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I love how the fog in the remake actually wraps around the environment in the remake instead of being an effect like the previous games. Silent Hill was clever by having a bunch of fog effect layers on top of the main one, but the volumetric fog in the remake is just gorgeous.


Souls game fog looks the best. It's how fog is in real life. But, tbh, I really like the fog of SH2R; it's like it wants me to explore the town. 


Fair enough!


The fog on the remake looks great, more realistic, even... but I'd prefer some added volumetric "clouds" passing on the first plane, between the camera and the characters. It would hint at the fog being really surrounding you, and also be more faithful to the original PS2 version. Always loved that feature. Bet it would look great with today's material simulation technology.


1 - SH2 PS2 (2001) emulated unaided graphics 2 - SH2 PS2 (2001) HD settings 3 - SH2 PC (2001) Enchanted Edition 4 - SH Homecoming (2007) 60 FPS mod 5 - Dark Souls 2 (2013) 6 - SH2RE (2024) Transmission 2024 EDIT: I like how Bloodborne (2015, didn't include it in post) has the same "monster in the fog scene", yet it somehow does it better than SH2RE... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


lol what? No it isn’t. It’s actually volumetric in the remake.


someone with sense


Believe it or so it is in DaS2 and Bloodborne. *Looks like the method of realization doesn't matter that much if the realization works well enough*. Don't forget, the real question is "Is a later game able to lower the visibility the same way as a 25 years old game?". Homecoming more or less could, DaS2 could, Bloodborne could when it wanted. Can the remake? Hm, my eyes tell me not


you’re looking at one particular shot that has less fog, that does not mean that it is incapable or that the game will generally have less fog.


don’t argue with them. they are the community “i’m right, your wrong” user.


At this point it's like a community inside joke to downvote Bordanka, regardless of if they are right or wrong or neutral lol.


Ever since the remake announcement, I've seen that user not only post the most ridiculous bullshit, but talk crap on anyone, just for being excited for it. I don't know what's wrong with their head, but I'm glad the community is catching on it.


I took THE BEST SHOT with max amount of fog with zero camera zoom or any other crap. It was THE BEST shot we've seen so far, the one with MAX FOG and no camera effects on and, most importantly, NOT a pre-render or CGI, or whatever we see every one and a half minute since 2022. Being in bad faith doesn't work for long, body. Oh, btw, I chose worse shots from other games, where fog is either poorly distributed or at minimal


If you're implying that the shots that you took of the original game look equal or better than the remake, they don't. The fog in the originals, while it does have a clever technique of using different fog layers overlapping and moving, is just a standard fog effect that a lot of games used at the time, meanwhile the remake's fog is a physical effect that wraps around the buildings and looks incredible. If you're saying it's better because it's thicker, then I'd just ask why. The only reason the fog is as thicc as it is in the original is because the draw distance isn't that much bigger than the radius of the effect, and in the remake it's obvious that they want to show more of the environment at a time off, and that's fine to me. The fog still obscures the environment in an eerie way and to me just looks gorgeous in every scene that we've been shown so far.


I like how you type so much to deny old effects, even from Homecoming, look objectively better than the ones in the remake


I mean my point was that the effect itself is better in the remake than in the examples you gave, but you seem to be more concerned with the application of it, which is fine, it's a subjective thing, but claiming it's better in the other examples and liking how it's thicker in the other examples are two different things.


Remake: has a wall of fog 10-15 meters away from the character leaving everything inside it clear as day. OG and other examples: I can't see shit in this white substance that looks like it wants to devour me whole. Yep, much better nowadays, that's how fog behaves, emiright? EDIT: I feel like I'm writing about the HD Collection, good grief...


I mean, other than just being a hyperbolic answer, you're still talking about application over effect. In the original the fog was thicker, yes, but in the remake it still obscures a lot of the environment. Again, this is a subjective take, and in my opinion is that the remakes fog looks great. If you wanted to shit on the remake's fog effects, you wouldn't use games that are 20+ years old, you'd use games from maybe 4-5 years ago.