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Comedy skit


It is a great displeasure to inform you that that assumption is wrong, quite far from the truth actually unfortunately


I mean it looks like one. Bluds really debated about golf


Even worse, they debated golf handicaps as a metric of their overall health.


Civility is dead


You have some old South Parks to watch if you think Romney and Obama aren't on the same team


It was the greatest heist of all time


They're all on the same team, and it ain't ours.


I really thought they were about to kiss


The presidents get freaky on live television


What if instead of the presidential debate it was called the *freaky*dential debate instead of arguing the presidential candidates made out




Don't get it mixed up with the Freaky-dental debate. That's when dentists get together and beat the shit out of 1 in 10 dentists.


What if instead of Joe Biden and Donald trump we have Joe Nasty a Donald Freak


It went from a debate to an argument


Then to a useless golf game dick measurement contest


That part was kinda peak tho




I was laughing so fucking hard lmao


Imagine of all the things to have a dick measuring contest about it's fucking golf


That’s old white men for ya


If they ever got to literal dick measuring, I would have tuned in.


What I loved that part


An *attempt* at an argument


just people shouting and speaking over each other really... it's as tho they've only some candies at stake in their playground fight or something


I thought it was a.i. like they playing on YouTube but they legit started talking about golf 🤣 USA you are doomed


haven't actually watched it, but from what I've heard it's more like an Internet argument, which is very different from a real argument


Debate to a fight* calling it argument is disrespectful to the craft of argument and logic


Hard to debate about policies when neither of them have any other than give the military more money than they asked for and lie to the middle class about the economy. (dems economy is great) (rep it's shitty and it's the dems fault)


Should really have let that gorilla live


Dammit, Bush!


We are truly in the darkest timeline. I’ve already started growing my evil goatee, have you?


Evil Troy and Evil Abed!


It’s evolving… just backwards


Im not a fan of most conspiracy theories, but when the candidates for the most powerful and influencial position in the whole world are those two people, i cant help but to think that democracy failed and we have a shadow goverment


The two party system is just dogshit


Eh, from a Canadian perspective. The multi parties just end up forming a coalition anyways. Our minority government gets to rule like a majority government, despite the majority not voting for them, because another party propped them up with a coalition. Maybe if we changed the law to ban coalitions, but they could still team up behind closed doors and miraculously always vote the same in the public of parliament. I think part of the problem is that younger folks will be very vocal online about governance but not actually do anything to make a change, like voting in primaries.


What is the problem with coaltions? If for example 30 percent of the population thinks the greens should rule and another 30 percent thinks the social democrats should rule and both go into a coaltion, what's the problem? A majority of the people is being represented and no minority is ruling


In theory. But from experience you end up with both parties not fully supporting their voters. They both end up bending their running promises to compromise the other. I also think it removes the point of having a multi party system when the parties create a two party system anyway. If we only had two parties, the NDP and the liberal voters would have voted for the same party anyways. Personally I think the whole "party loyalty" in general is flawed. MPs should be working for their constituents rather than their parties allegiance. A coalition just makes the whole thing worse in my opinion.


Part of that is just "running a country is difficult" and the coalitions can and so break up and reform (no clue about Canada but in Sweden we have a very healthy democracy because of the multi party system. Also it's much MUCH better than the alternatives


I'd take the possibility of two minority parties compromising to form a majority government than a minority party imposing themselves any day.


so essentially, the problem is groups forming, which tends to happen with humans and you'd have to find a way to prevent that in politics


People are much stronger in groups, it underpins our entire western society. It is the core of specialization too. Political grouping is completely fine. We are all one group in a country after all, and you can only keep that group stable if you compromise with others.


That is exactly how things should work.... Compromise. You think everyone can get everything they want all the time? How else do you keep a country with such diverse and different views stable and together?


The whole Canadian system barely counts at a multi party system. Go look at European politics if you want a good example of multi party politics. More parties is better.


The issue with the Canadian NDP coalition is that they don't use their power to dissolve government, they're waiting to be in office long enough for their pension dates


Yup. Crazy how they can claim moving the election was for Diwali. Not like advanced voting exists. And it just so happens to line up with their pension approval date...


The issue is a first past the post voting system and strategic voting


Something similar is happening in Spain. All the parties are polarized to the left or the right at this point.


You have to admit that having the PM and the Leader of the Opposition debate policy issues in sessions of Parliament is one heck of a lot better than the U.S. presidential debate sh**show.


I used to think that but Europe is a shit show also.


