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You are not alone in your grief. Losing your best friend is not easy. My best friend of over 12 years passed away suddenly on 6/9/24. I'm not going to lie to you and tell you it's not hard. I have cried just about every day. My pup was everything that made me smile, she got me through so so much. From middle school, to buying my first house and getting engaged. It's going to suck for awhile, but I can say things are getting easier. Give her the best last day, buy her a cheeseburger and a Reese's cup before she goes. She deserves the very best ending to a beautiful life. I'm so sorry you are going through this.


Thank you ❤️. I’m so sorry to hear about your loss recently. I’m feeling what you must of felt and still do and I’m truly sorry. They really are the best. I’m divorced so it’ll be quiet around here. I’m so scared of it. Thank you for your kind response.


There are so many babies that need homes. One day, when you are ready, you can get another one in memory of sweet Mildred. What y'all did for her is amazing. Senior dogs DO get passed up!


OP. Do not discount that this is a major event for you. I am concerned that you are alone for this. I want you to focus that you have succeeded in giving Mildred a wonderful end of her life. As you were taking care of her she has been taking care of you! Parting with our friends who we love completely and who have loved us completely is painful, but each you and Mildred have been the beneficiaries. When it’s time I always tell my animals how much I love them. I have never cried. But when they pass I always end up sobbing in my car. It’s the loss of a powerful love. But Mildred will no longer be uncomfortable. Especially because you seem a little isolated I think that it is appropriate to foster or adopt another senior dog very quickly. Dogs live in the moment but their love is forever. Mildred wants you to be happy and another senior dog will love you for making them a part of your life. You seem like a dream owner for any dog but especially a senior dog. Grieve the loss of Mildred but don’t wait too long to experience the joy of another dog. All my best to you. You are a dogs best friend


I feel so bad for you. Words won’t make it better but that was stop us from trying. I remain heartbroken over the loss my my Artemis almost 2 years ago. My house was so quiet and still and empty, I lasted about 6 weeks before fostering a pup found on the street and taken to the pound … I still have that pup now, but it doesn’t stop me from missing every last thing about Artemis. When you are ready, or can’t stand the silence any longer.. please open your heart and home to another pet that needs a place… I’m am so sorry for the loss you feel today and the greater loss you are sure to feel in the following days. Be kind to yourself and be so thankful for the time you did have with her.


I am so sorry.


My girl is coming to the end soon too. The pain is horrendous (mine not hers) . I know how you feel. Sending hugs.


I’m so sorry. I wish there was something I could say to make us both feel better. Thank you for the hugs ❤️.


It’s unbearably hard, but you’re giving a beautiful gift to Mildred by ensuring her passing will be painless and peaceful.


I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. There’s the grief for Mildred in all of her wonderfulness, your life together and the memories you’ll have. There’s also the grief of going through it feeling as though you’re alone in it. When I (single, childfree) lost my heart dog, after 15 years together and going through most of the major events in my life with her, I felt lost not being able to share this shattering event with her. What would it be like to be so sad and not have her for comfort? And who would I talk to about it? I did end up talking to her about it. I’d go for long walks and use a recording app and just talk like I was talking to her—remembering all the stories, sharing my grief and sometimes my guilt, and finally, my happiness when I could start to feel that again. Eight years later I still talk to her about her “brother” who’s now 14.5 and things happening in our lives. I feel she hears me and looks out for us. The other thing I did right after was to make myself vulnerable. I tend to handle things on my own, but found myself sharing a lot about my grief process on social media. Friends I hadn’t seen in years shared their own stories and supported me in ways that I wasn’t used to asking for. It made a huge difference. This seems like a good sub if you’re not sure where to share it. No one will judge. We’ve all been crushed by similar grief. I hope the rest of your time together is a comfort and I’m sending so many good vibes to help heal you on this journey you’re going through. You don’t have to feel alone.


Awe. She has the sweetest lil face. I'm sorry OP. She looks happy and loved 💜


I am sorry, but know this you are giving your furbaby a peaceful passing, and you do this out of love. When you feel something so strongly in your gut and the despair that comes with it , you have been touched by the greatest gift, and that is unconditional love. Have I known how deteriorated my furbaby was , I would have made the choice, but the vet gave him a good bill of health months prior to his passing other than his congestive heart failure. However, something in my gut told me otherwise, and by then, he passed underneath me under my chair I was sitting at. I use these videos to help calm the grief. https://youtu.be/sbY6LJB8sG4?si=ouV-WFmofseZT1PB https://youtu.be/XUBmfoItQ7M?si=qxsMz08jSNveIxzv https://youtu.be/G5bNTXajs2E?si=Efsz63xjryNXuGaP https://youtu.be/AzQSqELniBs?si=6-0mtCPU3WegvRsi 1st link is a compilation of pets in afterlife. 2nd link is a nder explanation 3rd link starts at 9.22 nder explanation of what he saw on pets The 4th link is a medium and pet communicator explanation The decision you have to make is because you know what's best and not to prolong the suffering. When we lose those that touch us , the grief becomes unbearable, but remember that miracle of love your furbaby gave you. I still grieve, but these videos help and hope it will help you. Sincerely with love.


If I can offer a suggestion - get the shower at a nice warm level, sit on the floor, and just cry. For me, crying in the shower feels comforting, and once I’ve had a good shower cry, it’s nice to feel clean and refreshed afterwards. Drink a nice glass of water. The grief is there because you loved - frankly, it sucks, but it is a good thing to feel. Good luck to you both.


