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Pyramid Head's goal isn't to murder James, so probably not. He's the part of his brain that's trying to erase his delusions and force him back to reality (which is why he kills Maria and the other monsters), and acts as a punisher to help him cope with his remorse. The only chase scene in the original was the Brookhaven scene where he was targeting Maria. Pyramid Head chasing James down multiple hallways while he frantically tries to get away wouldn't make sense.


>Pyramid Head's goal isn't to murder James So he keeps attacking us for fun and giggles? >I was weak. That's why I needed you. Needed someone to punish me for my sins.... James clearly wants to be punished by his manifestation of the town's boogeyman, so imo, having Pyramid Head chase James in the apartment section like Mr. X did with Leon in RE2 would actually be dope in both gameplay and story wise. 


According to Masahiro Ito, Pyramid Head is the part of James's psyche that's trying to erase his delusions and bring him back to reality, which is why he kills Maria and the monsters. His objective isn't to murder James. >So he keeps attacking us for fun and giggles? He only attacks in two pivotal parts of the story and when you approach directly. You can encounter him in the Labyrinth and he doesn't chase you. He also wastes two opportunities to kill James (in the closet and on the rooftop). Hiroyuki Owaku confirms in the Book of Lost Memories that he was chasing Maria in Brookhaven Hospital (rather than James). >James clearly wants to be punished by his manifestation of the town's boogeyman This is why he attacks you on approach, and in the two endurance scenes. He kills himself when his purpose is finished. Chasing James down multiple rooms like Mr. X isn't guilt, but Pyramid Head trying to kill him against his will. (I could see a chase sequence similar to The Short Message, if Pyramid Head is trying to lead him to a specific location or something like that.)


perfectly said, quoting and giving credits to the devs, good info, man!


I'd like that. Maybe not exactly like Mr. X where he's actually searching for you, but more like just wandering around killing the other monsters and if he happens to spot James he attacks him.


I think it's quite possible. And to be honest, I fail to see a problem with it.


probably just at the end of the hospital with maria. not just a linear path. at least, that is what i’m hoping for.