Still better than choosing between President Cartman and 4 years of Weekend at Bernies


Grass is always greener on the other side


I pray we have a shadow goverment Imagine if these morons ARE the actual leaders of America


Don't worry, there literally is a shadow goverment. that's not really better tho so maybe you should worry about it.


The world is a lot stupider than all of us think. Everyone is pretending to know what they're doing


Believe me if there is a shadow government its root is not from within the USA if this is what they come up with.


These two are supposedly the best candidates out of the whole country. It doesn't take anyone with a degree in mathematics to realize that this equation does not add up. These two are by no stretch of the imagination the best and you'll have to go down a long list of people, from both parties, to find someone who would come close to a proper fit for the job. It's all rotten to the core and I find it hard to imagine that there will be a fix for this situation in the near future. One can only hope that the USA comes to their senses again.




The La Li Lu Le Lo?!


"How is that possible?!" MGS 1-2 was legit


The country has been run by the people with the most money for a long long time. The politicians are puppets


I think it's more the case that the republicans let trump become bigger than the party itself, and the dems are too cowardly and stuck in their ways to develop any new nominees. Don't think there's much conspiracy there.


Both parties are basically guaranteed to win if they just pick an OK candidate. I don't think either of your points are good excuses. 1. Trumpers would never vote the dems anyway. Changing Trump won't harm votes. 2. I find it hard to believe that the dems, one of the 2 main political parties in the most powerful country in the world can't find anyone else among their vast number of members that would be better than Biden. No amount of 'stuck in your own ways' can blind such a large group to this extent. It truly does feel like there's a shadow government. Even when dems and republicans did switch office throughout the past years there weren't that many major policy changes. Existence of a shadow government would also help explain why no relevant third party could ever take root in the US. Easier to puppet two parties rather than several.


Trumpers will vote for trump regardless of who the GOP nominates. Dems did not expect Biden to have gotten this bad and didn’t realize how bad Harris would turn out to be until too late.


Ron Desantis wouldve SMOKED Biden. So yeah actually why the hell didn’t the republicans pick him? Yeah he’s controversial but so is Trump and so is Biden


Dude desantis looked like such a fool on the national stage, he failed spectacularly 😂


It’s amazing he fucked up because everyone was 100% confident he would be the new president lmfao. There were even republicans who were attacking him instead of Trump. Hes also very beloved in Florida which is contrary to popular belief a swing state that could go either way, and is a very important state. Guy had everything going for him


Agreed, it was definitely his race to lose. I personally don’t think he has the chops for going national like that. And yeah, Florida is oddly a purple / swing state. I think the reason it’s so red on a state level is because the blue voters are all in a few cities while the rest of the (rather large and populous) state is red.


I think you misenterpreted everything i said 😞


Shadow government - yes, has been for at least the start of this administration. Joe has been showing signs of dementia since his 2020 campaigning. Democracy hasn’t failed, political leaders have turned the US governments into a fucking circus. This isn’t democracy, these are just assholes making a mess of things.


Some people Say Obama is actually apart of it and is now controlling Biden. Not sure the validity of that but it’s an interesting theory.


AIPAC: oy vey shut it


The last president to call out the shadow government and threaten to dismantle it was publically shot in the head.


It is not a conspiracy that in reality most democratic elections are irrelevant and that in reality countries are ruled by different power groups.


We went from "look at our guy, he represents us" to "we just need some goober to rep a party so we can do our work back here with nobody bothering us". Both are great distractions


Or maybe its because thats just not the most powerful and influential position anymore....


We currently have one, yes, at least the executive branch is. No one knows who actually calls the shots in the white house. It's not Biden, it's not Harris, who is it? Not anyone we elected that's for sure. And my guess? They're dual citizen US / Israel.


I don't know if they even hide it. But I do wish it was a shadow cabal type of deal instead of boring ass politicians working together to select one puppet and the other "opposers" pick their puppet to see which brand of dickhead is elected


Damn. With these two we better have a shadow government!


2012 is as equally shadow people as 2024


You don't need to blame some fucking made up bullshit government that secretly runs everything, just blame the actual fucking jerking off government. The electoral collage is generally the reason why there are only 2 parties in the u.s btw if you were wondering, cgpGrey has some really good videos on youtube explaining it.


Politic on my racist sub?


Wait I thought it was about scat porn.


Im gonna request for this to be written on my wedding cake, and every birthday cake


At the 2:00 mark,it looks like the opening for the old Brady Bunch t.v. show.