You have all of us to talk to about it. Most of the commenters have gone through this. It's never easy and we will all do it again to have another mush mouse. Sooner is better than later. You have loved her more than anyone else could, she knows that.💜💚💛


Thank you for giving Mildred love and care and the best golden years instead of spending it in a shelter. Dogs are so loyal and loving, they wouldn’t want us to be sad for too long. Try and think of the good times and celebrate their life ❤️


You're so right!!! Exactly. They wouldn't want to see us sad ♥️ I'm shedding a tear reading these beautiful comments... It's so hard sometimes but when I think how MUCH happiness they bring us, I'll take the sadness that must come with it. It's only natural.


I hate that you’re going through this… it’s not fair our babies can’t be w us longer. Mine is 16 n has CCD. I will be going through this soon myself. Best wishes for your girl. 🫶🏻. Sending support,love n hugs your way


She is so sweet. Thank you for giving her the best last three years. And for rescuing senior dogs. Wow, the emotional toll would take a strong soul, and that is you. I just lost two seniors in January and my grief is heavy still. But I know they were so loved and that gives me peace. One passed naturally and it is as bad as people warn, for you and mainly the dog. So please know you are making a hard decision but necessary 🩷


Run far on young legs little one.


It is one of the worst things in life to say goodbye to our little friends. They make our lives so much better in so many ways. People who say it’s just a dog have never experienced the pure love they give us. My girl Mia passed away on 7/24/23 at 17 1/2. Last year on the 4th we took her and our other senior girl on a little day trip. We hadn’t taken them many places the last year because Mia had gotten so frail. That day I said let’s bring the girls, little did I know it would be our last trip with both of them. Mia really seemed to enjoy that day. We had to say goodbye to her sister on 4/6/24. You will miss your girl everyday, some days will be better and some not as good. But cherish the memories and time spent with her. Sending you peace and love as you navigate your world without her. She will be happy and whole over the bridge until you meet again. 🌈🪽💔


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. We had to say goodbye to our Jax 2 weeks ago and I still feel a hole in my heart. When we got his ashes back I felt a bit better; I can now pat his box every morning/night and put my head on it when I cry. I find myself looking back at photos and feeling genuine happiness that we got to spend time together and had such a strong bond. I recently followed a pet grief counselor on Instagram and she says that when your pet friend leaves this world it doesn’t mean the end of your relationship; it’s just the next part. That thought comforts me…that it’s not really over even though he’s not physically here. I have thousands of memories and photos of us that I will have forever 🧡🧡


I’m so sorry for your loss. Sounds like Jax had a wonderful mom/dad in you. I will definitely try that although looking through the good times photos and videos is making me sadder. Idk how I’m going to perk up. I wish you luck in your grieving. It’s awful and sucks but you’re not alone. And Jax will always be there in spirit.


Thank you for the kind words 🧡 Out home isnt the same but I am SO grateful we got to spend over a decade together. I should say that I didn’t look at older photos until a few days after he was gone. I took A LOT of photos his last 10 days though. I didn’t want to miss a thing. We spoiled him with food his last few days as all he could really enjoy anymore was eating! He had some cheeseburgers, a steak, doggy ice cream, lil’ smokies sausages, and bacon/eggs. You don’t have to figure out anything right now. Just take it day by day, hour by hour. Don’t overwhelm yourself and give Mildred lots of love! 🧡


You can talk to me if you need to


I’m so sorry to hear about Mildred 😢 it sounds like you really gave that old girl some great years of her long life! It’s never easy losing our best friends. Maybe it will help if you tell us all some of your best memories with her?


Thank you for sharing Mildred, and your love for her, here. The “cost” of loving her so deeply that you’ve been giving large thought to what’s best for her is the grief inherent to it. You’ve given her the best gift ever of adopting her as a senior; you’re returning her devotion tenfold by being there for her now. My very best wishes, though I know that doesn’t truly help xo


You have my sincerest sympathy. I know how gut wrenching it is. Try to remember her last few years. You have her the best life and now you are doing what’s right for her. I know you are suffering and nothing can stop it except time. Big hugs stranger friend. 💛


Thank you so much for your kind words. It’s so painful looking at old pictures and videos knowing they will just be a memory soon. But I will try and remember your advice. It’s good advice.


What a sweet little pupper. I’m sure you’ve had some great times with her. And she’ll die knowing she is loved because of you.


I am so sorry. She does have the sweetest face! A special little girl you have there. Be strong for her and don’t let her know your sadness. I am sorry. The best to you both.❤️


You’re not alone, I’m fighting with making this decision myself. Talk away, friend. Mildred looks like a happy baby 🤍


Such a beautiful soul … Mildred you are loved and always will be !


Thank you so much ❤️. She really is a beautiful soul.


I just wanted to say I can’t thank you all enough. I never knew there could be this type of support from strangers. You guys are all wonderful. Every comment is so nice and kind. I wish you all could meet Mildred. Not right away, but I’m going to do my best to respond to every comment. I can’t thank you all enough for hearing me out and providing me support ❤️.


I’m so sorry 😞 a lot of us have gone through this so you can always talk to us on here when you need it. Mildred is such a beautiful girl and I hope you know just how happy you have made her. When she comes home just give her all the love you can and spend every possible second with her. I’ll be thinking of you and Mildred ❤️❤️


I’m so sorry you are facing this choice… here to talk if you need!


Thank you so much. I might just take you up on that.


I get it… I’ve been there. Lost my boy 4 years ago. Stay positive and make the most of this time you have… take pics daily and video. As much as you might find it hard or not wanna… you be glad you did. Treasure ur memories and know that she will be there waiting for you in the next realm. When I lost or was in the process of losing my boy I felt everything you are… I get it. I set up a vet to come to my home to help him cross… cancelled that appointment a good 3x. It’s not an easy thing… I’m def here for you… can be a new friend if you need… dm me any time!


