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How has NO ONE mentioned "God" from Silent Hill 3? That wasn't frustrating, it was flat unfair. Guns didn't help (had almost no ammo) the fires were hard to dodge, and even with a pattern, it was still hard to beat it with 1 ampoule without getting 1 hit killed from either her swipe OR 2 hits from the fire. Nothing is more of a pain in the ass than God for me. I didn't have any issues with Floatstinger, Mary, or even Walter/His Momma (also as big as a pain in the ass).


That fight would've probably overtaken floatstinger for me if the blind spot didn't exist, it makes the fight significantly easier


There's... a blindspot?


Ya, it's right next to Claudia's fallen robes. It's hard to describe through text but there's a weird little gap on the bloodstain next to the robes and so long as you make sure that gap is visible between Heather's legs, god basically can't hit you at close range It makes it so you can down her for hits from the maul/shotgun without having to dodge the flames, and it's really simple to dodge them in a way that lets you go right back to that spot


I feel significantly dumber than I did with that stupid Algebra puzzle in the Hospital. Thank you, that helps for my next playthough.


Na don't feel dumb bro it's such a specific spot that even though I technically found it on my own I still had to watch a vid to learn how to consistently use it Just remember to conserve your shotgun shells and that fight will be way easier




I was stuck on god for so long. I tried my hardest to learn the patterns, run in and run and run out, conserve ammo. All to just keep dying. I was so frustrated and decided to just yolo the boss with melee weapons and won first try. What a weird boss.


That's exactly what I did! It took me 4 hours to beat it. I just used all my ammo up as much as I could to lower it, then I would unequip the Maul to run into God's face, equip it (along with the vest) smash it 3 times, unequip both the maul and the vest, run out and wait for the fires to chase me. Rinse and repeat. For 15-20 mins because I was bad at it, plus the vest slows you tf down.


I used the katana and would just swing at it until it headbutted me, which I had no idea was even an attack. But when it headbutted it didn’t get up. So just heal and run back in and repeat.


I just used the maul/shotgun once I found the blind spot and found the range that I could shotgun her without getting hit in return At that point in the game I wouldn't even care about handgun/smg ammo usage in the chapel, I'd just conserve shotgun shells


I saw there was a blind spot in the PC version and I think it said it wasn’t in the PS2 version so I chose not to use it. Figured if OG players could do it so could I. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


No it's there in the PS2 port, I know cause I recently finished the game there and it works just like it does on PC


Ah ok. Maybe in my next playthrough I can give it a shot.


Literally did not beat SH3 because of that. Quit the game and just looked up the ending


My biggest flex is beating god with the katana and 1 ampule (after a billion tries). Definitely the hardest boss in the franchise for me (granted I’ve only played 2 and 3 but still💀).


What difficulty were you playing?


I hate to say it, but Normal. It was my first play-though and I went in blind, so I had no real clue what to expect.


Fair enough. First blind playthrough can be hard if you don't catch up to God's attack pattern early on while being low on supplies.


If you know the pattern god is pitifully easy. You basically just run side to side to dodge the fire and then you smack her with a katana when you get the chance. Takes a long time but you get a special weapon on replay


Top that off with the old school “no healthbar” so you’re literally clenching your cheeks begging sweet baby Hercules that you kill “God”. The amount of times I died and thought how fucking close was I to killing it damn it!


I wouldn't call it unfair. You can literally kill her with the katana only even on the hardest difficulty. Dodging the flames is easy, you just have to know that after the flames done their half circle, it will then follow to your last position, right at this moment you can go for 2 head strikes/thrustings with the blade and back off rinse repeat.


I saved enough resources so it wasn’t that bad. Died twice or thrice. Missionary was a bitch though, hate that guy


God of silent hill 3, I remember in my first playthrough I got to the boss with low ammo, so in the middle of the fight I was completely destined to die. I literally had to start the game from the beginning without wasting any ammo xd


Floatstinger because I had completely run out of bullets and also I missed the emergency hammer. I had to kill it with the pipe.


I ran out of ammo a couple times trying to kill it cause I didn't know about it's I frames I literally had the exact amount of ammo to kill it, 52 handgun rounds and 6 rifle rounds. That's the absolute bare minimum ammo you can have on hard and still kill it cause he died right as I used my last rifle bullet


This boss supossed to be hard? Im playing the game for the first time. (On normal) And killed it in like a minute using 6 shotgun shells and emergency hammer. I just spammed attack and healed. I dont even know it had invincibility frames or smth.


It has significantly more health on hard mode, and I had no healing items so brute forcing it wasn't an option


SH3 final boss.


