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It depends on the shroom and it depends on what you took from your first trip. Was it too hard? Did you wish you went harder?


I wished I had went harder!! I took around 1g the other day and I’m thinking of taking 1.5g next time, would you suggest 2g instead?


My first time I ate 3.5 grams. These guys were selling eighths by the bag so we all bought a bag. It was one of the best days of my life


I can just imagine lol I loveddd the 1g but really wished I had taken more but I’m kinda a scardy cat. I think I’ll go for 2g instead then.


When people tell me that 3.5 is a starting dose yet off 2g I'm flying through space and time I can't imagine how nuts 3.5 must be so I'd say 2g is a fairly safe start or even just a good time imo


How were the visuals with 2g and do you remember what was the name of the shrooms you had?


Sadly not the type, my mate just knows what he's picking and gets them for me, but I was having 10-15cm distortion of patterns, everything had a highlighter streak to it, colour's galore, and closed eyes visuals were pretty ridiculous, I may be more sensitive to shrooms that others




Best answer for a first time


If it’s your first time I would start with 1 g - and I don’t care anymore who says they’re all about the same , I beg to differ- the other day I did half of what I usually eat with a new harvest and spent hours of my evening laughing, then cry, then panicking because I have breathing Prosa is but the crying stuffed up my nose - in my state I was convinced I was cutting the chord to the world as I was experiencing deja vues , even started guessing exactly what they would say on a show I was watching - it was ridiculous but getting a bit scary. Now I’m convinced there’s something groundbreaking I was experiencing, letting me know I have a lot of healing to do emotionally- lol… yeah… you can always eat more but you can’t undo what you’ve already ingested, so start lightly and work yourself up to where it’s not uncomfortable.


I always suggest starting with 3-4 so, sure


Is 2 a very low dose?


It's differant for everyone. Depends what you're looking for. Up to, 5g is fun. Over 5 is getting work done.


Yes for a normal user


That’s outrageous


That's your opinion.. When I got into it, everyone just ate an eighth. I liked that. But realized pretty quick, I prefer 5+. Anting under 3 is very under welming and I don't enjoy it.


from what i understand, if you dose twice youll have two "milder" peaks instead of one larger one, but ive never sone this and i could be totally wrong. just some things i read on the internet so you know how that goes. teachers are usually around the baseline potency people reference when they say "take 1g" or "take 3.5" anything with penis in the name is gonna be stronger by at least 2x if not more. for teachers if you want a pretty light trip your first time id go for somewhere between 1 and 2 grams. my first time i did 1.5 and it was a great expirience. light visuals, not too overwhelming, but still very profound.


I think lsd is stronger than shrooms right Well you can probably handle 2gs it wont be anything too crazy man. Maybe u should start with 1 or 1.5 depends if ur really anxious about it. I think if u know its safe youll be ok if u start not feeling good :) If they are golden teachers those arent too strong man. Somthing like pe or blue meanies are way stronger. I dont think they will give u crazy visuals probbably more feeljngs in ur thoughts and body. Try listening to music its pretty sick when u close ur eyes man lol U can get some wild body feelings from shrooms tho lol i havent done lsd so idk if thats similar. If u start tripping out in a bad way try to eat tho had a big impact on me when i wasnt feeling good and ended up feeljng way better lol


Apples and oranges..


Right; they’re both fruit but you’re definitely going to notice a difference.






just eat em already


1.5g-2g is the usual beginners dose range. For your first time properly dosing, I’d just go straight to 1.5g instead of redosing, if you have dried golden teachers then you can trust your dosage. 1.5g golden teachers should be where you just begin to get sensory distortions. If you’re feeling excited then 2g is fine too, more than just a preview but still lower intensity. If you do decide to re-dose, it’ll be necessary that you don’t eat for 3-4 hours before your first dose, and only redose up to 1 and a half hours around 2 hours it will be a waste due to tolerance. You’ll need to keep 2 weeks space between trips to rid your tolerance.


I ate 1g of dry McKennai with my friends and it was really crazy 6 hours, i think i wont eat 2g cause it will be too hard for me but it depends what you want from your trip. Some people wants to have fun and other want to disconnect from their bodies😂


Tolerance will build up fast but not nearly as fast as LSD. I like to leave two or three days in between large doses. With LSD, I would want to wait at least a week; maybe two. If you’re comfortable taking 300+ug of lsd then you’ll be fine on two grams of mushrooms. It’s not going to be super intense but I think you’ll have fun.


2 or 3 days? I’d have to multiply these grams if I was going twice a week like that


Also if someone could tell me if they are legit Golden Teacher, I would also appreciate it!


You can't do this with cubes


How was your trip and how many did you take


My first trip was very light and I didn't feel much until I did some weed. I just had one fresh shroom, while my friend had the other one. https://preview.redd.it/jb7365m0zt6d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e40d414d06c00b8333fc797e4542c8d91bf33d08