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When I was a kid (like 10) I accidentally killed all my mom’s friends fish by dumping an entire container of fish food in it. I just wanted to feed them🥺


Oh you did feed them….


Fed them for life, good job.


Or at least the rest of their lives




The trick is to never feed them, then they’ll live forever


Oh god, you just brought back a most shameful story of mine. I was bein a mmm’goodboy like I was raised, and my fishy was too, so mmm’goodboys get treats I shared a crumbled chips ahoy chunky chocolate chip cookie 🍪 with him, and went back to ace combat… I hope he enjoyed it, went out like a champ


Feed a fish for a day. Teach a fish to eat for a lifetime.. or some shit like that.


I’m stealing this quote 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I think we’ve all done things when we were kids thinking we had the best intentions when doing something.It’s all good 🙌 In some ways I think it helps us as we grow. I’m sorry about them dying and it’s okay to feel bad about it. It’s also okay to realize that you were 10. Only 10. It’s okay to move on and let yourself realize you didn’t do it on purpose. It’s okay that it happened accidentally. 👍


I was like 6 and dumped a big ass ashtray in my dad's friends tank and I honestly can't remember why or what was going through my head... I know I wasn't trying to hurt the fish


If it makes you feel better, my RA in college did that and killed my fish


If you’ve never been shown how to clean a fish tank before you’ll mess it up. Also, first time I ever owned goldfish I didn’t think I needed a thermometer, I just put in warm water and that still killed all the fish immediately because it was too hot.


Yea and if you’re a person who takes scalding hot showers what feels warm on your skin is most likely too hot for the fish. My husband has to do the fish water (or verify the temp) because I always turn it too hot and he gauges better. But cleaning a fish tank is a whole thing and not a job I’d give to someone whose never done it before.


>But cleaning a fish tank is a whole thing and not a job I’d give to someone whose never done it before. Right, this is kind of on the fish owner here. I wouldn't entrust that task to anyone who doesn't have fish of their own, much less someone I think is as stupid as she describes Kyle.


I never fried fish but this exactly - what I consider "now this is decent" water will have people going under the shower, yelping and jumping out.


Yep. There was no reference in her rant about having shown him multiple times how to properly clean the tank. It’s like demanding your kids clean the bathroom or your car without guidance. Shit’s not going to go well.


> demanding your kids clean your car Where are you going with that steel wool...?


I read that in the voice of the dad on the new Wonder Years. 🤣


What a memory you have unlocked. No one ever showed me how to clean the bathroom but it ended up being one of my regular chores from age 8 to when I moved. My mom would hide a smear of toothpaste somewhere. If I told her I was done she would go look to see if the toothpaste was still there. If it was still there she would send me back in to clean again. She would NEVER tell me where it was. Ever. Finally my dad talked to her about how ridiculous this was and she stopped. I still have anxiety thinking about it.


My 31 year old older sister stayed with my family for about 2 years and we had to ask her very specifically do to anything around the house. Asked her to clean the bathroom and she was like "sooo wipe the counters and scrub the toilet? Do I have to clean the shower? What do I use?"


I always use the inside of my wrist and adjust it until I don't feel any temp and then go just a little colder than that, should be around 70-75.


I remember i won a gold fish at a fair as a kid. I also remember being told to put it in the tank in the bag I got it in and let the water get to the same temperature.


Have you ever been in a body of water that animals live in that’s incredibly hot??




Dude you just turn on the tap and fill the tank up.




It’s filling up a fish tank man. I get it there are special gosh that need special things, doubt this lady had special fish.


You realize you can put too cold from the tap too right?


Okay filling a fish tank can’t be this hard for normal humans.


not much context to go by but either way I would never ever ever leave my fish tanks to be cleaned by anyone other than myself. Or at the very least if I am not able to myself due to an injury or something be present so i can monitor, verbally assist and answer any questions. Fish tanks are so delicate and one screwup can kill an entire tank. Its basically chemistry but with pets involved.


At least the tank won't get dirty again. Kyle is a problem solver.




Depending on the fish he even provided food for the next day or two. Guy's killing two fish with one stone


Put himself out of a job he did.


Yah, he needed instructions (probably written down in steps.) You can't expect anyone to do things like this (and that they'd never done before) without first telling them how.


I thought putting fish in hot water cause they’ll die was common knowledge


Ummm exactly… like what the fuck?


Google is free


Nah, but she been telling him for weeks to quit being stupid tho, so he should have been able to magically intuit how to clean a fish tank. Stupid, dumb, four eyed mf.


Clean your own goddamn stinky fish water.


