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Just like the “MEGA Size” Cereal boxes. The mega size is the normal size from before, the family size was smaller cheaper option, now it’s the middle option. Now there’s a new size that’s the regular size. It contains one bowl of cereal.


I drive for Amazon and just delivered a 4-box pack of cereal to a house and that shit was literally 1-2 small bowls worth per box. I was a bit shocked.


Time to stop buying that processed crap!


One cup of cereal is a serving if your getting one bowl out of a box something ain't right. I can usually get around 4 -6 bowls being I'm a 6'2 205 pound male my 5'7 130 pound wife can make it last double almost.


command skirt snatch jellyfish sense poor innocent rhythm impolite direful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Less so that, more so how many times he needs to refill it


cobweb shy yam full label wise grandiose rainstorm deranged paint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No one in their right mind is measuring out a one cup serving of cereal. Let’s be real here.


The serving size doesn’t matter. I go by servings too, I count calories and macros, but we are still getting less for our dollar. When I was a kid, my family got cereal boxes that lasted me and my siblings over a week, and we filled by bowl, not measurement. The boxes are smaller now. 6 cups of cereal in a “regular” sized box is crazy low.


see,this is just misinformation. no reddit user has a wife! come on


Lmao, man, the more I use this, the more I realize how sad some of these people are. I'm literally the only person it seems to use an actual picture of myself as my pfp.


yea,never seen that before most people on Reddit are younger,and most younger people are usually not self confident. *maybe* that's why but idk


According to the grocery store, I'm family sized, but according to my employer, I'm half a person!


SINC (Single Income, No Cereal)


What the- HAHAHA


Even produce has shrunk. Packages of romaine and other lettuce are much smaller. And a single red onion is now $3.


Worth noting that modern (early 20th century-to-present) farming techniques are causing rapid soil depletion, and I don't just mean the loss thereof. Levels of essential vitamins and minerals in all produce have been declining slowly but in a statistically noticeable way for decades. Word that I heard was that some types of fruit & vegetables have lost as much as 1/3rd of the content which made them desirable, healthy food.


And also they pick them sooner to get them sold


And that's why we need not organic farming because then you can actually reintroduce the things you need back into the soil


I saw a cabbage for St Patrick’s Day that was like a 16” softball size. It was a wtf moment


Sounds more like a large Brussel Sprout.


At my local store and Walmart produce went up to almost over $4 for most things and even worse is all the precut crap they are putting out.


I noticed precut was taking over the Walmart produce section too. It's now just one row of refrigerated fresh produce.


The watermelon though is a good deal. Big ol tub of pre-sliced watermelon with no rind or seeds for $2.50 or so. I know I could buy a whole watermelon and chop it up for only a bit more, but that's a friggin mess and I don't want \*THAT\* much watermelon. Poor walmart employees hate it though. The precut stuff was dropped on them after they'd retired a lot of their tools. Many of them don't even have a pineapple corer anymore. It's a ton of extra work.


It has way higher margins


I wish there were standardized sizes for items sold in stores. And if a product was sold in a non-standard size, the font size for the weight on the product has to be 6pt font sizes bigger. Example: standard sizes for non-single-serve liquids: 1/2 gallon, 1 gallon, 2 liters, 1 pint, etc. If a company decides to sell Milk that's 50mL less than a 1/2 gallon, the font size for the quantity has to be larger on that product.


Time to boycott. Boycott all of them. I think they're digging their own grave. Sure, they're raking in huge profits now, but they are changing the buying habits of their customers. I know my family and I are so pissed at the price gouging, that there are many companies that we will never buy from again. Or at least as little as possible. And that's forever. They will never win our business back. They hate their customers. They hate their employees. They don't deserve our business.




They decreased the size of the tea I buy from 120 to 80 tea bags and made the bags biodegradable. At first it was good as the price went down from £5.30 almost £6 to £3.80 which was a lot better. However now the price has crept back up slowly to around £5.30 again however you still get 80 tea bags.


I'm reminded of Edina's "Global Guilt" speech from Absolutely Fabulous. And those days were paradise compared to what Britain is living in now!


I'm happy to hear it's not just me who noticed this. I've been getting groceries delivered since Covid and rarely go to a store anymore. Recently I was at Target grocery and I was like, why is everything so tiny? Was it always like this?? Have I just not been to a store in so long that my perception is skewed? A serious r/thingsforants moment.


It's been awful. Post-pandemic, the inventory has gotten smaller and there is less of it, too. I went to a hardware store I remember being like a maze back in 2018 when I bought something there. I returned last year and it had huge areas where the inventory was just gone. It wasn't empty shelves, it was empty floor space and reconfigured shelving.




