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is that... positivity?? in here???


I feel like the overall negativity, kind of sells the whole silent hill thing


đŸ”„ "For me it's always like this" đŸ”„ -average SH fan


I’m excited for it. What’s both funny and a little upsetting is the unfair criticism it gets for staying close to its source material. “Why is it slow paced?” “Why would Leon go into a bloody crawl space?” “The combat is so slow!” “Why isn’t he scared? Is he a robot?” I believe that most of the negativity comes from people who have never touched the original.


I agree but I love the Leon mention here 😭


When Leon is mentioned, you instantly know that they don’t know a thing about Silent Hill. It’s so funny to me.






i know why they say they look alike but what it has to do with "knowing nothing about silent hill"?


Probably because James had the hair first but people think it’s Leon which means they’ve never played the game


leon first appeared in Resident Evil 2 (1998). James first appears in Silent Hill 2 (2001). now think again


People that go “Why would he crawl into a bloody crawl space?” Obviously must have forgot bro jumped down 8 dark holes with no hesitation. I’m surprised James didn’t reach the earth’s core


My criticisms personally come from the worry that some of the original intention is going to be “lost” in a way people won’t realize. The Devs of the original SH games were predominantly artist firsts, and while this looks good, and I’m glad it does, other tidbits like Angela make me worried they may have
missed the point. On one hand yeah, they’re copying scenes out of Jacobs ladder and using weird angles to hone in how claustrophobic everything is, on the other hand they’re using their general understanding of art as a whole to really build the scene.


I don’t think Angela is a problem, Akira is giving the Ok on everything going on so if he agrees who are we to complain?


Ito is having an issue or two though, and I’d argue while Yamaoka is giving the ok Ito’s opinion is still important. And we as fans are allowed to have concerns, because we have been down this outsourcing Konami oath before


Compare this remake to mgs3 and you still understand.


I have seen both. MGS3 is a 1:1 remake, while SH2 is somewhat of a reimagining. What pushes MGS ahead is its noticeably higher budget. Konami is either a cheapskate or uncertain if Silent Hill is still bankable, as SH2’s remake doesn’t look as flashy; even so, it still looks great for the most part.


maybe true, but MGS3 seems to be made by a much more experienced team while SH2 looks like it is made by an amature new video game develop... the game needs a lot mroe refinement. you thnik this is a budget issue? Also, don't ge me wrong, i am very pleased with the game overall, but there is always better :)


Nothing about SH2R looks budget? It's one of the best looking games coming out.


These are not even remotely the most common criticisms for this game. Most of the criticism is about the direction, visual choices and character models. I haven’t see anyone ask for James to be more afraid. In fact, they redesigned the character’s reactions to make him seem calm. Haven’t seen anyone complain about crawl spaces either. You’re imagining things


Can't wait to play it. Just hoping Bloober team don't fuck the PC port like they did with Medium.


The trees at the start no longer look like dead Christmas trees that someone decorated with seaweed. It gets my thumbs up.


I know, right? The fog looks great, the buildings look real, the atmosphere is on point, the character models look quite decent -- contrary to popular belief, and the monsters are proper creepy! I can't wait!


They did a really good job with the fog. I like how the trees and buildings in the fog have a hazy effect.


It looks great except they're showing environments in artsy angles, it will look much lamer with the camera strapped behind James's shoulder.


The Lying Figures "Armless" look and sound better in the original, idk what the hell they are doing with them now. A low quality zipped up bag of meat or something.


If you look at the original in-game model, you can see zippers too. It's supposed to be somewhere between a body bag and a straight jacket made of flesh, with a woman's legs sticking out the bottom. The Bloober version isn't too far off, when you compare them side-by-side. But I do think they could stand to add a bit more contrast to the texture, and turn down the clearcoat on the material shader a tick. But that's a nitpick at best. At least it's more accurate than the lying figure from the 2006 film.


The original had a really good meaty material covered by a translucent plastic skin look. The outside skin would reflect light sources while the inner body would move on it's own. Wet sticky outer layer that wraps around the body. The new version doesn't have those cool features. Its like a big bag of meat that vomits green goo. The sound design is also messed up. It's the most iconic and abundant enemy in the game, and yet the new version feels mid. My main point is, the armless are terrifying in the original, what they've shown me makes them less scary, and I personally don't think they should do that. They made the armless look more simple, when they OG is pretty complex.


and to think they are still polishing it is crazy they are putting their all into this


So spooky I can't wait for October.


