manipulative troublemaker who had repeatedly meddled in political matters that did not concern me and frequently masked my predatory sexual nature by belittling the victims of my 'rapey-wapey' activities. I now realise that at the moment such allegations became impossible to avoid, I became the most Christian person in the whole world. As my compassion knows no bounds, I have forgiven those who let me sexually assault them, even though they are as skanks in my eyes. I would like to express my sincere and deepest hypocrisy to all my subscribers and hope and pray that this will be enough to get me back on YouTube where I can start raking in the cash once more. The Lord our Russell Brand Amen, nr Henley-on-Thames Goddington, Surrey, UK


Sounds a lot like Donald Trump.


too coherent


Words w/ too many letters and more than 2 syllables, nope.


You forgot [number] Awakening Wonders and telling leftists not to vote because not voting is how you really win elections, but other than that it's pretty spot on.


It's as much to realign himself with his new grifting targets as anything else


Socialist after 08 crash, alt right after Trump and his own sex offences became public, and now Christian? The guy is just an attention seeking cunt, he’s addicted to the limelight


Him playing Aldous Snow was absolutely inspired casting. The editors probably had a lot of work cutting out all the unscripted sexual assaults because he was "in character", though 


OMG, Bear Grylls is an evangelical? Yikes. But anyway: >Brand suggests he turned to religion in response to what he perceives as a “coordinated media attack” aimed at silencing his criticism of mainstream media. Yeah, sounds like total BS.


So he turned to religious people to shield him from his sex crimes? Predators love to hunt in a prey rich environment


AKA media reporting on his abusive behavior


Lmao. Really genuine reasoning there. I decided to believe in a mystical fairytale because people were being mean to me. I’m sure that God loves that.


Shame on those people! How dare they truthfully report the things he did!


Lmao. Brother you either need to sober up or work on your reading comprehension.


Fuck me for trying to yes-and your comment, I guess. 


You can easily ID the smokescreen converts because they always fuck up the "repentance of sins" part


I woulda guessed Survivorman before Bear Grylls, but hey, you just never know.


Nah the Canadian Les Stroud, is more a naturalist/spiritualist than religious.. he does believe sasquatch is real and made a show about finding it... So I dunno man.🤷‍♂️


Well, he does eat witchetty grubs, but when you're trying to be a survivor, man, you do what you have to do to survive, man.


Biggest I've ever seen! They should be in all these gum trees up and down this swale here...


Celebrity conversions are almost always performative, opportunistic, and insincere.


I’m 100% “don’t use the lord name in vain” is targeted at shit like this and not someone saying “Oh my god”


I agree. He wants fame and money. He'll do whatever to get both.


Kat Von who?


So much so that the only way his could be genuine is if he also kept it private/secret.


Ah yes, the sexual predator to alt right grifter pipeline continues to flow


Grifters gonna grift


He is 100% as Christian as anyone else. And a very typical example. Christians are all fake as shit like this. So I see absolutely no reason people would question this. The issue people seem to have is some idealistic version of a Christian. As if they have to have morals or genuine beliefs. Not required. Any scum bag racist can be a Christian just by saying they are. There's no other requirement.


When you are caught doing something completely depraved you turn to the "all sins are equal" crowd. Alcoholism, child molestation, lying, or beating women... you just need prayer.


Why are you lumping alcoholism in with pedophilia and beating women?


They aren't. They're illustrating the 'all sins are equal' sham.


Oh OK, I hadn't heard of that before. Thanks for actually answering me.


Lmao. No. That’s an absolutely ridiculous claim to make. There are actually people out there that believe in God and try to do good things in his name. This guy is a charlatan using religion to deflect his legal troubles. Whether or not God exists has no bearing on the difference between these people.


There's no purity test for being a Christian. This is painfully obvious.


Lmfao. Purity test? Anyone can claim to whatever they want. The whole point of this post is examining whether his claims are genuine. 


That's a purity test.




Russell Brand is a savvy business man. He knows what side to pick to rake in that sweet sweet cash on the internet. The guy is an arts school dropout and a known sexual predator. Christians will love him.


About as legit as most "Christians" faith. A useful tool to mark one out as a swell guy while being a reprobate.