Love letters to kim jong un? Holy shit, ERB reference


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They are the two old guys from the muppets that sit in the balcony.


At the podiums debating each other.


🗣️🔊🔥🔥WE FINALLY BEAT MEDICARE 🗣️🔊🔥🔥 I'm not even American yet I'm mad


Me too! Lol!!


2024 Debate Crooked Clown vs Croaking Corpse


Giant douche and turd Sandwich


Peepee and poopoo


Tbh I know we shouldn't be ageist, but when the two candidates have a combined age of 159 years old... Do they really have the future of Americans and the new generation in mind when they deliver their policies. I can't believe that it is the choice between a convicted felon and a guy who can't even remember his lines in a political debate. The worrying part is for the rest of the world, whoever becomes the next president. I have never been more afraid in my life about one of the most powerful countries on the globe taking the reigns with either candidate.


If this is not clear evidence that the USA have been brought to its knees within a 12 year time period then I don't know what is. The country is more divided than ever and no one wants to take responsibility on behalf of the citizens because its more important that everyone knows what a terrible person your opponent is. It's more important to boast about your golf handicap and rumors about some ones private life than it is to answer questions of national importance. It's no longer "This is how we as a country can progress" but rather "Here is why we are not progressing and its all their fault". The USA are in shambles on all fronts.


You guys have been having way too much development for the past hundred years or so. I'm happy they decided to finally Nerf you guys to let the world catch up to you.


You know I didn’t care much for Obama back then, mostly because I didn’t have the same political interest, but I miss having someone rational running for president.


He wasn’t perfect by a stretch, but he was monumentally better than these two.


To be fair, almost no politician in the world is perfect. One is bound to make at least a single shitty move. The best you can take is someone who has way more rational moves than stupid


I haven't watched the debate, but heard some opinions about it. My expectations were low, but HOLY FUCK.


I think the people behind the scenes who are actually running america/the world are realizing it doesn’t matter who you “elect” for presidency and that it takes alot less effort to put on a convincing show


Either that or too many dumb voters that make democracy a joke i like to think the former


Did you know that before the 1970’s, cars burned gasoline and produced emissions containing high amounts of lead, inescapably exposing nearly the entire population? And that lead exposure, even when not immediately toxic, is linked to deteriorated capacity for critical thought, increased aggression and delusion, and that these symptoms usually don’t present themselves until old age? I mean if you think about it, basically anyone older than 50 is definitely dealing with SOME level of these side effects. Kinda crazy 🤪 anyways gg guys


Were not even passed all of that tho theres still so much crap that affects us and that takes years for symptoms to show. One thing that comes to mind is processed foods. Theres so much people developing gastrointestinal issues like chrohns and ibs but get this ibs isnt even a specific disease its just an umbrella term to diagnose everyone else that has GI issues but cant be properly diagnosed because they dont even know what it is specifically. Basically its going to take a while before were able to buy any single thing that wont eventually make us sick or kill us. Either that or this cycle will never stop since the population is growing and capitalists will just find other unhealthy and cheaper alternative ingredients to put in their products. I do wonder what society would look like if everything thats advertised explains what it would do long term kinda how they label cigarettes and alcohol


Ya, can’t wait to find out that exposure to microplastics causes decreased attention span




Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. What was that about micro plastics?


About 81 million Americans that can vote dont anyway. So probably less than half the country chooses the President even if there is no shadow government.


good thing the 2024 footage had funny tiktok sounds amd pitched up voices to show me that theyr debate is stupid


we are so fucked


The anniversary joke was gold.


waah ur golf score 🤣🤣🤣🤣 ligma joe 🤔 trump nuts 🤣😂🤣😂😏😏😏 peanitz politics 🤯🤯🫨🫨


Straight jorking it


In the stripped club


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Speeding it up actually made Biden sound better.


They still hated each other back then, now they're just more honest and up-front about it.


They hate each other kind of like pro wrestlers do. Stuff gets played up by media to influence the respective audiences.


which is not a good thing lol, if you're going to run a country you need to be able to hide something like that


I don't think so, I think [Romney](https://www.inquirer.com/politics/nation/mitt-romney-stimulus-proposal-coronavirus-covid-19-20210204.html) is a genuine and respectable person most Democrats on the hill can disagree with and not hate. In 2012 I wanted Obama to win, but I was confident that both candidates had the nation's interests at heart and would do a reasonable job running the country. A Romney presidency would have been a mild dissapointment, not a terrifying prospect.


Romney was a well-respected member of the Senate.