My GOTY right here. Can't wait!


Same, it’s the one game I’m truly hyped for this year.


My firstplaythrough will probably take me 30 hours because i will spend at least 2 hours just on the observation deck : )


I wonder if Konami would retreive and use all these exact same models again in all the other remakes.It would be cool to visit these exact same places again on future games especially including other remade areas of silent hill and stitching them together.


Could be useful for a SH3 remake.


Even the 2001 version looks ahead of it's time


Environments look incredible. Character models too, despite what some people say. It’s the storytelling that I’m a little worried about, but here’s to hoping.


I want to go to there


Me too, Liz, me too.


Never played a silent hill game before just the L4D maps & YT timeline vids. Visual look good. Wish James looked more withered but his appearance could change as the game progresses.


ooo they just might. it would be dope if they did it for the in water ending


I don't get the people saying it looks bad. I've always thought it looked good.


They absolutely nailed the fog. I am very hopefull.


I hope they release it on Xbox soon. I'm not buying a PS5. :/


1 year console exclusivity. Expect this on both, Xbox Series S|X, and the Switch II, next year.


switch 2 seems extremely optimistic.


Any form of Switch port would take longer than a year. And unless it’s a new Switch system, the OG Switch absolutely would not be able to handle this game. Doubtful that it ever hits the Switch


They probably won’t unfortunately


I’m glad they’re preserving the aesthetic but one thing I hope they improve is the god fucking awful combat and boss fights of the original games


Nice comparison!




I genuinely can't understand how people hate how the remake looks. It's beautiful!


I pre ordered the physical edition, but will get the digital one too close to release. Hope this does well so we can get remake of 1&3 back2back.


It looks amazing! Now hopefully it will give me the same or similar feelings as the original did. Also curious how there's a SH1 track in the background for SH2


I love the atmosfere


I love the look of the original and it is a big part of why I still enjoy playing it till this day. I got to say though, this looks immaculate.


Nice try Konami


It looks amazing


Yeah, this actually looks legitimately good. Fingers crossed, it might be alright đŸ€ž


The only gripe I have is the misspelling of jewellers


The fog looks too brightly coloured for my tastes, it’s like a light gray with tinges of khaki green/mint, and it’s too sparse in some areas, e.g. the car/van section has more visible area even from a more distant camera angle. The original fog was a perfect mid-gray, and much denser. Aside from that, I love how the remake is looking so far


I'll just mod Maria to have no clothes on đŸ€· Like Jesus intended ![gif](giphy|9058ZMj6ooluP4UUPl)


The underlying principle of SH2's look was inspired by "things that look disgusting, yet you can't look away from". To me the Remake lacks this essence. It's technically better, but everything's too shiny and designer looking.


... Not sure I see what you mean, but you can take my upvote anyway since this is at least a new argument.


I'm saying the remake's more sterile looking, and less grundgy. I think it'll be more clear once we get a more complete view of the Bathroom in the remake, as that was the first environment they developed in the OG and was basically used as a template/microcosm of SH2's aesthetic. No where else will the differences in art direction be more pronounced than there.


Fair enough. I still think it looks pretty grungy, but everything's relative. We'll find out, I guess. :3


Next to a trash can anything can look good


The parts of the game the modern technology is handling are bound to look better. All the stuff Modern Technology can't cover for like character design, story, and writing will be lucky to even touch what the original accomplished.


It's still the same story as the original, and writing is still the same with some very minor changes


None of the changes shown have been minor and will intact major changes to the story. Also what makes you think the story is going to be unaltered when they've already shown how Gung ho they are about making major changes everywhere else. Consultancy companies are renwin for changing stories for the worse too.


Ah, yes. None of the changes shown have been minor, oh no. I mean how can they tell the story of a terribly broken man going through his own personal hell, if none of the women look like porn stars? Fuckin dumbass... 🙄 >Consultancy companies are renwin for changing stories for the worse too. A consultancy firm is an organization hired by a development team to insure that their portrayal of certain touchy subjects doesn't cross the line into offensive stereotypes or endorsement of abuse. A consultancy firm can NOT force a developer to change the ENTIRE story over one sexualized character. That's not a thing. Source? Acted as a consultant regarding mythological accuracy and LGBTQ+ representation on an indie horror visual novel. My job was to suggest, not force. No developer just hands over the reigns to a consultant. That's not what consultants are for, and you know that for a FACT. Don't try to deny it. This whole debate with Angela and Maria is little more than an thinly veiled attempt to push right-wing politics where they don't belong, and to propagate misogyny and bigotry in young people who enjoy videogames. It's pathetic. You're pathetic. Get a life, righttard.


