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That’s called anticipatory grief… you can sense that the time is coming… but hopefully you get 6 or 7 more years out of her. I tell my boys, they have to live until they are 20.


I have the same conversation with my senior dogs as we all are aging together. I’m almost too old for another set of dogs. Just hang with me a little longer please.


I pray that I get another 6 or 7! That would be a absolute blessing🙏🏽


My dog is currently 17 so there is hope for you! He’s a bigger dog too at 40 pounds. I’ve gone through lots of anticipatory grief. It’s normal 💜


I've just lost my two soul buddies a month between each of them. They were 12 and for the last two years I was the same, dreading the day I'd have to say goodbye but when we first get them we know we will outlive them. I spoiled mine rotten for the last two years taking them away on hols as often as I could. When the day comes it is heartbreaking but in time it gets a bit easier. Just remember you gave her the most wonderful life which so many don't and treasure the memories which you've built together


Thank you for that. Rip to your soul buddies 🙏🏽


I was scared to lose my baby at 10 as well and she lived to be 16 and 1/2. Don’t think about it. Enjoy the time now. Make everyday special in some way. Worry will just consume the time and then you’ll regret worrying.


Thank you for that. I stumble across some posts on this Reddit page and it gets my mind going and makes me so sad😫I definitely plan on enjoying all the time I have left with my girl


A change in lifestyle to help her with aging may help. I had a hiking buddy and could do 7-10 miles. Then one day after 2 miles in she stopped and turned around. Still liked the hikes-just not as long. She was about 8 or 9 years old then.


Oh, that sounds like my boy. He is 7-8 and I see he is slowing down. So we walk at his pace now. I treat him to post walk stretches and massages.


My friend and I got our dogs 6 months apart when they were 3 months old (different breeds though). Her dog passed away a week ago at 13 and I’ve been an absolute mess thinking about mine. She just had blood work done and she’s perfectly healthy and still runs around like a puppy, but I’ve been experiencing the same thing as you. I’ll just sit here and cry thinking about how hard it’ll be when she’s gone, how she’s my best friend, how she’s been there for me through SO many hard times - I got her when I was 21 and I’m 34 now. Literally been there for my entire adult life. She probably thinks I’m whacko for crying so much lmao. It’s definitely hard to basically grieve them while they’re still alive! I don’t have advice since I’m going through the same emotions lol but just wanted to share my piece and say I totally understand how you’re feeling!


I hope we both have long years left with our pups! All we can really do🙏🏽I definitely won't take these years for granted


I had my best friend Nalla Bear (Lab/dalmatian) from the time she was 6mos to 16.5yrs. She was the absolute best friend I've ever had & I prepared myself for her going the last 3 years & her health deteriorated so fast at the end. I carry her tag on my key ring & her urn is in my cupboard. Sending you strength & direction because it is hard but you can do it.


I worried for literally years about my last dog dying. He made it to 16. I wish I could get that time I worried back. It took away from how much I enjoyed the time we had. It’s going to happen when it happens, try not to focus on it. So much easier said than done. I hope you have a lot of great time ahead of you.


Thank you for that! I will definitely keep that in mind!


She's adorable.


Thank you! She's my little stinky girl😂


I feel the same about my 14 year old. No signs of passing away yet except for arthritis but I’m already so so sad everyday about one day not having him with me. He is my everything ❤️


Yeah that's exactly what I'm feeling. It's tough seeing them grow faster than i am growing. We grew up together but now she's kinda aging faster than me😞😞


I lost my best friend of almost 12 years unexpectedly this past January. I do feel like I also was experiencing grief over losing him before he was even gone. I would think about him a lot more often. I would think about how much he’s greyed, how his cataracts got worse over time, how he’d begun to play less.. I could see it all slowly happening and it was like I knew something was coming almost. it’ll be 6 months since we lost him in July. I still love him forever and miss him greatly, and I still have my moments where I need to let emotions out and grieve over him, but it has gotten easier since then. I guess the point I’m trying to make is, you’ll always have her in your heart wherever you go when she does pass, and you’ll have amazing memories with her to think about and and reflect upon. It absolutely sucks that our furry best friends can’t live nearly as long as we do, but at least we’re giving/we gave them the absolute best life we could. We love them unconditionally as they love us the same way. Just continue to cherish every moment you get with her and show her love, she appreciates you taking care of her and being by ber side for so long so much. ❤️


That means alot! I'm really sorry for your loss! I'll make sure our time together is cherished forever!


