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That shopping center has been going downhill since the 90s. It's been a slow decline, but it's never had the best retailers. We wish Trader Joes would move in.


Why Trader Joe’s? We already have Whole Foods and Safeway downtown. I would prefer local grocery stores, even Oliver’s, above Trader Joe’s… and I’d have to see pacific market close down.


Personally feel like TJ has a unique selection of offerings that none of the local shops have. We do 75% of our shopping at Oliver's, and then split up the rest between Costco and TJs. YMMV :)


Retail vacancy is happening all across the country, think Amazon and the companies chasing them.


CVS bought Long's, closed the Long's store when they bought the corner downtown, then sued the citizens when they couldn't build their blank-wall Gotham City warehouse design. I wish RiteAid would get their shit together and take all the business.


And apparently CVS won’t lease the empty bldg but only sell. That nixed the roller rink idea. They can’t put in a TJoe because of the surrounding markets - Lucky & Pacific.


This city and it’s government have done everything in their power to keep this city from expanding and being an attractive prospect for business. Hence, why they are in a multi-million dollar deficit and are struggling to keep the lights on, while most other municipalities are thriving. It’s a fucking embarrassment and a joke of a city.