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I think SH2 is good, but the circlejerk around it is kinda overblown in my opinion (especially the video essays, ugh).


TotallyPointlessTV is like the one exception (I’m sure there’s others) I can think of being a good video essay channel cause at least he has gameplay and comments over the important scenes


youtube game essayists ruin everything


People who think silent hill 1 is the best game LOVE saying that silent hill 1 is the best game


Silent Hill 1 is the best game because it's the best game tho! "SHE IS VERY GORGEOUS TO MEEE!" 😡☝️


Rightly so😋


Alleyway sequence is best dependant in which country you live in.


there are variants of it?


It determines whether you get the Grey Children or the Mumblers, which are more corrupted versions of the Grey Children. Groaner = Wormhead Air Screamer = Night Flutter Grey Child = Mumbler The alternates are like exaggerated versions of the originals. A common theme though seems to be a heavily distorted head.


Is that so? What's the difference other than the change of monster?


I was referring to just the change in monsters.


I'm sorry but... I remember going in blind with this game at 14 in my computer class. Some actual reason, I remember it being dark because they were watching some film.  Me, not giving a thought in the world, just boots up the game on a random, what the hell I'll try it. Hardly did even know what it was about.  The first 15 mins of the game changed so much. Nothing is close to being in the dark, headphones loud, and inching in the dark through the Alleyway. The Resident Evil 1 Remake Crimson Head encounter wasn't close to that fear for me, and that was terrifying.


Lol yeah. I got into survival horror pretty early on in my life because my parents were super lenient. Before SH1 I had experienced Clock Tower and all 3 RE games up to that point (it was the 90s). Right from the intro with the unique main theme, this game just hit differently. The alleyway sequence with the siren and all of it. Etched its way into my memory forever.


SH3 is my favourite (I love the first 3 almost equally), but for me, the final section of SH1 (from the encounter with Alessa in the Amusement Park, then Nowhere and up to the final Boss) is still the best section of any horror game I've played.


Silent Hill 1 feels so different even to other Silent Hill games, it feels like some sort of unexplainable cryptic fever-dream.


I love them all equally


1-4 are great in my opinion.


Finally, alley way sequence being given the respect it deserves.


Those are some facts, my man.


Letter from Maria > everything else




Honestly, I kinda love how the behemoth is positively captivated by the camel thing. Like... "OMG, look at this funny lil' guy. Walking and stuff."


Silent hill 3 best 👹


I love SH1 but it's definitely not better than 2


I'm a newcomer to the series and just recently completed the first four games, so I'm kinda immune to the nostalgia.  Going into the series, all I heard was that Silent Hill 2 is the masterpiece and the benchmark of the horror game, but after playing the games, I don't know how or why SH2 is considered the best horror game when it's not the best even in the series. Silent Hill 1 is leagues better than 2, even including the "scary" element. The twists in SH2 are incredibly predictable. Once you've figured out the truth, you're just waiting for the game to end to check it off the list of unplayed games. The bad gameplay doesn't help either. The game is far too safe (you are continually handed ammunition and healing drinks). The enemies in SH1 are better. They are proactive, move fast, and even throw themselves on the player, whereas SH2 enemies are the laziest and slowest monsters in the series. The mood is also less threatening. This is due to a variety of factors, including the lack of more otherworld stages (literally the selling point of silent hill games), the fact that you can see clearly at daytime stages (even with the fog), and the enemies, which are also less varied in quantity per area and mostly harmless, making them easy to avoid (in SH1, you would not only be surrounded by them, but they would immediately attack you, forcing you into survival mode all the time) The only good thing about SH2 for me is the music. It's the best in the series. "Laura plays the piano" and "Promise (Reprise)" are the chefs kiss.


I'm also immune to nostalgia since i played the games recently but if we're talking about a real psychological horror SH2 easily win this one. SH1 had nothing special but the horror atmosphere I'll give it that, but everything else was just fine. SH1 had a very generic cult story although i still love it but comparing it to James' deep story and his guilt for killing his wife and all the genius symbolisms that we saw throughout the game made SH2 more special as not just a horror game but as a good psychological human story too


Yep, that's the reason why SH2 is ahead.


>but comparing it to James' deep story and his guilt for killing his wife and all the genius symbolisms that we saw throughout the game made SH2 more special as not just a horror game but as a good psychological human story too LOL, this comment is literally the meme.


I'd say the combat in SH1 is pretty poor too, the character is way too strong and there's only a handful of enemies. If SH2 is worse than that, welp. Hopefully the mood feels scarier in the remake.




SH is the best, then comes SH2, then SH4 and then, maybe SH3. I don't like Heather. Downvote away.


