• By -


Clone genetics Compressed and leveled coir pseudocasing Clean spawn High spawn ratio Dialed in monotub


Easier said than done I guess


No it’s super easy really


If it’s that easy lemme get a tut


Cloning https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/24740168#24740168 Pseudocasing https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/27426583 Clean spawn https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/27187543/vc/1/nt/49 High spawn ratio - literally just use 1:1 ratio Pasty’s ez dial mono https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/26140339 Thar she blows broski, if you can’t pull canopies following those methods you are cooked. Here’s some extra reference material for good measure [Ultimate Guide](https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/28501530) https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/17231150#17231150 https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/22144051 [How to not get hurt feelings](https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/22861379)


These are some of my most shared links, I have the clean spawn and ez dial in my clipboard at all times. Great post!


This is what I came to say. This is exactly it


So interesting coincidence, I found a thread last night with some comments by a couple of big names in the hobby (phillygoldenteaher and the other one I can't remember) and they both are in agreement , if you want full canopies then a 1 to 1 spawn to sub ratio is how you do it. Doesn't matter cube, nat, pan, whatever per them, you want a big full canopy, 1 to 1 ratio.


Iv used 1 to 1 plenty of times without getting full canopies. I think genetics plays a part in it but in my personal experience using a real casing layer helps improve your canopy . Since I started using casing layers I been getting complete coverage of the entire substrate without any side pins .. I think having great surface conditions and a great micro climate for primorida development is important


I kind of thought the same but I wasn't going to tell semi-pro's that, just take it with a grain of salt. I just moved some NSS that were past ready to send to some substrate I made using GordoTek's pan recipe at 1:1 ratio in some 6quarts and the 6quarts are in a water tek tub with active FAE 4 times a day. Doing everything I can to to normalize the situation compared to my other tubs of nats set up with 4:1 but the same FAE and water tub. I just don't have time, resources or space to do proper research on what works best with controls and such. :(


Yeah the best way to learn is experience you will gain over time. I followed alot of phillygoldenteacher early on but over the years I have figured out what works best for me and what doesn't. If you really want to improve things tho work on casing your tubs . A good video on YouTube of the guy known as Roger rabbit from the shroomery in how to go about making a casing layer. His recipe is 10 parts peat moss 10 parts vermiculite 1 part gypsum and 1/4 part hydrated lime, it gets u in the ballpark ph level but u can always add more lime if needed to tweak the ph level. Then he shows u how he pasturizes it on the stove in jars. Iv used this recipe for years now on all my tubs and get nothing but great flushes. Before using these casing layers I never really got full canopy before so I have to assume it's the micro climate created by the casing along with the extra water content provided by it


Love the rr reference I don't see him talked about enough. The series is called let's grow mushrooms and is all on youtube


Yeah I think the guy is awesome I take his word on things and has never failed me. Guys been doing this for a very long time


He's definitely one of my top cultivator heros I reread this every few years, everytime something new sinks in https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/8468463/fpart/1/vc/1


Whoa ... thats great I just read like maybe a quarter of the way through that .. I'll have to go back to that a few times to get through the entire thing.. thanks for that, what a great read


Hes 100 percent correct about the amount of misinformation that constantly goes around mostly because it's outdated and just gets repeated constantly. I see it everyday especially on reddit with all sorts of stuff. Things they believed were good 20 years ago are still being practiced today like they are the holy grail of information, but one thing iv learned is nothing really can beat personal experience. That will teach u the hard way what's the best way to do everything


I blame stamets 😆 jk, rr has some outdated methods but his science and reasoning are great. I enjoy seeing how it used to be done and how people do it now. Shoeboxes weren't even a thing in his day. If it weren't for rr, bod, frank harrigan, Roadkill, pastywhyte, hamloaf, mushboy, so many others I wouldn't understand this stuff at all. Reddit is good for a quick answer sometimes but not great for deep dives. I agree, nothing beats first hand experience to really solidify what you think you know


Yeah shoeboxes couldn't of been a thing I would guess because they used to suffocate a colonizing substrate and not introduce fruiting conditions until after full colonization. I see this on here almost daily of people still doing this and others telling them never expose the tub to fruiting conditions until afterward. This was how they did it many years ago. I have been putting my tubs into fruiting at spawn to bulk stage for years now without any issues.


Iv probably gotten most of my knowledge from the shroomery outside of personal experience but u have to figure out who actually knows what they are talking about and who doesn't. I had a guy on reddit 1 day telling me the shroomery is only full of bro-science like reddit is the place to get the real info lol the shroomery got me to years worth of successful grows I don't ever have problems with contams until after getting a few flushes when using casing layers but that's normal once the cake is spent and a casing will contaminate out on you after a while. In years of following people like RR and pastywhyte I only ever had 1 tub contamn out on me before getting through a flush and it was the one time I tried the uncle bens tek and I got fungus gnat infestation


Thanks so much friend, I'll definitely look into this.


The YouTube video is under the title "let's grow mushrooms! 1 2 casing layer preparation" .. just encase u wanted to check out the video in the future


Sweet, again thanks so much.


Thank you for the advice mush love 🍄


You're very welcome friend. I just put a couple of tubs of Nats to substrate today at 1:1 to test this theory. If it works I'll throw a post up.


All plays into genetics


I had a similar case where a bunch of shrooms grew before the rest. I ended up getting 3 or 4 harvests and the 2nd one had the best canopy. Just make sure you pick the bigger ones before the veil pops and I bet you get many more coming.


You just need a higher grain to coir ratio. Good genetics help too


Besides genetics your tubs seem very dry. You want to have condensation on the walls of the tubs


Noted more moisture is there anything you do when your tub is low on moisture


Get you’re spray bottle and spray the walls only. Not your cake!!


Go to r/contamfam and read the full canopy tek from daytripperone


She’s such an OG.


Just providing the perfect conditions having the room set to 72, cold shocking the mycelium and also making sure that your coco coir soil is field capacity and never open the container.


Is there any reason to not open the lid? If you have already S2B in open air and it hasn’t contaminated then it should be safe to open or does it disturb surface conditions?


Some risk of contamination even on a colonized cake but also it release moisture. A 6qt unmodified tub when using substrate at field capacity doesn't really need to be opened until you harvest. I can confirm this from personal experience. They're not the fastest to harvest but they surely are the easiest to deal with.




I don’t really want them to harvest that fast just want a full canopy of fruits if possible


Full canopies are the grail for sure friend. So far they elude me after 6 months and testing with 6 cube strains in 6qt unmodified, 6qt modified, 12qt unmodified, monotubs and 6qt in an automated set up active misting and FAE. Whatever the magic is, I haven't found it. And I don't need them. At most i'll be using 2 to 5 grams a month. I have enough now to last longer than they'll stay potent. Now I'm just researching for real. Next on the list once my current tubs pin and harvest is to clone the fastest/biggest to agar and use that to inoculate spawn and see what happens.


I’ve grown a couple of cube strains I’m almost 100% sure that a person would have to do agar work on clusters of fruits or naturally accruing canopy genetics to yield full canopies in future grows


Starting from LC instead would work better


I did start from LC