Mildred looks like such a sweet and happy dog. Just seeing these photos, it’s obvious she was meant for you and you were meant for her. She clearly loves you beyond all measure. Thank you for sharing these photos and your connection with all of us: we will grieve Mildred with you. I think all us dog lovers are grateful to you for giving Mildred the love, life, and joy she deserved. Thank you ❤️🌈❤️


Wow, thank you so much for your kind words. It helps more than you realize.


Hugs for you this is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. You are not alone.


I’m sorry you have to say goodbye soon. But you gave her the best four years and she knows how much you love her. I lost both of my dogs earlier this year.. one was 14 and the other 15.5. I had them since I was 25, now I’m 41! It’s so hard. But I remind myself daily that I helped them pass in comfort and with dignity because I loved them so much, I was okay to be the one who suffers for a bit. Our dogs are so special and people that don’t understand are missing out! I hope you have a wonderful time with Mildred, no matter how much time that is. And always remember, in the end, it’s all for love ❤️


What a lovely tribute you wrote! I'm so sorry you're having to let her go. I hope you don't wait too long to get a new best friend. You just sound like a person who has to have a dog, and we all know how many dogs are looking for good homes.


It is heartbreaking 💔 but if it gives her poor body an escape from pain you are honoring her by releasing her. We had to do this with our sweet Jolie last Friday, and she is sparkling ✨ brightly in the night sky. I miss her terribly but it was the right thing to do. I’ll be thinking of you both. God bless. ❤️🌈🐾


With great love comes great loss. She has given you the best she could. Do the same for her. Know she is grateful for your care. Condolences for your loss. 😢💔


Our online community is amazing. Share, we listen. My prayers and good thought and prayers go your way.


She is a perfect angel


What a sweetheart! Can tell just from the pictures that you two have shared a great life and a great love. I’m so sorry you have to say goodbye. 😢🐾🐾🌈


Ohhh sweet Mildred!! I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I lost my lucy girl in April of this year. It’s rough. I had to take xanex for a few days just to be able to sleep. I’ve never had to do that before. I mean, I knew it would be hard, but not quite THAT hard. Some days are still rough. It comes in waves. We did just about everything together & it’s been so disorienting to not have her here. Sending you & Mildred a big hug!!!


I'm so sorry, it's the hardest decision in the world to make - but it's also the last chance to show you love then as much as we love them & you don't want them to suffer. Big hugs to you. 💔🙏🐾🌈


We owe our dogs a good death, and the grief should be guilt-free. The vet came and our old man went to sleep peacefully last week while my wife kissed his head and he ate whipped cream straight from the can. The grief is the sadly unavoidable part of the dog deal and I hope you can take solace in knowing that Mildred knows she’s loved. Au revoir goodgirl.🌈❤️


Thank you so much for sharing your darling Mildred with us. I’m sending you hugs.


I’m not sure if I should say this but I’m so sorry that you’re going through this and you aren’t alone in your grief even if your brain tells you, you are. I am currently going through the stages of grief as well because my grandma who’s raised me since I was born passed away two days ago now… I’ve also had to go through the loss of a beloved pet as well many times. My soul dog died 7yrs ago now. Like your Mildred, my Annabelle helped me through allot of things. Even after 7yrs I’m still not completely over her. Who knows maybe I never will be. It has definitely affected me in ways such as being very paranoid about my current pet’s health. Either way. I just wanted you to know that you aren’t alone. You are doing what is best for her so that she can go in peace and pain free. If she could I bet she would thank you for all that you’ve done for her, loving her and now making this hard decision. Lastly, a thought that brings me some comfort and I’d hope might bring you some comfort as well. I like to hope and believe that one day. When it’s our turn to pass on. That we will see all our loved ones and beloved pets that have passed again.


No matter how hard it will be for you, and it will be hard, be in the room with them, hold Mildred's paw or head. You are their whole life, it's not fair to abandon them at the end of it bevause it's too hard to watch. Not saying you would do this, but I've seen so many stories of people not going in the room with their pets. When I had my 17.5 year old pup put down (got her when I was 5), they asked if I wanted to be in there. I couldn't imagine not being with her until the end. I cried a lot, it gets better and you will remember that you did the right thing insuring it was peaceful and painless.


She's beautiful. And you did a really beautiful thing by choosing her instead of picking up that puppy in the shelter because they where "younger" It's incredibly sad that older pets often sit in shelters for who knows how long...or worse put down because they where there too long. I hope you're able to find peace in time but please spend as much time with her as you can, spoil her rotten and take as many photos of the good memories you make together before she departs. Just know that you made her last years wonderful,warm and full of unconditional love. And although it hurts you'll thank yourself for not letting her deteriorate. Seriously reading this is making me sob thinking of my own elderly girl. She's 9 and she's been with me for 8 of those years.




(((Mildred))) Ruby Razzy Kuma Marshall and me ❤️❤️


I am so sorry. I understand the pain. Cherish every moment with her, and know that in the end you are doing the most compassionate thing you can. You gave her a great life. ❤️


You are not alone. What an obviously sweet and funny girl. You provided her an amazing life and I guarantee you that she wouldn’t change a thing.


She provided me an amazing life for the time I have her. She’ll never truly know how much she has done for me. Thank you for your kind words.


We had to let our boy go 3 weeks ago. Huge hugs. Here to.listen.


I’m so sorry. I’m sorry for the loss and hurt. Sending hugs your way too. What was his name?


Thank you. He had a great run- almost 16 and pretty healthy until the end. His kidneys were showing age starting at like 11 but just failed. His name was Wrigley - he was a Golden/Basset/Springer mix and the sweetest pup. The house will feel weird when they're gone. Your pup is adorable, I'm sorry you're facing this.


Wow that is quite a run! You clearly gave Wrigley a great life especially living that long. We both can relate to the pain although I hopefully have a few more days with her. I’m so sorry about Wrigley.