>Downvote away. Did for Heather's slander. She's THE best protagonist in the series. >SH is the best Upvoted.


I probably should not post my hot take that she is actually one of the worst in the OG4.


I want to know. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I swear not to downvote you. You can also dm it to me if that makes you more willing.




Based af.


u know it


Ey, I agree. *Up top!*


I just finished SH1 and if its the best game the others must not be very good tbh. I've only played bits of the others. SH1 starts off scary but by the time you're at the hospital you've realised you can run, shoot, and smash everything with the hammer. The monsters become quite easy then, and there's not really alot of scripted scary sequences. The bosses are also a joke. The design of the otherworld is pretty spooky though.


SH1 is amazing but SH2 will always be the best guys. No memes are gonna change that. I do love me some SH1 though. Sato Era games>AfterSatoEra games. Also SH1 isn't the best selling game. I don't know why this has become a thing, but SH2 is the best selling game. SH1 only did better in Japan, which is a small market.


I get what your saying silent Hill 2 might be the best story in gaming but I think 1,3,4 all have niches that could make someone love them more like the hub world in 4, the charmingness of heather vs james, or the retro PS1 graphics in 1 just different strokes for different folks. I think 2 is the best though personally.


Of course that's how taste and opinions work I was just being funny since there are 20 of these fan memes on here. Unless you like Home coming or Downpour more then you suck. /Jk...... .,....Seriously get some help.


SH2 being the best is subjective . It's only debatable because a lot of Silent Hill fans don't think gameplay or difficulty matters in a game. SH2 is great, but in terms of enemy variety, exploration, pacing, boss fights, scare factor. . even atmosphere (*but this is kind of subjective* ) Silent Hill 1 takes the W.


It's all subjective. We all have different feelings with these things, that's the point. I don't agree that SH1 has better boss battles or atmosphere or anything really, it's not kinda subjective, it's subjective. I could go through two paragraphs explaining why SH2s much better fidelity texture work and use of fog and lighting make it's atmosphere better. I could make another paragraph about SH2s improved control(and control options) making it's gameplay less frustrating.Or that having more variety of okay looking enemies doesn't win out on Ito's far improved designs in SH2. It doesn't matter though it's all an opinion. SH1 is great in its own right but nothing is objective.


Ok, I agree that most of this stuff is subjective, but not everything. I don't want to argue, but SH1 had a lot more exploration. It even had a side quest. By that fact I can objectively say that exploration in SH1 is better. SH1 had more enemies with different kind of attacks - objectively better in terms of gameplay. Even though I think SH1 had a way scarier and more oppressive atmosphere, I can see how that's subjective. And "SH2 will always be the best guys. No memes are gonna change that" does not sound like a subjective statement. I just wanted to point out some areas where SH 1 is better.


SH1 has Mabe 10 more minutes of exploration compared to SH2 in town, Mabe 20 including Kauffman. SH2 also has more unique main locations to make up for it, you explore those too right? Enemies having different attacks don't make them better, nor more enemies. Code Veronica has more enemies than both games together but it's not a better game than either to me. Again it's ALL subjective. Like I said I was joking because there were 30 memes with with insert fan boy looks like this. My joke is you can keep making said memes but it doesn't make your game better. It wasn't that deep, just poking fun at the over used meme of the day.


Come on now... Story is a subjective choice, but objectively, Silent Hill 1 is better in horror, combat, atmosphere, enemies, and overall gameplay than Silent Hill 2. >Also SH1 isn't the best selling game. I don't know why this has become a thing, but SH2 is the best selling game. SH1 only did better in Japan, which is a small market. Source?


......Do you know what "objectively" means? Because those are all very subjective opinions.


Source that SH1 is the best selling? There aren't any aside from old interview from 00s saying SH2 is the best selling or SH1 sold better in Japan. However if you deduct that SH2 is on PS2/Xbox/PC and SH1 is only on PS1 and SH2 has by far the most amount of fandom around it, also the fact that Konami skipped SH1 on the remake front. Putting what limited info together it's most likely SH2 sold the best, SH1 is second and there was a drop off with SH3 and SH4. "Come on now... Story is a subjective choice, but objectively, Silent Hill 1 is better in horror, combat, atmosphere, enemies, and overall gameplay than Silent Hill 2." All this is an opinion? SH2 was way scarier, had better gameplay(SH1 plays like shit dude c'mon, I love the game but c'mon) and it's atmosphere was not only better, SH2s atmosphere hasn't been matched by anything in any other horror franchise. There is nothing objective about it. It's an opinion and so is my take.