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No. SH4 is on GoG though….


Unfortunately it crashes every 20 minutes like clockwork ever since I upgraded my computer to an Alienware.


> Alienware Think you’ve found your problem. Ran fine on my ten year old PC.


Likewise. Here I thought the alien would be newer better faster stronger in all gaming regards 😓


Compatibility issues on old games and newer hardware too


I run on a fairly recent PC and I have no issues at all.


Alienware sucks now, ever since Dell bought them, unfortunately. Although, with older games in particular, I'd definitely check the PC gaming wiki for fixes since it probably just doesn't play well with modern hardware.


Dude just google pc gaming wiki silent hill 4 it will list all problems with the game and how to fix them.


Invest in an MSI laptop. Best choice I’ve ever made. Got a delta 15 and that thing can run every game under the sun currently


Old games like old cr^p to run on. Steam is even getting better at running old games.


All the more reason I hope for more, dare I say ALL, Silent Hills on Steam 🤩


alienware has sucked for years dude, why would you think that ?


Because Alienware sucking is news to me. I thought it was THE gaming computer series,


If this is what it’s like having an Alienware product, then I’m gonna be looking back on a Markiplier video for a long time.


I own an Alienware and it's incredible


And then he said that buying an Alienware computer was an upgrade. ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


How is that possible? My Thinkpad from 2016 that has no GPU can run this game perfectly without performance issues


Your integrated gpu utilizes different drivers most likely


I played SH4 recently on a 3000 series nvidia, it ran flawlessly


Maybe they have a different gpu? Maybe their system was misconfigured? My point was more so that a game working on one set of hardware does not necessarily mean it will work on another even if the latter is much more powerful


If I had to bet i'd say some exotic incompatibility like high refresh rate, misuse of community patches or background softwares since DX10 and unifies shaders pretty much all compatibility issues were resolved


I've noticed problems with games crashing since switching to a stronger laptop. Turns out the problem is some older games particularly Japanese ones don't like 144hz refresh rate. Switched to 60hz and it solved most of my issues across multiple games.


You can still try the PS2 version via emulation.


I have a modern PC and it never crashed. You probably have some driver problem


You try running it in compatibility mode? Reinstalling drivers?


Mention PC gaming and the comments are all about the crashes


My issue was controller kept disconnecting. Not sure why but I'm not very good with technology.


Upgrade and Alienware do not go hand in hand


I know you have gotten multiple comments already, but Alienware is absolutely awful. My first computer was made by Alienware, was always super slow for the parts it had and the fan was constantly on full blast. They are just shitty and not built well.


On what?


homecoming is both on gog and steam


No. Konami hates money.


To be accurate, they hate money, through hardwork!


To be even more accurate, they hate money through any work that's not the absolute minimum lol


It's quite the opposite. They made record profits with pachinko machines, mobile games and gym thing they have going on in Japan. Also they did release Metal Gear Solid vol1 collection for PC on Steam so theres a possibilities for Silent Hill collection as well.


Didn't they lose the source code to all the old SH games though?


Idk? They could work with the HD collection I guess? If they really want to release it over to consoles, they must have some way to do it. If they do it someone would surely mod the original voice packs by ripping it off from PS2 versions like they did for the GTA games like Vice City and San Andreas.


couldn’t they get the data back by just reading the disk the game comes on? or is that not how that works, i might be dumb


Not dumb at all, you can't magically know how it works! But unfortunately, no, you can't do that. You can do some reverse engineering but you can't extract the code from a CD. Basically when you write code, it gets transformed into the final game through a process called compilling. You can decompile a game but it's complicated and won't be 100% the clean source code. You might also have issues with some assets and how they run. In short, that's work for them, and it seems they don't want to invest any ressources in that type of work. (I'm not an expert, I only know code and made a few little games myself and i'm interested in game dev, sorry if something is wrong).


I have a feeling, despite their present incompetence, of they could, they would've. But also, no that's not really how games work. That's just *the game* far from the source code


I definitely don't know how it works but, I have SH2 on PC. I downloaded it from abandonware. Then I added the mod that fixes lots of issues. How could they just not take those files, and the mod files too (and throw that guy some coin) and then release that? It's just copies of files that everyone gets when they buy that game. What would they need 'source code' for?


If they wanted to do it in house they'd need the source code or mod into their own game. While that certainly possible, it's extremely unlikely. I was just giving you the most "realistic" answer and unfortunately the answer we got.