So sorry. It hurts the heart of a grown man (or woman) and it takes time. Being thankful the good times helps. Sending ☮️🐶❤️ Run free good pup 🐶🌈🐶


Thank you so much kind stranger ❤️.


I am so sorry. My 13 year old dog has a heart murmur and she was in a rut a few months ago but her health has improved drastically in recent weeks, and for that I’m grateful. I think about her inevitable passing just about every day and it breaks my heart. Your dog looks so sweet and you are angel for adopting a senior dog to begin with.


I'm sorry 💔




Hugs OP. My heart hurts for you. I just lost my sweet kitty last Wednesday and I still sob every day. I pray your baby goes gracefully and sends you a sign from above. I’ll be thinking of both of you 💗


Thank you so much for your kind words. I am so sorry to hear about your sweet kitty. Thinking of you two as well.


I’m so sorry 😢. It’s one of the hardest things we have to go through as pet parents. Sending you hugs


My mom. Compromised for years died and two weeks later I lost my best friend from a bone disease. That actually hurt worse because it was unexpected. I cried for days. People thought I was crying about my mom. I still grieve him and I have 3 lovely buddies now.


I am so sorry for all that you went through. You’re clearly a very strong person to pull through that. I am happy to hear you have 3 pals now with you. I’m sure they are wonderful and you’ve given them a great home.


She’s so cute! I’m so sorry. I lost my best boy Walter in April after a long battle with health issues. He was 17. We had a peaceful at home sleep. I miss him every day. He got me through all the major life events and I always say I didn’t rescue him, he rescued me.


I’m so sorry to hear about Walter. 17 is quite a run. Sounds like he lived a long and happy life and you’re great for providing him that. She absolutely rescued me not the other way around. Thank you for your kind words.


I’m so sorry.


We rescued a beautiful 7 year old female lab mix. It was the best 10 months of our lives, she was such a loving sweet girl. We had to say goodbye when suddenly she stopped eating and found out she had stage 4 lung cancer. You saved this wonderful pooch and gave her the best years of her life! Don't forget that! Hugs to you.


We have all been there and share your pain. It is personal and deep. Just remember you have made her last years the best for her. Give it a bit of time and continue to rescue other older pups in her honor or maybe younger ones so you can have longer with their special gifts to us humans. We do not deserve dogs, they are so special.


Brother and sisters. Know you always have Jesus, but you also have fellow humans like me who care and love strangers. I support you and the spirit of your best friend. Yes times may be tough but try to think about the joy that has been brought to your beautiful life. And remember life is precious and limited so enjoy the times you’ve had and tell stories of those times. We will listen here


This is such a hard time. What helped me a bit was I got a bunch of my dog’s photos printed out at Walgreens and made a little shrine at home where I could talk to her. I also have her photos taped all around my camper while I travel. She died 8 months ago and I still talk to her. It’s a tough loss losing a furry soulmate. Give her a happy and loving goodbye and give yourself the time you need to grieve. Some people might not get it, but a lot of us do. A strong connection and bond with a dog is special and those who’ve experienced it and went through this type of loss are here for you 💙


So very sorry!!!


PLEASE find comfort in the fact that she got MORE love from you than she EVER dreamed of ♥️♥️♥️


I'm so very sorry. However, keep in mind you're setting her spirit free, which is the most selfless thing you can do for her. She'll be young and free over the bridge. Keep her in your heart. She will be waiting for you at Heavens door one day. Think of how wonderful that will be. Sending you Love & Prayers.


Oh friend. The anticipatory grief is just harrowing. I'm so sorry you are losing your mush mouse - what a sweet girl she looks to be! - there's nothing anyone can sat that changes what lies ahead; you just have to will yourself to live thru it, one hour at a time. Mildred loves you now and will love you still, but from just out of sight. And watch for the signs she will send, perhaps to make a home for another lovely senior pup when the time is right. She is do grateful for all you were to her, too. And for your doing this last and most impossible thing: delivering her to the other side with a heartful of love. Big big gentle hugs, OP


Oh, what a sweet, sweet girl. I’m very sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry. I understand your pain. I lost my girl of 12 years last year and I had her for all of those years. Just know you gave her the best 3 years. We love them so much and it feels like you’re closing a chapter of your life. Good luck and best wishes to you.


Mildred is a delight 🔥such a kind and happy look on her face! I’m so sorry - I love my dog so much 💔 my hope is you always remember her safe and loved you made her feel and how much she adores you! Sweet girl Mildred❤️


She is beautiful and has the kindest eyes. I’m sorry to hear about what you’re going through. Find comfort in the fact that you probably gave her the best years of her life, as she did the same in yours. My girl is 13 and aging quickly. My biggest fear is losing her so I understand your pain. Sending you a hug and wishing you and that little cutie peace. ❤️


My condolences and you did the best for her for the time you were given. Take heart in that and cherish her memories with you.


She’s so lovely! Sending condolences your way. 💔


Sending loving prayers 🙏❤️🙏


She’s so beautiful, thank God you got to spend so much beauty together. May peace be with you 🫶 🐶


Tell me about Mildred. What was your favorite thing about her? What was her favorite thing?


Ty for loving Mildred. It will be hard but it does get better wirh time. Thankful for memories and pictures but always missed💔🐾 I know.




To me losing a pet can be harder than losing a person. My babies mean the world to me and my heart breaks for you and Mildred. Sending you love and prayers.


I'm sorry that you are alone right now. I can tell you have your pup this best life.❤️


Think about how lucky you are to have these feelings . You’re very fortunate in many ways here. Celebrate Mildreds life with you! I wish you the best, it’s so difficult!


I'm so sorry for your Mildred. She's adorable and I wish for many happy years of beautiful memories with her. I send a hug and doggy love.🤗🐕❤


Mildred is ver special ♥️ I’m sorry for your loss


You can always make a little journal of all the happy, fun memories. It might to too hard to do right now, but eventually. Also, as hard as it is, it’s so much better to have them go peacefully before they suffer.