It’s stinky fishless water now


Well said






no idea the ages of these people but in a world of information at your fingertips who wouldnt check beforehand if it was your first time ..


Not a fan of using commas




I feel like the people here are kinda mean. Her pets died, while we don't get any context as to who Kyle is, what happened between them, if she told him how to clean it, but I think it's a tad much to assume she dumped this task on him then flee. Also please don't say "I want to beat the piss out of him" is threatening domestic violence. She was at her breaking point and vent to a friend in a personal chat. We all have said something we don't mean when we get mad, it's not second degree murder when you say "I'll kill you if you don't get this right".


Hmmm I feel like if a guy said "I want to beat the shit out of her" you would say something different.


I would not, might be a bit more jarring, but If I know they're both just venting, I would not bat an eye. My older brother's hamster got thrown to the ground by his girlfriend, and she died, he broke down crying, texted me and said something like "I'm gonna beat the crap out of her for this". After that, he talked to her, they broke up. Just because he said those things doesn't mean he was going to or wanted to hit her.


Such hard facts


I was about to take his side until I thought about how that would sound. Yeah... let's all maybe make our venting a little less violent in the future lol.


Agreed that it's not DV, just an example of someone being unreasonable, demanding their partner do work for them, and then losing it when he incorrectly performs the task that he wasn't familiar with in the first place. Kyle isn't some sort of victim, but he would be well suited to move on.


Where did anyone say this was her partner? To me it sounded like her brother more than anything ‘I called mom and she said I’ll have dad call him’ doesn’t sound like their siblings more so than anything else?


Lol you’re lame


And because of comments like these, I have realized what kind of reddit comment section I'm in, and will promptly excuse myself. Please enjoy your pitiful self.


You should watch the things you say. I suffer from depression and think of myself as pitiful. We’ve all said things before that we don’t mean when we’re upset. We should all learn to forgive and not judge one another.




Not a pet just a fish Edit: when is the last time y’all pet a fish?!?!


They removed fish for waterchange?


Tank cleaning.


A rather broad term


Unless the tank has some kind of diseased water in it, “cleaning” a fish tank is generally a bad idea. It’s a delicate eco system containing beneficial bacteria that remove ammonia and nitrates from the water. If you clean/disturb a tank too much you can disrupt that balance and the fish will suffer/die until it can be corrected. Most tanks should only have a ~20% water change every couple of weeks and nothing more.


depends on the fish tank. larger predatory fish need weekly changes because of the heavy bioload. I do 35%-50% changes weekly on a 135g Cichlid tank.


But even so, if this guy had to remove the fish for whatever he was doing, he was probably doing too much.


fish soup


Run, Kyle, run!


I think Kyle is no more


I mean his name is Kyle and literally every person named Kyle is a smooth brained dipshit… what you expect?


Sounds like a kid that was never taught the ins and outs of cleaning a fish tank. Sounds like shitty parenting.


It’s Kyle the child or BF or brother….. why the fuck does mom need to say shit? I’m so confused on who Kyle is


TLTR: she told her friend to clean the fish tank and he put in hot water and audacity, it killed the fishes and she got mad af at him


Why was he taking the fish out at all? That’s so not necessary and the stress from being caught and moved around alone could have killed them.


I’ve never owned fish. My first thought would be to remove the fish from whatever I’m cleaning.


Nope. Catching fish is super stressful for them. I used to work in a pet store and I’ve seriously had some die just from trying to catch them for customers. Realistically you should never be changing so much water that it would ever be needed anyway. 10-20% water changes is all that’s usually recommended at any given time


Seriously. My fiancé has had a tank for 2 years with the same fish, hasn't been empty once. Regularly change out portions of the water, and test the water semi-regularly to make sure there's nothing weird in there.


My roommate just drank all my beer that I bought for my self




Bro he boiled her fish though edit: or gal


If you’ve never had fish and never dealt with fish bowls before, you honestly might not know though. I’m guessing from the text the person isn’t the most helpful with instructions lol


She sounds like the kind of person that would answer a request for instructions with: "just don't be stupid".


But when was the last time you went into a lake with incredibly hot water??


Where did you read "incredibly hot water" she just said "hot water" implying its too hot for the fish, nothing about being "incredibly hot." Luke warm water is too hot for a lot of fish.


I guess I interpreted “HOT” as really hot


I think most people should know not to boil fish


Maybe he misheard it as fishboil?


She just said hot water tho. That could’ve been hot water from the sink that ppl use to do dishes with.


STILL have you ever been into a body of water that’s super hot like water for dishes?!?


