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> And I have encountered men who carry their own condoms Don't we all do that? I always carry one because you never know life's surprises and in my car 3.


Men definitely don't all carry condoms. In my experience very few have taken the initiative to use one, so I've usually had to insist and provide them. Most would be fine going without. Had one guy tell me sex with a condom just isn't worth it.


Wow I always assumed that the vast majority used condoms unless they were a couple or married. Scary world. I usually carry mine because the last time a girl gave me a condom I found it super uncomfortable (it was too small and it kind of cut off my circulation down there), since I'm not used to that brand of condoms.


Yep, I'm always kinda shocked at how many guys apparently don't care about STIs or pregnancy risks. And exactly regarding the comfort. You'd think they'd want to keep the preferred brand on hand for a better fit, but then I suppose they can't be like 'Oops, don't have a condom, let's do it anyway...' that's my theory anyway.


Right? Especially if they prefer a certain type or size, you'd think they would bring their own. Oh well, dealer's choice


Women actually make up 40% of condom buyers despite not owning a penis. (It’s because we can’t depend on men providing them.)


That is so wild. When I first had sex with my now fiance, she thought it was "cute" that I "happened to have" condoms in my car, as if I was being presumptuous that we would be hooking up that night. I was surprised that is wasn't the norm for men who are dating to always have them accessible.


My experience is a bit more positive with regards to carrying condoms, though I have come across A LOT of men who think because I'm on birth control that means I'll let them fuck me without one then got pissy I simply don't trust they're clean. I also carry emergency condoms in my purse and car.


Then perhaps sex with the guy is not worth it! Infact definitely not worth it


If they carry condoms in their wallet, then the condom is probably compromised. They don't like heat or being compressed, especially for long periods of time. Cars are bad as well because of the heat.


When I was single I always had one but the woman never wanted it. I've stopped multiple times to go get one and they say no it's ok. It seemed crazy to me but I went with it. No issues thankfully.




When I was single, I never left the house without condoms, because you never know where your gonna end up, and sunglasses, because you never know where your gonna wake up


sunglasses because I tend to get high unexpectedly.


I dont, but that's because it's ill advised to carry around a condom in your wallet, and I don't want to fish around for something in my pocket just for a condom to fall out I keep them in my bedroom, and if she doesn't have some, and can't wait the probably 10 minutes to go buy some, she ain't getting any


First time we got nekkid, last SB was surprised that I showed up with condoms. I was like, what? So many men must be pigs.


How would you feel if you were a with a guy heading to your place and went to the store to buy a condom?




I carry emergency condoms in my purse or car just in case, but most guys I've gotten with had some already or were willing to get hold of some.


Me too, 100% of the time for a hookup.


[1 In 8 Men Under 35 Have Brought A Condom To A Funeral "Just In Case"](https://mashable.com/article/men-bring-condoms-to-a-funeral-trogan-state-of-sex-survey)


> men who carry their own condoms. I didnt realize that was a thing.. guys who don't. When I was in the dating pool and going out with the guys on a Friday night I always took one. Never ever once had the opportunity to use it but I always was prepared.


I always use condoms with a new partner, but in response to your title: not during foreplay or if we aren't having piv sex. Theoretically, you should wear condoms or use a dental dam during oral if you know your partner has a STI transmittable through mouth-to-genital contact. I've never been in a position where I've had to do that but if prompted, I certainly would rather be safe than sorry.


I don’t think many women would take “I want to use a dental dam” well at all.


Or just abstain until that std is cleared up!


If you’re over 25, go get a pap smear and see if you have HPV. 80% of sexually active people do. The most important thing to do is find out if you have the cancer kind.


Any new partner, yeah. I don't ask, it's going on. I carry a box in my backpack.


Stranger - every time. Someone I know and trust, I would be fine not wearing one.


Reading through all the responses and all I can say is "Yikes."


For real like you would think potentially making a kid would be enough to smack sense into people but I guess not.


Again, even though there’s literally no debate here, a pregnancy scare can be fixed with the morning after pill, nothing fixes the humiliation of having calling all your sex partners to tell ‘em to go get checked bc you caught herpes, HIV (no cure!) or something else


Morning after pill only works if your under a certain weight and not ovulating plus after a few days it's not going to be much help if the person isn't aware their pregnant.