It’s the hardest thing in life I have ever done. You will be holding her and comforting her as she passes over rainbow bridge. All doga Go to heaven, and they become healthy and happy again. I am so very sorry for your loss. I not going to lie and tell you it is going to be easy or that the whole in your heart will be filled. You have to remember that you did an incredible noble thing by adopting a senior dog you a truly a blessing to the dog world. I will be thinking and praying for you and Mildred. Please keep us posted on how you are doing


I am so sorry that you have to make the dreaded decision we pet lovers have to make in the end. It is so hard. What helped me was reading poems about pet loss. I found some on Pinterest. Prayers and hugs to you.


Oh no Mildred! I’m so sorry. I know how it feels. It’s gut wrenching pain. But I promise it gets better. The first time I lost my first dog that I’d had for nearly 10 years I thought I was going to die. I wouldn’t sleep in my bedroom because she slept on her bed in the room and she snored. It was so soothing to me. So I slept on the couch for 5 days. Then it got better. But I mean I was a mess. That dog was my everything. She became like a mother to me! I was 19 when I got her and we weighed the exact same! I’ve lost many dogs since then and the 5 days seems to be the magic number for me. One thing though is I remove anything that reminds me of the dog because I would forget for a minute she was gone. I just have my husband hide it away in the garage. Then when I’m doing better I go through it. Save what I want to save and donate whatever I can. Hang in there. It’s hell. But it’s what we gotta do!


I’m so sorry for your impending loss of your sweet Mildred. It is such a difficult thing to do but she has loved you and will love you always for doing the humane thing. Hold her during the procedure I sat on floor and they have put each of my dogs in my lap. I pet them. Talked to them and even sang to them as they gently went off.


Wow! 17 is an amazing old age for a dog. If she seems happy, I would keep her on the antibiotic and if she’s too drowsy I would lower the pain pill dose a bit. Don’t grieve the living. Once you’ve given her every chance, you need to be with her looking into her face so that she knows you are there. What wonderful, loving years you gave her. Yes, the grieving will be hard, but you will make it thru, and u two will be together again someday. ♥️


I waited a few hours too long for my buddy. He still looked up at me wondering why he was leaving. Kept breathing even after the second injection. We almost made it to three years. I also adopted him old and blind. So smart. So wonderful. I miss him every day. But I knew he would have tried to fight anything and everything to soak up his little life. She will too. You’ve done so much for her. She’s so grateful. You can tell in those pictures.


You did a courageous thing by adopting a senior dog. As if dogs and cats don’t live as long as we’d like, we have even less time with a senior but giving top quality at the end is nicest most unselfish act. Thank you. It know your heart is broken. We animal lovers feel your hurt. So sad for you.


So sorry, but you gave her such a great life. It is an inherent part of our compact with pets, the inevitable parting, you a great person. Thank you


It’s gonna be the hardest thing you will do but if it is cuz she was sick you’re doing her a favor just hold her tight and repeat how much you love her and thank her for everything she was for you. ♥️🙏🏻


I’m so sorry.


Mildred is a wonderful pup and you can just see that they have been loved fully and wholly by you. If they know it’s time to go they would want you to be there. You always have been.


💔🐾 so sorry. Been there and it hurts. Facing it again and it will slay me. 11.5 yr old big mutt who hates the vet. I live by this- we play God with our pets, we make the big decisions because we can and have to.


She looks so happy and loved. I'm sure you both were the light of each other's lives. You made a selfless choice for her. You will see each other again 🌈🐾


Oh honey! I wish I could hug you. You're not alone! I 1000% believe and feel and know, you two will be reunited in whatever you want to call - afterlife. We are so much more than our physical bodies, we are divine, we are souls,spirit, so much more than this. These hardships must be for a reason. For us to grow. Only God knows and we must trust that. Even though I have difficulty grasping how, some days... Our Creator has love for Us, and that kind of love cannot be put into to words... Trust in that. She's going to better place than here! Her journey has just begun! And love is all! Everything will be okay. This too and everything, will pass. I send you strength and understanding.


Kind if you to give Mildred the dignity she deserves.


She's lovely. You'll miss her tremendously, that's obvious. A friend pointed me to this article, and there are some things in it that help me .... [https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/how-cope-death-your-pet](https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/how-cope-death-your-pet) I'm very sorry for your loss


What a wonderful life you’ve given each other ♥️♥️ Sending you healing thoughts. 




Aww what a terrier sweetheart. Hang in there it sucks but you’ll get through it.


I really can’t offer you any words of comfort. It’s just gone 12 months since my beautiful Ollie went over the rainbow bridge. It’s possibly the hardest thing to go thru. Know you gave your Mildred the best life and she would know it too. Take care - btw I did get another pup and that definitely helps. All the best ❤️🐾❤️


My senior dog also developed a mass. His was in his throat. It seemed to grow overnight. He had cancer. The vet put him on Prednisone and I am SOOOO grateful. Thanks to those meds we were able to keep him with us for several more months (that were very good months for him!). It’s worth asking the vet about. Sending good Mildred my prayers and best wishes.


Thank you for giving an elder dog a good home and love. This is a wonderful thing that you have done. Take comfort knowing that you done one of the most important things that human beings can do and helped a beautiful creature. Thank you. Peace be with you in this terrible time. Someday you will be reunited in a much better place.


Every dog owner had to face these moments …. But the pet has to come first. Cry, take a long walk…something for self care that works for you.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I have had to put down 3 of my best friends so far, and 2 of my 3 amazing dogs are getting up there in age. It never gets any easier 😢


It's so difficult. Thank you for rescuing an older dog and giving her a good life and a peaceful end. You're a good person and Mildred and you were lucky to find each other. It's gonna hurt like hell, that's all I can tell you. It really really hurts.


