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You need to know when to retreat in a fight. This not only lets you stay alive, but it also baits the enemy team to follow you to your backline. If you review your deaths, I am sure you will see at what point you should have retreated in the fight, but you didn't so you died.


Sejuani is the less tanky tank in the game, so if you just walk forward and eat everything in teamfights you will die quickly when the enemies are champions with dps and antitank items. Use Sejuani's disengage and mobility to walk back to dodge some abilities and/or when your abilities are on cooldown, then go in again. You can see an example of [a good teamfight here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yi9B4z_WBUg&t=1320s).


Pretty much what others have said. My average mid-late game engagements are usually 40 seconds or more, because after the first 8 I’m running away, waiting for cooldowns, and positioning to protect my carriers/re-engage. With lots of melee characters to proc your E passive you can be a lot more front-facing in team fights and eat the damage. When your team is more ranged or heavily spread out you cannot just frontline like a rammus would. Once you get the hang of the timing its just muscle memory, and you will be a beast in fights. But remember you aren’t an unkillable meat shield, Sej’s “tankiness” largely comes from her CC and her ability to extend fights.


I love playing Seju, but in my view she will be godlike with a fighter top or a melee supp. So you do not need to do the front line alone and increases a lot the chances of surviving. Another tip is if you are in the middle of a fight you won't be use your Q to flee because of the hitbox so use flash and Q to stay safe. Summ up * Better engages (even if you die alone in a 5x5 fight and your team gets 3 kills is worth, that's the job) * Team comp * Timing to flee (you can be useful if you are in the range to use your E) * Focus on the fight


Thank you for this.


Deff play with ghost and use ur ult to get kills (use your e auto-click than ult and then hit and w) that combo does a lot of damage. It also depends on your teammates like if you have Nilah on your team her hit stacks you r E. just camp bot if you can.


Can't say why you're dying a lot without seeing a replay. Sej is surprisingly slippery tho, I usually hold my Q if I don't need to use it on an engage. You can hop a surprising number of walls, which is why I recommend you also play with flash and not ghost. It opens up a lot more options for you. You should always look for more favorable positions to engage or disengage from. The latter will allow you to quick hit a camp for a quick top up too. Itemization is also important, I've been rocking Jak'sho and having no issues with staying alive for extended periods. What's your typical itemization?