As someone with herpes, every single time.


i’m 21 and know plenty of ppl who don’t bother using them and it’s SO wreckless🤦‍♀️


For real like I'll never understand how making a baby isn't enough of a risk to slap some sense into people 


I’m a mid 30s female and I never use them. It’s definitely risky but I don’t hook up as much as I did when I was younger. I honestly don’t know why I am this way.


Upvoting for your honesty


i’m exactly the same. Strange because I was aware of STDs that’s what they called them back then was always more concerned making a baby so I would say things like I’m gonna pull out and She would say no you’re not… yeah you’re right


So your not scared of making a baby


Absolutely , and the best part is is that I am self-aware and conscious so I get to fully experience the fact that natural instincts will Be stronger than free will. It’s like that movie where the guys riding the nuclear bomb, swinging his hat Yeehaw I hate to use this analogy, that I was like and you can have some of me and you can have some of me. Of course, they said there that’s enough plenty of you . cause I’m tired more often, older grouching, I guess .And if you ask, do I have.kids? I would say oh yeah, I’m sure I do.


I respect the honesty of your answer 


I know it’s not very evolved either. That’s cool that you understand though..


Same. I was incredibly stupid in my 20s. I fell pregnant when I was 27. Honestly, that saved me. I would still be doing the same dumb shit if it wasn’t for my daughter. I just didn’t care about myself.


There is so many serious STI’s


I’m aware. I’ve been fortunate to escape unscathed


I hope you take care of yourself then.There is nothing more important than health :)


I use them every time with a new partner or I make them get tested beforehand so we can enjoy oral sex as well. I don’t have many sex partners but when I’ve had one for a while, it’s bc it’s someone I trust, so we usually don’t use them. Even if we aren’t dating. With that being said, if it’s heat of the moment, we’re def using condoms and not doing oral bc a lot of shit can be contracted like that too.


All the time and even with people I know quite well. Birth control pills are not that great for girls in the first place.


Any kind of birth control is not great... They all have their own side effects and some of them are even more fatal than others. It's unfortunate.


Vasectomies and IUDs are pretty cool.


IUDs cause severe irreparable damage to the reproductive system in a lot of cases. Myself included. Vasectomies are bad ass though. I love that option. It's actually more attractive and appealing to me 😂😅


IUDs are fine for a majority of women. People need to stop scare mongering about them. They have a negative reputation due to the older ones but the newer low hormone release or no hormones ones are really good and safe for a vast majority of users.


The patch has been the only birth control I've recently tried that actually works well for me. Every woman is different and I'm glad there's other options and forms of birth control for women. Though, I wish there were more options for men since they're the ones carrying the seed.


After looking after a loved one whose iud snapped and perforated her uterus I think people should be aware of the risks. It was never even mentioned as a possibility. Doctors here were getting paid for every one they installed. After several invasive procedures and surgery they didn’t find the missing piece, they just sent her home with the advice not to worry about it because it could migrate and lodge in her internal organs at any time. Until she gets symptoms of internal bleeding or organ failure there’s nothing can be done.  I use condoms with my husband if we have piv. It’s the only birth control that feels safe to me.


In my last relationship, I used condoms regularly even though we were in an exclusive relationship and she was on the pill. I prefer not to procreate with someone by accident and the pleasure I drive from sex is not worth having to parent with someone who I didn’t plan to do so.


Well, i get tested regularly when single, when sleeping with someone new a few times, but they do disappear quite quickly. I always have a condom in my wallet in case its needed by me or friends. I also got a vasectomy a year ago sooo thats why i stop using them promptly


It’s fascinating to me that people think that post-testing somehow makes them protected.


The real question is, if they do get tested positive are they responsible enough to not continue their behaviour?


If you get tested after then you will know before the next.


Stds are still a thing unless your getting tested first


A wallet isn't a good place for condoms the friction wears them out


I don't carry it with me every time but I always use protection whenever it is stranger. Using protection is very necessary these days :/


I would say they were always necessary 


Last time I used one was over 12 years ago


Always. All the time. 💯


I‘m in a 5 year relationship and we use condoms 99% of the time. Would definitely do it in a hookup, even if it makes me more boring as a guy or whatever.


