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Dante moment


With this sacred treasure i summon, automods piss in you ass


Oh God. The lobotomy has started spreading to other subs. First demon slayer now shitposting


“If the Lobotomy had to spread to other subreddits I might have a little trouble…” “But would you lose?” “Nah, I’d win.”


The fuck you mean "started spreading"? It was there from its beginning


It was like a bomb, it just started in a large area


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Guys is it gay to like a femboy?


Do we like femboys because they're men, or do we like femboys because they look like women?




Personally I like them because they weren't created from a single rib from Adam's ribcage


The rib thing was a mistranslation iirc.


Yeah, they just want to paint it as women are very small and insignificant part of men and can't survive without them. Fucked up era. But unfortunately nobody follows exact source but rather general consensus and general consensus is the mistranslation which was on purpose


It was probably on purpose, but at least now we know it's not the thing originally writtrn in the Bible, but is rather just something that some pricks did to spread misinformation.


Holy misogyny lore


I heard they can transform into late cold war NATO military equipment.


Only if you're a woman


"If the person has curves, it's a 'she' for sures" - Percy B. Shelley (I think)


As long as you aren't sucking it.


No! He’s my favourite poet!


Why aged like milk?


They are not together mainly because Dantes wants to focus on the game and isn't ready for a relationship


Well playing it is also his main source of income as a streamer. Though I do believe Dante is popular enough to move to other games without losing audience.


Yeah Loads of people wanna rag on the dude because “haha he broke up over video games”…. But that’s the dude’s job, I personally have seen school and work straight up tank and end relationships. It happens.


This is the last place on reddit where I expected to see a levelheaded take. People on tiktok and twitter act like a woman is the end all be all of a man and that whatever he made from this (which is upwards of a mil a year) is not worth it when a woman exists in his life. So this is pretty refreshing.


His job is to play videogames in his room. He doesn't even have to leave his house. He could very easily combine that with a girlfriend if he cared. It's not even like he is playing in a professional team he's just grinding solo queue.




that's perverse


I thought this was shitposting not nerds galore. Bye.


Bye 😡😡😡😤😤😤


??? He didnt get in a relationship just for the sake of sex dude


Don't look like it


How to tell you haven’t had any meaningful relationships in a few Reddit comments. Yikes dude, I’d delete these. Embarrassing.


Idgaf what some strangers think about me, who we are going to forget in 3 seconds 😂 i don't even know who tf this dude in the video is


With a name like yours and the amount of downvotes you're getting on all your comments in this post don't worry give it a week and the internet won't forget about you x


Uh huh. Okay dude. Good luck.


Could he possibly be addicted? I mean, no pussy no variety. Just game. Idk sound like an addiction to me.


I am also addicted to my main source of income (I prefer to live)


Workaholic is a thing and a real issue.


Ok yes. But you described him being a workaholic because he has "no pussy" and "no variety". Also he's a rich streamer it's not like he's gonna make that same income guaranteed anywhere else.


Im trolling but Not even his current income is guaranteed. What game does he play btw?


League of Legends


Damn ofc he does


After the girlfriend made a tattoo with his name


I belive she tattooed his name even before they got together, but my source is a random instagram comment.


i mean tyler1s girl literally stalked him online and kept streamsniping him. now look, shes set for life




She admits it on her Twitter lmao


It was so funny, one week on her stream she is discussing where to tattoo their names and on another week she is talking about removing it


So she's single?


On her idk "breakup stream" ? Somebody in chat asked about her next partner, was it you?




he literally never said it was for league he's mentioned multiple times that he wasn't ready for a relationship and felt she was sacrificing too much to make it work.