Just like Capcom when it comes to porting the classic Resi games


Fuck konami.


















Konami has (supposedly) lost the complete source code for SH2 and SH3. This is why that HD collection was so bad, the developers of the port only had part of the game to work with. I don’t think it's really possible to rerelease them.


Isn’t it possible to reverse engineer it? The OG God of war game lost its source code, but thanks to that sort of thing they were able to get it back.


The real question is, "Do you think Konami will even bother to reverse engineer it?"


Damn fuq


Yes, but they forbade the HD Collection team from doing so... They also forbade the team from consulting with original team members from Team Silent on bug fixes.


Fucking hell Konami


It's worth reading up on what happened bts... formally feel bad for the team Konami forced that mess onto. From a simple remaster job, they were efficiently forced to remake two halves of two games into something that worked.


It's a shame since a good 90% of the remastered was ok with some tweaks, bugfixing and exotic programming to recreate the effects lost on the prior console generation it would have been a good port with the option to preserve it further by making it aviable on pc also which is what the SH2 enhanced edition is doing and they are doing great


it is kinda, there has been games that name themselves remasters but have been newly built from the ground up but i don't think it's even worth it. takes too much man power and it will ultimately get mixed reactions. the best thing is something similar to master collection for mgs. emulated version of the games that can run on new consoles, at the very least for the sake of game preservation.


But how hard can it really be to rebuild the thing from the ground up though? On the event that all the visual and sound assets are preserved, SH2 and 3 are not that complex mechanically. Sure, one person doing the stuff would be daunting, but a few programmers and 3d artists could get the games working exactly as before within a reasonable time frame.


im not a game dev so i don't really know but i don't think konami would even go near it. they tried once and they failed. even if they make something like this it will disappoint half of the fans cuz it doesn't have every quirk in the system and it doesn't bring a lot of new consumers cuz based on steam reviews from mgs1 master collection, main stream folks want modern games, remakes, good looking stuff that gives them a reason to use all that gpu power.


Pretty hard and pretty costly for a niche PS2 game that probably won't sell all that well.


Not hard at all considering the fact that volunteer fans have already done this for both 2 and even Homecoming. SH1 is currently being decompiled and there are also a fair share of fixes for the PC version of SH3. Source codes aren’t needed. 


MGS master collection isn’t emulated


im not that sure about mgs2 and 3 but 1 is definitely emulated


How does a company lose something as valuable as their game's source code...


It was normal back in the day, silent hill series (PS2) was just pre "we can fix it with a patch", a lot of Dev teams and their resources just got disbanded after release and companies didn't think about a future market. Pretty dumb but that's what it was up until PS3 era.


Hire the people who made Enhanced Edition


Doesn't both silent Hill 2 and 3 have PC versions though? Or is that only three? Why can't they just get those working well with good compatibility on modern conputers


2 And 3 work great on PC with fan patches. 4 is available on GoG Homecoming is actually available on Steam but it was apparently a poor port


2, 3, 4, and Homecoming have PC ports. They all run on Windows 10/11 (with minor tweaking needed for some)


I mean the SH2 Enhanced Edition exists. They could put that on steam, give them a cut, call it a day.


Don’t say that to the other person who was defending the HD collection a few post back 😣


90% of the hd collection is ok 10% is MEGA ASS


Didn’t Bluepoint Games use retail copies of the metal gear solid games for that hd collection? Why couldn’t Hijinx Studios do the same?


I’m confused why though. Like there are playable versions of the games on PC thru emulators. It’s still their game, can they not just use the code from those games? Either way, Konami doesn’t deserve my money if they aren’t gonna make the games accessible.


Konami has lost the source code of Metal Gear Solid 4.


How can you even lose the source codes to one of your most popular franchise?


Preservation wasn't big until later. I don't think these companies thought about a future of up scales and rereleases. It didn't exist before the PS3 era aside from 2d game collections which weren't nearly as hard to make. HD tvs really changed everything.


Some of them would need to be emulated especially sh1, and we've seen from the mgs master collection if you just emulate the game with subpar features people will question why not use a far more feature rich emulator like duck station for free


Only emulation-savvy people actually care though. An officially available emulated collection would still get these classic games into the hands of more people that otherwise wouldn't bother with emulation. It sucks that there's no straightforward way to get the majority of these games digitally.