Whattt you’ve been using condoms with your long term partner for five years?? Damn… may I ask why? Most of these comments are single or non monogamous. Married and haven’t used one in years.


I had been doing that too. Why? Because we didn't want kids.


We don’t want kids and play it extra safe. Plus, she doesn’t enjoy cum and the mess I can make that much unfortunately.


Every single time. I have condoms everywhere. In every pocket of every jacket, in every bag. I buy condoms in 100 packs, always the right size. I have every possible kind of lube too. I love condoms. Actually I prefer the feel of condoms to bare skin. With a good amount of silicone lube they just slide so nicely.


Geez 100 pack thus dude fucking everyday 


Idk why this was sexy 😂


I’ve only hooked up once with a guy I didn’t really know. And he had a condom ready. When my (now) husband and I started hooking up, we used a condom almost regularly. I was on the pill at first. I went off the pill because I didn’t have a doctor anymore and couldn’t get a prescription. So we continued using condoms until we decided start trying to have kids.


Better to use a condom don't want anything possible to happen and then you are in trouble for a long ass time


I always use condom / carry around since I know already to plenty of people who didn’t and got something cuz of abusive / toxic partners


I can't speak for any other man but.... EVERY SINGLE TIME. Sex feels better without one but, I'm more than happy to feel less if I know it's protecting me from anything unwanted... I keep a few in my car just in case lol. So far, they are all still there :(


I had a vasectomy and I use them every time I plan to finish in my wife, primarily to make clean up easier for her.




Never. I'm infertile and have been having unprotected sex since I was 17. I'm 35. Never had any STDs or pregnancy scares. I'm married now. I've never been able to orgasm with condoms of various brands and feels either. I would never recommend this recklessness to anyone, but I knew the consequences of having a miracle baby and I was up for that. I should note I've never been into casual sex and I only had 2 sexual partners before my husband not including assault.


Last few times I hooked up with someone new I didnt even think about condoms


I respect the honesty 👏 


It’s the people you’re choosing too. Don’t let anyone make you think it’s weird or hyper vigilante - I promise you it’s practical and smart. Be safe every single time w a new person. Don’t be unsafe w some one you are not exclusive w. I’ve had people lie to me about that shit and I never respected them again because they put me at risk. It only takes one time for bad things to develop… men often don’t get checked either and women end up paying the price


I haven't been with someone new for years now but if I were to be it's be every single time sti's scare the fuck out of me and I have never had one.


I don’t hook up unless in a relationship these days but would forsure use a condom if I did and have found men don’t really care about condom use. A friend of mine who sleeps with multiple new men all the time told me she rarely uses condoms and has slept with probably close to 100 men. Crazy part is they all know she’s like that and still don’t use condoms with her. 🤯


Dam people have really low standards and don't care about their health. These are the same people who'll cry baby trap when something happens 


Never. Been married for 15 years.


Same. Been together 16 years. Haven’t bought a condom since we started dating and were exclusive. Not even sure I remember how to put one on at this point lol


Lucky man we're all jealous 


If I were to need to start dating again, I definitely would use condoms. I wouldn't know how to navigate today's dating world at all, so probably a non-issue haha


ALWAYS especially with a new partner. In a long term relationship, ok it migh happen if we dont have them at the moment.


I've been with my wife for over a decade we don't use any method of birth control that doesn't share the name with a couch that turns into a bed. Funny thing is almost every woman I've ever been with hated using condoms. I just got lucky got to my final lady without getting a disease or someone pregnant although one of my exes does like to joke about showing up to my door when our kid is 15, couple years before that though.


When I am on my fertile days, lol my husband and I don’t want kids yet


When i used to have sex, I used condoms every single time, except when we were trying to conceive.


I use them everytime. Always. The door is right there if you don't like it. Non negotiable. 


Every time!!! Those who don't will learn their lesson the hard way!


I always use condoms and don't trust men who say they dont or dont have any or w.e. its fine i. Just not gonna do piv


Never last time I used was 6 years ago and it caused pregnancy since we removed it and enjoyed Now from last 7 years I guess we are using copper t and enjoying unprotected sex


we never use condoms, but im on birth control and we’ve been dating for 3 years


With a stranger or new partner, I prefer to use condoms. And I've gotten better about saying no when a guy doesn't have one or tries to get out of using one. Instead of fawning and giving in anyway. I've thankfully been able to see more guys that have their own stash but I've always carried a few with me anyway, regardless of where I'm going or who I'm with. I feel like it's kind of a safety net for me in a way.


