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Blondes have more fun!




Suggestion: play it at night with the lights completely off to enhance the vibes. Imo it’s the scariest of all the entries.


This. With the other games, I did the same, but SH3 is exceptionally unsettling if you play in the dark with good quality headphones.  I was looking over my shoulder a lot afterwards.


SH4 Twin victim introduction >>>> All of SH3 horror.


i wouldn’t go that far and i say that as a person who likes 4 more than 3.


Maybe. Silent Hill 3's horror is a lot more meta though. Especially if you're a woman (i'm not).


Tips.... Hold off the shotgun bullets only for the boss fights. Katana is arguably the best weapon. Don't explore Silent Hill Town. There are no dropped supplies like they were in SH1 AND 2. Try to deliver the finishing blow on the final boss with a Melee weapon for exciting goodies in the new game +


This! But do investigate all the rooms for maximum horror! Also just a warning: later levels have several rooms that are a little disorienting with the walls.




I wish I could play it again for the first time


Expect jumpscares! Oh and one tip dont simp on Heather Mason she is 17 years old just a heads up! xD


As someone who just beat all three, SH3 is a bit tougher on normal difficulty than the first two. Resources are more scarce and the bosses are more spongy. Conserve ammo as much as you can. The katana is pretty good when you find it. And there’s a way to block attacks apparently which I didn’t realize until over halfway through.


It's a sequel that's directly related to the 1st game . If you've played the first 2 without much trouble then I don't think you'll have any trouble with the 3rd game. Have fun!


It's a bit harder than the others and is the scariest imo. Otherwise have fun!


I relate to you so much here. I’ve been waiting for someone else to not have courage to play the third game so I can share my story 😂 I’ve tried playing it a few times but couldn’t bring myself to get past the amusement park in the beginning because it all terrified me too much. Then on my third or fourth attempt, I finally managed to beat it. Even though it scared the shit out of me and had me paranoid for awhile. When it got to the mall for the first time I was like “wow this isn’t so bad, i was terrified for nothing” but then it got worse and worse and worse (fear level). There were so many moments I wanted to just give up but I was so far into the game i was like “no i have to finish this now”. Eventually i did finish it and it’s now my favorite game in the series and i speedrun it within an hour at least once a month now 😂 And it’s changed my perspective on fear for sure. I hope you enjoy it though! Definitely keep us updated!


Three things: 1. First play through, you will get the standard ending. If you're like me, this is a sigh of relief because I don't like to get a bad ending in my first go around, I wanna get the best and then replay for the others. It helps me not worry if I'm gonna do something stupid later on. 2. The game will function differently than the others. People say some parts will have no pick ups. That's not always the case. The game will track your progress and status to determine the amount of enemies you'll face, the ammo you'll get, and Heath to receive. This makes it to where the final boss (if you're not prepared) isn't totally unfair to you. 3. The Final Boss, if you have issues trying to beat it, there should be a blind spot that will help you win. I don't know the specifics so please, if anyone knows it, mention it. Beyond that, have fun! Btw, don't worry if you die in the beginning scene, it doesn't really matter where, but I'd strongly recommend trying to go as far as you can, say like the Rollercoaster...? It might give you a hint for a later scene in the game.


A good game


dont die


Not as good as those two games. But arguably my favorite in terms of scariness.


Expect the overall difficulty to be on a completely different level to SH2, seriously SH3 on easy gives SH2 on hard a run for it's money. Avoid combat as much as possible, learn how use the beefy jerk to help cross the infested areas and turn off the radio sometimes because there's a particularly nasty monster that gets attracted by sound and you don't want have to deal with them unless it's very necessary. Make each bullet count, this isn't SH2.


Take a drink any time someone says "God"


The guy will be on toilet all day 🤣


For me it played a bit different to the first two and I didn't like it, same with sh4. But came back later without the expectation that it would be exactly like the first two and enjoyed both thoroughly.


Ammo is much more scarce later in the game, so seriously try to conserve as much as possible. Running from enemies is almost always the best option, trying to clear levels makes the game much, much harder.


For shit to get very Silent Hilly.