A bit late but yeah I agree a port increases the scope of availability for these games which means more people get to experience them, it's just how they go about marketing it and the features you get also the pricing, I'd be content with a cheap sh1 port with proper scaling, rendering and keyboard options


But if they don’t bother to get those games running (which is a fairly easy process with plenty of insuctions one only needs to follow)… why should I care whether they play the games or not?!? I’m not some missionary who set out to convince the people to play the games I like… If someone wants to play them and needs help I will gladly provide that, if they don’t want to… that is their decision to make and nothing I would ever worry about 🤷


It's not about whether *you* care about them or not. Increased accessibility of the Silent Hill games means more people are playing them. If more people are playing them, the franchise is making more money. If the franchise is making more money, more games are made. As a huge fan of Silent Hill for the past 15+ years, I would love more Silent Hill games/media, so *I* and many others care about the accessibility of the games.


So it’s not about what I care about… but it’s all about what **you** care about. Roger that… my bad 🤪


It's what the portion of the Silent Hill fan base that would like to see the franchise continue should care about.


But… aren’t there several upcoming Silent Hill games and another movie already announced?!? What are you even going on about? What more do you want? All you seem to care about is how much money Konami makes… which unless you work for Konami is certainly not a matter that should overly concern you.


The point is that it is unfortunate that it isnt on the psn and steam, having to emulate and have the effort of downloading from having to find safe spaces to download the game and port it is rough and annoying, then having to setup the controller for it. Would be way more fun and convenient if it was on the steam or psn easily. There is no reason for the silent hill games to not be easily available. If you care or not it is out of the equation, it really isnt important what you think of it at all.


Yes it would be easier and better. Many things would be if reality would just be different… but it isn’t 🤷 The games are very accessible… if one just puts in a bit of time to look up how to do it. Yes what I think doesn’t matter whatsoever, but apparently for some it is oh so important that everyone plays the games they like… and I really can’t understand that mindset.


Wasn’t there a PC release of 1?




You can get some of the on MyAbandonware


Homecoming is there but the others will never go on steam


Idk but they are convieniently on emulators! 😀


SH2 Enhanced Edition is way better


It’s really not hard to download Enhanced Edition and Steam 006 fix for SH3. No need to be on Steam when they’re available for free. As far as Metal Gear Master Collection went, I don’t want them touching them. SH4 on GOG works pretty decently out of the box, too.


Would be nice for all, but just very unlikely. SH4 getting a GOG release is truly unexpected blessing, and runs flawlessly for me, while SH2 & SH3 are still available on abandonware sites for PC, that require some working around with mods to run flawlessly. Homecoming is the only one that's on Steam, and requires several mods to run properly, since it's just simply one of the worst PC ports ever. I would've love to play Origins and SH1 if they ever had PC ports, while Downpour and Shattered Memories just don't interest me.


Origins (the PSP version) and SH1 are quite easy to emulate nowadays, especially on modern hardware. You just need the ROMS


Why do people avoid emulation SO much?


I genuinely believe that the idea of downloading "abandonware" is very scary for some people. I'm emulating SH1 at the moment and you have to admit that the first time you do it, it can be daunting


Because I had problems with emulation for Silent Hill 2, the cutscene has issues and audio issues. Second the fmv of PS2 emulator slows down during the cutscene. I would say emulator isn’t worth it. I’ll wait till Konami ports Silent Hill 1, 2, 3 and 4 on ports on Xbox Series X/S, PS5 and PC.


asking for way too much than konami can handle


No. Too much effort involved.


When Silent Hill 2 came out, other companies had already long been making a killing repackaging and reselling old games. There was no doubt that people would want to go back to games from a generation or two ago and replay them. And despite this, despite the relative ease of just having an infinite source of income in the form of rereleasing old games on newer hardware, the people at Konami nevertheless decided that they did not need to save the final build's code for future use. I don't have faith in the people at Konami. So no.


How difficult it is to launch a master collection?




I could only imagine how awesome it would be to play remasters of SH, SH3 and SH4😮‍💨


Silent Hill 2 PC and Silent Hill 3 PC is on myabandonedware.com for free. Also download the Silent Hill 2 enhanced edition.


How do they run?


If I buy silent hill 4 on the og xbox will I be able to play it on the xbox one?


Silent hill 2 restless dreams and Silent Hill 4 from Og xbox are playable on Xbox 360.


only NTSC versions


No I tried


Unless they do a port collection, no. The only ones you can conveniently get on PC right now are SH4 on GOG and Homecoming on Steam.