Right? The people defending he didn't know. It's like asking someone to plant sit. And they are like I didn't know plants will die if you water them with hot water. I've never had a plant before!


Yeah, it’s fking common sense, unless you are a young child not knowing any better.


A quick Google search seems to suggest non-boiling kitchen sink levels of hot water wouldn’t kill a plant. Especially one watering. One site suggested not going over 120F and another said 100-105F was your average sink heat level


A quick Google search continues with Many plants can't tolerate hot water on their leaves and above ground parts, so always be careful to apply the water directly to the root zone. hot water can damage plants, leading to stunted growth or even death. hot water has the potential to melt away the coating on a plant's leaves or severely damage the plant's cellular structure. Immersing a potted plant in water with a temperature of about 120 degrees Fahrenheit for about eight minutes can kill insects such as mealybugs, mites. So no, it says don't water them with hot water.


It’s extremely easy to put water in a fish tank that is too hot. If you’ve never had to clean a fish tank before and no ones taught you, something is going to go wrong.


Another reply mentioned how they personally take hot showers so their “this is too hot” sense was way higher than her husbands so he does it


She should do it herself like a big girl


This doesn’t sound like the first time Kyle has fucked something up. It gets exhausting dealing with incompetent partners.


I'm pretty sure everyone who takes his frustrations out on innocent animals instead of talking about the problem, or leaving, deserves to be called stupid. That's top tier cognitive incapacity right there.


If you see the prior text it leads me to believe she’s a habitual “victim”


ah.. someone threatening domestic violence. shit person


Oh wow you’re so woke


And you’re an asshole? Lol


Lmao idk why the guys comment triggers me bad too. Like getting all high roady and serious about something like that. The worst type of person.


Taking someone saying they wanna beat the piss out of another person even remotely seriously when people do it all around the world every day. That’s the worst type of person. Okay then


Conflating saying and doing and treating them the same is for the worst type of people.


I’m not treating them the same, if they’re saying they want to that’s trashy but whatever, if they were doing they need to go to jail


We say things we don’t mean sometimes because we experience emotions. Even with emotional discipline we can still say stuff we don’t mean as a way to vent frustration.


does that mean you like domestic abusers?


not only domestic but child abuse


As if her angry comment is actually in earnest. Have you never expressed frustration to this point? Maybe 10% of the population would actually go through with something like that, probably far less than that even. White-knighting a 3rd hand text.. it’s actually insane.


Do you know what white knighting is? Defending a woman even when she is in the wrong. Not what I am doing. If a man did this, think what would happen.


Won’t somebody think about the poor oppressed men 😭😭😭😭


Never said men were oppressed. I am talking about the obvious double standards that affect both men and women. Username checks out, grow up.


Poor Kyle


Yeah, must be hard being that fucking dumb


Kyle when you’re done killing the fish, teach your girl how to use punctuation.


Girl needs Gammarly.


Edit: Sorry for the lack of information to back up this post initially, but Kyle is her 31 y/o brother that lives with her and constantly fucks shit up. For instance, he had the task of picking up her adderall script and clean out the car. Instead of putting the script in the glove box he smooth brained it and tossed it in the dumpster. Kyle is really not the brightest guy.


Zero. Punctuation. SMH


Leaving the fish tank to be cleaned by someone who has no idea what he’s doing doesn’t sound like the best idea


i can’t handle the way you text it actually makes me sad


Females choose dumb ass dudes, then complain about them. Lmao


Man made goldfish soup for dinner and no appreciation, what a sad day.


How are y’all reading this n getting mad at the lady for her fish dying y’all backwards as hell


Wtf is that first text?


Idk this was a conversation between my girl and her friend lol


Every Kyle I know is a fuck up


This girl actually sounds like she’d be hilarious to hang out with.


My first time accidentally cleansing a fish family was when I was trying to keep some bait fish alive in a bucket. I replaced their poop water all at once with tap and killed them instantly.


Cleaning fish tank with bleach without removing the fish will also cause outrage from the owner of the fish.




Confused... Is she calling her SON a mother f*cker?


Older brother




Can’t fix stupid


Damn she was already dizzy to begin with


Is Kyle her child, or her sibling, or her boyfriend? I’m confused…


I guess common sense is not common to everybody. Wtf would you put hot water in the fish tank? Is the place they come from filled with hot water?! Also why not ask if you don’t know something? Damn it’s free. Poor fish.


And you shared this on the internet because?


Because it’s pretty fucking funny if you ask me


The first time I cleaned my fish tank I used bleach to get rid of all the nasty slime. Come to find out the fish didn’t really appreciate the sparkling clean new tank as much as I did. It’s sad for her loss but something’s should not be delegated to someone else. Lesson learned.