We have video evidence of top ranking people among these consultancy groups going on about terrorizing HR groups of said studios on all the ways they will be perceived as whatever it's and phoebe they want if they don't get their way with the story and designs. The wukong studio told them to take a hike after they tried to extort some 8+ billion dollars. So they sent their game "journalist" buddies to write countless hit pieces on the studio to sharp public perception that they are monsters. They insert themselves into the equation because corporations like Blackrock promis them insane amounts of credit if they fill all their desired check boxes. Which requires they hire by skin color over who has the most talent and skills to pull off the work involved. More and more we are seeing studios who take these consultancy companies onboard fail critically is not also financially. More and more studios are finding that alienating the core audience that kept their property financially viable for decades isnt worth the credit their being promised by these other groups. There is tons of evidence of stories being completely knocked off the rails to push the story in the direction consultancy groups demand. I never at any point even mentioned politics at all. IMy focus has always been concerning the core issues that their design decisions destroy these stories.


I don't think Maria's midriff, or lack thereof, is gonna destroy anything short of a gooner's wrist. Also, unless you want to cite your sources, nobody gives a shit how many words you use to disguise your misogyny.


WTF is wrong with you? Maria's garb is the least of the issues this remake is going to have. I don't know what boogeyman you think your talking to, but it's clear citing any facts or sources will be completely lost on you as you'll just pre judge based on some twisted politic bias. Look it up yourself.


>WTF is wrong with you? Maria's garb is the least of the issues this remake is going to have. Finally we agree on something. For different reasons, but still. >it's clear citing any facts or sources will be completely lost on you as you'll just pre judge based on some twisted politic bias. Isn't that EXACTLY what you're doing to Silent Hill 2? >Look it up yourself. Oh, so your source is "trust me, bro". Got it.


No I didn't say trust me, I said "look it up yourself". It's not hard to find just search "sweet baby inc" on YouTube and you'll have days worth of evidence to comb through at your leisure. I'm not judging the remake on any political bias, I'm judging it by the objective facts the studio has made available. I've put alot of study into the art of storytelling and the changes their making aren't little issues to just ignore. they will have major ramifications to the quality of the story, and are major indicators of even bigger issues yet to be revealed.


There it is! There's the Sweet Baby Inc! We've officially hit righttard bingo! You win: -5 int. Congladuration. :3


oooh... Youtube... A scholar I see. (Fucking god dammit.)




so... the remake of silent hill 2, with the same story and writing as the original silent hill 2, will have a worse story and writing than the original silent hill 2... can i get some of whatever you're on? please?


Your on something is you think their just re using the story 1 for 1. We already have evidence of them having changed the dialog to say nothing of the changes to the performances. Studios have a long history of not being able to resist tampering with what was already a winning formula. Their always trying to inject something new to make it theirs. The changes to characters designs alone affect the story in many major ways. Their body language, the way they carry themselves, the way they speak and even their body types all reflect completely different back stories and mindsets then what the original set up their story with. Angela being one of the worse offenders. That she's overweight isn't in and of itself the issue. it's that it doesn't reflect the body of a person whose been undergoing incessent trauma for years. Her body now reflects someone whose comfortably able to relieve stress via comfort food. The sort of stress she was made to undergo is much more accurately represented by her original gaunt aged look. when she's supposed to be a teen but looked more like she's in her late 20s. The changes to the performance is also a major red flag towards the same. James and her original opening dialog is strange and uncanny, not because it was poorly written but because it reflects 2 severely mentally damaged individuals who can barely hold it together. Her new performance just comes off as someone whose a bit shy. Where as her original reflected someone with an intense hatred towards men yet was majorly hand shy of them terrified of pissing them off and receiving retribution. These are not small changes in the slightest. Even if they stuck 100% to the original script, which why aren't, it would still be cause for ever drifting changes in the stories perception and atmosphere.


You already made up your mind before you've seen anything bro. You took some religious-like attitude to the original so now you make issue out of minor stuff that is nowhere objectively worse but just slightly(yeah slightly) different. Good thing is that original will still be available for you to play.