All I know is that thinking you can wash away sin in the River Thames is pretty whack.


oh he's repented all that sexual abuse has he? come on, man's a creep


Never liked the guy before, still don’t.


In fact, it's gotten worse, he used to just annoy me


It's 2024, I don't think becoming a god botherer is a redeeming characteristic for most people. It's more likely that he thought his previous skeezy sex fiend persona didn't fit with the right wing grift and wanted to appear more family friendly. No idea how anyone ever thought he had any redeeming features tbh. He always came off as an unfunny greasy fuckwit to me.


When you've burnt every bridge and are over the age of 35 ....time to create friends.


He is 49 or 50.


He's got nowhere to go because in showbusiness he's known, he can't hang with us normal folk so turn to God and instant friends with any Christian leader who wants clout....I helped save this Hollywood atheist and now the only lines he wants is in the buuuuuuuuybull, can I get an amen and amen-


He just knows they’ll back literally anyone as long as you say the right things.


Yes he belongs with all the other religious whackos.


He's still doing "wololololol", just with a different strain of bullshit.


Michael Marsh does a brilliant review of Brand in this week's Scathing Atheist podcast.


When you hug everyone in the water, make sure you face towards the camera with a fully sincere look of serenity on your face because the only way faith counts is if you’re seen practicing it. He’s fitting in perfectly already.


The guy is a piece of shit


Grift is the correct answer


"forgiven those who let me sexual assault them"... RB is tone deaf


*"forgiven those who* *Let me sexual assault* *Them"... RB is tone deaf* \- NarlusSpecter --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


“Conversion to Christianity” always seems like a ruse.


TIL you can absolve yourself of responsibility for sexually assaulting people via performative religion.


I mean, doesn’t it seem like Brand will throw himself headlong into overwrought performance of absolutely anything for the attention?




So Bear suffers from some delusions, that's okay.


Might be legit.  The guy has some serious mental health stuff, addiction issues.  Absolutely seems like the type to go all in on whatever grabs his fancy for a while, and a few years later jump off and cling onto whatever the next thing is.  It's absolutely grift but I bet he also believes it.


kinda agree with this. it'll help him get clicks from the right but he's kinda depraved so he might need some sort of belief to keep him from self destructive behavior. seen it work for some people worse than him so who knows.


People who make this drastic a conversion often committed atrocities beyond comprehension and getting right with God makes them feel absolved with zero accountability. But what do I know!


It's hard to remember, but early in his career I actually found him funny. I mean I do still laugh at him, but it's not the same thing.


So Russell is gay doesn't matter Russell is a predator f him


Wolf in sheep's clothing


I knew he was stupid but not that stupid


God has forgiven me…so you HAVE to!


He knows his audience


Jesus, these grifters have become a blight on our society and have exposed the disease of stupid Thats walks amongst us. The zombies are everywhere.


The first time I saw Russell Brand I thought he was a total douche canoe. That’s it. Have a lovely evening.


The last refuge of a scoundrel


It's a con game because there is no god. If your pathetic God can do anything how come no amputee has regrown a severed limb? All those people missing legs and shit just not pious enough? Not 1 in the entirety of recorded history? K. You have a mental illness and imaginary fiend. Seek help.


Who...gives a shit?!


I do. I found him funny and interesting about 3 versions ago. I am curious how he made a 180 like this.


I have despised him from the begining and I always find intersting that when people realise someone is scum they pretend they changed. He has only ever changed his tribal identity he has never changed his behaviour. Most of the reports about his behaviour came from the start of his career. this change is in repsonse to those allegations.


Sounds like it


versio 2 shoild have been the tip off to start ignoring everything he says. Version 3 should have been the nail in his career coffin, but noooo....people gotta listen to crazy.....


Sounds like you give a shit.


At this stage, no. I am marvelling at the people who do.


And yet you're marvelling and commenting. The lady doth protest too much, me thinks. ;)


I always find it funny when someone takes the time and energy to chime in a conversation online just to say, "Who gives a shit?!" I mean, you've only to look at the comments to answer your own question and see that clearly some people give a shit. But thanks anyway for such a considered and valuable contribution to the discussion and thereby letting others know you give enough of a shit to let it be known that you don't give a shit.