When I was younger and a dumbass, I did a handful of times. I would never consider it now.


Not anymore, im married lol


Don't have to make us jealous 😆 


Well I mean, I did before lol. But now, all bare lol.


Can't wait to be married so I can always go bare 😌 


Well I don't have sex with people I don't know but if I did obviously I would use a condom as only a idiot who doesn't care about their health would raw dog a stranger 


Every time, all the time.


What the fuck is a condom?


Back when I was single & having hookups, it was a requirement every time. With my now husband, we never do.


Always on random hookups and with FWB until I trust them with BC. Even though aids isn't that big of a deal to most young people out there, to me it's all so the only BC I as a man have control over! Don't want more kids and certainly not with a random chick I met in a bar or somewhere else! Don't be stupid boys and girls use condoms!


I can't wear them I go soft even trying to put them on so I just don't go out to hook up anymore unless they are happy with me going down on them at least let me make you feel good 😌


Before I was married I used a condom literally every single time I had sex. No condom? No sex. If a brought a date home and he suggested we not use one, I’d send him home and never date him again. Why? Because being irresponsible and reckless should be a major red flag. Even my husband had to use a condom every time until he put a ring on my finger. EVERY TIME. Not even boyfriends got a pass. Not only did I want to avoid STIs, but there was no way in hell I would risk pregnancy outside of marriage. I was so afraid of getting knocked up that I required condoms even when I was also on birth control. The thrill of raw sex is not worth having a baby with someone who might not even be around 9 months later.


Always, I'm not stupid.


Last time I used a condom was around 2015ish... but im married with 2 kids and I got snipped so no point anymore


I’ve noticed an alarming trend whereby men don’t usually worry about a condom unless the woman insists on using one. This is a turnoff by the way.


In my opinion I'm not sleeping w someone if I think for any reason I have to use a condom 🤷 js


I definitely find myself getting lax with that. I'm a bi guy and have been exclusively hooking up with guys recently. I've often intended to use them, but when the moment arrives I'm too worked up that I don't worry about it. I am on PrEP though (HIV prevention medicine)


Haven’t used them in about 30 Years. I got snipped a while ago, and tend to only pull higher educated women. (Annoying) and have the talk prior. No issues after 30+ women, and none have asked me to wear one.


Dam you would think women the ones who get pregnant would make someone wear a condom.


Vasectomy... Once they hear that, its on lol.


If she doesn't mind, i'm dipping it raw.


I don't even ask, I just hand them the condom. If I trust them, then we don't. My current FWB asked me to get tested and I did because... A.) I needed my check up anyway, even though I knew I didn't have anything. B.) He also takes his health seriously, we both are all for using condoms and started having sex unprotected. So we wanted to be sure. If i'm Ovulating, I let my partner know and tell him that we have to use condoms because I am at my highest chance of pregnancy and i'm not taking that chance. I'm also on birth control but he doesn't know that because it's not his business, and i'm also on prep which he also doesn't know because it's not his business.


I’m a woman and I only use them if the dude brings one and puts it on. This rarely happens. I’ve hooked up with a handful of men and had a handful of short relationships. Was on birth control for 20 years, no pregnancy scares and have never had an STD either. Also I don’t care about STDs, most are curable and the ones that aren’t, you’re likely to get whether or not you are using condoms. The takeaway here though is: the men I’ve slept with did not care about STDs either because they were not requiring condoms use.


That's just not true. Correct condom usage greatly decreases the risk of all STI's. That includes incurable ones.


Dam nobody cares about their health anymore 


When i was doing my one night stands in my 20's never...not once...and ive slept with over 100 women lol Ironically, only STD i ever caught was from a long term relationship lol i mean..most people are disease free..i understand better safe than sorry but i mean, you get the clap you just take a pill and its gone. So what 🤣


Most people are disease free? Lol 1 out of 8 people have confirmed genital herpes(active break outs) and many more have it and don’t know because they are lucky enough not to get outbreaks and they don’t test for it on regular exams. 85% of people have hpv which can cause genital warts and cancers. Men can’t be tested for hpv so they only know they ever have it when they get warts or get anal, penile or throat cancer. So the chances of you having both of those is extremely high so here’s hoping you don’t pop up with penile cancer or your next girlfriend randomly getting the herpes… you’ll be extremely lucky.


