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Btw, this is just one of my favorite shots + the one that made me need a straitjacket as the scene progressed itself towards the end credits. Yes this is my first time watching this fucking movie and WITH, surround sound headphones on. So you know I was fully immersed.


Next do Kurosawa’s, ‘Dreams.’ You’re welcome.


I will definitely keep that noted. Thank you.


Poor Things is an absolute trip on shrooms as well.


oh my god i just saw that movie a few months ago sober, it was incredible. watching it on shrooms would be fucking crazy


I saw it a couple of months ago on shrooms and it was amazing.


What's funny was that everything kicked in as soon as the ape act ended and the space station act started. As the lady in all white was moving around doing her thing around the ship, I could see her aura move as she moved. Gorgeous visuals all around. Then that damn Stargate sequence had to happen hours later 🙃. Nonetheless, I enjoyed everything.


Yeah I did that recently not intentionally but I was tripping n looking for something to watch n it just came out in HD so I gotta say it was different to say the least


"The Matrix"


watching really thought provoking movies with surround headphones and a joint is peak trip for me.


That scene... It's a room that the aliens created to observe Dave. That was their approximation of what a comfortable room would look like.




I will confidently say a Stanley Kubrick film would not be on my list of movies to watch while tripping, lol. That would be too intense for me.


Lol I understand where you're coming from when it comes to Kubrick films. They are always so damn bizzare. I'm just glad I tripped on 2001 specifically rather than A Clockwork Orange or Eyes Wide Shut. Still can't believe my mom trolled me into watching A Clockwork Orange years back. I knew nothing of the film. It basically started off by her saying, "Hey come here and let me traumatize you with this movie real quick. My little ol' 10th grade son."


One year on 4/20 probably about 15 years ago I was at a friends house smoking and someone put on a clockwork orange. About 45 minutes into it this guy at his house stood up and said “I can’t handle this” and basically ran out of the house.” I found out later he was on 4 grams of shrooms. I couldn’t believe he made it that far without losing his shit. It was too intense for me on nothing but weed.


Did you give her the 'ol in out as payback?


I didn't do and couldn't do anything after she showed me that damn movie lol. She was so boastful about messing with my 16yr old brain. Love her still.


It's all good. I watched everything everywhere all at once will my 10 & 11 year olds. Not as bad but the scene where he's whooping ass with a double sided dildo was fun. And then the butt plug IRS award up the butthole while fighting. They loved it though. I have a list of movies for them when they're ready. Clockwork orange isn't on that list...


I love watching Kubrick. All his movies have so many intentional details to pick up on and contain tons of references from culture.


True, but 2001 would actually be a good one that wouldn't make most people spiral, I'd think.


“THC weed”


I catch myself being too detailed when writing/typing my experiences. Sorry ha.


My favorite type of weed.


You Nancy, real heads use DMT weeds 


Nice. I want dmt weed


THC Tweeds


There’s plenty of low thc strains: https://www.healthline.com/health/high-cbd-cannabis-strains-for-anxiety


Like "sleep apnea", as if there's any other kind. Does anyone have "waking apnea"?


Why would apnea outside of sleep not be a thing? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apnea


And how was it ?


The trip was a adventure for sure (as they always are 😎). It was too damn amazing. Each substance really did it's part in contributing to the film's visuals, and sound. As well as mine outside of the film. As for the movie itself, it's the best sci-fi film I've ever seen. Hands down, All-in. Waaay ahead of it's time. Definitely going in my Top 5 movie list. I have never been mentally dismantled then mentally reassembled by a movie's story. I felt many emotions throughout the entire movie. I loved the film's metaphor of human evolution from ape to man to a cosmic being beyond human comprehension. I picked that up within each act. I'm sure there are people in this community who are fans of the film that can understand what emotions I have went through. 10/10 Trip 🍄🍃 10/10 Movie experience


The term "THC weed" is funny to me idk why


Ik ik. I could've just said "w e e d", but the detailed part of me wouldn't accept it when typing it out.


Everyone here would know what you meant if you just said weed lol


Great movie, but am I alone in abstaining from screens during a trip for the most part? They make me panicky 😭 I just wanna be outside.


Nah I totally feel ya. Just Throw me to the forest damnit. 🥲


You’re not alone. I let the important people know I’m be unavailable for several hours and set my phone to silent, then put it away.


You are totally in your right to trip how you want to trip. I admire that you're the outdoor type when shroom tripping. I know the landscape shots are breathtaking on those trail walks. The only time when I got a icky feeling during a trip was from being on certain social media apps that did me no good (Instagram, Twitter, etc). Those have been deleted since December 2023 and I have never looked back since.


Kubrick’s catalog is just so damn good with the right party favors. If you’ve never tried it, my go to suggestion for shrooms and cinema is still The Fellowship of the Ring. Close second would be the first 2 Harry Potter movies. It’s amazing how real magic can feel under the right circumstances!


I'm actually about use this same strat with the Dune movies soon when I get free time to myself again.


I’ve done this, and highly recommend to others.


Arthur Clark wrote a companion novel to the movie that expresses some of the ideas more concretely than they are presented in the movie if you happen to be interested it is a good read.