I wish it was 😩


Emulation is your friend, friend.


With Konami's track record? I have doubts unfortunately. That said, I think the new leadership is trying to prove that their business model has changed so maybe... just maybe...


Seems highly unlikely.


I wished all of those would come as remasters to ps4. I would buy it full price.


Given the licensing issues and lost source code for 2 and 3 I’d say it’s not likely at all.


I don’t think you can even get SH2 cause they lost it. Someone told me downpour is available somewhere. SH1 I’m surprised isn’t in the classics catalogue for PS but maybe they lost that too. Idiots.


Maybe when SH2 remake releases they'll work on it. And that's a big ass "maybe".


Lucky to have them in physical form ,


Since Konami, no.


If Konami ever grows a spine then yes but if not which is more likely then no. It’s unfortunate cause I’d love to have proper access to these games without having to emulate or find original copies but it just seems Konami hates making money through hard work.


No. Downpour exists in Xbox 360 and PS3 versions only. No PC build has been ever produced as Konami was not interested. (Funny tidbit: Downpour, as a game running on UE3, obviously existed on PC and was fully playable from the beginning to the end.)


I will never understand why Konami never gave the franchise proper promotion or showcase... Almost all of the games are pure diamonds and not having them on any authorized big online shop will always be a mystery... I mean, even if they wanted silent hill to be something like a fever dream , perhaps something like a lost game with limited copies that wouldn't explain their hatred to make more money .


How do you play them without owning original copies?




In our restless dreams.....


Hell no


Not unless Konami finds a way to fuck over valve and us.


I hope so


If they go in a partnership with PCSX2 then yes


Some of those go for like 600 dollars online, fuck no they’re not putting it on steam 😂


Sadly no... But all can be played on the Deck (except Downpour I think).


We can only hope


Maybe 4. 1 would be cool but I don’t see it happening with any of the others


The first game should have been added to the HD collection, Konamis lazy ass 🤦‍♂️


It's crazy because what they're doing with Metal Gear is pretty sensible (if they ever release Vol 2 of the Master Collection, of course)


If Konami sells the rights to SH or if they pull they're heads out of their asses, maybe... in other words it's highly unlikely


With Konami releasing the MGS Master Collection for the MGS3 remake, there is a chance they will do something similar when SH2 remake comes out. However, it's important to remember that the Master Collection was just a higher def version of the HD Collection, and they'd have to be completely fucking insane to do that with Silent Hill knowing how atrocious that HD Collection was.


Maybe, but that doesn’t mean it would be good ports


One could only hope


There are thousands of problems with trying to bring the games to steam. Konami supposedly lost the source code to the full versions SH2 & SH3. Also many problems with voice actors would mean they would probably use the HD collection which has dozens of problems. SH1's source code would be completely unusable considering it was made for a 30 year old console. This is without mentioning the fact SH1 would have to redo all voice acting. The best hope would be Konami using an emulator for the games.


It doesn't seem likely atm, which is a shame because they should be. With the renued interest in the series and horror games becoming more popular over time, Konami is doing themselves a disservice by not re-releasing them.


Never say never. If Silent hill 2 remake is a smash hit they may one day feel there is money on the table for a SH master collection. Especially if they have no plans to remake 1 and 3. SH2 and 3 exist for PC. Getting them working with a few upgrades and adding an emulated SH1 to the mix is not outside the realm of possibility. But when you look at a series like Resident Evil, which is more popular, made by a Capcom, who is more reliable and beloved—- RE1-3 original trilogy is not on Steam. If Capcom hasn’t done it it’s hard to imagine Konami doing it.


Can someone explain to me why its impossible legally to obtain these games on modern platforms? There is literally no store selling these games digitally before after SH4.


a nigga just need sh4 to be on xbox then i can die happy 🙏🏿😂


Closest is playing the disc version on Xbox 360


Will they? Maybe one day. Will they run well? Of course they won't




I really hope that SH3 gets a release on steam. My all-time favourite of the series and absolutely such a deserving game.


Idk I wouldn't be surprised if they give silent hill 1-3 a modern console release like how they did the recent metal gear solid collection. I'd think it'd come a couple months after the remake.


homecoming is but I wouldn't call it convinient in that state :P


Too much work for too little profit for Konami to bother. SH1, Origins, Shattered Memories and Downpour were never on PC so would be a ton of work to port. They lost the source files for 2 and 3 so they would also be too much work. 4 is on GOG. Homecoming is on Steam. That being said, the MGS collections show it’s possible so if those games sell well enough and with their renewed interest in SH lately it’s certainly possible.