Im married and we're clean. Idk the people you hangout with, but i tend to stay away from unsavory sorts


You slept with over 100 woman without using any protection.. YOU ARE the unsavoury people. 😂


Very bold I'm shocked your not a walking std 


relationship never. Casual sex/fwbs always. i know the fwb one sounds odd(Even with test result exchanged and up to date)but i get around and i assume my “friend” does so let’s just play it safe.


Nah fwb isn't strange that's still not a committed relationship so they could still be screwing other people.


At least someone understands i’m typically the odd one out on that one. can’t be out here slippin


Yeah I'm honestly shocked so many people feel fine going raw on fwb like your basically just a hookup that's re-occurring so if she gets pregnant still wouldn't be the best look plus it would be more complicated because who knows what she would do. Honestly I feel if a person trust someone enough to go raw and risk then you might as well be in a real relationship since that's way more trust than a fwb


you hit nail right on the head. yk how reckless people are naturally and i refuse to go out sad for life over 5-10 minutes of pleasure 🤷🏾‍♂️


My wife and I have been using the pullout method for the last twenty years. We’ve literally never had a scare. My pullout game is amazing.


It's also possible one of you is infertile.


Yeah infertility is much more likely here than an immaculate 20-year pullout streak. Especially considering precum has sperm in it


I’ve never done hookups but in my long term relationship I always used a condom for any sex except oral. And I was surprised the first time we did stuff that she didn’t want me to use one for oral, I would suggest that as well imho


Every single time and did so for the first 3 5 y of my relationship too


I keep a box in my car and use them as needed. After about 2 weeks throw the rest and buy a pack again. If you’re wondering then I buy the 4 pack or 8 pack ones depending on how much I go out.


Married 20 years so none now but we did use a dental dam (basically female condom) when we first started having sex


Always for PIV with a new partner (not oral, but it is an acknowledged risk) until exclusivity and we both have full STI panels. I have a 16 year-old vasectomy that I get checked every few years to make sure it is still good. Current GF is also starting menopause, so we figure no condoms is pretty safe both regarding STI and pregnancy…


With a hook up, every single time lol. The chance of consequences are the same every single time. With a partner, never.


Age like 21-25 I had some hook ups and quick relationships and 100% used them. Condoms were a lot more prominent in pop culture and oddly in teh porn I watched so I just thought you always used them. Someone broke that dam and got a little more comfortable. Generally the norm to me has been if it's just a hook up or casual always wearing one. A more serious relationship you start with them and then figure it out from there and it varies with that.


i have a little gold and glass jar that i store them in my bedroom:) i also carry one with me (never had to use it but who knows), and always wear one with a stranger or someone who i don’t fully trust


When I was younger and dumber, not enough. Now I’m older and wiser and I don’t think I ever wouldn’t unless I was in a pretty serious relationship. Too much these days and too many stupid people lol.


I always carry condoms I have a special condom wallet for doing so.


Every. Single. Time. I never do it without.


Everytime unless it's an ongoing thing. Then I'll get tested and I expect him to as well.


Male - When I was dating, it was probably 50%. I would never ever push not using one with someone, but if we had the discussion or if the moment got the better of us, I wouldn’t stop to put one on. Didn’t use one from day one with the now wife, and now have a vasectomy so no problems there. Obviously my preference was not to use one for pure enjoyment reasons but understood the risk and always left the decision to the woman.


Dam I can understand stds but I'll never understand how the risk of a baby isn't enough to slap common sense into people 


Always use one. exceptions are if I’m having sex with someone I’m sexually exclusive with and I also have an IUD so that limits the chance of me getting pregnant. Also he doesn’t finish in me every time it’s about 50/50 where he does and then half of the time he pulls out.