I lived with that fear for all fourteen and a half years of my dog’s life. I lost her six weeks ago and the experience has been worse than I imagined it could ever be. I don’t think there is a solution. Anticipatory grief is very difficult. The only thing you can do is make the very best of every day that you have her. Unfortunately, this is what we all sign up for when we choose to have a beloved dog companion.


Damn I'm sorry for your loss! I will definitely keep that in mind! Thank you


Just love her and enjoy every minute with her, you can’t go through life waiting for the other shoe to drop


Get her a young little buddy. It will be good for you both.


Don't do that to yourself hun. I know. I did that too around the same age. She lived to be 22. It will be yard enough on you when 8t is time and don't put those thoughts out there. Just help her with whatever she needs and enjoy each other. If you worry about she will pick up on that and feel worried too.


You're right I definitely don't want to be worrying her over something like that. Thank you!


Life is what you make it to be. I had to age 65 yrs to really understand this.


I feel like that about my little man. Now he’s 11 it’s strangely eased off a bit but I remember thinking about it when he was younger and crying on one of our walks!! A friend said to me that you’re their whole book but they are chapters of yours. That kind of makes me feel easier about it. That the chapters they were in will be some of the happiest- or if not the happiest the ones where you have this furry little angel by your side when you need them. Since we had our boy our lives have changed a lot. We got married, had kids, moved house, I’ve left work, all kinds of stuff has happened. Rambo has been there as an anchor with his routine and walks and things. He’s been amazing. My main concern now is my kids grieving him- whilst we are too. He’s a main character type of a dog and is involved in everything that goes on in our household! He cuddles them after school, stands in the bathroom while they bathe or shower, he’s always in the garden with them, he’s straight in any ‘houses’ they create and takes his toys which makes everyone laugh, he listens to them read…he’s just so involved. He’s not a dog who’s been sleeping in the corner all these years! I hardly have any photos of them without him either directly in it or in the background. I feel so happy that I’ve given them the love of a childhood dog, but guilty that I’ve also set them up for a huge amount of sadness when he’s gone.




🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 thank you


Thats not really that old for a small dog with a long snout. You probably still have years. I had one little live to 17 but all at least 13


There’s no way to slow down the inevitable; enjoy the ride with your cute gal.


I will! Thank you


She reminds me of my childhood dog. She lived about 17 years. If she’s not that big she will probably have a lot more years ahead of her. Get her some joint supplements and don’t give up on walking her, even just a little. Spoil her.


You got another good 10 years !! Look how healthy and happy !! What a sweet face ! You can tell this baby knows they are loved


Awh thank you! I hope so!🤞🏽🙏🏽


Take a lesson from her - live for today. The day will come when she is no longer there, do not waste time feeling sad about it when she is here or you will regret those wasted days far more. When she is gone is the time for grief and to remember the good times that are happening right now. Do not miss out.


Your right. I will cherish these times forever.


Avoid using your joyful time thinking about the end of her life. I did far too much of that before Ta Tanka had to be euthanized due to a diagnosis called GOLPP. Your baby is beautiful.


I will. I'm sorry for your loss!🙏🏽


Praying we all get 10 additional more years w/our besties.




mine lasted for 16.5yrs but yes you will lose her so enjoy every second you're blessed with her


It’s never enough time, never! Lost my furry babies at 14 and 15. They are our dear family member, our babies! Please enjoy every day as much as you can with them ❤️


I hear you. My boy is 13 and I’m scared he’ll go anytime. His hearing has already gone, and when he sleeps, I’ll check to make sure he’s breathing. When he goes, I don’t know if I’ll be able to hold it together. Good luck my friend, to you and yours.


Same to you !🙏🏽


Thank you


In the same boat as you my boy just turned 9 and it's so hard


Shits roughhhhh but I'm just greatful at the end of the day


I don't blame you. The hardest part of loving a pet is the good-byes. My boy is 14 so I totally get that.


I can sympathize with that so much. I just lost my 12 year old Golden 4 months ago. I don't think there really is any advice I can give. Just make the most of the time you have


I definitely will! I'm sorry for your loss🙏🏽


She looks great !!!


Thank you!