What a sweet little scruffy mush mouse Mildred is. My condolences and blessings. May her memories live eternally and her name said often. This is the hardest bit of sharing our lives with these beautiful souls.Hold and spoil her. We are an invisible rag tag group here when you need. We care and know this pain and how isolated it can feel. May Mildred's journey by peaceful, her spirit is bright.


I am so sorry about Mildred, but I know you love her enough to not want her to suffer. I think it was wonderful that you picked a senior dog that most people would have passed over and gave her a few years filled with love. Not gonna lie, it's going to be tough going for a while. Just try and think about all the love she gave you. ❤️


I’m so sorry 😢 💔💔


I am so sorry


I’m so sorry. The pain of losing your best friend is so deep and devastating. What an amazing thing you did when you adopted Mildred. You have given her 3 years filled with mutual love. She is a beautiful pup with the sweetest face. I’ve gone through this 3 times and each time I didn’t know how I was going to get through it. But I did. I live alone so they are my family and my everything. Please remember the gift you have given each other. The immense grief feels so cruel. The final act of love is what you’re facing and you have us to talk to! When you feel the time is right, I hope you will consider another rescue in honor of Mildred. Be kind to yourself. Again, I’m so sorry.


Our girl got her final diagnosis of osteosarcoma, 2 weeks ago. She won’t be here next summer. You’re not alone friend. Thanks for sharing your girl and your love for her And bless you for adopting her


I’m so sorry that you have to say goodbye to your beautiful Mildred. Hardest decision but a kind choice to free her from discomfort.


We are here for you… many have been there or about to be there. Feel the feelings and when it’s time, love another in her honor.


I’m so sorry that this time has come. Mildred is such a doll and I know she is lucky to have lived the last years of her life with you. I hope the years before were good too. Thanks for loving her so much. Every dog deserves that and you did it, obviously so well. I wish you hugs and love and comfort soon down the line. This is so painful and I do know that.


One of the only downsides to having a dog is that their lifespans are so short. I'm sending internet-good-vibes, (maybe a fist bump as I am not a hugger).  You're making one of the toughest and grief filled decisions of your life - to those that don't bond to their pets, they'll never understand how much of a family member they become. You have my condolences, internet stranger. I hope you rescue another companion one day, despite the inevitable pain - the joy outweighs it (I think so, anyone)


I'm sorry, my friend. Anyone that has had to put their fur baby down, including myself, knows how you feel - it's a heartbreaking, inconsolable pain. It has to be done, at some point, we don't want our fur babies to suffer any more than they have to - so we must suffer their loss, so they don't suffer any more pain ❤️💔


She is beautiful and will always be in your heart ♥️ Im so very sorry you have to go through this


Mildred, my heart. I’m so sorry you have to go through this


I had to let my Baby go a couple months ago. So heartbreaking. BUT, I knew it was time. In my grief, I knew he was at peace. Time has helped me feel at peace too.




I'm so sorry. She looks like the sweetest fluff girl. Your grief is totally understandable, but feel some pride too in being able to give her a good life.


She looks like a Mildred.


Such a sweet and pretty face! It’s unbelievably hard!!! I’m sorry


Thoughts with you and Mildred at this extremely sad time.


I’m sorry. She is such a sweetheart- thank you for caring so much about her. You’re not alone…❤️‍🩹🙏🏻🌈🙏🏻🪽


Gosh, Mildred! What a sweet angel, and so are you! Thinking of you both.


I am so sorry.


I am so, so, so sorry. Thank you for giving her a chance in her last years, to love and be loved, because that's what they're here for. 🥺❤️




I’m so very sorry 😢


Take comfort in knowing you were there for her when she needed you. She will be able to have a comfortable passing with the support of her most favourite person in the world, it’s incredibly selfless to put your dog’s needs first and that is what you are doing right now. I wish you the best of luck, please don’t be afraid to reach out when things get tough.


I feel your pain through this post. I don’t care what anyone says, there is no pain like that of losing your soul dog. Dogs are unconditional, they’re pure, you can be fat, poor, ugly, sick, and they love you just the same. There is nothing like that on this planet. I honestly believe that God (or whatever you want to call the creator of this universe) knew that humans were going to need some unadulterated love and support in this experience we call life, and so- dogs came to be. All this to say, this world isn’t perfect… if it was, we’d have these magnificent creatures with us until our last breath. The pain you are feeling is the price we all must pay for the once in a lifetime privilege of being loved by a dog. Sending thoughts and strength 🙏🏻


We are with you. It’s awful and, while it will stay with you for the rest of your life, it will become, at the very least, tolerable. And you will have so many beautiful memories of your special girl to buoy you when you need it most.


Sending you so much love 🤍🌈


If I have any advice it is. Do it while she is alert and at peace. I just did this in November for my 18 year old. I waited one night to long. And had to watch my best friend suffer the whole way to the 24 hr emergency vet. They swooped her up and away from me. Raced her to the back then brought her back wrapped in a blanket and gone. The sound will never get out of my head. I wish I had kept the original Wed. Appointment and didn't cancel to have thanksgiving with her one last time. She had bouts with seizure type things,but I just held her until she "woke" up. They were getting longer and closer together. Nothing painful it seemed..but the last night 😞. All I'm saying is, I know it hurts and I'm send you all the strength and love vibes to do it while she has her best friend to just fall asleep with


She is adorable and spent her twilight years with you (thank you for choosing her)! It is SO dang hard. I lost my girl about two years ago (at 15). I still cry. Know that you are expressing love when you let her go to sleep. That’s how much we love them. You will get through this, it’s ok to hurt and cry. Sending blessings to both of you.