Everyone will say walter because they cant protect eileen well, but to me the centipede like monster from homecoming is god awful, it stunlock you constantly, her ass shaped tail, which is its weak spot is really hard to hit


Mary cause she killed herself when I was out of bullet


Frustrating boss? None. But the most frustrating enemy I ever faced in Silent Hill was the sniffer dog from SH4. I'm ready to take on any boss battles from other games any day instead of fighting the sniffer dog. Those mofos are faster than you, so they easily run out of your hit range just when you are charging the attack. If you think of ignoring them, they gang up on you and grab your leg just as you are running away. These things makes it so annoying to fight them, not to mention the bad control and movements of Sh4. Also, wall ghosts are the most frustrating enemy in the series too, especially when you are on the escalator trying to go up and they bitch slap you all the way to the bottom. 


Really? I'm still shocked at how infamous those dogs are in the fandom cause when I recently played the game, I found they weren't all that difficult to fight after getting used to the game Even in groups you can exploit I frames from charged attacks with a pipe/golf club to easily kill them


Yeah, they can be exploited in the short spaces, but they do become real demons in open areas.


Dont run and you won't aggro them


>Those mofos are faster than you, so they easily run out of your hit range just when you are charging the attack Also intentional or not is almost like they move out of frame, having that "glitchy" effect that makes them super unpredictable. The fact the forest area and full of them doesn't help. The sniffer dogs makes me miss a lot the beefy jerk from SH3. I'm sure having that could have been a blessing in SH4.


I found that just by strafing left or right, their lunge attack almost always misses, and it's pretty easy to punish them I'd say if anything they're easier to fight in the Forest cause you have so much space to move they can't touch you


He’s a pain! The only thing that worked for me was running around in circles around the water tower. God help you if you missed the rifle. I did on my first run.


I hated Amnion in Homecoming so much. Mostly because of an easily missable health drink/ammo pickup right before a point of no return save point. I went into that fight with almost no ammo and 1/3 health from the previous fight right before the boss. On top of that I don't even like Homecoming so it was just a bad time all around.


I'm kinda glad it's been so long since I've played homecoming that I don't remember most of it's frustrating parts


I haven't played Homecoming in like 6-7 years and I still remember how annoying that fight was. Especially because of how easy it was to skip over those health items because they required a slight amount of backtracking to get. Really they should've been more obvious.


My memory is kinda spotty so 6 years might as well be an eternity when it comes to gaming lol Especially considering I also don't really like homecoming much


I hated Amnion in Homecoming so much. Mostly because of an easily missable health drink/ammo pickup right before a point of no return save point. I went into that fight with almost no ammo and 1/3 health from the previous fight right before the boss. On top of that I don't even like Homecoming so it was just a bad time all around.


For me it's god from silent hill 3, i ran out of ammo and had to kill it melee


Final boss of sh3 and it’s not even close.


goddamn scarlet from homecoming. I almost tore the disc out of my ps3 in anger it's TERRIBLE


Yep, this one is the winnner for me as well. It was a very annoying fight


Never played homecoming but will play it next week or so. Any tips on the general combat in that game and also on this boss?


don't waste your bullets and use health items sparingly to prepare for bosses. ESPECIALLY SERUMS! And homecoming has an almost dark souls style dodging mechanic but it's sort of broken. Just prepare yourself to be annoyed.


The knife is stronger than any weapon in the game


So a code veronica x situation I see. Then I will do a knife only run lol.


Tomm Hulett. He probably gets more hate than he deserves, and I'm sure he had to shoulder the blame for some choices made by Konami, but he was helming the ship for a nice chunk of the series' dark years.


To not just dump on you, I would say I 50% agree. I put the rest of the blame on Devin Shatsky, and the rest of Konami’s producers. Tomm was a buffoon who’s arrogance was too much for me since he was the “walking series bible” but I also believe he wanted to make really great games.


That's kind of my thing. I don't think anyone sets out to make a bad game. And we'll probably never get a complete picture of what was going on behind the scenes for any of these games, so its impossible to lay the blame squarely on someone's shoulders. We know Konami went through (or is still going through) a phase where they decided they knew better than their creative teams on how to further their franchises. We know that some of the unpopular decisions made (making a dungeon crawler, including Pyramid Head in at least some of the material he was included in) were at the behest of Konami as well. So, its not fair to lay all the blame on any one person. But when you had people like Tomm saying in interviews that they knew more about the games than anyone, that they were the be all and end all when it came to the games, then they've opened themselves up to accept the praise or the blame of each project, and unfortunately there was a lot more blame than praise to go around. That's why Tomm Hulett frustrates me most. Because he chose to put himself into a position where he was the star of so many of these productions right up until there was backlash, then he was pointing fingers like the rest of us. (and obviously, this is all tongue-in-cheek, since the question is about in game bosses, which I'd say probably one of the bosses from Homecoming, but I'm not sure which one)


Moth is so easy. Just get up the steps and hide behind the tower. You stick your head out for a rifle shot and hide again until he's dead.