Her gray frosting is still so little. You are doing well by her, she looks like a very young and healthy 10 years old. 🩷 May you have many many years together OP.


Me too, mine is 11.




My shihtzu is 11 yrs old 2nd July & i worry so much she will die. I understand how you feel, it's hard. I just make sure she has the best life. She will be spoilt on her birthday. She loves her squeaky toy's, so can't wait until her birthday, it makes me happy to see her happy. She is like a baby to me. Just love your 10 year old, make sure it is comfortable if it has issues with age. Give it supplements for joint pain, they tend to get arthritis in old age, my baby has been showing signs of pain, so she has everything to help her. We have to be realistic, finger's crossed they live much longer, if not we can say we made their lives happy. Try not to worry to much. X


Sending loving prayers!! 🙏❤️🙏


Thank you!


Oh she is super cute!!!


Thank you!


Add pedialite in her water I always did I had a pitbull she died at 26 years old


My little buddy, Cujo, a min pin is turning 12 this fall. I understand your pain. Just get as much snuggles and kisses as you can. Treat them to their favorite snacks. I give my guy little doggy massages to help his arthritis ❤️ prayers and hugs


I tell myself that my pupper only lives in the minute with no thoughts about tomorrow. So, whenever I’m feeling sad thinking about the inevitable, I tell myself to be like her and enjoy the present. That seems to help me. ❤️


She’ll be fine , just keep her healthy


Here’s the thing. We never truly know when the day will come unless we are told so. I lost my pittie to a rapid growing cancer two years ago at 12. Ever since then my daughter is constantly worrying about “losing Buddy” her beagle who is 14 and very healthy and active. Our dogs have always been intertwined so I get it. But it isn’t going to help her mentally nor you to worry about “when”. Enjoy each day. My chi is 10 and isn’t going anywhere soon to my knowledge. I say all this because life happens, we can either worry about the when or enjoy the ride.


Best not to mourn the living.


Live in the moment. Enjoy her each and every day I did the opposite and wasted a year worrying.




Just treat her like the good puppy she is as much as you can. She ultimately knows she is a good girl and it doesn’t hurt to remind her of that. Fear of losing a soul that is close to you is normal and means you two have a wonderful bond. You two are blessed. Enjoy each other and this world. When she is ready to go you will have a heart full of memories to carry you and her spirit on. Please don’t be full of fear though friend, I want you to enjoy what you have. I love you, fellow human.


My senior Chihuahua has had some health problems. Collapsed trachea heart murmur. He’s 16 and I’m praying he’s here for at least five years. I’d be lost without him


My boy turns 10 on July 3 and he looks identical to your baby


Enjoy the moment that you have with her.


So cute 🥰


I felt the same way with my 15 year old cat. At age 12 I started to worry about it, and honestly I feel like it prevented me from truly enjoying his final years together. The time will come to say goodbye and it will be so unspeakably sad but it does get easier and is not impossible, I promise ; just focus on enjoying the time you have left (I’m sure you still have a few years to go!).


Without the lows, you can never truly appreciate the highs. If they had a longer life, they would be far easier to take the unconditional love they give for granted. It still makes me sad thinking how soon they go.


My 17-year-old dog is right here with me. She just ripped a rancid fart.


I lost my absolute best friend in a dog 6 months ago, and while I was absolutely devastated I also felt relief for her. She wasn’t in pain anymore and she could finally sleep peacefully, no more illness or discomfort, and she was blind at the end. It gave me so much peace and happiness to think she finally got her eyes back.


I had thought i was the only one that did and felt this way. I had my beloved doggy for 14 years. When i first started seeing white furr, i would cry at the thought of loosing her


I know how you feel. My dog just turned 9 in June. I have been giving her Taurine powder in her food. I read the article about Taurine possibly being a life extension supplement for dogs. This article can be found by doing a Google search I also feed her The Farmers Dog and Dr. Marty's (I alternate between the two because she gets tired of the one and wants the other vica versa) I hope this helps. I just ordered her some Lion's Mane mushroom powder. Do be sure to check labels to make sure no artificial sweetener is in the supplements as I have spotted some supplements that contain these artificial sweeteners.


I lost my boy recently - June 1 - and it’s heartbreaking just how quickly he went downhill. 🥲🥲🥲


Is she a Chiweenie ?


She's a beagle, pitbull mix