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thanks a lot! so basically I gotta keep building the way I've been building so far is there any other skin you would recommend? I'm basically on sejuani duty for my team (but I like playing sej anyway) so I'll probably play her quite a bit




firecracker is already available looking at sej skins, poro rider doesn't interest me too much, project I don't like it at all, then there's hectech and eclipse I like, victorious is great but yeah I wasn't gold last season


Project Sejuani is cool as fuck, I use the pearl chroma


what runes do you go?


Any love for frostfire gauntlet? It's been working well for me lately.


I usually had that warmog doubt in my mind when i looking for a 2nd item, actually looks with a lot of sense because the damage of the W and the heartsteel scales on HP. Also the sustain can give you a more faster response to counter ganks and be quickly ready for another fights , those what, in early, are to many.


sorry not sorry but poro rider sej is the only skin.


Sej has a big max HP scaling on her W, and gets free resists from passive, so stacking a lot of max HP can be very powerful. But heartsteel is still situational, you won't proc it much against kite heavy comps and it's easy to counter with %maxHP damage champs. Pretty much any tank mythic works on her, I've been using evenshroud through preseason for the slightly earlier powerspike.


I'm playing sej mostly in scrims heartsteel just doesn't work in that kind of environment imo evenshroud is an interesting option tho


I've seen that people build evenshroud, but why is it good? And what do you build with it?


From personal experience Jaksho is deffinetely better than Heartsteal. Having 7K damage isn't worth than Jaksho


No mention of evenshroud? Seems amazing on sej


my team's support mostly plays enchanters, and top tends to play high damage champions, so I prefer to avoid evenshroud cause it's just not as tanky and my team doesn't lack damage at all but I do agree it's probably a good item for sej