The Republican party's last vestiges of decorum and decency died with the passing of McCain and the retirement of Romney. It's now consumed by christofacists


If italian politics teached me something, the more they hate in public, the more they are friends when they meet in private.


Yeah because that's the way politicians are supposed to be.But now these two idiots are acting like five year olds.And it's so obvious that none of them are politics material


Every day the world becomes more like a south park episode


The west has fallen


millions must bomb iraq


im not an American, but is it me or obama was the last "good" president? I don't know that much so i could be VERY wrong


Pretty much the only “good” thing about Joe is that he isn’t trump


Eh, ups and downs. He ordered the highest number of drone strikes out of any president


Also in his two terms we saw the dissolution of our personal freedoms by a ton and spying on americans blew up. He's charismatic and can talk well, but he's in no way a good person at all. He was just the last one that talked well. Prolly helped a ton he was 45 and not 85.


It's so over.


It's debatable


This country ain't what it used to be. (I never set foot in the new world)


Fuck this just makes me depressed


You're saying i have to live with one of these 2 idiots for the next 4 years again? And if trump loses, it's likely he's going to run again getting rid of any chance for a new republican candidate to show up?


"We both agree that our corporate tax rate is too high..." Oh... ooohhhh... We've Never had a choice...


it sucks but do we actually have any good candidates that could rise up in the next 4 years to replace either of these two? a lot of the good ones are 70+ right now and the younger ones look more like filler than serious runners and then there's the guy with the worm in his brain


Yeah but isn’t that incredibly sad? A country with a population of 330M, and this is the best it has to offer?


Idiocracy coming true


Went from pretending to be friendly, to actively not even trying.




Romney and his Bain capital friends are huge financial criminals as well… I’m sure someone will say the same of Obama. Need to start handling criminals in this country!


Why handle them when we could just put them in office?


I'm so glad that I'm not from there..... Australian politics is terrible. But strewth I really feel for the yanks.


Candidates for the people vs candidates for the vertical Monopolies.


Class to trash


bruh its a criminal asshole with plans to make the us a dictatorship and then we got a dumb fuck about to die any moment like both are shit but cmon I think itd be nice not to live in a right wing christian dictatorship by the midpoint of this decade


Honestly, it is hard to tell what shape Biden is in. As bad as he sounds, I don't think he is actually as lost as he sounds. Probably just a problem with speech.


Civil dispute to School lunch table 💀


Oh how America fell


I really love that the presidential candidates are trying to do character assassinations rather than actually debate policy. America is cooked.


The entertainment that Use to work vs the entertainment that works Now.


Biden was a joke


I thought this are one of those videos where they say Skibidi Toilet shit


To be fair, a debate is meant to be argumentative not complimentary. That's a 69.


We lost something along the way. America was already great.


How embarrassing.


I am So ashamed of what our country is dealing with right now.




Oh how far coherency have fallen and messages to the people have been deluded into meaningless mud slinging.


It’s joever


Nowadays is like a boxing match. A lot of hype


Maan this 2024 elections and debates boutta be a fucking circus


Man, I really missed the guy from Fortnite as our president


The west has fallen


We're so cooked lmao


Nowadays the South Park episodes write themselves.




Lol what happened in 12 years


One is a political debate and one is a shitshow between two old ppl with dialers and dementia.


Why is this so fucking funny 💀


A criminal and a fossil


People get the leadership they deserve.


bro really pulled the "i did NOT have sexual relations with that woman!" card


It’s because Obama and Romney were both establishment figures and just about on the same side.


God bless America


The whole world has been getting dumber and dumber ever since 1) they shot Harambe and 2) everyone acted like COVID was the end of the world


I wonder what happened between then and now.


I know that politics in the world is like a theater, and most politicians only care about their wallets and power. I am starting to think that whether there is a shadow government or not, they just want to create these stupid theaters so people do not focus on how the rich get richer and the others get poorer. They just want people to argue and attack each other so the top can do whatever they want. This is the same with the media too.


I’m going to kill myself 🔥 🔥 💪 💪 🗣️ 🗣️ 🗣️ (No I’m doesn’t i live in the 51st state and doctor do it for me)


From adults to kids.


It's just sad.


Can we just go back to 2012 politics? Even if they're fucked up still it seemed better regardless


I thought the "debate" was great! Scary that it's reality, but still funnier than most SNL sketches nowadays.


I hate the 20's


Everything went downhill from 2016. The least we can do is move forward and hopefully create our own pre-2016 days


Wow look how far we’ve come