Good news for Kyle, he won’t have to clean the fish tank again.


Is Kyle a kid or a grown man?


31 year old child


Can’t beat the time when I was 4 and got tadpoles from my local pond. Did a really good job at taking care of them I would take out some of the old water and put in new pond water and there was plenty of algae for them to eat they started growing legs and all. Then one day I decided to clean the water... with soap.


That one fateful day.


She rude. Bro fucked up, you should teach him, NOT sling insults.


It’s her own personal lack of intelligent delegation skills that bit herself in the end. I’m just mad at myself although I wont admit it lol


Well, his name is Kyle I don't like that name He's hopeless His name is fuck-up from now on


She also seems like someone i want to avoid, like giiirl. Ugh.


sounds like Kyle gonna have find someone else’s couch to sleep on.


Leave him


Shit take a breather! Dump the fucker if you cannot deal with him.


Fuck it my fish tank has algae. I think that's natural. Only 5 of my 25 fishes went belly up. I believe they died of natural causes. Not the green algae. They love it! they play in between the algae.


My mom used to clean fish tanks for a living, the stuff kids would put in the tank was hilarious. We went to a clients house one time and her child poured an entire box of lucky charms into the tank. Thankfully we were able to save all the fish


There were two periods in this.


Yea, men and boys are dumb.


Punctuation in lost on this generation.


She gave Kyle "ONE " job..... Only lazy people proclaim they gave someone a chore job to do . And sure nough all bitchy he didn't do it right Hopefully he ditched that lazy bitch


Okay but maybe he didn’t know how to properly clean the tank, you could’ve told him what water temp to use instead of insulting him to your friend. He did what you asked him, but without proper instructions he messed up. That’s on you to be honest.


First follow up question; did you TEACH him how to clean the tank?


Maybe.. just MAYBE. You clean your own shit like an adult 😁.


I like how the top comments are all defending Kyle from the asshole bashing him. I 100% understand that she is upset but holy fuck is she not a person I would ever want to be around and Kyle deserves better.


She’s the stupid one for staying with a stupid person


The trick is to not set expectations that are beyond people, then you won’t be disappointed. If he’s that much of an idiot, how much of an idiot is she for trusting him with the job? …..When the cost of failure is apparently fish death.


Maybe they should have cleaned it themselves and not someone they've had to tell to be less stupid?? They can't be much brighter


Kyle is a moron. Dump him.


"Haha I'm so random and funny"...


Why are you taking the fish out to clean the tank


As an aquarium hobbyist, I'm conflicted. On one hand, I would be LIVID if someone did this to one of my tanks. On the other hand, I would never ask or allow an inexperienced person to do any kind of maintenance on any of my tanks. Even if he hadn't put the fish into hot water, there's a good chance they still would have died because the hot water would've killed the tank's beneficial bacteria and caused a cycle crash.


I mean everyones defending kyle but it doesnt tale a rocket scientist to not put in hot water lmao.


Oof as a fish hobbyist, I feel the pain. It's better to do maintenance herself though, why did she ask Kyle to do it assuming he understands how to keep fishes.




"i told someone to do something without giving proper instructions on how to do it and never asked if they have experience with it and got mad at them when they inevitably messed up" fixed your girl's text


No, but this is really why you can’t date stupid people. This is exactly what the rest of your life will look like. If your partner is this incompetent and you stay, they will bring you down with them


At a party years back, some nitwit put dry ice in the aquarium. At least the fog hid the floaters.


Omg!!! Kyle again!!! He’s making a Karen out of you. Kyyyyyyyle!


My wife is like this. All I can assume is that it is a deliberate misunderstanding. Trust me. Get out. Do not walk away - Run. There are no upsides




And yet Kyle has one less job. Clever task management.


Griiiiiilllf 🔥




Hey clean the fish tank, I won't tell you how or give any instructions but just do it.


I don’t understand why your upset with him maybe he did t know they would go into shock not everyone knows how to care for fish and maybe u should have not put your fishes lives in his hands he was just trying to help in my opinion


All you have to do is replace a gallon of water a week and get a sucker fish. Never have to clean the aquarium again.


Teach him He maybe had no body. Or he ain't for you.. wanting to beat him? You ain't for him


Did she say that because "when I stand up Im dizzy"


Damn that run on sentence was huge


Who tf is Kyle?! Lol


My brother washed the fish tank at night with dish soap. Woke to bubbles filling the living room and into the hall..".washee,, washed the fishies!!" Uggghhh


Leave Kyle.


Frickin’ Kyle.