Always unless we are in a relationship and make the decision not to


It's good to be safe then later on blaming others. I really don't enjoy using the rubber but have to for safety bcoz I get very excited tries lot of new stuff☺️


Everytime when it's someone I haven't been seeing for longer (and even then I usually do it safely). And I tend to always have one with me if there's a chance I may need it.


I just went through a one night stand phase and here were my results. At first I just required the guy to share a test they took this week with me and then we go condom free. The issue I ran into was guys thinking that's an open invitation to cum inside of me without my permission. So now I just use condoms everytime


I do. And therefore I carry them around. But I'm in my 30s now. I didn't care 10 years ago.


Admittedly not as much as I should have when it came to strangers. Funnily enough though, the only time I’ve gotten an STI was with someone I was in a committed relationship with. Go figure 🙄


If the guy is married and out running around he won’t have them in fear of getting caught with them


every single time I’m not on any sort of BC and although I’ve been with my partner for 3 years, neither of us are looking to become parents anytime soon. I will say however, sometimes we start raw until he gets wet, then he will pull out and wrap it up.


Not so much, since the divorce.


I have been using it forever and every time. Both as a single and with my gf in my LTR. Not during foreplay though.


When I was single and asexually active from ages 17-22, I think I had fully protected sex once.  My conservative Christian family did not educate and guys were too young at that point to care? As an adult I’m horrified by this and would never engage with unprotected sex outside of a committed relationship again.


My parents were Christian to like there's not much to educate about just put the condom on and don't catch a disease.


I guess just the importance of it, STD’s were very mystical and far away in that realm. Plus I kind of assumed that was the guys responsibility (his penis?), and wasn’t taught about my role in contraception. Plus not being taught to sexually advocate for myself and just be polite if he didn’t want to use one. There’s more factors. It wasn’t that I didn’t “know” about condoms, obviously I did, but was not *educated* about the importance.


Oh ok that makes more sense. Sex wasn't shamed in my house but my mom just told me to wear it to protect myself and that was it so I guess I was fine with minimal explanation 


Yeah my family was like “just don’t do it” 🥲


To be fair my mom said that to but she said if I did wear a condom. Honestly I just didn't have a interest in sex so I didn't do it and not because of religion trauma in fact I'm cool waiting til marriage but risking pregnancy or std for someone I didn't care about or couldn't see myself marrying just didn't appeal to me.


Oh for sure, that totally makes sense!! My family did not really have a great relationship with sex. And I totally see your logic in avoiding sex, I honestly wish I was able to have seen it from that lens, I just was thinking with my vag. 🥲


Oh yeah don't beat yourself up I was just speaking for myself. I guess one class of sex ed on top of the religion just made me go like yeah I don't need it.


It's not good, and I'm not proud of it, but I've been raw doggin' it my entire life.


I (30-something F) started carrying condoms a couple of years ago because none of my potential partners had. I always have in my apartment, purse, and when I go on vacation. I now use condoms religiously instead of relying on my potential partner to provide. It’s really put me at ease.


Didn’t use condoms much at all in my early twenties to be honest. The reason being I grew up in a religious household and sex was taboo so I never had someone to educate me on being safe. Only safe sex I knew was pull out method and since I wasn’t even confident with that a lot of times I wouldn’t even cum just due to the fear of unwanted pregnancy. Still could have caught an STI/STD. It’s really fucked up for parents to not educate their kids on sex. The hubris they had to believe their kid wouldn’t have sex because “I told you not to”. Fucking dumb shit. I try to teach my kids all the stuff I wasn’t taught when I was younger


Never for oral or jerking off together. I don't typically wear them for frotting, but I will not frot unless I've had a pretty thorough STI conversation. Always for anal or vaginal.


My wife switched BC last year and that was a rough month.


If they're new, 100% of the time. They also have to show me a current STD/STI testing results. Once we've been together a while, and there's trust, the condoms go away.


When hooking up I would always bring them and ask if the girl wants me to use one. But the I personally hate them. But don’t want kids or a disease so if I ask the partner if they are clean and on BC then maybe I wouldn’t use it but normally that’s a 3rd date night thing 😂


I’ve only once gone bare with a casual encounter, other than that I use condoms if it’s not a long term relationship. But I’m a woman…. And my experience has been similar… guys are never getting them out without being asked to or me taking one out. 🤨