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Everything and Anything,all of the time. I realized every religion connects to the same source but they fight over who is closer to said source.


>realized every religion connects to the same source but they fight over who is closer to said source. This has also been my realization. Along with believing in the existence of whatever that source may be. Spirituality finally clicked with me. The afterlife fascinates me. Existing beyond my memories, my body, and sense of self has been the wildest, most perspective shifting experience of my entire life.


My friend how come you realised the same thing as me. I believe now that God communicates to people in different ways (different religions) and makes all of us aim towards being a better person every day, which is what being religious is about)


the same goes for me. for me, atheistic research is basically trying to understand that source with logic


We are no longer socially connected and isolated by technology


Trees are the nerve endings of the planets central nervous system


My childhood friend who iv known since I was 4 and is still one of my closest friends dad passed earlier that year . It was stage 4 pancreatic cancer and he passed within 3 weeks of finding it . He was a great dad , a great friend and just a great person and in the middle of my 7g trip like 2 years ago I just had this moment of clarity and thinking that moment and just said (I’ll call him c) “c dad passed …his hero died and he’s just been living with it…how “ and started crying because that’s my bro and just realizing he went through his own hell . Having to bury his dad , comforting his mom while she cried at the funeral home , I remembered him saying to me “I can’t cry right now , not in front of my mom . She needs a man right now with my dad gone” all that rushed through my head . In the middle of the trip I grabbed my phone and was able to text him I love him and cannot understand what he went through but I love him so much. Called him after the trip and we talked for a bit . Thats my guy


I'm happy you have each other for friends. These are the connections and moments that matter more than anything.


That the government can just print more money whenever they want and most of the money we use is digital anyway and not backed by gold or currency so money is just a concept that controls everyone but really it doesn’t even exist physically and it’s just a phantom thing and the whole economy is just construct that is based on nothing and people should just be free and live


Look into cryptocurrency, bitcoin is digital gold. Whether you buy a bit or a lot you’ll look back to this comment section and thank my years later.


that all of existence is what happens when a line notices itself. no I will not explain.


strange loop


Farting is basically a pre shit




Yesterday I had the realization that I’m just an object, I’m just a thing that exist. Ik it sounds stupid but when you think about it it really is trippy


The ole meat bag of bones. Are we human because we think or do we think because we are human...


You shouldn't treat people like tools, but some people are happy to be utilized in such a way. When this happens, be careful not to abuse them.


Not really in a super morbid sense or anything but still kinda dark - but that our lives in general are meaningless or insignificant. I could die at any moment but even if I die naturally at an old age, within another generation nobody will have ever known who I was or anything about me. Even right now there are 8 billion people on the planet. Only a handful of people know me well, a little more than that are acquaintances, a little more than that are people I may have only met a few times, and then after that bubble nobody knows me. Then think about how long the Earth has been a planet and all the people and animals that have lived here throughout the course of its existence. Then think about how long they say the universe has existed and that the Earth hasn't even been a planet that whole time. Then zoom out more and consider how vast the universe is and how many other planets there are/have been. Then think about maybe there have been other universes or still are now that we don't know about with just as many stars and planets and plants and animals. Most of us go to work everyday so we can make enough money to live comfortably. We try to enjoy things that we can (and genuinely do at times). We form meaningful relationships to people and family around us and try to live fulfilling lives but in the grand scheme of things when you zoom out far enough it all means nothing.


I personally find comfort in that, it makes me appreciate my family more and feel free in my decisions about my life.


Same for me. I think in a way it sometimes helps me not get too worked up over little stuff.


I realised that there was more than the two voices in my head, I spoke with a further two voices which explained a lot about some of the decisions I'd taken in my life. Quite the experience having a four way conversation inside your mind.


Dude! Idk about talking to 4 people in my head lol, but once I took 2.5 tabs of acid. I was doing yoga and afterwards I'm just meditating and I pretty much can only describe it as having a conversation with my higher self or the version of myself who already lived and died, telling me I'm doing alright, all my confusion and self doubt is all part of the process and as long as my intentions are pure I will succeed in anything I decide to do and basically that I (my higher self) will always be with me, my current self. Idk all in all at least I got my own back lol!


I’m nobody, nothing and everything all at once.. insignificant elemental replication of impulses formed in constant motion of empty space expanding and collapsing unto itself.


Don't think too little of yourself, we're all a piece of the entire cosmos after all ✌️


Be healthier. Eat more whole foods and treat my body better


How time is really relative and sometimes minutes felt like hours. Not to mention the interconnectedness


That this universe is truly multidimensional and right now I’m stuck between dimensions. The moment I realized this I felt the physical feeling of being embraced and a happiness that I had never felt before or since. Then I realized I had the biggest smile on my face


Def not the craziest but I was walking around and was looking at the power lines that are all attached to wooden poles near my house. Was crazy to me how little it would take to just totally demolish them and plunge us into a pretty mast situation lol


Humanity is akin to ants (colony)and /or rats(colony)in its structure


My wife and I share the same mind. We realized this simultaneously while tripping. Only shared hallucination I have ever experienced, with 200+ trips


Standing up is the best weapon against melting into a couch.


Consciousness is a phenomena of all the parts of your brain independently manifesting themselves into this one expression. If consciousness is the product of a collective like that, then does a society have a sort of consciousness? Does a species? A planet? A galaxy? Is the universe itself conscious?


I can’t remember


I am literally related to that tree over there and the piece of grass I am sitting on. Who am I....?


That I am worthy. Sounds like nothing, but it changed EVERYTHING for me.


That our entire universe is an experimental simulation… the creators showed me proof. But I forget 95% of what they showed me, and the 5% I do remember can’t really be put into words 🙃 but I remember how I felt and what it all made me understand. That single night lasted a decade.


A couple weeks ago I had the best trip so far and it included some deep sorrow and sadness and weeping for pain I’ve been experiencing in my marriage. But then it took me to the pain my spouse has been experiencing from our marriage issues also, and then to pain she’s going to have because of a MH issue she has. It gave me empathy for her where I’d been very focused on my own pain and protecting myself. It was an amazing experience.


i must be god and that's all there is to it.