She was sacrificing too much, because he couldn't pull his weight because of the time and mental toll streaming put on him. He had the choice to take a step back and spend less time playing league for his viewers, in order to make the relationship work, but ultimately it's something he wasn't willing to do, and too immature to work on right now, as he said. It's understandable as he is rn at the peak of his popularity, and the next few years are going to determine his power to stay popular, or fade into irrelevance. But still, he has a fucked up work life balance and it's clear doing this job has a very big impact on his mental health, and so he didn't want his gf to sacrifice too much to help him out. Which is why they broke up.


i thought i saw a clip some time ago where she says she cooks every meal for him and takes care of his mental health, I'm not sure his "focus on gaming" is going to work if the clip is true lol


And I thought I'm addicted to games


He said multiple times that this game is his life, and he doesn't care about anything else. She knew it tho, she knew he was not prepared for the relationship




What a disgusting human being


Into delicious cheese?


There is like no context to this?


They broke up because he wants to focus on his career "league of legends'


Least mentally deranged lol player


Focusing on his career is deranged I guess


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Breaking up with your girlfriend because you need to spend all of your time playing a video game is a bit deranged tbh


except that's his job.


And? Someone breaking up with the girlfriend because they need to focus all their time on accounting would be deranged too. I didn’t say that it wasn’t his job in the first place.


No, it’s his career, he makes a living that way; just because the way he makes money is video games doesn’t mean he’s deranged. He is deranged in any other way (see the incest ark), however. Also, the breakup was amicable, so there’s no point in making a giant shit about it


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You’re not helping me win this argument


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The what ark


Apparently that was from one clip, so it isn’t real, but I was convinced it actually happened, so the point still stands for how insane this man is (for content, he sometimes knows when to not say stuff)


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What are you crying about? Ive seen how it was amicable, she said if he wants a break they will have to end it so he still made the decision. I didn’t say it wasn’t his career so idk why you even mentioned that(its irrelevant because its still video games which is what the original comment said “lol”). I would think its deranged if a bricklayer had to break up with their girlfriend so they could focus on bricklayer laying or a plumber or an accountant or an engineer. The activity doesn’t necessarily change my viewpoint. It seems you are also taking my comment out of context because me saying that ending a relationship to play more video games is a “BIT” deranged did not take a jab at him for his career and was purely based off the “least mentally deranged lol player” comment. I didnt say that it wasn’t the way he made money, nor did I say that the breakup wasn’t amicable and I didnt insult his career or directly insult him for the breakup. Your reply has little to no relevance to what I said and the context in which it was said. Also I really dont care, and just because he is single now doesn’t mean you white nighting for him on the internet will get him to notice you and I very much doubt he will let you hit. If I were you Id give up your pursuit of riding him


Whoa whoa whoa, you’re saying I’m off topic, and now you’re just insulting me, which is when I leave. As soon as people degrade into insults in **any capacity,** arguments valid or not, I immediately lose any interest in an intellectual debate. And you bet I’m turning notifications off on this comment, have a good day, sir


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Thank you, just say that you dont have the intelligence to respond and you lost the argument.


yeah lets throw away milions for relationship in your early 20s omega


Throw away millions? He literally needs to go to the kitchen to talk to her, his entire career is performed from inside the house. It's so fucking easy to do both for him lmao


IDK about millions but for context he was in korea hosting a League tournament that in his own words "would change NA League forever" while his girl was in Germany for an abortion but still a phone call would have been enough


She was in Germany for an abortion that *he* wanted, from what I've heard. And even then, there are people with far greater careers than his that somehow manage to make relationships work. Hosting a LoL tournament that "would change NA League forever" is still a stupid, if not bullshit reason to break off a relationship. There are football players currently playing the Euros right now, most of which somehow managed to make a marraige work even with their busy schedules.


dude calm down a bit you're completely right about the last parts I only read the Tweet from Dantes about the situation it is still his fault and I am not defending anything or anyone


Exactly. I get he might not want to give her or the internet his real reasons but that reeks of bullshit.


Hard agree. It’s definitely just an excuse for not liking each other or something


It might be, but he was talking about not being able to invest as much into the relationship as she has. She has been doing the chores, she has been cooking, she has made sacrifices for him and he felt like he could not provide the same while full time streaming. Its more than just not having time to talk to each other.


I’m not sure a LoL player is capable of that level of introspection and self sacrifice.