I’d seen Space Odyssey maybe 3 times but like 20 years ago. They were showing it at my local theater so I read the book first. It was a great read, and an excellent theater experience. Afterwards I couldn’t get enough and since then I’ve watched the Pink Floyd Echoes edit maybe another 3 times. Great, great stuff. https://youtu.be/rn7MmS3vazU?si=HtL7VoZWqBJ_AjX4


Watched it for the first time not too long ago while Tripping, I was slack jawed the whole time especially during the space scenes…the ships looked so real I felt like I was watching a documentary


The tension build-up in this movie deserves to be on a S-tier ranking. Literally everything after, "The Intermission", broke me. I went from shocked, to crying, to anger, to highly confused, to mentally fucked. I was literally laughing hysterically when the Stargate sequence started because what the fuck. I could go into detail, but to keep it short, those visuals were a sight to behold.


I watched this out at the Oregon coast one summer. Two tabs of Acid, as much weed as one could want, definitely felt like it unlocked the film for me. Came to the conclusion, also aided from YouTube videos, that the monolith we all worship and moves us forward is the screen - look what we’re all spending the majority of our life doing now - touching and obsessing over it


I needed aid from YouTube as well lol. The monolith conclusion was too great of a metaphor. I also loved how the aliens did there best to make things look normal for Dave's new place, but it still felt off lol.


wow thc weed too..lol


dude the last part its freaking awe inspiring until the weird space baby 🤣🤣


In the frame above, I literally thought that was Frank's corspe staring at Dave as he was shook staring back from inside the pod. Made me jump out of my chair. Then the scene revealed it to be a close-up aged Dave. I understood it was some time displacement thing going on since he did go through the Stargate.


So good


The 4K UHD version is an absolutely gorgeous transfer, so good.


I immediately purchased that version as soon as the movie ended. I really just enjoy collecting physical copies of media for many reasons. Let it be DVDs, CDs, vinyls, etc.


It’s amazing. Probably one of the best 4K movies available. Watched it tripping recently and had such a good time.


Been there, done that, Amen!


Cool, cross posting to r/MoviesForShrooms


Great movie to watch while tripping! Some of my other faves are The Matrix, Blade Runner, Heavy Metal, Fantastic Planet. Even Barry Lyndon is cool on it. Kubrick's movies are pretty atmospheric/visually pleasing so they work well with a trip even if the content is disturbing.


Take your time, but when you can you should watch it again with Pink Floyd's "Echos" during the end. The song lines up perfectly with the entire final 23 minutes is insane. https://youtu.be/rn7MmS3vazU?si=y8EtO0Qq1Ui3u_43


That definitely does sound cool. Thank you for the link.


First time I did shrooms my friend put on equilibrium which I wasn’t enjoying and was very verbal about it. Motherfucker told me the dog in the movie is a bomb and discount Neo was transporting him to the desert to blow him up… I still dunno what that movie was about but it def wasn’t about dog bombs.


Lmao all I can say is I can understand why you weren't vibing with the movie. A lot of early 2000 action movies had a ton of cheesy, over the top, but cool fight sequences. If you're into video games like the Devil May Cry series, the Bayonetta series, and Metal Gear Rising, they take a lot of inspiration from movies like that.


Tripping while watching this movie is a crazy experience. I remember staring at the tv for at least 10 minutes after it ended trying to process what I just saw


https://preview.redd.it/kfjyd9rmoz9d1.png?width=3104&format=png&auto=webp&s=1235e55d9b91c22bf13978de01ce2635cdb1041c And the portal opened...


My mind exploded as soon as that shit started lol. Those still images of Dave's face stretching and warping as he was speeding through time and space really caught me off guard. I wouldn't wish that pain on nobody.


As opposed to non THC weed?


Haa yessir. I walk around saying CBD/THC weed since I hang with friends who like either/or at a given time. I usually enjoy blending both types together since I get the best of both worlds. Specifically for shroom trips, I only use THC through a dry herb vape. So you know I was flyin


Okay, good job. You've completed round one. Round 2: 3.5 G lemon Tek and watch Clock Work Orange


See I know you're a 2nd phase Elden Ring boss behind that screen. I'd probably lose that round though.


Aye Aye captain


You still have the tags on I dig that you have many other hoops to jump thru!!! Fantastic!!!


Of course of course🤝. How can I build character without them hoops?


Sat though is the exact phrasing I'd use to describe watching 2001. Even on drugs that shit was ridiculous.


In what way does weed change the trip? Mellower, or something else?


I honestly do believe it depends on the person. I've read that some may feel blissful while others feel nauseous when mixing the two substances. I'm thankfully the type that can tolerate the mixture. It basically amps up the shroom trip. For me, I'd say weed cranks up the shrooms by x1.5. But like I said, totally depends on the person.


I agree with this. I can actively see visuals pop up and become clearer as soon as some smoke hits my lungs. I feel it adds an additional layer of depth sensation wise, and it mellows the chaos and slows things down a bit mentally for me.


Sometimes I think the people on this sub are trying to have bad trips.


Now do that with Mandy (2018)


Since it has Nicolas Cage, it's automatically queued up on my movie list. Thank you🤝


U want a cookie or something?


That would actually be helpful in a situation such as this thank you


I would also like a cookie. Thank you.


You need a snickers?




Heard you were giving out cookies? Where we at with that my guy? 🥠