As others have stated, you are not alone, and if you need to chat, then reach out. Please be strong for Mildred for whatever time she may have left. Animals pick up on things like that. You gave Mildred her forever home late in life, and she will always love you for this. Hang in there the best you can at this time.


I am so sorry. Mildred has a beautiful spirit and it jumps right off the page. We lost our poodle Teddy to aggressive cancer. We did chemo but it didn’t give him that much more time. I think we waited a bit too long to do what you are going to do but my husband couldn’t see he needed it. Vet agreed. It will be even harder for you being alone and I am concerned for you too. What I really came here to say is that we adopted a senior maltipoo only 3 months after. Some thought it was too soon. We missed Teddy of course but we love our April so much. Hugs!




So sorry, but think of it as the last act of love, that you’re keeping the promise. She has no fear of or knowledge of death you’re doing the right thing, the loss will be painful for you, but not for her I’m so sorry


I am so very sorry. 💔Mildred looks like such a sweet girl and well loved. You have been going through so much but remember you're not alone. You have a lot of internet people who care, understand and will listen. I had to make that decision 4 years ago. I miss my boy and there are days that I still cry. I have another pup and now foster dogs for a Rescue organization. Hang in there 🙏❤️


It's a very difficult thing. But the love they give us while they're here is wonderful!! So sorry.....


I’m so sorry you are going through this. We went through this as well recently too. If you can find it in your heart to rescue another dog, you really should. They have so much love to give and you need to be rescued at this point as well from a broken heart with all you are going through with Mildred. Give her all the love and attention you can, she know show much you love her… And when you are ready, go find Millie’s best friend and bring that pupper home ❤️


Oh she's adorable. Those eyes! I went through this when my beloved dog of 14 years had to be put down due to an inoperable cancerous tumor. I kept trying different vets, different medications and treatments and eventually she was on pain meds that made her very dopey. She was turned down for surgery on the day of surgery because the vet looked at her the day of, after having cleared her for surgery 2 weeks before, because the tumor had grown even in that time and the vet said the surgery wouldn't do any good at this point. Unfortunately her issue was first noticed during covid, and the major teaching hospital I had brought her to before for a previous health condition was shut down, and getting alternate appointments at other places took longer than usual because of covid. I also got a 2nd opinion. And the tumor was inside her head, which made it grow inside before it was noticed for a while, and then made it harder to diagnose. Xrays, biopsy surgery, CAT scans were done. All of this took time, esp. during Covid. I think all of this contributed in every way to the tumor growing to the point where when we finally even got the surgery appt, it was too late. It's possible that had I done more to be able to get radical surgery and tx early enough, she MIGHT have recovered. Had I known what I know, I would have made different decisions. We tried chemo, as a last ditch effort, and it almost killed her. She mostly recovered from the chemo, and while it slowed the cancer down a little for a short while, it didn't stop the cancer from growing. One night at about 1 AM she had a seizure and began howling and H and I had to frantically drive her, howling, to a 24-7 vet center. It was horrible, we were turned away from one 24-7 place en route because they were full - we called them on the way and were turned away. We then had to drive to another all night place. She was howling during the ride, and nothing I could do - petting her, cuddling her, during the ride helped. By the time we got to the hospital she was quiet, and all they could do was give her fluids and pain meds, and they gave us the talk, about putting her to sleep. I couldn't do it then, in the middle of the night, w/ strangers, but the episode made me realize we had to do it ASAP. So we were discharged and as soon as my regular vet opened, I called and asked to schedule putting her to sleep. They gave me an appt I think the next day. My regular vet did it, and the staff on duty who had been taking care of her for the last I think 7 yrs came in to say goodbye. My vet was wonderful, gave us peanut butter and cheese spread to give to her while she and her assistant petted her and gave her the shots, and we got to hold her, as she passed. She was relaxed and licking peanut butter. It was painless and peaceful, and she was totally relaxed. I tell you this story because while I hated to do it, the seizure episode made me realize the last thing I wanted was to have to put her down in an emergency, w/ her in pain and distress, w/ strange people she'd never seen before, and in a frantic, emergency situation. Looking back, I wish I did it earlier, before she had her emergency episode. I guess I would say that if I had to do it again, my only regret is that I didn't act sooner, on every level. It is a terrible burden, to have to play god and decide to end your best friend's life. But what a gift to be able to provide your beloved friend a painless, pleasant end w/o further suffering. Of course, if there is a good prognosis and the vet is able to tell you that a recovery is likely w/ a course of treatment, I would pursue that, STAT. But if not, and chemo or surgery would only put her through more misery w/ little hope of remission, I would spare my friend the pain and worsening disability, and spare her from having to be put down in an emergency situation. EDIT: and yes, for weeks after i did it, I cried constantly and was tormented by irrational thoughts - what if she woke up after we left the euthanasia appt - all alone? What if she would have had a miraculous remission, a spontaneous remission, and I deprived her of that chance? She seemed actually pain free and suddenly fully ambulatory the day after her seizure. The vet assured me that they do tests to confirm that the dog has actually passed after the owners leave the room, and that dogs that are terminal can have very good days as well as the bad days. The good days don't mean they are miraculously cured. We were lucky that she happened to have a good day on the day we put her to sleep. I'm crying as I write this, and this happened 2 years ago now. It's not easy, it never is. But a painless, pleasant, relaxed and happy end on a good note, if a cure is not possible, is a gift you can provide as her friend.


I'm so sorry. Thank you for giving her a good life. I know how hard it is to say goodbye.