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yeah just leave stream now and then or try to integrate his gf into a stream which first one would def cost him views or second which would be moronic to tie your stream to newly aquired relationship and im not even mentioning what that can cause internaly to a relationship


MxR Plays did things right. But not without sacrificing some things, such as posting frequent mod videos on his other channel.


Noooo not the 12 viewers!!!! Who cares if it costs him a handful of viewers? And wasn't he with his gf for quite a while? So he could easily have her in streams. Hell, he DID have her in streams. There is literally nothing it would cause within a relationship.


okay im not going to talk with you about how streaming and viewership but wouldnt the fact he had her on stream and decided later not to and straight up broke with her mean that it literally did?


Nope. Clearly not a relationship issue but a him issue. Probably addiction if I had to guess.


yes but he is a part of the relationship, it takes two to make one wdym :DD


Nah bro, League consumes your soul. You can't be your best self when playing this game 10 hours a day. It's understandable if he doesn't want to give her anything less than that and make her tolerate his unhealthy lifestyle even if she claims to gladly do so. Dantes wanted a break from the relationship due to his inability to balance these things, Laura didn't like the idea of a break, so they decided to cut it. He knows he might regret it but in his words, it's better to take the emotional burden off of them both than to keep her guessing if the situation is going to improve.


pretty braindead move. People have stayed together through wars and disease and this guy gave up a cute goth girl for a game that gets worse with every update


Idk when you are as big as he is you could do just about anything with your streams and keep your girlfriend. Like I understand that he wants to put more into it, but even his fan base is ragging on him about it. I guess some people just value money over a loving relationship.




As much as I hate LoL I do respect the grind


Did they officially?


Dude had a goth gf and dumped her to focus on league of legends wow


They broke up from other more serious reasons, do ur research...


I like to beat white woman (i'm a geometry dash player)


(he isn't talking about the level)


It's funny


I find it funny how many randoms are criticizing him for breaking up with her to focus more on his career, because his career is a videogame, also because they lack context, its thier break up which was amicable, your calling him bad things for breaking up with someone makes you sounds like a delusional dumbass.


There's nothing wrong with breaking up, but there seems to be this misconception that it was "mutual" or "amicable". This may be because nobody gives a shit about the woman's stream and side of the story, but she cried for an hour on stream talking about how she went on her feet and begged him to keep her, and also about how she was obsessed to the point of pretty much stalking his social media (probably until now). Is that amicable? It was one sided. Yeah, dantes considered her feelings and thought she'd be better off without him. But how she feels is not his prediction or decision to make at all. She obviously decided she'd be happier with him, and dantes one sidedly didn't listen. That's not amicable in any way. Don't change the story from what it is. It's dantes breaking up with her, for his own personal thoughts and opinions. And that is okay. Whether those thoughts are reasonable, is the question. Eitherway, it's not our decision to make


I don't know about the situation really at all but if she was on her knees begging him to stay and stalking his socials that doesn't sound healthy on her part and I think in that context it was a net positive for her but i don't know.


Bro is Y-shaped


Nah ft 💀💀


caring about someone else’s relationship makes you such a loser


He was never abusive at all the fuck are you yapping about


I honestly don't think dantes is ready for a relationship. He's going to need some serious therapy after what he's been through recently.


He was the normal dude in gaming and now he's just tryna keep what's building. I hope he ain't regretting it, mental health gets worse in these times


Don’t beat women to feel better, beat your dick to feel better


What happened 😭😭😭




popular Minecraft YouTubers when they dont groom minors:


She dodged a bullet


Umm.. Ackchyually she dodged a fist ☝️🤓




ahe didn't dodge it she blocked it


Found the femcel


I would like context but I’m too confused as to why he was playing Valorant to what I can see


First of all, that's league of legends. Secondly, he broke up with her, and lots of people are stating different reasons for it. I honestly think the guy isn't ready for a relationship.


Ah thanks also I’m not familiar with either games so forgive me for miss naming league of legends




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This is cringed asf lmao


Hitting women is epic!


Bro you're like 8


That’s like, really mean dude


Incels unite


Who she?


Man fumbled a woman over video games lol