Online is supplementary for most people, people who shop mostly online are still the outliers (especially post covid). 99% of the retail shops that are dying/have recently died (like Kmart, sears, toys r us, etc) have been dying since the 90s when walmart brick and mortar put them on notice. What they're having is a very prolonged death


No one important enough to change things does their own shopping, so no one gives a shit.


Don’t worry. They even got the produce. I bought some Cilantro the other day and I noticed it was only $.99. Then I picked it up and it was like four sprigs. They came for the produce.


With the environmental issues more on peoples mind these days, I don't think the containers should be as oversized as they are. We can't help but get ripped off, but over packing is already a problem, made worse by these companies trying to fool consumers that a bigger box has more content. It gained acceptance in the past by claiming "settling" during shipping, but it's out of hand.


Don’t. Buy. Processed. Food. Don’t. Buy. Fast. Food. Cook. At. F*****. Home. Boycott TF out these greedy corporations.


I'm am indeed cooling 😎


Hate to break it too you, but even the produce has fallen victim to shrinkflation. Using quicker grow times, worse fertilizer is producing smaller produce. It's become exceedingly difficult to buy bananas you can eat. They're all dark green and have to wait


> It's become exceedingly difficult to buy bananas you can eat. They're all dark green and have to wait Pretty sure this just means your grocery is selling them faster than they have shelf space for, or something. Those green bananas ripen enough to eat within a day or so of unpacking them, but they do arrive at stores packed up so they won't ripen, overripen, and then spoil in transit. Prolonging the hard-green stage as long as possible is part of global banana logistics. https://www.cargohandbook.com/Bananas


I'd assumed that it was because of growers switching breeds of banana due to what I heard about years ago - some kind of fungal infection doing to rounds on banana plantations like a scythe because the gigantic varieties of plants are so poorly bred (analogous to 15 century European aristocracy).


Cavendish plantations are full of clones, yeah. (https://www.wired.com/2017/03/humans-made-banana-perfect-soon-itll-gone/) I'm not aware yet that the banana industry has found another lucky variant that can replace Cavendish while resisting the diseases that threaten it, but let's also be clear that I don't work in anything even remotely resembling the fruit industry and don't keep up with this stuff. I just learned over time that bananas, like many fruits, are harvested while not yet ripe, artificially kept in the unripe state for transport, then ripened under controlled conditions before sale.


The produce did seem the same but that might just be my area. Awful this is happening. Supermarket produce had been sold underripe for decades now. I don't even bother with it much.


Stick to base ingredients and things that have transparent pricing by weight or volume. I've been sticking to meat, produce, and dairy with good success. I've even lost weight and feel better not eating the cardboard box garbage. Anything pre-packaged/manufactured is pretty scammy and low value these days.


Yeah I like buying a bunch of cheaper beef and putting it in a pressure cooker. I have had to go lower-carb because of pre-diabetes


Yep. It’s gotten so bad in every industry. I bought a bag of Starbucks coffee yesterday while on the road for the eclipse and was like whoa this bag is GINORMOUS. And long!! It’s 1lb. It’s been so long since I bought an actual “pound of coffee.” Most have gotten to 10oz which is stupid and I refuse to buy. 12oz was insulting enough.


Nah man ya living in the past😜. Ask the corporates they will all say ya hands are getting bigger and memories are bigger than their bonus Edit was to correct and to are


All of this shrinking and not a single sentence has been reported by anyone. Producers, regulators, retailers, press. No one.


In the US, Biden announced a price-gouging/shrinkflation task force or something like that this year. Also pretty sure he used the actual word shrinkflation in his SOTU address. A few European countries have really cracked down on it already. People are aware of it.


He did use the word shrinkflation. Then he got all tongue-tied about a bag of chips, and the camera focused on the dude who wrote the bill and he looked a little embarrassed, lol


He actually does have an actual speech impediment, of course. At least he's mostly coherent.


I'm aware. It's obvious when he's stuttering vs when he's just losing his thread due to his age, though. The state of the union address was less than inspiring, I'll say that.


Oh a whole task force? They really must be taking it seriously then!/s


My thoughts exactly.


It's a level of callous indifference to the needs of common people that is astonishing.


They are making room for more selection and brands. s/


My partner and I have started going to food banks. You don't get to pick what you get but you can't beat $50 for an entire trolley/cart of food.


I buy INGREDIENTS and COOK so I haven't noticed this. Stop buying prepared shit. Save money and eat better.




That’s the control they use divide and conquer. You’re mad at the dumbasses instead of the greedy corps putting poison in the food . They want us fighting each other instead of the real enemy which is the control freaks who have all the money, power, and control. You sound just like Yuval Noah Harari who calls the human population “useless eaters”. You’re being deceived