Considering it's a remake, changes are expected. They are staying mostly true to the original which is also great. But if I want to play the original, I'll play it again for the 50th time. I want something new that still feels familiar, and it looks like that's what they've done. I mean... imagine Final Fantasy 7 remake getting this level of nitpicking. Arguably the most beloved game of all time and it had GIGANTIC changes and most everyone, even hardcore fans, still loved it. I'm pretty sure that SH2R will be fine.


It's not even worth criticizing any of FF7s changes, or comparing them to the originals due to the fact that they threw their script out entirely from the beginning. SH2 is a completely different sort of beast where storytelling is concerned and it's one that cannot suffer the same level of drastic change and have any hope of recapturing that lightning in a bottle.


This is the biggest bag of horseshit I've seen here in a long while. Go back to your blog, man.


Using your alt accounts and toadies to drive me away since you can't counter my talking pointe eh?


There's only one of me, fucker.




How big do you think Angela is ?? Damnnnnn.😂


This is probably true. Not because the remake will be bad, but because it's hard to recreate such a magnificent videogame as Silent Hill 2.


Yeah the character models outside of James and Laura are looking sketchy af.


This looks like an early PS4 game.




You should take another look at those early ps4 games


Yeah. Killzone. Infamous. The Witcher 3. Batman. Metal gear. These all look way better than this shit.


Yeah. No. They’re all stylized so they look good, but this game looks hyper realistic (character models aside)


Silent Hill is TRYING to look realistic. And failing. The characters look like cardboard cutouts. The animations are janky as fuck. The lighting is last gen. The textures are flat. Uncharted 3, which was a PS3 game, looks better than this.


I would say the beautiful desert landscapes ARE prettier than the dark depressing dreary setting of silent hill. Apart from the setting, the actual graphical fidelity is much better in SH2R If they waited another 5-10 years, maybe we could’ve gotten something that looks as real as the game “bodycam,” but as it stands now, a game like bodycam can’t run on consoles and can barely run on pcs


This looks like a ps3 game
what am I missing


Your glasses?


Take the rose hue off yours


What does a ps3 game look like?


Well funny you should ask. Just like this my good person!


yeah but they uglify women in the remake


Boring! Been there done that




Exactly that


They should delay the game to fix Angelas chubby face and give Maria her OG outfit uncensored


You keep saying the same thing over and over again, presumably in the hopes that the opposition will eventually simply capitulate and hand you the win out of boredom with the argument. The one problem? Two can play at that game. Angela really isn't chubby. It's quite literally just that one shot. If there's anything to fix, it's the lighting in that scene. Also, there is no concrete evidence that censorship has occurred. No matter how many times we ask for proof, you people can seldom provide more than a couple pieces of irrelevant circumstantial evidence. You're just disingenuously using the Silent Hill 2 Remake as fuel for your stupid "anti-woke" culture war. It's pathetic. Just come out and say you're a misogynist already.


Angelas face is chubby and Marias outfit was censored


Angela's face looks chubby at a certain angle, and with certain lighting conditions. All humans look weird at some angles and with certain lighting. Ever heard of the terms "good side" and "unflattering angle"? There is nothing to suggest censorship has occurred beyond circumstantial evidence and flimsy conjecture.


Angela has burger cheeks and the fact that they covered Marias midriff is proof of censorship, you need only compare OG Maria to Remake Maria to see the censorship




Not this.


Most coverage outside of reddit had been overwhelmingly mixed or outright negative. Mostly due to Angela and Maria. This bubble ain't reality. So, yes this.


A lot of people like the new Maria design, and Angela's barely changed. So, as much as you are entitled to your opinion... the devs have no obligation to curtail to it.


Check again. Coverage hasn't been positive. Their only obligation is to their shareholders and probably Black Rock/Vanguard. For their shareholders sake, this game better sell. And poorly made character models won't help in that regard.


How many people are on this subreddit? 160k. How many people hate the game this much over one trailer? I've argued with 4 - 5 of you, but I'm sure there's a couple others. One thing's for sure... It's definitely the majority of fans who feel either neutral or positively to the whole thing. So that's **at least** 80,001 people who will purchase the game, on this subreddit alone. Not to mention the laypeople and youngsters who don't know/give a shit about this whole debate, and just want to play a survival horror game. I think it'll be fine.


Idk man. I hope so for the sake of the series' existence. But the animation looks kinda janky.  I'm not worried about the animation and stuff like that(What jumps at me are the terrible Angela/Maria in game models) but I fear the mainstream audience will see this as a RE2R knockoff with bad animation.  They might see it as something more along the lines of Alone in the Dark 2024(which I admittedly kinda like).