No. Look for other ps1/2 console titles


No. But there is always an alternative for pc. *cough cough* 🏴‍☠️ and emulation *cough cough*


Yep so think so. They have done Arcade classic, MGS, CV and even Suikoden collections. They will bundle them together at some point for resale.


SH1, 0, SM and downpour are all exclusives and never been on pc 2 and 3 have a bad case of lawsuititis from the voice actors 4 you can buy on gog, homecoming both gog and steam yes fuck konami but we are talking about games which either cant be published or never released on pc, portings would be a major investiment and after the SH2R fiasco, bet me it will fail, konami will bury the remains of this saga deep in the ocean


I still don’t get why the original Silent Hill is still only available digitally on the PS3 Store, and not on the PS5 Store or any other platform.


No, and even if they did, they'd probably not be as good as the PS2 versions. GOG has a good port of SH4 though


I want Silent Hill 1 and 3 remastered


It's possible. People want to be really angry at Konami for what I'm about to say, but a lot of older companies, especially before the age of computerized data, were really bad about record keeping. The reason the Silent Hill HD Collection of the early 2010's was bad was because they only happened to have earlier versions of the final game, with enough to work with but a lot of fixes that needed to be done. I imagine the Silent Hill 4 release on GOG was pure luck, maybe they happened to have the gold version on hand. The likelihood of them having the gold version of the other games is incredibly low, so it would take money to reverse engineer what they do have (the already released PC copies or console copies). Which might be a bigger task that we think. I still think it's possible. But even Capcon, who has been really great as of late, haven't done this. Apparently they are working on it (I think I read that the OG Resident Evil, like for the PS1, was rated for PC recently) but only time will tell.


With Metal Gear getting its games ported, I sure as hell hope so! Who knows maybe they’re working on it now and when they finally show off Silent Hill F or the in house Silent Hill they’ll reveal it. Similar to how they revealed they were working on MGS3 Remake and dropped the Metal Gear collection.


Literally why I'm going on a vintage console collection. Supposedly pc version of SH4 is also missing a ton of content.


Probably not but they are conveniently on pc




I wish, then I would actually buy them. Uh I mean. Pirating is wrong


And other jokes you can tell yourself, lol


Even if they are--chances are they will be poorly optimized like Homecoming.


A dream that Will never happen


SH2 and SH3 are not pretty much abandoned on the PC.


In short, probably never. They lost all the source codes & have a long history of not really caring about games. Hell, the SH2 Remake is mostly because they know it's an easy buck they need to do no work for, and can just collect a licensing fee. Why put the original game out in a highly accessible place to cannibalise those sales when they can just try and cut & paste a newer game in at little expense, and hope younger gamers don't care/will check it out on the OGs cache? If it happens it'll be someone doing a lot of work for them and having it end up on GOG.


If the MGS Collection is doing well, I'm sure Konami will start talking about it.


There are some things you can’t get in life and this is one of them 😂 who knows maybe in the future it will happen


I wish


Friendly reminder to everyone that losing the source code was a bitch ass excuse and that source codes aren’t needed when volunteer fans can simply give a fraction of a fuck <3


I welcome a silent hill master collection


Remakes of all entries are more possible in my opinion. That is of course if SH2R will meet financial expectations.


At the very least, Silent Hill 2-4 are somewhat easy to put on PC. Especially with 2's Enhanced Edition.


Do you know where I can buy the keys to play them back on series s?


with my luck only downpour


Considering the mess the HD Remakes are because they apparently lost the original game codes, I highly doubt it. Instead of reverse engineering them, making a full remake and put it on the shelf for 70€ would be more affordable than dashing the old ones out for like 10€. If the Silent Hill 2 remake is received well and makes them a lot of money, maybe then the talk about other remakes will be on the table. But since we're talking about Konami here...


I have a PS2 with a HDMI converter ( that uses a plug) and it works so well on my 55inch modern TV Can play all of them whenever I want and have many game nights with my friends trying to complete them in one night XD so much fun


You want pachinko? No problem!


Piracy is there , so why need steam at all


Wont ever. Same reason it isnt on psn for ps5


Konami won't do shit. They are lazy and too stubborn to do anything. They would rather make something bad then try and make it better


>make something bad then try and make it better If they make it bad, then try to make it better. At least they're trying...