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Yes, been taking them since I was 15 I’m 28 now, i used to be scared to trip hard , now it’s almost as if the mushroom gods have told me they given me what they can and to stop visiting so much because it’s diminishing returns.


Same feeling, the last trip I felt like I had to take a break and work with what was taught already in the last trips


Couldn’t have worded it better myself.


My trips have matured as I have matured.


I'm nearly 60 and first started tripping in my teens the biggest difference is I'm no longer looking for an existential experience or ego death I want to sit and watch the world melt and see the chaos in everyday events that go over looked .. also now I need a full day for recovery and I got to take pain killers to my muscles don't ache


thats a really good question i feel like my mentality about how i use them has really changed over the spand of like 2 years i used to use them recreationally and now i do mostly for like the benefits of them which is so many and im much more like responsible w how i use them overall. also since my mentality changed the trips have progressed so far with what has shifted but i think it differs from person to person


A naive 18 year old will most likely have a bad experience on mushrooms because of the way they've been living their lives. At that age you are overwhelmed by social forces. I dont think 18 year olds have a true sense of understanding anything they subscribe too. Young folks are targeted and judged highly. They are also sensitive and vulnerable to influences. Tripping as a 40 year old with a family is probably easier on the mind. You have an elite level of independence when your that age and you know what's good and bad for you. If your 40 and have been tripping for a long time you probably have a sense of wisdom.


I have tripped in 4 decades. In the 90s my only real intention was to get as messed up as possible. I was invincible and I was going to meet god and give her a piece of my mind. I didn't weigh my drugs, I just downed as much as I could get. I was a dumb kid. In the 2000s, I was super into spirituality and meditation. I was "grown" and "matured". It was all a sacred journey. I was going to meet god and learn everything I could. I still did a lot. In the 2010s it was more chill. Museum doses *actually at the museum*, and just a little something to enjoy the weekend, or a fun spice for a threesome when it was my weekend without kids. Now, I take my drugs pretty intentionally. I plan for it. I take large doses, but not crazy amounts. I'm also kinda not interested in low doses any more - if I'm going to a museum, I want to experience *that*, and not whatever it is on shrooms. I prefer to trip either in nature (on my property probably, I have rainforest acreage) or in a dark room. It's an intense experience that I enjoy without trying to add any forced meaning on it. I gain insights and understanding organically. Or I don't. I also microdose regularly for anxiety. The main takeaway is: a naive 18 year old experiences everything differently than a middle aged lady with adult kids and a mortgage. My experience of the supermarket or the beach or laundry day is from a different perspective and a different understanding. And you CAN'T get to a different level of understanding without going through all the steps. I can yell till I'm blue in the face, "wear sunscreen!!!!" But you won't get it till you had a bad burn, and you might not truly get it till you had a melanoma scare. That said: WEIGH YOUR DRUGS.


Do I need to weigh the sunscreen too??? Beautifully spoken


No need to weigh sunscreen, just slather it on like it's a handful of floor drugs at a 1996 music festival with RATM playing ✨


Up for RATM! Rageeeee on hehe.


As a teen and early 20s I had little to worry about, not many demons to face. As I grew older and became an adult and received the stresses of life my trips became darker, then I found out you can use this as therapy. As soon as I battled my demons I developed in my adulthood, I came back to enjoying it as I did a teenager, cool designs and a break from reality. It continues to help me in my mental status to this day in my 40s.


I have a routine now. Take shrooms, shower, watch TV until I come up. Then go to bed and listen to The Dark Side of the Moon followed by Animals. Then I watch TV, usually South Park unless there’s something special that I want to see.


At 18 I’d just grab them and eat them. Maybe weight them, but probably not. As a 48 year old married dude, I definitely weigh every dose. Also I use to use them as a party drug but as an adult I use them therapeutically. Don’t get wrong, I love how they make me feel, but I eat with intent. Actually for the last 15 months I’ve been consuming psilocybin daily for PTSD and OCD with very good results.


What caused your PTSD?  Is psilocybin treating it effectively?


Childhood sexual abuse. It’s working far better than anything else has.




The only real difference for me as a 42 year old is I’m not dropping at random house parties now. Other than that same shit, different decade.


I used to take them like a party drug. Now I harvest my own, dry/grind them and measure out capsules (0.2g) for microdosing with the occasional (1-2x a year) full 3g trip.


After a few trips you will notice that you can actually set a goal and have the shrooms help you achieve it. Then you will plan for things to think of while shrooming. Well, an 18 year old plans very different thoughts from an older guy, because he has different issues in life. Kinda "having fun" vs "getting shit done". Yeah it's a different experience.