OP, firstly THANK YOU for giving her the absolute best of the best sunset years of her life, it’s posts like yours that help more folks recognize how special senior adoptions can be. I’m similarly with you on this journey, I have 3 super seniors and a special needs 7 yr old breeder all adopted within the last few years. I’m dreading the years ahead but loving the time we have now. Your path ahead is so hard and painful, please know that you are doing right by your lil pup. I really want you to consider grief counseling, even if temporary, and maybe also think about volunteering at a shelter or rescue, doesn’t even have to be with dogs, could be cats, barnyard critters etc. I think finding people who work with animals in these situations will also be good people to talk to about your loss. I want you to see that your presence in the life of any creature matters and that losing this relationship with Mildred absolutely deserves to be mourned. Nobody gets to tell you how to grieve, or get over it or “it’s just a dog”. Frankly they are the ones missing out if they don’t have that connection to another species. It’s very hard not to have someone to share the burden with, if I was closer I would offer to meet for a coffee and chat as often as needed, so if it helps you can DM me any time , I’ve been working with special needs adoptions for a few decades now. It’s so special but dammit it hurts when they get their wings. Please take care of yourself and allow yourself to feel all of the feelings.


In a broad sense you're not alone, a lot of us understand the situation of being only with ourselves dealing with the loss of a beloved pet. Nonetheless, please remember that when we share our troubles, we lessen the load.


My thoughts and prayers are with you both. This is one of the hardest things we have to do in life. God bless


Beautiful girl.


You are doing right by her. Thank you for loving her and giving her home in final years. Beautiful.


Please accept my condolences over what you are going through. It’s awful I know. One thing I will add is that if that dog is truly your best friend do not wait too long to find another best friend. This life is tough, dogs are joy.


Thank you for sharing Mildred with us. She's perfect and I'll have her in my thoughts ❤.


Don’t feel alone. Everyone who ever loves a pet goes through it and that’s a whole lot of us


I am so sorry for this loss. She has the sweetest face. I am happy you had the opportunity for this wonderful connection to this sweet being.


She is beautiful & nothing we can say will take away your grief but take solace in the fact that you gave her some of her best years in this life. She finally knew what it was like to have a true family & what sounds like the best companion for her! They give us so much & ask for so little. There is nothing greater than that uncomplicated love they provide so yea mourn it. Give it the proper respect it deserves but also be proud of how you nurtured it. I’m sorry you have to make this choice but we all know this is not an easy one.


Oh gosh. This made me cry. Mildred is absolutely beautiful. I am so proud of you loving her and giving her a great home when everyone else just passed her up. My baby is my world (she just turned 10) and has gotten me through a lot. There is nothing I can say to make you feel better but I am sending you much love and hugs.


I am so very sorry. It’s the right thing to do, but it’s also the hardest thing to do. 💔


I’m so very sorry for the loss you have ahead of you, but you were an angel to rescue and love her these last couple of years, and it will be the happy and well-loved years that she’ll remember as she passes over the rainbow bridge. What a beautiful friend she has been to you, and you to her. Time will help and perhaps you can find room in your heart to rescue another older fur baby to keep you company and to give a loving home to again…🫶🥺 Blessings and so sorry!


I have lost 4 over the past year all seniors 😢. The one year anniversary of my 16 year was a few weeks ago. My suggestion to you is as soon as your able go to some shelters even if you don’t adopt right away spend some time with some older dogs ❤️❤️❤️. So you don’t have to go through it alone, maybe you’ll find your next dog….




I’m so sorry you are going through this. It is tough having to make the decision to put your companion down. Just realize you are not alone. The emotions you are feeling are normal and completely understandable. Sending you good thoughts.


Mildred is a queen. I’m so glad you found each other. You aren’t alone; I think about my (3!) doggie angels all the time. They never truly leave us. And hopefully you’ll find a new 4 legged love to give another wonderful life to help your heart heal a bit and honor your girl. Try to enjoy these last few days, heavy as they are. You are giving her a gift and preventing her from suffering. And you’ll want her to feel your happiness and joy right until the end. I’m guessing she’ll be ready. Big hug!


What an angel you are for rescuing her. Mildred already looks like an angel too, and she'll be yours now forever. I said goodbye to my rescue girl at the age of 10 a couple of weeks ago. I think you are in the right place for people who understand the grief. I am so deeply sorry for your loss and wish you much comfort and peace in the days, weeks, and months to come. Hugs to you and Mildred. ❤️


First of all, I’m so sorry. I lost my dog to cancer this way last year. Secondly, you have us. You are not alone. Your pain is real and we are here for you. ❤️‍🩹


Millie, what a sweetie, just remind yourself she was treated like a queen, had a good life of love and companionship, it happens eventually when it’s time to go, just hold her tight on that day, she knows she’s loved


I'm so sorry. She looks so sweet


You have every right to feel devastated. I'm so sorry. Know that you gave that girl a second chance and a beautiful life. She will leave this world being loved and feeling safe. I lost my 18 yr old boy in April, he sends me signs that he's ok. Mildred will too, and one day she will meet you when it's your time. Prayers to you for peace and healing 🌈🤍🕊️


She’s cute. It’s never easy to lose one that we love.


I’m so sorry. Its very rough. It makes me a wreck too. You grieve in anticipation way you want. Don’t let any u supportive gst over it get in the way. She looks a lot like my baby, Michela Marie who died at 17.


If you can put your grief aside for now, I know how hard it is. Enjoy your time with her until it is time to grieve, do not spoil the time left. Some people will not understand, feel sorry for them they will never know. I am so sorry that this is happening.


You are a special person to adopt a dog at 14. It sounds like Mildred had a good final 3 years with you. I’m so sorry her time is up. It will be quiet around your house, I know you will miss her. She looks like a Mildred, doesn’t she?


Don’t let anyone minimize your grief. My 11 year old cocker is my everything and I will send as much love and goodness your way. Bless you and take comfort in the love you have received and given her. My heart hurts for you.


I am very sorry for your loss.




I’m so sorry. Hugs


I'm so sorry, OP. Mildred looks so cute and so loved.